Getting to know you P4

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Notes: Faith finds out some shocking news about Melody while Karen and Dorinda goes to court.

It has now been two months later since Melody had been staying with her father and she had secretly gave up on the thought that her mother was going to come back to get her. Deep down inside, Melody knew that when her mother had yanked her out the car and drove off with throwing her phone out of the window that would be the last time she would ever see her again.

But she didn't want to believe it because she still loved her mother dearly no matter how badly her mother had treated her. But now that she had gotten used to staying with Karen and her father things weren't so bad and she had since apologized to her grandparents for her behavior when they had first officially met and had accepted Karen's sisters as her aunties as well as her uncle Leo along with Grandma Mattie being her grandma.

So now here they were about to be stuck at home with each other because Karen had just laid down the law about them sneaking out to go support them at the court session. But mainly she was directing everything towards Faith since she was the one who had the bright idea to sneak in there dragging her sister Nikki along with her. So, now that Melody was here they wasn't no way that Melody was gonna be able to get in unless she had went with them. But Karen thought that it was gonna be a bit too much for her since she had just settled in with the family after Drew had took her shopping out on a daddy-daugther date.

Now here Karen was being stern with her daughter, Faith again.

"Now, Faith I don't want you pulling your stunt like you did the last time." Karen told her looking at her daughter and Faith just looked to the side as if she was innocent.

"Like I said mama I just wanted to support you." Faith said smirking because she kept remembering the wig. "But can I have my wig back tho?" Faith asked her mama.

"Nahh that's mines now you ain't even know how to wear it right." Karen told her laughing while she left out of the house with Drew by her side since they were all ready to go and the family was waiting for them. "Chile I can't believe I can't get my wig back." Faith said as she dramatically shook her head. "I paid good money for that wig too." She said and Nikki just laughed at her.

"And that's why the wig is hers now." Nikki laughed.

"She wore that wig for a whole week." Nikki giggled. "Well she can have it cause I got more where that came from y'all wanna go?!" Faith asked them and Nikki just shook her head no.

"Nahh I'm good I'm not doin' that no mo'." Nikki said remembering how awkward it was when they had found out that they went to the last court case and Faith had looked at Melody.

"Nahhh I-I'm just now gettin' on her good side. I don't wanna mess that up." Melody said looking around the room trying to be good talking a little bit slower than she usually would.

"Ughh fine I guess I'll just stay here then." Faith said sighing.

"Good cause I'm not gettin' in trouble behind you no mo'." Nikki told her.

"I need to be on mama's good side too cause I need to buy somethings. I don't got money like you got it." Nikki said thinking about her future. "I gotta think about me. I gotta put me first." Nikki said pattin her hand on her chest and Faith just smirked at her playfully rolling her eyes.

"So since that's out the window what we gonna do then since we not sneakin' out?" Faith said shruggin' her shoulders. "Girl you know there's a whole game room downstairs in the basement and a theater right?" Nikki told her. "Yeahhh but I already did all of thattt." Faith said sighing.

"I like being in my room more talkin' to my man." Faith said and Nikki just looked at her shaking her head.

"You just...just nasty." Nikki said.

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