Testing 1.2.3.

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Notes: Drew takes Karen and the girls to the clinic.

It was the next week after Drew had decided that they were gonna get a DNA test on all four them whether Karen had liked it or not. There was just too many people mistaking Karen to be there birth mother and for them to not investigate the matter any further would've been a crime on their part.

It was 30 minutes later when Drew was getting ready to leave the house after he had to finish up some work for his job. But Karen was still upstairs refusing to go even though she was dressed.

If anything Karen had a whole entire fit and the twins weren't understanding why Melody had to yet again take another DNA test while this was going to be Harmony's first time taking one.

Now when the twins were ready they came down stairs looking for their dad to let him know.

They didn't know the full story of this situation but they did know that their could be a chance that Karen could possibly be there mother.

How? They didn't know. But they didn't mind it since she had greatly calmed down after being talked to by her mother in rehearsal and that trip to the mall had certainly helped.

But with the conversations about her having to take the DNA test and adding two new additional members to the family permanently was causing her to have a set back and she almost had a melt down. But instead of acting on it, it took all her strength to just lay down in bed and go to sleep hoping that Drew would just cancel the appointment for today and to let her stay at home.

But that wasn't so if anything when he had went upstairs back in there room after calling for her he noticed that she had took her butt to sleep with her clothes still on and she was sleeping hard as per usual.

"Not a problem." He said to himself looking at his wife who was apparently knocked out with sleep marks already on her arm.

"I'll just carry her there." Drew said picking his wife up from the bed as she was sleeping.

If she wanted to play hard ball he could do it too he thought to himself and when he was carrying her down the steps the girls had looked at their dad in shock not knowing what was about to happen if she were to wake up in the car while they were on their way there.

So that meant that everybody else was staying at home but 30 minutes into the car ride Karen had finally woke back up feeling as if she wasn't in her bed and when she had woke up she had slowly looked around rubbing her eyes.

Then she had looked in the back seat of Drew's car only to see the twins on their phones as if they were texting someone.

"Drew?!" Karen asked him turning her head towards the window to look outside of it.

"Where you think you takin' me?!" Karen asked him but Drew had remained silent for a few minutes before he had answered her.

"Ohh no this is just wrong you kidnapped me." Karen said being all types of dramatic and Drew had tried to conceal his laughter because his wife was being ridiculous yet again.

"This is not right." Karen told him not liking this not one bit because she knew where she was going too.

"Well you fell asleep and I wasn't about to miss this appointment seeing how far it is from the house." Drew told her looking over at his wife and then back at the road.

"Y'all ain't try to wake me up?!" Karen asked the twins looking back at them and they just shook their heads no.

"You saiddd not to wake you up for nuthin'!" Harmony reminded her and Karen just shook her head at her. "The one time you decide to listen the first time." Karen said shaking her head.

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