Nosy family

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Notes: The family goes over to Dorinda's house to catch up with what's been happening.

It was the next week and the family was all over at Dorinda's house with tension just floating around the room.

It was supposed to be a chill time but it was as if Karen had showed up everything had went left.

"Y'all acting like y'all don't want me to be here?!" Karen finally said after getting herself up out of the bed so she wouldn't succumb to her depression.

"Karen it's not that we don't want you to be here it's that we're worried about you." Denise said as she was now back to trying to be nice to her baby sister.

"Mh. Hearing that comes from you sounds like a lie." Karen said. "Karen don't you sit there and call me a liar when we're your big sisters." Denise said since it was only them in the room and Leo had decided to stay home just in case if things went left because the last time Karen had snapped and no one could say nothing to her.

So he wasn't breaking up no fists fights if one were to break out.

"Karen don't pay her no mind. But we are worried about you though you haven't been answering your phone." Twinkie said looking at her baby sister and Karen just looked away from them.

"I didn't feel well." Karen said half way telling the truth since she really didn't because of the pregnancy but it was mainly because she couldn't bring herself to talk to anybody since Faith had took off with Ace.

"It's just that I have to take it easy." Karen said saying what her doctor had told her to do months ago but she haven't really been doing that.

And Jacky had eyed her baby sister knowing that Karen hadn't been doing none of what the doctor told her to do.

"I mean we've been getting the girls ready for school so things just been hectic." Karen said shrugging her shoulders.

"I thought they were already in school?" Denise said since she wasn't really paying that much attention to her nieces since they been with Karen and Drew.

"No, Denise they were just being tutored so they could catch up by the time we got them enrolled." Karen mindlessly said since the family really didn't have an idea of what was going on with the twins since the second to last family therapy session and Karen had wanted it to be that way for a reason.

"Why do you even care?!" Karen questioned her arching her eyebrow at her.

"The last time you asked about them you accused Melody of faking her speech impediment." Karen said getting mad at her all over again.

"Well I'm just saying it wasn't noticeable to me especially the first time we had met her." Denise said as if her actions were justifiable of accusing her niece of doing such a thing.

But then, Twinkie turned to Denise shaking her head at her.

"Girl did you forget that Karen used to have a prominent lisp when she was younger?!" Twinkie said so Denise could stop being so accusatory for no reason.

"Shoot both her and Drew had some type of speech delays going on so I didn't find it surprising that Melody stutters. The only person who did find it surprising was you because you never paid much attention to anything. Why did you think Karen was always quiet growing up huh?!" Twinkie said going off on Denise.

Because Twinkie remembered how the other kids would use to pick at Karen for having a lisp. But Drew thought it was cute and he didn't mind it.

"Goodness you always doin' sumthin' you don't got no business doin'." Twinkie told her shaking her head at her oldest sister.

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