Troubled child

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Notes: Drew tries to spend time with his daughter but she ends up getting on everyone's bad side.

Sidenote: I just find it funny how y'all think that Denise is in on this y'all really be gettin' on her bout it.😭

Today was one of the first weekends that Drew was to be keeping Melody and while that was happening Karen had went over to Dorinda's house to avoid the girl or rather her mother from getting into any confrontation with her.

"Karen so you mean to tell me that Drew really had a child before he got with you?!" Dorinda had asked Karen making sure she heard right. "Yesss, Dorinda look I didn't come over here to talk about that demon spawn." Karen said wanting everyone to drop the conversation.

"I just came over here to figure out who attacked us back when we were at the mall not to talk about Drew's hoes and that demon spawn." Karen said folding her arms while she was sitting at the table.

"Now, Karen just because that baby mama ain't no good don't mean you can take it out on the child. That little girl don't know no betta." Matti said not wanting Karen to be bitter again.

"Mama ughhhh." Karen said getting frustrated with the whole thing running her hands through her hair. "Look. I know you're taking it hard that she was telling the truth. But baby but don't let it set you back." Matti said and Karen just nodded her head okay.

"Just because you may not have been the first to have his child remember that you are still the best thing that ever happened to that man." Matti said hyping her baby up.

"You right mama. I don't wanna be like that ho- I mean her." Karen said almost forgettin' that she was talking to her mama.

"I'll try not to take it out on the girl as much but she be tryin' it like her mama tho." Karen said shaking her head slowly because she ain't know what she was gonna do.

"Y'all know what I am glad that she decided to have supervised visits for a temporary time because I don't think I would do well if I were to be left alone with her cause she'll end up gettin' her butt whooped." Karen said not caring. "Because if Toya ain't never disciplined that child before then I'll do it for her that's the one thing I wouldn't mind doin'." Karen said still being petty with it making Dorinda chuckle.

"Alright girl before you start goin' off let's get back to this case to see what we done found out." Dorinda told her as Karen unfolded her arms and they got to work finally dropping the dreadful conversation that they was forcing Karen to have.

Meanwhile at GEI, Melody was lowkey trying to terrorize Faith and it was gettin' on her last nerves.

"Remember how you used to be with me?" Nikki told her little sister holding N'ylani in her arms while she went to sleep because she was fussing about being put back into her car seat.

"First of all big sister...." Faith said holding her finger up at her playfully acting like she was offended.

"I am offended that you would even say such a thing." Faith said not believing it.

"Secondly, I was NOTHINGGG like that." Faith said pointing towards Melody who was standing in the back of the church because she was gettin' fussed at by Drew and it was sumthin' because even Drew didn't fuss at Nikki or Karen because he knew he couldn't deal with them like Karen could. But Melody, Melody was his child who he had to handle and get under control because Toya would just let her do everything and anything.

"You right." Nikki started to say holding a sleeping N'ylani in her arms while she cooed at her daughter.

"You were worse." She said loving how she could annoy Faith with who they nicknamed the "new girl" whenever she would come around or whenever they would talk about her.

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