Finding myself

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Notes: Karen starts finding her way in life.

It was a few days later and Nikki and Faith had went back to her apartment to go set some stuff up to see if she did want to break the lease or not. So while the girls were there Karen was now left alone. So she had went back to focusing on her GED classes getting back to her homework and doing them in a more timely manner than she could've done it back at home because with having babies she always either had to stop doing her assignments throughout the day or she had to wait until it was night time so she could do the work in peace. But while she was here she was able to do it in the day time and it really felt liberating for her.

And she could understand things better without having so many distractions around her which made focusing for her much clearer and better for her.

Once Karen was done doing that she had called her daughters taking them on an outing with her with the babies and she was just walking around the resort getting compliments on her makeup with people asking her who done it and people would be surprised that it was her because it looked professionally done. But not only that they had loved her choice of colors that she had made and how she had mixed her favorite lip combos together.

But while she was out and about in New York with Faith and Nikki she had got a phone call from Vickie on a random after Dorinda had asked her to call because Karen still wasn't answering for them. But Vickie done forgot to tell her to call Dorinda asking her if she was doing anything today since she didn't have her number and it was like the family kept missing her phone calls.

So, when they all finally had met up together and Vickie had met Faith since she had already knew Nikki. She had also got to meet Karen's two grand kids and while she was talking N'ylani had was reaching for her because she had looked liked her grandma and so she just held her only for N'ylani to get confused when Vickie had started talking and N'ylani had seen Karen holding Ace.

And, Ace was in shock too looking at his nana and back at Vickie thinking he was seeing double.

"Aceee." Karen said laughing gettin her grandson's attention because he kept staring at Vickie all hard and he looked back at his nana wrapping his legs around her after hearing her voice.

"He lookin' like I can't believe it." Vickie said chuckling at him. "Aweeee they're sooo cute." She said doting on them. "Why thank you?!" Faith said flipping her hair knowing goodness well that Vickie wasn't talking about her and Vickie looked at her smirking.

"Ignore her she's delusional." Nikki said finally making Vickie laugh with N'ylani in her arms since N'ylani was now comfortable with her.

"Alright y'all I'll show y'all to my office it's brand new but of course all of my stuff is already set up in it. I love it so much." Vickie said being crazy about her new office because that was where she was gonna be dressed at as well for her big award shows that she would be invited too so it wasn't just an office it was also a dressing room.

And when they walked in Faith was shocked. "Whewwww weeeee." Faith said looking around at how auntie Vickie had her office/dressing room set up. "This is giving me ideas." Faith said looking in the spaced out bedroom.

"I'm copying this." Faith said already making a mental note of it since she was still a new and upcoming popular artist.

"This is cute." Faith said walking further into the dressing room. "Look at the viewwww." She said because it was a high rise looking over New York City. "This is everythinggg." Faith said looking outside the window being completely shocked by it all. "It's better than my penthouse." She said. "She's right, Vickie this is beautiful." Karen said and Nikki had agreed with her while Karen had let Ace walk around but he had stayed near his nana so he won't get confused again.

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