Caught Slippin' P2

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Notes: Karen confronts Faith about sneaking out of the house.

It was the next morning and Faith had woke up a little bit late from last night after sneaking into the house after her sneaky link. Let's just say that she had a good time with who she had been with and she would most certainly do it again. So when she had woke up to look for her phone to text them what a "great night" that she had she didn't see it plugged up into the wall and she had let out a loud gasp falling right off of her bed in shock because she knew that she had it their the previous night. So now here she was scrambling to find her cell phone thinking that it might've fallen underneath her bed somewhere throughout the night knowing that her charger was kind of messed up and would sometimes fall out of the wall.

But when she didn't see anywhere underneath her bed or either to the side of the bed where she would normally see it sometimes if it did fall she started panicking and she quickly got herself ready for the bed going into Ace's bedroom only to see him dressed and ready. She knew then that Karen had dressed him up for today because he was lookin' like a cute little old man.

"Why nana got you dressed like that?" Faith said putting both hands on her hips seeing how he was dressed. But she had to admit that he was cute and so she wasn't going to complain about it so much especially since she didn't have to dress him.

But when she was in his room she started looking for her phone just to see if Ace took it too play games on it. "Ace did you take mommy's phone this morning?" Faith asked him knowing that sometimes he too would take her phone without asking. But she knew she had talked to him about that and so most recently if he had wanted to play games on her phone he had to stay in the room with her to play on it even if she was asleep which she would find him doing just laying his feet all up in her face while he played his kid games on her cell phone.

"Noooo." He just giggled playing with his toy truck. "Truck." He said pointing to it and Faith seen that it was out and that was the truck that Drew had gave him to play with to pre-occupy him while he was working especially if Karen was gone.

"Okayy." Faith said as she stopped looking for her cell phone being all worried while shaking her head at the same time because the only other person who would take her phone like this would be her mother.

Needless to say, Faith was shaking because she knew she had been caught especially if her phone was gone.

Her mama didn't even let her keep her cell phone charger with her.

"Smart. She's smart for that." Faith said thinking that she was gonna get another phone and just use her regular charger but now if she did that she would have to buy both but she ain't feel like spending no more money and being sneaky with it.

Her being sneaky had gotten her into this mess.

So now here she was getting ready to go downstairs after, Drew had called them to come down and eat. "Come on baby, mama gotta go face the music." Faith said already knowing that she was in trouble and so here she was carrying Ace in her arms down the stairs with her to use him as a shield just in case if Karen was already on ten after finding out that she had snuck out of the house last night. Because she knows that her mother won't hit Ace like how she'll beat them.

So, Ace was literally Faith's lifeline and she was gonna try to use him to the best of her ability to get out of trouble.

When they all finally came downstairs Harmony and Melody had greeted everyone while Karen had was already sitting at the table with her plate in front of her looking pissed off.

"Hiii mommy." Melody said coming downstairs to kiss Karen on her cheek completely missing the fact that she was mad as hell at one her siblings.

But Karen didn't let that stop her from greeting her baby back by returning the kiss and as soon as Ace seen his grandma he literally broke free from Faith's arms jumping out of them nearly scaring them half to death and running to his nana causing Faith to lose her shield when she tried to hold him so he wouldn't run to her.

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