I told you so

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Notes: The family goes to Dr.Womack again and Denise gets her tests results back as Faith realizes shes made a huge mistake but won't admit it out loud.

It was the next day and Karen had honestly been dreading going back to therapy because it was now a family session. At first she was somewhat eager to go because she thought she would have a chance to talk to her daughter about her behavior and to see if Dr.Womack could get through to her. But Faith had left leaving Karen to look like she was an awful parent who couldn't control her own kids when that was the furthest thing from the truth.

So now here she was awkwardly sitting in the family therapy session and the rest of the family was just looking around wondering where Faith was at but no one had mentioned the elephant in the room because they didn't know exactly what had happened. But tired of the silence, Denise asked the question that everyone else was too afraid to ask.

"Where's Faith at because I think we waitin' for her?!" Denise said knowing goodness well the family had been stopped waiting for her because it was now at the 10 minute mark where Dr.Womack would start instructing them on what they were gonna talk about for today because everyone should've been in the room after five minutes was up.

But Karen had sucked her teeth not knowing what to tell them while she shrugged her shoulders wearing an all black outfit with a semi-long black cardigan on.

But now everyone was looking at Karen to answer the question while Nikki was looking elsewhere because she knew her mama wasn't about to tell them everything right away.

"I. Don't. Know." Karen slowly said taking a pause in between each word as she shrugged her shoulders again. "And y'all had the nerve to talk about me?!" Denise said trying to make it seem as if it was the same thing because she didn't know where at least 3 of her sons were at.

"Denise hush up." Mattie said already knowing that something had to have happened and by the way that Nikki was looking she knew that they had known where Faith was at. Karen just couldn't bring herself to say it.

"I take it that Faith won't be attending today's session?" Dr.Womack had asked Karen not knowing what was going on and Karen was taking forever to answer everyone today.

"She ain't comin'." Nikki said shaking her head as she had looked down because her mama simply was not going to answer any questions about Faith the first time someone had asked her. She was gonna wait until the 3rd time.

"Okay." Dr.Womack awkwardly said feeling the tension in the room. But the tension was coming from Karen and only Karen and everyone was trying to figure out what was wrong with her.

"Why you so mad?!" Denise asked her baby sister.

"Why you can't mind yo business?!" Karen smartly asked her while tilting her head.

"My child don't got nuthin' to do with you." Karen said getting annoyed with her sister because she was going through to much right now and Denise was just unnecessarily adding on stress that she didn't need.

"Cause y'all always got so much to say about me and my kids it's the same thing since Faith ain't here and you don't even know where she's at." Denise said tilting her head as well trying to match Karen's energy thinking she was right when really what Karen said had flew over her head.

"First of all if you couldn't tell I was being sarcastic about where my child was at." Karen told her.

"Secondly I know where my daughter is at she's just being hardheaded again." Karen told her.

"Mad that she can't get her way so she act like somebody else I know." Karen said looking right at the person who she was comparing Faith too.

"You don't gotta be nasty." Denise said rolling her eyes at Karen.

Family Secrets Part 3Where stories live. Discover now