Where's my wife?

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Notes: Karen pranks Drew in order to reach him a lesson.

It was the next day and Karen was finally released from the hospital. When Nikki had found out about what had happened with her mother she had finally decided that she was gonna go back home and just take online classes to which Karen felt bad about instead of even taking the in-person classes.

"Oh, Nikki you didn't have change up your whole schedule for me." Karen said after Karen was wondering why her daughter was home so late in the afternoon and she didn't even leave out the house in the morning like she would normally do.

Even though she's only been in college for a few weeks.

"I know ma but I just thought that it would be better if I stayed home with you." Nikki said awkwardly shrugging her shoulders.

"But I at least wanted you to experience going to college. And I know I was upset about you going away at first and then staying on campus but I could've gotten over it." Karen told her daughter being sympathetic with her.

"I know but I don't know I just thought it was best to come back home and besides I'm not leaving you here alone with Faith even though she tries her best now." Nikki said just being honest about it because of Faith's history.

And, Karen had agreed with her knowing that Nikki meant well.

"And besides I have more space here for my art projects than I do on campus anyways. I mean yeah the art department is a beautiful building and the projects are cool but the rooms always be small and dirty where sometimes if you're not careful the dirt could actually mess up your project and it's hard to get it clean off so, I would probably rather just stay home and take my classes online and turn in my assignments to my professors.

"So it's not like I would be completely missing out. A little bit yeah but not a lot." Nikki said trying to be positive about it because she did want to experience that college life.

But if she was being honest with herself it was hard trying to make friends in college especially if you were a commuter student and didn't stay on campus already because the kids who had stayed on college had made it easier for them to all hang out at one location that was nearby and they didn't have to wait for long periods of time for someone to get there.

And, Nikki knew that college wasn't only for fun and games. She was still a serious student and was still passing all of her assignments with A's so far. But she thought it would be different from high school. The only difference is that the students are more laid back it was basically no bullying in college for the most part but occasionally their was still a few of those who needed to grow up and other times they would be quickly put in their place which Nikki had liked about the school.

So after she had spoke to her mother about why she was staying at home Karen had went back upstairs or her room deciding on what she was gonna do for today.

The doctor had told her to take it easy when she had went back home. She wasn't put on bed rest or anything but it was recommended that she didn't do too much so Drew most definitely was going to have to either cut back on his hours for real this time or just stop going into work for a while which wasn't a problem for him.

While Karen was in her bedroom thinking about what to do she thought of this perfect idea that she had got in her head and then she started laughing to herself just imagining it already.

She thought to herself that after she had pranked Faith for disrespecting her she was gonna prank Drew next and he wasn't about to be ready.

So, here Karen was hatching out her plan on what she was gonna do and once she finally had went over it in her head again for the 3rd time she had called her girls in here knowing that Nikki was done with her art project since she had heard her put it up and Faith was in her room since she was done with her studio sessions since her album was complete and now she was just waiting for a release date on her next one.

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