What a surprise?!

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Notes: The twins (J.Drew and Kierra) surprises their parents and their sisters.

A few weeks later, Karen was getting over her outbreak and was returning back to normal.

Now that she was feeling a lot better she was now back downstairs but Drew was still taking care of the kids on her own and Ace was right next to his nana on the couch instead of being in the playpen like he would normally be in.

But since Karen was out and about walking to a minimum he would gladly be helping his grandma and Drew had let the twins out so they could just crawl around since, Kierra was now crawling.

But since J.Drew had been crawling more than her it had seemed like he was starting to want to walk now since every time he would go to the couch he would try to stand up on his own but he would fall back down.

"My poor baby wanna get up on the couch with mama?!" Karen asked J.Drew as he was grinning at her and he just bounced himself up and down and so Karen had picked him up letting him sit right on her lap with Ace sitting close by her with his arm on her leg watching tv while Kierra would be minding her daddy's business looking at what he would be doing with the couch holding her up.

"Da da!" Ki just randomly called him loud and clear making Drew drop everything that was in his hands because that was her first words.

"Kierra?!" Karen said whipping her head almost forgetting about J.Drew who was in her lap.

"My baby talkin'?!" Karen said picking her up from off the couch and she just started cooing like she wasn't just saying her daddy's name.

"My baby want me?!" Drew happily said going over to where they were and he quickly picked up Kierra from Karen's arms kissing her cheeks making her giggle.

"Da da da!" Ki started saying with Drew happy dancing with her in his arms.

"Kierra really?!" Karen said feeling slightly offended.

"Ki say mama." Karen said walking with J.Drew in her arms going over to Kierra and Drew and Kierra just grinned at her mama.

"Can you say maaaa ma?!" Karen asked her singing it in a song for her to do.

"Maaa ma can you say ma maaa?" Karen said again in a simple melody for her but Kierra had looked her right in her face and sung, "Daaaaa da. DAAAA DAAAA." She even said a little louder at the end matching her pitch but even higher and Karen arched her eyebrows at her daughter.

"She just played in my face?!" Karen lightly and jokingly said still very proud that Kierra was talking even though she was shady with it.

"Don't mind her baby." Drew said to Ki giving her smooches and Kierra was just laughin' in her mama's face while hanging onto her daddy.

"Since when did she become a daddy's girl?!" Karen had asked her being salty a little bit.

"I don't know but don't hate." Drew happily said carrying Kierra around in his arms.

"Gimmie my baby back." Karen said trying to take Kierra but Kierra had started fussing at her and had lifted her little baby feet up as if she didn't want to go with her mama and Drew just smirked at Karen.

"This is my baby." He said holding Kierra and Karen just let go shaking her head at them.

"Look at them." Karen said to J.Drew and Ace and Kierra had playfully stuck her tongue out at her mama because she knew she took her daddy from her.

"Drew!" Karen said gasping.

"Kierra just stuck her tongue out." Karen said and Drew just started laughing.

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