Home sweet home

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Notes: Karen comes back home.

It was now the end of the month and Karen was arriving to the house with the driver pulling up to her front yard. She had been away for almost two or three months now and she had just hoped that Drew had everything together and was holding it down while she was away.

But when she finally came into the house she had seen that through the cracks of the blinds that the lights were on and had heard the tv being up.

"Lawd Jesus let's see what they got for me." Karen said opening up her front door.

"Anybody home?" Karen said coming through the front door and Ace threw down his toy in his playpen jumping up and down and getting out of it running towards his grandma.

"NANA. NANA NANAAAAA!" Ace smiled and cheered clapping his hands while hugging her legs.

"Did you get a little taller while I was gone?" Karen asked him seeing him grow an inch or two and Ace just smiled at her as she picked him up kissing him on his cheeks putting him back down and the girls came running down stairs with Faith trying to push Nikki out the way but Nikki shoved her right back making her lean back into the stairwell.

"Maaaaa!" Nikki said getting to her face and Faith was trying to get back up after trying to block her sister and Nikki hugged her and kissed her mama happy that she was back home.

"Ma ma ma ma ma!" J.Drew cooed and squealed hearing his mama's voice finally back home.

"Is that my baby callin' me?" Karen rhetorically asked knowing that it was J.Drew as Karen had  walked all the way into the living room seeing her son hanging upside down almost as if he was sideways nearly out of his swinging chair.

"DREWWWWWWWWWW!" Karen hollered for her husband but J.Drew was just smiling having a blast like nothing was wrong smiling at his mama. "Let me go get my poor baby. Where's that man at?" Karen said. "I come back home and my baby bout to fall and bust his head wide open." Karen said picking up J.Drew kissing his cheeks and he was just smiling and grinning glad that his mama was back at home at the house too.

Then, J.Drew was grabbing at his mama face trying to kiss her back like how she had kissed him.

"Where is your sister?" Karen asked him talking about Ki walking more into the living room and Kierra was in the couch's arm looking like she was about to fall in between the cushions.

"Now I know this old man." Karen said picking Ki up with the other arm and Ki started smiling and wailing her arms at her mama glad that she was back at home. "My poor babies missed me." Karen said kissing Ki on her cheeks too.

"Now why y'all daddy had y'all like that?!" Karen asked them as if they could actually talk to her back while arching her eyebrows.

"Heyyy my baby's back home?!" Drew said glad to see his wife and he just went up to her and kissed her on the lips with the twins still in her arms.

"Drew was why my babies hanging on for dear life?!" Karen started scolding him and Drew was just a little shocked. "I told, J.Drew not to move out of his seat but recently he's just been liking hanging upside down." Drew told her. "And as far as Ki she likes sittin on the couch rather than in her bassinet. She was hollering when I tried to put her in it." Drew said telling Karen what happened and Karen just eyed him and said, "mmhmm. I believe you." Karen said still side eyeing him.

"Let me just get your bags." Drew said letting Karen keep the babies while he took her bags to there room and Karen had took her babies upstairs putting them in their cribs so they could be more safe getting the baby monitor because she knew that Drew was gonna wanna talk.

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