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Notes: Karen and Drew focuses their attention back to the case with CJ while Faith acts on her impulsiveness.

It was now the middle of the week and Drew and Karen have been working with Dr.Womack to build her case up against CJ for statutory rape, abuse, and child neglect. If anything Karen knew that her case against CJ would probably be the hardest one than it was compared to the case with Greg's because she had more concrete evidence along with pictures and videos.

But CJ on the other hand she was already having a tough time trying to figure out where on earth was she going to get more evidence from especially after her father had kicked her out of the apartment and the apartment building that they used to live in New York was torn down.

So it was like all Karen had was her word on what happened especially since her clothes that she had on that night was long gone.

But what made it worse was back then Karen didn't really see what he did was assault so she basically let him walk free no matter the pain that she had felt afterwards or the pressure of giving into him. She knew how cases like these went where a girl didn't have enough evidence to prove that the man had taken advantage of her.

All because she had consented to it. Karen was really hard on herself because she had just wanted attention and she thought that boys liking her had was all the attention she needed to be happy. But that could've been further from the truth.

She thought to herself that she had got lucky the first time when it came to Greg since he was dumb enough to leave the evidence laying around even if she were to have thrown her dress away that she had wore that night. But she didn't she just stuffed it in a plastic bag hoping that she would never have to see it again. But little did she know that dress would help her with her case and she won the case in all instances where Greg was sexually abusing her.

Now what she knew she had to do was pray to God about her case that she was facing now because she didn't know where to begin to even look too.

She was too afraid to go back to her father to even ask him about the club that she used to sing at in New York just so she could possibly track down other witnesses who knew about CJ.

Karen realized that she didn't know a thing about that man who was Faith's father after thinking about it. She didn't even know who his family was either so Faith really didn't know anything about her fathers side of the family right along with Karen.

"I was so messed up." Karen said thinking to herself now that she had on a clearer head after her programming had been broken by Ms.Tee.

"I wouldn't say that." Drew said trying to get his wife to stop speaking so negatively about herself. "You were just going through a lot." Drew said trying to be there for his wife because he knew this case could take a toll on her and he wanted to calm her down every chance he got because she was pregnant again and they weren't trying to lose this baby. So she had to take it easy per doctors orders and she was doing a pretty poor job of that but she was trying. But it would sometimes take Drew to make her sit down and rest.

"I don't think you understand, Drew." Karen started to say as she sat at the edge of their bed.

"Like that was the lowest I ever been." Karen said talking about her self-esteem.

"I don't even think I let Greg treat me that bad." Karen said just thinking about it while scrunching up her face because if she would've took a look back in time with herself now she would've thought that she had major issues.

But her past self thought that she was okay since at least she had two friends and a boyfriend who cared about her or who she thought cared about her.

Now she knew that what she thought was a truth was a lie when it came to CJ because he ain't care a thing about her.

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