She did what P2

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Notes: Ms.Tee comes back over thinking she was gonna talk to Faith about her behavior only to find out that things have changed.

"She didn't leave." Karen said lying to herself knowing goodness well that she had left with Ace back to New York. So what she did was go sit down on the couch like she would normally do after she had finished everything and just started watching tv to take her mind off of it thinking about when Faith was gonna come back home.

"I'm a talk to her when she gets back." Karen said believing wholeheartedly that she just either went to the store or the studio as she sat down and watched tv and J.Drew was just walking all over his mama being able to tell that she was really sad about something so he would purposefully do something silly to make his mama smile at him.

But when Drew was going through it with the kids alone J.Drew was giving his daddy hell on purpose because he had known that Drew was the cause of it. So J.Drew had picked up on certain things as a baby and just absorbed it along with Ki who only wanted to be held by her mama as she had tried practicing walking on her thighs while Karen was sitting in the couch.

"You just like yo brother y'all love walking on me." Karen said just smiling at her baby especially since J.Drew was now standing up in the couch hanging on her side.

"My sweet little babies." Karen said just lettin' them sit on her giving her kisses on her cheeks.

"Daddy don't get no kiss?" Drew said wantin' some love from his kids but Ki was just having her hands in her mouth tasting them and smiling at her daddy shaking her head no making Karen gasp. "Oooh." Karen said. "She understood me and played in my face chilee mm mm mm." Drew said shaking his head. "I thought you were a daddy's girl?!" Drew playfully asked his daughter and she just looked the other way sitting herself in her mama's lap as if she could no longer understand him again.

But they could care less about being bothered by their daddy right now because they wanted to be with their mama because babies could easily pick up how their mother was feeling.

And, Karen also didn't want her babies to feel stressed out or sad just because she was feeling that way so she did her best to hide her worries which was why she had started to act like she was delusional about this whole Faith situation. But even then she thought that being delusional was best just so it wouldn't hurt as much if she had to accept the truth again of Faith leaving like how she did.

But when it was finally lunch time Drew had once again took that over seeing that the babies were doing their job of helping their mama be distracted from going into a depressive state over Faith and Ace.

But Karen had quickly forgotten that Ms.Tee was supposed to be coming over today to talk to Faith about her risky behavior that she was indulging in.

So when Karen heard the knock on the door and seen it was Ms.Tee she had let J.Drew get down and carried Ki with her but J.Drew just ran right behind his mama in his onesie.

When she opened the door she had greeted Ms.Tee letting her in. "Where that little girl at?!" Ms.Tee asked talking about Faith after she greeted Ki and J.Drew knew who she was.

"She-she just went to the store or to the studio I don't know which one she went first but she should be back in a little bit." Karen said nodding her head and Ms.Tee had looked at Karen like she was crazy because why didn't she know where her own daughter was?

And everybody knew that Ms.Tee was tough and didn't take no mess from nobody so Karen was being a little off too her.

"Mmmmhmmmmmmm." Ms.Tee dragged out arching her eyebrow at her seeing J.Drew run right behind his mama back to the couch flinging himself on it without a care in the world.

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