In trouble

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Notes: Karen speaks to Ms.Tee about Faith's uncontrollable behavior.

After breakfast was over everybody was pretty much quiet for today considering the fact that Faith didn't have her phone and she ain't have time to warn her friends or the sneaky link that she was with not to text her back since her mama had apparently found out that she was gone in the dead of the night.

While Karen was still downstairs talking with Drew with Ace being in his playpen with J.Drew as they were playing together since J.Drew was now walking and running around it was like they were real buddies now and they could keep each other pre-occupied.

She was talking to Drew about the situation with CJ and how they was starting to go back over the case especially since Faith was acting out again after getting caught.

Karen knew that her daughter was only acting this way because she had gotten caught.

But she also knew that she was still taking medication for her bi-polar disorder. So it would've been way worser than before if she wasn't taking her pills to keep her emotions regulated and Karen could honestly say that she probably got that from her father or her grandfather considering the fact that they both had anger issues when Karen was growing up. Hence why Elbert had snatched Karen up from Mattie and forced her to go too New York the way that he did.

Even though he knew he could've handled that much better per the custody agreement that they had over Karen. But he let his anger get the best of him and ended up ruining his daughter's life. So now here Karen was trying to un-do everything and prevent the same things from happening to her daughters because she didn't want them heading down that lifestyle that she was forced to be apart of at such a young age.

But Faith wasn't giving her mother the chance to properly care for her like she was trying to do.

Faith was still taking on adult responsibilities which led her to believe that she could still have adult type freedom while living in her mothers house and that wasn't the case. Karen was not going for that. But she also knew how important it was to allow her kids to have some type of freedom and to give them space to grow into who they want to be.

She wanted to have a balanced relationship with all of her kids and grand kids. Something that she didn't quite experience growing up because her mother firmly believed in the saying "I'm not one of your little friends." But when it came to Karen she didn't have that many friends and the one friend that she did kinda have during that time was Drew. But he had ditched her to go hang out with the popular crowd once he had hit puberty and started playing for the basketball team at their high school leaving Karen alone to fend for herself and struggle to make new friends instead of trying to introduce her to his so-called friends.

But those so-called friends didn't even like Karen to begin with so needless to say Mattie was somewhat friends with Karen in a way since she didn't have her own group of friends to hang out with like her siblings did.

Now here Karen was re-evaluating her whole entire life wondering if she was too much of a friend to Faith than being her mother? She had never done this parenting thing before for a long time like she's doing now. But she knew she didn't want to call her family because they'll just automatically give their bias opinion and tell her that she is being more of a friend when she's still learning how to parent them without giving her any credit where the credit is due.

She just didn't know who to turn too until she remembered Ms.Tee and had decided to call her up seeing that they didn't talk to each other in a while recently but they would talk from time-to-time.

Thankfully, Ms.Tee picked up and they started talking to each other just catching up.

"How's Faith doing with the changes now?" Ms.Tee had asked her seeing that she had been meaning to call them. "That's exactly why I called." Karen awkwardly told her and Karen could tell that Ms.Tee was already sighing without even telling her the details of how Faith was acting.

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