Baby daddy

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Notes: Faith starts reverting back to her old ways while Ace goes with his daddy for the day.

It was a Thursday evening when Faith was just chilling in her penthouse literally doing nothing since Ace was taking a nap when she thought about calling one of her sneaky links to come for tonight. Usually she would either be watching tv or working for her next album since she had talked to her studio about the vision for it since they were still planning out the dates for her current album release party.

But Faith didn't want to have her album release party when she was on bad terms with her mother.

She had actually wanted all of her family to be there well at least the older ones there considering the fact that they served alcohol and what not at those types of venues where she would be performing.

But while she was scrolling through her phone looking at her contacts she was deciding on which sneaky link to contact currently there was two who she talked too one that was in Detroit and another that was in New York for whenever she needed a quick fix or just a good time as she liked to call it.

So now that Ace was asleep she was gonna have him to quietly come over and be in her room.

But then she thought about Ace waking up again and had decided to do the smart and responsible thing which was to call his father to come and get him for tonight so he could spend some time with his son while they was in the New York for the meantime. When Faith had called him he had immediately answered his phone call knowing that Faith never really calls him unless he had missed a date that was important for Ace which he rarely ever did. He was a responsible father or if there was something that was seriously wrong with their son and she had needed his support and she couldn't really turn it down like she would normally do.

So when he had answered her phone call he had thought that something had happened to their son.

"Hey everything's okay?!" De'Andre asked her sounding a little bit panicky.

"Yeah everything's fine." Faith said  sounding a bit down and worried but yet she was still able to mask it so he didn't question her because he knew if he did then she was gonna shut him down.

"I just need for you to stop by and pick up Ace for me spend some time with your son." Faith told him. "That ain't a problem for me." De'Andre said as he lifted himself out of bed since he was only laying down not doing anything since he had gotten off of work.

"Okay. I'll have him ready for you in a little bit he just went to sleep though since it's near his bedtime." Faith said. "But he's actually a little bit cranky and has been since we left from Detroit." She told him not telling him the fact that he's been that way because he wanted to talk to his nana.

So he's clueless as to why Faith was actually back in New York if anything he just thought it was because of the label wanting her there for the mean time which would happen from time-to-time so he didn't question her anymore about it.

When it was 20 minutes later, Faith finally had Ace ready with his overnight bag to go stay with his daddy and Ace's sneaky link was supposed to come an hour later so she could have some private time with him in her own house without getting in trouble or yelled at even if she didn't do it in her mothers house.

So by the time he came over to pick up their son Faith was more than ready to have the night to herself with her sneaky link while she was getting ready for him too.

But she wasn't too dressed up to the point where her baby daddy would question her because they weren't even dating anymore for him to be asking her those types of personal questions.

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