House call P2

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Notes: A continuation from the last chapter.

Once they were all seated settled in with the session, Dr.Womack had gave the floor to Melody letting her explain to them what she needed to explain and the whole time Faith was looking away from everyone while nervously scratching her neck because they knew they would soon find out that she had known before them and Faith didn't know how her mother was going to take that.

So here Faith was just waiting for Melody to say what she had to say because she didn't feel like blurting that one out. She was gonna let Melody handle that one on her own.

It was like Faith knew when to help and she knew when not to help.

And her not helping was one of these times.

"Sooo finishing off from the last conversation..." Melody started to say.

"I think I have to explain why I'm adopted." She nervously said looking at Dr.Womack for help and she just nodded her head yes.

"Ummm." Melody said.

"I'm not actually from Detroit." She said and Karen's eyes widened a little bit but she remained calm acting as if she didn't really care while staring Melody down.

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(Imagine Karen looking at Melody like this but a little bit more meaner with her cute self. 😭)

"Please." Melody whispered to her and so Faith had moved her a chair a little bit further away from her mama even though it was already as far as it could go.

"You ain't finna beat me." Faith said to her mama picking up a book to try to block Karen's pops if she didn't take it well.

"What you know Faith?!" Karen asked her in a stern voice arching her eyebrow and now Faith knew that she had to tell her mama or else she was gonna pop her for not telling her when she asked her.

"Okay so when I tell you this you promise not to get mad?!" Faith ridiculously asked her mama and Karen had her arms folded again looking at her with an unreadable face.

"No promises." Karen blatantly said.

"Well she's a dumpster baby and she's from New York and she also has a twin sister." Faith said putting the book up quickly back up to her face hiding behind it and it was like all the air was sucked out of the room again and it was like Karen was drawing a blank.

"She's what now?!" Drew asked her and so, Melody had to explain to them what Faith had just said since Karen was trying to figure out what was said.

"Well my mom, Toya is my adopted mother." Melody had started to say nervously swallowing her spit. "She's from Detroit originally but we are not we as in me and my twin sister." Melody said and Karen had looked at Drew like she was about to kill him.

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