The Haters within P2

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Notes:  Karen returns home from New York.

TRIGGER WARNING: A lil smuttttt. 😭

It was 5am, when Karen had came back home from being in New York when she had walked through the door and she had put Ace in his bed taking off his little shoes and jacket so he can be more comfortable. Once that was done she had rolled her suitcase into her bedroom opening her room door to find her husband still sleeping. Quietly she walked into the bathroom already changing her clothes since she had wanted to get out of them being exhausted from the jetlag and while also feeling dirty after being in Toya's rundown workplace.

But as soon as Karen had finished getting ready to get into the bed, Drew had woke up surprised that his wife was home a day earlier than planned.

"Baby is that you?!" Drew had asked his wife surprised to see her home so early as she was crawling into bed. "Yeah." Karen softly said kissing him on the lips getting into bed. "What you doin' back so early did everything go okay?" Drew asked her. "Mmhm." Karen said not knowing what to tell him but Drew knew that something was wrong and had decided to turn on the lights to look his wife in the eyes.

"Karen what happened?!" Drew said seeing that she had a couple of scratches on the side of her face and he was just touching it making Karen accidentally flinch.

"Umm. I-well after the promotion and after went well in New York with the opening of a new store." She said before taking a pause not knowing how Drew was gonna handle it.

"I rannn into Toya." Karen said and Drew's eyes had widened. "Did she touch you?!" Drew asked her and Karen just sighed not knowing what to say at first. "Not really." Karen told him.

"I mean we just seen each other from across the street when I was out getting Ace some ice cream and she was going into this building." Karen said  as she had started telling him the truth.

"And when I tell you this I don't want you to over react okay?!" Karen asked him. "You promise not too?!" Karen said making him promise before telling him and Drew knew he was gonna have a hard time already.

"I promise." Drew said nodding his head.

"So, I had followed her in there to see what she was doing since she was so rude and what not and I found out some things." Karen said shyly tilting her head. "So at first I had wanted to just completely leave after seeing what I saw because I had Ace with me covered up in my jacket so no one could see him and plus he was asleep already after eating his ice cream." Karen said.

"I had called, Vickie so she could watch him for me for a while and so I had went back in after she had got him took some pictures for evidence. But when I was trying to leave a man had tried to attack me." Karen told him. "He put his hands on you?!" He asked her and Karen just nodded her head yes. "But that's not how I got the scratches even though he did try to take what wasn't his." Karen said not being able to say that he tried to sexually assault her. But Drew had quickly caught onto what Karen was referring too. "But when I tried to leave out after fighting him off of me two more guys came after me because Toya had called them on me apparently they were her security and they were trying to force me to stay and work for her by dragging me back inside the building." Karen told her and Drew's eyes just got even more wider and Karen knew he was struggling with trying not to get mad.

"But don't worry because I fought them off of me I might've had a bit more bumps and bruises on my forehead because of it. But I ran after I had knocked one of them out with a rock but don't worry they were both still breathing after I had scratched the other one drawing blood from them." Karen told him. Then his heart started calming down. "Well did you file a police report?!" Drew asked his wife but Karen had shook her head no. "I didn't want to stay in New York any longer than I had too." Karen told him and Drew knew that accident had scared his wife.

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