There's nothing wrong

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Notes: Melody goes with the family to their therapy session.

It was the next day and the family had to go to therapy for their next session with Dr.Womack. So that meant that Melody had to come with them as well and she wasn't taking well too it.

"Why do I have to go ain't nuthin' wrong with me?!" She refuted folding her arms while Drew and Karen was in her room and they had both looked at each other and then back at Melody.

"We been was going to therapy before you even showed up." Drew told her but then he paused before saying anything else about why they had to really go because initially they had went because Karen had came back home and they had found out that she had a lot of mental health issues that needed to be rectified from her time as being a sex slave and her programming had needed to be broken. When they got that take care of she still needed to be kept in there even if she didn't want to go at first because it had helped her with her drug addiction to cocaine after Dr.Womack had recommended that she needed to go too rehab to get cleaned since she was a high functioning addict.

But they didn't want to tell Melody all that because she didn't need to know that just yet.

"And it's not about you per se." Drew told her. "It's about learning how to communicate better with each other and the new changes that was going on before you had even arrived." He told her skipping over the main reason which was about Karen.

"So the focus really isn't going to be on you." He told her.

"But you do have to be respectful when we go there." He said and Melody just rolled her eyes.

"You betta fix your face before I fix it for you." Karen told her and she had immediately straightened up after remembering how Karen had whooped her.

"She just needed to be glad that she wasn't old enough to get fought yet like Faith did in the studio. "She needs to be glad she's not Faith's age." Karen told them while still being in her room and Melody just looked at her. "Yeah I beat up my own daughter and I'd do it again if I had too." Karen said. "And I ain't use no belt either she met my fists that day." Karen told her and Melody ain't know what to do.

If anything Melody had it into her mind that Karen was really from the streets and that side of her was showing. Of course, Karen's normal personality was soft, sweet and kind but if you disrespected her in any type of way,shape, or form she was show you if the rumors about her being out on the streets were true or not and that was something that nobody had wanted to see.

Melody was just thinking to herself that Karen just might be a little crazy but she didn't want to see anymore of that because she was lowkey getting afraid of her but that fear was turning into some type of respect which is what she didn't have for anyone else in the house at the time.

When it was 30 minutes later the family had finally arrived to the clinic and Melody had read the sign out on the welcome gate "Detroit's psychiatric care facility " and she was seeing patients with the white coats in the back with the gated fence and guards who worked there transporting patients into the white vans and she was scared.

So she kept looking back out the window and to the road seeing if there was some type of an escape just en case if anything happened.

And, Faith noticed how Melody was looking and she started laughing at her in the car because Faith was seeing how almost every second Melody would be glancing at Karen and she was seeing how agitated Karen was getting. Of course, Karen had gotten used to going to therapy but sometimes just sometimes she didn't feel like being there especially if there was a newcomer and Melody was that newcomer.

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