Where is it?

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Notes: The judge gives the sentence and Faith tries to act normal around her mama.

After Faith had found out Melody's secret they tried to go on as if everything was as normal as it was but Faith was still feeling slightly awkward about the whole situation. She didn't really like lying to her family but she justified it with herself that if they didn't ask then she wasn't lying and she was gonna act like she didn't know anything of what Melody had told her until Melody was ready to come out with the truth because she didn't want to be in the center of this when it all went to hell because that's what she believed was going to happen.

Because Drew had been working on finding out her medical papers or trying to locate them with an attorney all to find out that everything was basically blocked off from him and he just didn't know why. They didn't necessarily say that it was blocked from him which would've gave him a clue on what her papers were. But they did say that they didn't have them there when they did.

It was just that her papers were sealed and the only person who could have access to it was Toya because she was the child's adopted mother and Toya didn't even leave the files with Drew and the DNA tests weren't working for nothing when he was asked to show proof of Melody being his. So he was working on finding her medical records as if it was a full-time job which he was glad that he had cut back his hours on having to attend church meetings giving them to his assistant to go too because he had to deal with some private family issues at home.

And the church didn't know what was going on with their Bishop since he was now being out a lot like the First Lady have always been out since she got there because it was like they barely would see her. But at least the Bishop would always be there to preach on Sunday's and do Bible Study with them because that was his main priority was to preach to the people and so he basically had to split up his workload because he was in fact taking on too much which he realized now. He knew he really couldn't be leaving his wife home alone with all those kids even though she had been managing just fine without him. But she had to learn how to do that just like how he had to learn how to be a father.

If anything Toya had only left one thing of files to Drew and that was Melody's schoolwork. But everything else he had to find his ownself or he had to ask Melody for her basic information since her mother never shared it with him and Melody didn't even know her own social security number because Toya always kept it and had it with her so that was a pain on trying to get that so she could get added onto his insurance.

And all Melody had to say to solve this whole entire situation was that she was adopted because then Drew could easily go to the court and get it petitioned to have her files unsealed.

But she was afraid that they would think that the tests are fake when they in fact weren't. Because even Drew went to go get his own test done but sometimes in the heat of the moment he could be really slow.

But back at the court house it was now time for the jury to decide what was gonna happen.

Both Karen and Dorinda had their nerves worked by this case and they just wanted it to all be over and Karen had wanted this to be her last court case that she ever had to do again because she was tired of going to court every other month as it seemed with taking time out for long preparation for it.

So once the results came back the judge was now in.

"Court's back in session." The bailiff said as the Judge had came back with the papers in his hand.

"Due to the lacking of evidence of this case and few number of witnesses the jury had concluded that Matthew Cole have hereby been sentenced to ten years in jail and the accessories of the case have been sentenced to five years in jail for his part with due diligence. Court is dismissed." He said banging his mantle and Karen and Dorinda had just looked at each other in shock.

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