Don't be a hater...

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Notes:  The family goes back to another session with Dr.Womack after Karen's return.

It was a couple of weeks after Karen had just gotten back home and she was settling in well and Drew was keeping up with helping out with his kids and not just letting her take care of them by herself and he haven't really been back to work in a minute. But that was okay because he really was able to take off 3-6 months at a time if he needed too and he didn't have to worry about losing any money because he had worked his way up to the top.

Now here they were back in therapy to discuss how Karen's leaving had affected them and they were ten minutes into the conversation.

"Everybody done missed, Karen." Dorinda said chuckling to herself after ending the conversation that they were on about how they felt when Karen had to leave again and Drew had stated that once again his wife was basically superwoman which made Karen smile.

"So, Karen with you leaving how did it affect you do you have any news any changes?" Dr.Womack asked her knowing that their had to be some changes done.

"Well there was quite a few changes and going back to New York gave me some closure and it was also kinda like a wake up call for me as well." Karen said not really wanting to explain that part of how she had went into that crack house. But she knew that she was gonna have to discuss it privately with Dr.Womack and her husband.

"But while I was there I was able to focus more on myself rather than just giving and pouring out all the time." Karen said.

"And I was able to work on other things that I'm actually very proud of." Karen had started to say as she trying not to smile from ear-to-ear but Matti knew that her baby was excited about something and this was literally the first time that she's seen Karen be genuinely happy in all sense of the word.

"Okay." Karen started to say as she started going through her bag to pull out what she had.

"So this was something that I had started working on with Drew helping me a little while after I had came home. But then things got busy and I had babies and then I had more babies and things just kept happening." Karen said.

"But before that I always remembered mama telling me that it was important to have some type of education to fall back on and I guess I realized that everyone had theirs even having either a bachelors or a masters degree." Karen said. "And I had plans to go but things changed." Karen awkwardly said.

"But I didn't let that stop me from what my goals was." Karen said finally pulling out her certificate and laying it in her lap.

"So while I was in New York I took everything with me of what I was doing at home and when Drew was helping me from time-to-time. But it was just easier for me to finish it without having to stop every 5 or 10 minutes." Karen said.

"So what I have in my hand here is my...GED."
She said smiling all hard and Drew was surprised but in a happy way as well as everyone else all except for maybe one who was ambiguous with it as she showed them her GED certificate being really proud of it grinning hard and cheers were heard.

"Aweee Karen I'm so proud of you." Dorinda said hugging her baby sister while Karen was still in her seat. "I know that's right. I'm so proud of you." Matti said nodding her head giving Karen approval and both Jacky and Twinkie was clapping and cheering for her as well as her girls.

While Denise had put her hand on her hip as if she was kinda sucking her teeth at Karen.

"That's good." Denise said in a nonchalant tone and everyone had turned to look at Denise.

"Denise don't do that." Matti told her talking to one of her oldest daughters knowing that she knew better.

"What mama I'm just saying getting a GED isn't that special." Denise told her shrugging her shoulders and the smile on Karen's face had slowly disappeared. "And it doesn't take that long too get one either and if you did take that long then you just slow." Denise said and Karen just stared sat her not knowing what to do or say because now her feelings were hurt.

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