The truth

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Notes: A continuation from the last chapter where Melody finally tells her mother why she's so afraid of the dark?

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of sexual assault. Emotional.

"Come on and talk to mama." Karen said seeing that Melody was snuggling up to her side because in all honesty she was still kind of hesitating on telling her mother since she felt like it was too soon but she also felt like she could tell her so she had mixed feelings about telling her this. But she did also know that if she didn't tell her now then she was never going to tell her and that's the type of attitude that she was basically taking on since her hesitation was growing stronger by the minute.

Now here she was waiting with her mother to start the conversation biting on her lip out of nervousness.

"Ummm." Melody started to say looking around the room all awkwardly eyes roaming every where except looking at her mother's face.

"Soooo." Melody said still not knowing how to start off the conversation even though Karen had kinda started it off for them. So, Karen didn't rush her daughter to tell her anything she just took her time with it allowing Melody to tell it at her own pace knowing that if she were to rush her then she would've just not told her at all and she didn't want that happening because she knew that could potentially mess up their relationship if she were to have rushed her.

"Sooooo." Melody started again biting her nails much like Karen would do when she would get nervous and Karen didn't even try to stop her because she knew that sometimes it was a coping mechanism or sometimes it would just be out of habit.

"Ms.Toya would have these parties like we were telling you abouttt." Melody said still biting her nails and Karen's heart was already starting to drop thinking the worst of the worst and she didn't even say anything else and then Melody had looked down at her hands seeing how quickly she had just bit off most of her nails that she had let grow out.

"Mmhm." Karen softly said nodding her head following her daughter trying to stay open and open and not be frantic about it because she didn't wanna scare Melody off mid-way into her opening up about it. So, Karen did her best to try too remain calm even though it was just tearing her up on the inside.

"Thennn that was when we also got in trouble for not helping her set up the party quick enough." She said as she was now resorting to picking her nails so she wouldn't have to keep eye contact with her mother who was trying to keep eye contact with her daughter.

"Sooo because she was mad at us she had separated us for punishment knowing that she couldn't really take us both on." She told her not knowing how else to say it.

"But anywaysss." She slowly said still messing with her nails.

"When the party was over Toya would let some of the people stay over and mostly they were men." She said and now Karen felt like she was holding her breath just waiting for the worst to come out of her daughters mouth because she was already thinking about what would happen if she had to see Toya again.

"So she had locked us in our room that night turning the power off." She said.

"So we just went to bed thinking it was gonna just be that." She told her shrugging her shoulders and Karen was letting her daughter know that she still had her full undivided attention while nodding her head following her through her story.

"Buttt when I was sleeping I don't know howww but one of them were sleeping on top of me." Melody said and Karen's eyes just widened in horror and now it was really like the life was sucked out of her again.

"I don't know if she had let him in or if he had came in on his ownnn." She said not being sure but she probably knew that she had let him in because sometimes she was just that spiteful towards them.

Family Secrets Part 3Where stories live. Discover now