Building a foundation

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Notes: The family have a game night despite Faith still being on punishment and Melody is ready to tell her mother the truth about what happened.

Sidenote: This chapter was a suggestion.

Time jump: Two months later.

It was two months later and the majority of everyone's punishments were over except for Faith's she had three more months to go because she had snuck and deleted everything off of her phone before handing it into her mother which made her punishment longer than everyone else's.

But because of that and after the therapy session that they had with just them and Dr.Womack about them being more open with each other as a family, Faith had been on her best behavior trying to do everything in her power to get her phone back earlier than she's supposed to get it.

But she knew not to even ask her mama about her phone because Karen was gonna find that to be suspicious. If anything she already found Faith's seemingly good behavior to be suspicious but she didn't question it because Karen knew that one Faith's punishment was over she was probably gonna back to wildin' out again. But she was just gonna be smarter about it.

So to make things seem fair for Faith since she had been trying Karen was gonna give her daughter some credit where it was due because sometimes just sometimes Faith would see things all the way through.

So for that reason Karen had planned a family night with Drew letting Faith have something of a cheat day of sorts for her good behavior. But she just couldn't push it.

When Karen told him about the idea, Drew thought it was a good one seeing that whenever him or Karen used to get into trouble with their parents like this when they were younger they weren't allowed to do anything even if it was underneath their parents supervision they still wouldn't do it which had kinda led them to making the choices that they did.

And so, Karen didn't want to be too strict on her kids but she did want them to know that she wasn't a push over and also to know that even if they're in trouble they could still go to her to talk about somethings if they had needed too.

After dinner was over that was when Family game night had kicked into place.

"Alright let's have family game night Faith you get to pick what we gonna do." Karen said putting her hands on her hips while Ace was eating out of a bag of chips that his nana was eating on.

"Hm?!" Faith said looking and sounding confused as ever.

"Pick what you wanna do but you know what not to pick." Karen said reminding her daughter and Faith tried not to smack her lips together because she thought that this was gonna be her chance to ask for her phone but clearly it wasn't.

"Hmmm." Faith said thinking about trying to sound interested in bonding with her family.

Because all she ever wanted back was her phone and she knew she couldn't buy her one because her mama didn't play that sneaky mess and she didn't want to get another butt whoopin from her mind all because she didn't understand the principle of certain things especially since she was still young and learning how to be a teen instead of having to do things herself.

"This isn't a trap right?!" Faith asked her and Karen just playfully shook her head no with her hands on her hips.

"Nooo." Karen said dragging it out.

"What I mean is you're still in trouble but that don't mean you have to be excluded from every single thing. Now somethings yes other things no." Karen said tilting her head a little bit.

Family Secrets Part 3Where stories live. Discover now