Chapter 02

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After coughing softly, Li Qiao turned and went into the kitchen, and brought out the ten fish.

"There are really fish?!"

Wang Guihua was shocked, she didn't care about the two steamed buns, and rushed to Li Qiao in a few steps.

She stretched out her hand to pluck the ten grass carp, they were wet and had a fishy smell, and several of them were still alive. With her movements, her face was almost tossed with water.

It was confirmed to be true, but she still couldn't believe it.

"Where did you get the fish? Could it be that you stole it?"

"Hey, motherfucker, although Xiaoqiao is lazy, she has never done anything petty." "

He just sells land and books. They are delicious, lazy to cook, and they are upright and upright, never avoiding people!"

Before Li Qiao had time to explain, Li Liang rushed over to defend.

Li Qiao: "..."

Although he was a bit dumbfounded, his heart was warm.

He explained: "Sister-in-law, I caught this just now. I have never caught fish before. I was so hungry today that I couldn't help it. I went to the river to try it. It turned out to be quite easy to catch." "I caught it with bare hands, you and

brother If you don't believe me, I'll catch it with my bare hands and show you when you're free."

He said as he untied the straw rope, divided five fish out and handed them to Wang Guihua.

Wang Guihua was still shocked, and her small eyes looked up and down Li Qiao like a searchlight. Her brother-in-law, who should kill a thousand knives, can still master the skill of catching fish with bare hands?

But Li Liang was very happy: "I didn't expect Xiao Qiao to catch fish, it's great, I have fish soup tonight."

He patted Li Qiao's shoulder with his left hand, which was not holding the steamed buns, and took the five fish over.

Then he squinted to look at Wang Guihua, but with his right hand he stuffed two steamed buns into Li Qiao's hand: "Xiao Qiao has worked hard on catching fish, it's time to eat some good tonic, it's still warm, eat quickly." Wang Guihua

; "..."

She snorted coldly, and snatched the fish from Li Liang's hands: "It's hard work to catch a few fish? The real hard work is you, a big boy who wants to help him pay off his fifty taels of gambling debt!" "Look at you

! By the way, one yard counts for one yard, Xiaoqiao must be very tired after catching so many fish in one go, so don't attack him."

Li Liang immediately stuffed two steamed buns into Li Qiao's arms.

Since his mother-in-law didn't snatch the two steamed buns again, she was willing to give them to Xiao Qiao.

"If you want my old lady to give him a good face, then he will pay back the fifty taels of gambling debt!"

Wang Guihua's face sank, she stared at Li Qiao and said, "I want to let this big guy like Li Liang support you for nothing, just like before. No way!"

"If you want to go to my mother's house for dinner in the future, you have to carry your things!"

Throwing down these words, she pinched Li Liang's arm a few times with her hand that was not carrying the fish, and the gangster took the steamed bun and said he was in a hurry. Going to the wheat field to harvest wheat, you have to eat while walking, what happened?

If she hadn't developed a mind, then the steamed buns she steamed so hard would be fed to the dead again!

After pinching, she didn't bother to care about Li Liang who was grinning in pain, grabbed his arm and walked out.

Mai busy days, she has no time to entangle with this rotten person who deserves a thousand knives.

Being pulled, Li Liang staggered a few steps and almost fell down.

But he was still thinking about Li Qiao, and hurriedly said: "Mother, Xiao Qiao has nothing in this courtyard, and Xiao Qiao doesn't know how to cook, why don't you let Xiao Qiao go home? It happens that Xiao Lan is drying wheat at home, You can stew fish."

"It's a good idea! Did my mother's dry firewood and seasonings fall from the sky?! And Xiaolan is your daughter, not this rotten maid!"

Wang Guihua refused without even thinking about it.

Li Qiao hurriedly said: "Brother, there is still some salt and dry firewood at home, enough for me to grill fish. I can grill fish, don't worry." Hearing this,

Li Liang hesitated for a moment, but nodded and said: " If you really don't know how to cook, go home and find Xiaolan. Although she is small, she can cook."

Li Qiao nodded repeatedly, but couldn't help sighing in her heart, this Li Liang was too kind to Yuanshen, Xiaolan is Li Liang's youngest daughter, only seven years old this year.

Letting a seven-year-old daughter cook for an eighteen-year-old brother is only Li Liang capable of doing this.

Hearing this, Wang Guihua couldn't help sneering, she locked the courtyard door after she went back, let's see how this rotten man goes to her house!

But Li Liang saw that the steamed buns had been sent out, and he was anxious to go to the field to harvest the wheat, so he also left.

But before he left, he told Li Qiao: "If you can catch fish, then catch more. Whether you eat it yourself or exchange it for food, it is very good." "Okay, don't worry, brother, I ate steamed buns

and Continue to catch fish." Li Qiao responded.

With the mess left by the original body, what else could he do if he didn't catch fish?

With a wry smile, he looked down at the soft steamed bun in his hand.

The steamed buns are slightly yellow, pure wheat color, and exude a strong wheat fragrance.

The meat slices in the steamed buns are fat and thin, and oily.

He swallowed, put down the five fish, and swallowed the two steamed buns in a few mouthfuls. But not only was he not full, he was even hungrier.

He is a supernatural person, and his appetite is larger than ordinary people. He has been hungry for more than two days, and he only needs two vegetables and steamed buns, which is just to fill his stomach.

Locking the courtyard door from the inside, he carried the remaining five fish into the courtyard, and a water knife appeared in his hand. He quickly scaled and disemboweled the five fish.

Pack the fish, put salt on it, put it on the fire, and start roasting.

Half an hour later, all five grilled fish entered his stomach. Although the grilled fish only tastes salty, fishy, ​​and mushy, he is not picky about food.

I drank a lot of water and my stomach was full.

After eating and drinking enough, he found a dirty basket and two buckets in the yard, and went to the river.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon, and the river was still empty. He found a big rock, squatted on it, and started catching fish with his bare hands.

After all, he has been struggling in the last days for eight years, and he is also a person with supernatural abilities. His physical fitness is much stronger than ordinary people. Even if he does not use his supernatural abilities, it is not difficult for him to catch fish with bare hands.

In the case of gambling debts, catching fish is the best way he can think of to make money so far:

pay back the money quickly without capital.

If there is no accident, catching fish will become his signature skill in the future.

Since it was a signboard, he couldn't rely too much on supernatural powers, so at this time he chose to catch fish with his bare hands, so that he could practice this skill more skillfully.

It took more than an hour, and the two buckets and the panniers were full of fish.

At this time, the village finally became lively.

Some drove the ox carts or pulled the carts to transport the wheat home.

Others had smoke rising from their homes.

There were also people walking towards the river with dirty clothes.

Li Qiao fixed his eyes and found that the daughter of Yuanchen's second uncle's family was walking towards the river, that is, Yuanchen's cousin Li Chuntao, so he waved and greeted with a smile: "Chuntao!" Li Chuntao was

bored Walking with her head bent, she raised her head subconsciously when she heard the words, and saw that it was Li Qiao calling her, she was startled, a flash of disgust flashed across her face, then she hugged the wooden basin tightly in her hand, and wanted to turn around to go to another section of the river.

Li Qiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and immediately explained: "Chuntao, I caught some fish, you can bring some fish back for your second uncle and aunt to taste!

" When the village wanted to chop off Yuanshen's leg, Li Gu lent Yuanshen five taels of silver.

Therefore, Li Qiao is very grateful to Li Gu, otherwise he would only have one leg left when he crossed over, and he would be so depressed to death.

"You know how to catch fish?" Li Chuntao paused, with the same expression as Wang Guihua, shocked and unbelievable.

"That's not right, I only found out today that I can catch fish." Li Qiao smiled and pointed to the bucket and basket at his feet.

Standing more than ten meters away, Li Chuntao couldn't see the fish in the bucket clearly, but she could see the fish in the basket very clearly.

"You caught these?" She exclaimed and walked towards Li Qiao.

"It was all caught by me, you take a few back. I was ignorant before, which made my second uncle and aunt worry. I will definitely get rid of my bad habits in the future, and I will return the five taels of silver to my second uncle as soon as possible." Li

Qiao He signaled Li Chuntao to take out the dirty clothes in the wooden basin so that he could put fish in the wooden basin.

But Li Chuntao looked frightened, took two steps back, and looked at Li Qiao as if she were a stranger.

How could her muddy cousin say such a thing?

"Hurry up, I have to give fish to other people who lent me money." Li Qiao didn't explain, just urged.

Li Chuntao heard the words and looked at the fish. The big ones were more than a foot long, and the small ones were as big as her palm. Most of them were alive, flopping from time to time.

Thinking of the situation at home, she no longer hesitated, and immediately took out the dirty clothes in the tub.

Li Qiao took the wooden basin, put more than a dozen fish in it, filled the whole wooden basin to the brim, and then returned it to Li Chuntao.

"I'll send fish to other people."

He didn't talk nonsense, picked up two buckets, and carried them directly on his back regardless of the wetness of the basket, and then strode away from the river.

Li Chuntao stared at his back for a few seconds, and didn't care about washing clothes anymore, and ran home with the heavy wooden basin.

The sky is falling and the ground is sinking, the muddy cousin is going to change his ways!

When Li Chuntao went home to announce the big news, Li Qiao stepped into the sunset and gave fish to the people who lent Yuan Shen money that day.

When the thugs from the gambling shop came, Li Liang took out his family's savings of forty taels of silver, and Li Gu took out five taels, but there was still a shortfall of ten taels.

Li Liang had no choice but to borrow money all over the village, promising the villagers that he would pay back the ten taels of silver in the future, so four families in the village pooled in ten taels of silver.

The family was the village head's family, and they lent Yuan Shen five taels of silver.

The family was a butcher in the village, and they lent Yuan Shen three taels of silver.

The family is an uncle who has a good relationship with Yuanchen's parents and lent him a tael of silver.

The family is the eldest brother of Yuanchen's third uncle's family, and despite the objections of the whole family, they lent Yuanchen a tael of silver.

Although the four families took out the money after Li Liang promised to pay back the money, under the circumstances at that time, the four families must have made a plan that the money would not come back for several years or even for a lifetime .

Therefore, Li Qiao is also very grateful to these four families.

Li Qiao sent fish to these four families one by one. The expressions of these four families were the same as those of Wang Guihua and Li Chuntao, suspicious, shocked, and unbelievable.

However, the fish is real, and Li Qiao also expressed that he would change his mind and start a new life, so the four families were very happy, and returned the gift to Li Qiao.

When Li Qiao finished delivering the fish, night fell.

Li Qiao came out of the butcher's house, and took advantage of the hazy moonlight to walk to his small courtyard.

The butcher's house was at the entrance of the village. After walking a few steps, Li Qiao heard heavy footsteps not far away, so he raised his eyes and looked over.

Under the moonlight, Tao Zhu was pulling a cart full of wheat. The wheat on the cart was piled half a meter higher than him. His slender body had to lean forward, and he walked forward step by step with difficulty. .

Watching this scene, Li Qiao frowned, and he walked quickly towards Tao Zhu.

The author has something to say:

Babies, let's move your fingers to have fun and collect it, okay?

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