Chapter 148 The Fifth Prince Continues to Go Crazy and Li Qiao's Worries

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   It was the third prince who came back to his senses first, and he immediately shouted: "Father Huang Shengming!"

This sentence of sageness brought Manchu Wenwu back to his senses from his stupefaction.

In other words, many people have already regained their senses, but dare not say anything.

Sheng Hong was obviously in a bad mood, and the fifth prince was holding his breath, so no one wanted to stand up and be the first bird.

Now that the third prince has stepped forward, people from the faction other than the fifth prince will naturally have to follow.

Very happy.

As for the crimes listed in the imperial decree, each of them is shocking, the British male dog is so cowardly, and he deserves what he did.

But the fifth prince heard the neat four characters of the emperor's sage, and the anger in his heart became more and more intense, but he was not stupid enough to question the imperial decree in the hall.

After the court, all the officials dispersed, and he immediately went to the back hall of the Taiji Hall.

The back hall of the Tai Chi Hall is his father's bedroom, he is really dissatisfied with this matter, he wants to talk to his father.

Sheng Hong sat on the couch, resting his hands on a small long table against his forehead, with a tired look on his face.

In order to block the news yesterday, even though he was furious in his chest, after leaving the Longevity Palace, he didn't let out a single spark, so what should he do.

The so-called bad breath hurts the body, he didn't sleep well last night, now he just feels dizzy and just wants to lie down and catch up on sleep.

But his head was messed up, obviously, even if he was really lying on the bed, then he would definitely not be able to meet Duke Zhou.

Moreover, the British Duke's death will inevitably trigger a chain reaction, and he is not entitled to rest at this time.

Sure enough, before he had time to take a sip of the tea that the court lady poured for him, a little eunuch came outside to report: The Fifth Prince seeks an audience.

"Let him in."

Putting the teacup in mid-air back on the table, he looked up at the door.

When the fifth prince entered the door, he saluted first, and then held back his anger and said, "Father, the son knows that Britain deserves to be punished for his crimes. You and the emperor's grandfather have been punished with mercy. But there is something unclear about the son, please explain to the father. "

"You say." Sheng Hong took a breath imperceptibly, and raised his hand to rub his face.

But the fifth prince was so full of anger that he didn't have the time to pay attention to his fatigue.

"Father, why didn't you and the grandfather tell your son in advance before disposing of the Duke of England?" "

Besides, why didn't you and the grandfather beat the Duke of England but directly took his title?

" What a credit, my son thinks that you can give him one more chance. If you hit him in advance, he will definitely correct it." The fifth prince said and raised his hand: "Really, he will definitely correct it,

son You can swear."

"But now you have demoted him to a commoner without and Grandpa Huang, have you hated him for a long time?"

Sheng Hong: "..."

He looked at the doubts on the faces of the five sons He tried his best to suppress the dissatisfaction that still leaked out, as if a big stone was pressing on his heart.

Exhaling lightly, he raised his hand to pick up the teacup on the small table, and asked, "Then do you know that people were killed in the British public gambling house?"

Fifth Prince: "?"

Instead, I questioned him first.

"Son doesn't know." He shook his head immediately.

"I don't know if I really don't know?" Sheng Hong asked.

"I really don't know." The Fifth Prince answered these four words firmly.

He really didn't know that there was a death in that underground gambling shop.

But he knew about the British publicly owned underground casino.

Although this matter is against the law, Duke Ying is also helping him. It will cost him a lot of money to fight with his third brother.

It was enough for the British Duke to give him the money on time. He didn't care where the money came from. Anyway, there was no big trouble before.

"Okay, I believe what you said. You said that I didn't beat the British Duke. Then Lu Wenrong and Li Qiao had conflicts before, and I promoted Li Qiao. Isn't this considered a beating? Even if you came to intercede, I didn't let go. Doesn't that count as beating?"

Fifth Prince: "..."

He opened his mouth up and down, but then closed it again.

This, this counts as beating?

That's too cryptic!

Shouldn't the correct beating be to throw the criminal evidence in front of the British public, and then benevolently say that after this exposure, he will not commit another crime?

However, seeing his father's angry face, he swallowed those words back.

The fifth prince remained silent, but Sheng Hong's anger was still rising rapidly: "If I were any other official, I would definitely keep my tail between my legs and keep a low profile. Can you blame me?"

At the end, Sheng Hong's face was full of disbelief.


"Also, in the entire British government, only Lu Wenrong's father has become a fourth-rank young minister of Guanglu Temple. Have you ever wondered why?!" "If you were someone else, how would you dare to do all kinds of illegal

things Look at how the Marquis of Wu'an has acted in these years, and then look at his British government!" "

It's because you always take chances, thinking that I don't care, that I will indulge without a limit, but have you ever thought about it?" However, is the meritorious service done by the Duke of England worthy of making me ignore those crimes?" "

What's the matter? The Duke of England saved your grandfather's life, so our Sheng family has to recognize him as the ancestor of the Duke of England?" "

Sheng Changang, Tell me, does our Sheng family have to recognize him as the ancestor of the British Duke?!"

The fifth prince: "..."

He opened his mouth again, but this time he didn't know how to refute, the British Duke is really not worthy of being his grandson ancestors of the family. "Also, you are my son, not my ancestor! I have to discuss with you when I deal with a

sinner who has hundreds of innocent lives on his hands?"

Sheng, as a prince, you don't feel sorry for the innocent people today, don't worry about Dasheng, now you come to question me? Do you want to guarantee him that he will change?

" After he and Li Qiao got into another dispute, why did he open another shop and blatantly compete with Li Qiao for business?" "He

didn't obey my order and slapped me in the face openly, you don't feel sorry for my old father, you came here to vouch for him "

I let you be born in the royal family, and you have been superior since childhood, so I still owe you now, right?"

"Get out!"

The anger that had been forcibly suppressed since noon yesterday flooded into Sheng Hong's head again.

His angry arm trembled slightly, and the teacup in his hand couldn't help making a shallow clinking sound because of his slight trembling.

Hearing this voice, he became even more irritable, and let the teacup be thrown out.

The tea cup just landed in front of the fifth prince, and the slightly hot tea in it spilled all over the fifth prince's feet.

The tea quickly seeped into the thin boots, feeling the uncomfortable dampness, the Fifth Prince gritted his teeth, not daring to refute a single word.

He resigned disheartenedly.

But the resentment in his heart has not diminished much.

Yes, it is in line with Dasheng's law to deal with a British prince who has committed many crimes, but where will he, the fifth prince, be placed?

This is tantamount to directly disqualifying him from competing for the throne!

At the moment when he and his good third brother are fighting for you to come and go, suddenly cutting off one of his arms, isn't that the same as directly declaring that his good third brother has won?

He had clearly admitted his mistake before, and he had already retreated a step, but his father gave up on him.

Isn't this forcing him to a dead end?

Thinking of this, he turned around and walked towards the harem.

Now he urgently needs his mother and concubine to analyze the situation for him. His grandfather's words are really frightening.

This day is destined to be a lively day.

Of course, this excitement is aimed at the people of Shengjing.

The British government, which had been proud for decades, just collapsed like this. Of course, this is a great excitement!

After getting the news, many people flocked to the gate of the British government to watch the excitement. Anyway, the Lu family will be civilians in the future, so they are not afraid at all.

The plaque of the British government on the gate of the British government was picked up by the forbidden army, and the gambling house was sealed up. The Holy One was lenient and only did this to the British government in Shengjing.

But for everyone in the British government who didn't get any news in advance, it was the end of the sky.

Relegated to common people?

common people?

How could the people in the British government, who were accustomed to showing off their might and spending money, endure this result.

Therefore, when Zhao Cun, the captain of the Guards, finished reading the imperial decree and ordered people to pick off the plaque on the gate, the female family members of the British government were either stunned in disbelief, or cried in disbelief, or rushed up to question Zhao Cun. .

The one who dared to rush forward to question Zhao Cun was naturally the British princess.

She leaned on crutches and was aggressive, thinking that Zhao Cun was falsely preaching the imperial decree.

She hadn't been informed beforehand, it was impossible!

As her family, how could it be possible that there was no news beforehand. There was Concubine Dong Gui in the harem, and the fifth prince in the previous court. If the Holy Majesty wanted to deal with people from their family, why did she not know until now?

Zhao Cun probably passed on the imperial decree falsely, it's against the heavens!

The old lady wished fiercely that she could swallow Zhao Cun in one gulp, but Zhao Cun was not used to her. Before yesterday, Zhao Cun would still be respectful, but at this moment, she is just an old lady.

He casually recruited two people to pull the old lady away, and Zhao Cun walked to the door.

This duke's mansion was built according to the duke's title. It stands to reason that at this time, those places that are beyond the control should be thrown and smashed.

But the Holy Majesty only asked to remove the plaque of the British government, hey, I have never seen a more magnanimous emperor than the Holy Majesty.

Zhao Cun didn't take the old lady seriously, but the old lady was irritated by Zhao Cun's contemptuous attitude and was about to make a big fuss when the Duke of England returned home.

Last night, the British residence was at his Xie Yuhua's, not at the British residence. Now that such a big event happened, Zhao Cun sent someone to inform him in advance, so he went back home.

Seeing a few soldiers of the imperial guard picking up the plaque that symbolized his identity, his eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

The next step is naturally to jump around.

The Duke of England was about to enter the palace to face the saint, but Zhao Cun ordered someone to stop him.

The old lady jumped and cursed, but Zhao Cun still sent someone to stop her.

The rest of the people either cried or stayed.

While making noise, Lu Wenrong came back.

Lu Wenrong was not in the mansion last night, he slept with his new oiran.

Lu Wenrong is not a British husband and wife, so he dare not make a fuss against the imperial army. He is already stupid now, and he can't believe it is true.

But soon, his father came back.

His father is the only official in the entire British government. Just now in the court hall, his father heard the imperial edict read by Qian San with his own ears, and it took a lot of effort not to collapse on the ground.

His father originally wanted to see the Fifth Prince after leaving court, but the Fifth Prince slipped away quickly and rushed directly to the back hall of the Tai Chi Hall.

As for him, he was dismissed from his official position, and the Imperial Army expelled him from the palace.

He didn't even know how he got back all the way!

The British husband and wife saw their son, so they believed Zhao Cun's imperial decree just now, and the Holy Majesty really took away his family's title.

British government, it's over.

Both of them fainted.

Li Qiao was reading at the Imperial Academy until it was four o'clock, then packed up and left for get off work.

Before leaving the Hanlin Academy, Xin Zhi trotted up to follow, and invited him to go to Lu's house to watch the excitement.

"It's all over, the trouble must be over, now the Lu family is probably closed, what's there to see?"

Li Qiao shook his head.

"Besides, I have always been magnanimous. Now that the Lu family has become common people, if I go, I will oppress the people." "I won't go, and you should

n't go


After thinking about it, he agreed.

This is the reason.

Forget it, he doesn't care about Lu Wenrong's mocking of him for many years, he doesn't remember villains.

However, he must watch the excitement of the Lu family: "I want to inquire and see how everyone in the Lu family reacts today. Hehe, it must be interesting." "


Li Qiao was very supportive of this point.

Because he wants to hear it too.

When he came to the gate of the inner city, he walked a few steps and saw his family's new carriage.

Li Dashan was driving the car, and Li Dao and the others stood aside.

He and Xin knew their goodbyes, and then quickened their pace, it must be Brother Zhu who came to pick him up.

If it was just Li Dashan himself, usually he would only bring one nursing home, but now he brought four out, it must be Brother Zhu.

Sure enough, there were still more than ten meters away from the carriage, and the door of the carriage was pushed open from the inside.

But seeing the people sitting inside, he was a little surprised.

Not only Tao Zhu was there, Li Xia and Zheng Qianqian were also there, and the three of them were holding a little doll on their laps.

"Why are you here?" He got into the carriage and picked up Li Yunfan's little fat friend from Tao Zhu's arms. He smiled and said.

"The three of them missed you, so we just carried them here."

Tao Zhu explained.

Li Xiaorui is three years old, and Li Qiao made a lot of picture books for him to read and write. Li Dashan and Zheng Qianqian had high expectations for him, so they let him read with picture books every day.

But today he wanted to ride a scooter and eat cakes, but he didn't want to know how to read. When Zheng Qianqian carried him and forced him to sit down in front of the small desk, he yelled that he missed his uncle.

He yelled out in a loud voice, which aroused the two little boys' longing for their father, and the two little boys kept calling for their father.

From morning to afternoon, Tao Zhu brought the three of them over.

After listening to this explanation, Li Qiao smiled and pointed to Li Xiaorui: "You are the smartest kid."

Li Xiaorui laughed, got down from Zheng Qianqian's arms, and walked to Li Qiao in two steps. He stretched out his little arm He hugged Li Yunfan's little fat friend, then raised his head and said, "Uncle, father, let's have cake tonight, okay?"

Li Qiao pinched his chubby face and tugged, then said with a smile: "Okay, let's go to the Royal Dim Sum Shop to buy cakes tonight. Then go to the hot pot shop for dinner, okay?" "Wow! Go to the hot pot

shop , eat hot pot?" Li Xiaorui exclaimed.

"Yes, let's go to the shop to eat hot pot, and by the way, let's go to Baiweilou to buy some food and wine. What do you want to eat?"

"Big prawns! Sweet and sour fish! Chicken wings!"

Li Xiaorui shouted immediately.

"Okay!" Li Qiao replied simply.

"Uncle and father are the best!" Li Xiaorui was very excited, hugged Li Yunfan's little fat friend tightly and shook, then tiptoed to kiss Li Qiao.

Li Qiao bent down and let him give her a loud poke on her cheek, he was satisfied, then turned her small body to look at Zheng Qianqian.

Zheng Qianqian was a little helpless: "Since when did we miss you at home, I miss the food outside so much!" "

He doesn't eat it often, so naturally he misses it." Li Qiao said with a smile.

"Uncle, don't spoil him. You have to beat him up. He didn't learn a word today." "He

already knows hundreds of characters and can recite more than a dozen poems. It's already very good. He just three years ago." How old is it, don't worry."

Li Qiao has never raised a child before, so he doesn't know how Li Xiaorui's level is among three-year-olds, but he thinks Li Xiaorui is awesome, anyway, he is young, so teach him slowly.

"Did something good happen to you today?"

Tao Zhu looked at him curiously.

good thing?

Li Qiao immediately laughed out loud: "It is indeed a good thing, the British government has fallen."




Tao Zhu, Zheng Qianqian, and Li Xia were all surprised eyes widened.

They are in the north of the city, while the British government is in the east of the city, and there is no internet at this time, so they don't know the biggest thing of today.

After listening to Li Qiao's retelling, all three of them gritted their teeth, filled with righteous indignation, this is simply not human.

Your Majesty should have done it earlier!

But at this time, it is better to do it than not to do it.

"It's a good day, and we really should eat something good to celebrate." Tao Zhu also smiled, his watery eyes curved into crescent moons.

"Hey, Your Majesty is so wise, I can't wait to jump out of the carriage and take a few steps now!"

Zheng Qianqian was very excited, and hugged Li Xiaorui, who was standing in front of Li Qiao, into her arms, and rubbed her hands hard .

The Holy One is a good emperor who decides for the people.

Must have a big meal tonight!

Celebrating in the hot pot shop until dark, the family went home. After returning home, after washing up, they first put the two cubs to sleep, and then Li Qiao dragged Tao Zhu to toss hard for an hour.

How can such a happy event be celebrated with food alone?

Of course, I have to share this joy with Fu Lang.

Tao Zhu was also in high spirits and cooperated very much. After the end, he was not very tired, and took another couple's bath with Li Qiao.

Back on the kang again, he still didn't feel sleepy.

"Still sleeping? I won't be able to get up tomorrow." Li Qiao held him in his arms and kissed him on the forehead.

"I'm happy in my heart." Tao Zhu said, and couldn't help laughing again.

How could there be such a happy thing for him?

He had put one hand on Li Qiao's waist at random, but the weather was hot, so he and Li Qiao didn't put on any clothes after bathing.

Li Qiao has abs, and it feels good to the touch.

His hands quickly moved from Li Qiao's waist to Li Qiao's abdominal muscles, flicking and pinching, having a great time playing.

He made such a mess, Li Qiao could only pat him on the back as if coaxing two cubs: "Go to sleep, go to sleep, you can't be too happy, the fifth prince is still here.

" As soon as he came out, the smile on Tao Zhu's face faded a bit, but because Li Qiao liked to talk to him about the affairs of the court, he could also analyze the situation at this moment.

"Although there is Concubine Dong in the Dong family, Commander Dong is only the commander of the fourth grade, and it is unlikely that the Fifth Prince will be the crown prince." Concubine Dong

's younger brother, also the uncle of the Fifth Prince, is a soldier in charge of public security in the capital. Commander of the institute.

The commander of the soldiers and horses, this official position is only the fourth rank.

What he does every day is to patrol the streets and deal with some trivial matters, and his duties overlap with those of Shengjing Governor.

The real safety of Shengjing is protected by the forbidden army, and it is not up to soldiers to take action.

As for Concubine Dong Gui's own father, he used to be a third-rank servant of the Ministry of War. After retiring, he was made an earl by Sheng Hong, without any real power in his hands.

Therefore, he felt that the possibility of the fifth prince becoming the prince was very low.

"Until the moment the dust settles, any prince is possible." Li Qiao is cautious, and he only partially agrees with Tao Zhu's words.

"I really think it is unlikely. He is so close to the British government. He probably knows about the bad things of the British government. He knows it but doesn't stop it. This conflicts with His Majesty's benevolence. His Majesty will not choose him as the prince. Yes."

The more Tao Zhu analyzed, the more he felt that the possibility of the fifth prince succeeding to the throne was zero, so he simply used an extremely affirmative tone.

"...That makes sense."

Li Qiao didn't refute.

Just grabbed the hand of the person in his arms that was getting lower and lower.

Under normal circumstances, Brother Zhu is right.

But he has seen too many abnormal situations in the last days. He once stayed in a small base, which was half the size of a county seat, but the person in charge changed five times in a month, which is equivalent to a week. One change.

At any time, fists are the strongest reason, so, until the last moment, he can't really let go of his guard against the fifth prince.

But he couldn't tell Tao Zhu about this worry, so as not to frighten Brother Zhu.

Therefore, at this moment, he could only grab Tao Zhu's troublesome hand, relying on his body being wider than Tao Zhu's, and completely embrace Tao Zhu in his arms.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, it's really late, I have to get up after two hours of sleep." He simply moved out of his schedule.

As soon as these words came out, Tao Zhu became honest.

That's right, Li Qiao has to go to the palace tomorrow.

Obviously, the Holy Majesty will not be in a good mood in the near future, so Li Qiao needs to take care of his refreshed companion.

"It's really late, let me kiss you, then I'll sleep." With Li Qiao's hands and feet pressed down, he could only shake his body.

When Li Qiao heard this, his mouth couldn't help but curl up, his brother Zhu was so clingy to him.

He relaxed the strength of holding the person in his arms, Tao Zhu got his hands free, immediately held his cheek and kissed him deeply on the lips.

After the kiss was over, she hugged him obediently, and stuck to him tightly: "Sleep."

Li Qiao's heart softened, and he kissed his hair lightly, and then hummed, presumably tomorrow will be lively day.

With the temperament of the fifth prince, he must react.

Moreover, those innocent people who were killed did not know if Sheng Hong had any compensation arrangements. If not, should he remind Sheng Hong?

Thinking this way, he closed his eyes and prepared to fall asleep.

Ever since he got married to Tao Zhu, he had been sleeping well, and fell asleep very quickly, within five minutes, his head became dizzy, and he could go to see Duke Zhou anytime.

But at this moment, the person in his arms suddenly let out a familiar laugh.

Li Qiao: "..."

He woke up quite a bit, and he patted Tao Zhu's back lightly: "Go to sleep."

"I'm so happy." Tao Zhu couldn't help but bury his face in Li Qiao's heart, Really, it made him so happy.

When he closed his eyes just now, his mind was not sleepy, and he subconsciously pondered what Li Qiao said today.

Thinking about the British Duke now, ah no, there is no British Duke, it is the Lu family.

He couldn't help being happy when he thought that everyone in the Lu family couldn't sleep right now.

If you do too much unrighteousness, you will kill yourself. You deserve this end for killing so many people!

If you want him to say, the Holy Majesty should have acted long ago. If he had acted earlier, old man Lu would not have killed so many innocent people.

Think about Li Qiao's tragic situation when he was demanded debts by thugs in the gambling shop. Although those gamblers are hateful, the gamblers' families are innocent...

He pursed his lips tightly, and the smile disappeared from his face.

For his family, this is indeed a happy event.

But old man Lu's sin made him lose his mood to laugh.

"Go to sleep." He said softly.

"Huh?" Li Qiao keenly noticed that his voice had lost the cheerfulness just now, so he couldn't help but hugged him tightly: "What's wrong? Brother Zhu." "I just thought of

those innocent people, and the young son of the county magistrate, so miserable "

Li Qiao: "..."

He hugged the person in his arms tightly, and lowered his voice: "Don't think about it, I'll ask the Holy One these two days to see if there is any compensation." "

Can you still ask the Holy One? " Tao Zhu opened his eyes wide.

"Ask if it's okay." Li Qiao patted him on the back, telling him to sleep quickly, "Don't think about it." "

Okay." Tao Zhu obediently responded.

Don't think about it, Li Qiao has to go to the palace tomorrow to give Shengshang a contemporary pen.

The next day, Li Qiao went straight into the palace. Yesterday he went to court, but today he will not go to court. He can go directly to Guang'an Hall to sort out the papers.

He came early, and he had finished scanning half of the papers before a few grand scholars came over.

In the past, when sorting out the papers, a few senior scholars would chat casually, but today, they were all silent, especially Cao Taizhuo, Minister of the Household Department, who looked particularly bad.

Yesterday, when Sheng Hong listed the crimes committed by the British Crown Prince at the Hall of Tai Chi, he mentioned that the British Crown Prince used the fifth prince to interfere in the year-end assessment of the officials of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Although Sheng Hong didn't mention his name, as the Minister of the Household Department, his face was naturally dull.

Several powerful officials were silent, Li Qiao, a small fifth-rank official, naturally did not dare to say anything, he worked in silence, and quickly sorted all the notes.

It's time to go see Sheng Hong with the booklet.

When he arrived at Qiuxian Hall and saw Sheng Hong, he quietly observed Sheng Hong's expression.

Sheng Hong's complexion is fair, so dark circles under his eyes are quite obvious, and Sheng Hong's brows are always furrowed unconsciously.

Obviously, Sheng Hong didn't rest well.

He was only focused on celebrating yesterday and didn't have any contact with the Seventh Prince, so he didn't know what happened in the palace yesterday.

However, the Fifth Prince, Concubine Dong Gui and some officials who originally supported the Fifth Prince will definitely ask Sheng Hong to intercede.

Sheng Hong must be very upset when facing these people.

Therefore, let's be honest and contemporary today. As for whether those innocent people have been compensated, he will ask Sheng Hong when he is in a better mood.

At worst, he donated some money, those people are really miserable.

Fortunately, Sheng Hong was an emperor with a stable mood, and he seldom vented his anger on others. Although he was in a bad mood, he did not spread his anger on Qian San, Li Qiao and others.

Li Qiao, the ghostwriter, sat quietly until noon.

Sheng Hong asked him to leave the palace after lunch.

The wheat is almost ripe. In the afternoon, Sheng Hong will call the ministers to talk about this year's wheat harvest.

Food is the most important thing for the people, and food issues must be taken seriously.

Li Qiao Anxin ate a sumptuous lunch in the palace, and then left the palace.

However, unfortunately, as soon as he arrived at the gate of the palace, he saw a person walking towards the gate of the palace stepping on the neat bluestone slabs from a distance: it was none

other than the Fifth Prince.

The fifth prince was walking forward with his head depressed, looking preoccupied, but the eunuch behind him reminded him in a low voice, and he raised his head.

When he looked up, he saw Li Qiao.

Li and buckwheat.

Gritting his teeth, he said these two words once, then he tossed his clothes and went straight to Li Qiao with a gloomy face.

Li Qiao: "..."

That's all, anyway, it will happen sooner or later.

He continued to walk forward at the original speed, and when the fifth prince came to him, he respectfully saluted the fifth prince: "I have seen the fifth prince."

However, before he could straighten up, the fifth prince slammed With a single step, he stretched out his arms to his chest.

Obviously, the Fifth Prince was going to grab his collar.

He stepped back and avoided the paws of the fifth prince: "Fifth prince, this is the gate of the palace, please calm down." As soon as he said this, the

anger of the fifth prince rose again, and he sneered , raised his foot again.

But Li Qiao was guarding against him, and dodged his attack by dodging to the left.

After failing to succeed twice, the fifth prince's face immediately turned sour that he seemed to have swallowed a caterpillar: "How dare you hide?!" "

Then why don't you go down to the palace?

" Palace gate.

There was a group of twenty soldiers in solid clothes standing there. At this time, the twenty elite imperial guards were all staring at him and the fifth prince.

At the entrance of the palace, no one is allowed to make noise.

Except for Sheng Hong, Sheng Jun and his son, no one can make trouble here.

Fifth prince: "!"

This is threatening him!

However, looking at those well-trained imperial guards, his feverish head calmed down.

He had just been reprimanded by his father yesterday, and he really didn't take it seriously when he attacked Li Qiao at this time.

However, seeing the intentional innocence on Li Qiao's face, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

He stretched out his hand and tapped Li Qiao twice, and he asked with a gloomy face, "The day before yesterday in the Tai Chi Hall, you knew that the emperor's father looked bad, so why didn't you send a message to this prince?!" "?" Li Qiao opened his


wide , the look on his face became even more innocent: "About the matter of the Taiji Temple, the officials can't reveal a single word to the outside world."

"Besides, at that time, I didn't know that the Holy Majesty's anger was aimed at the Duke of England, and I was not qualified to read the secret book." The

fifth prince: "..."

He took a deep breath, clenched his fingers with both hands There was a crackling sound.

But he couldn't refute Li Qiao's words.

As far as he knew, Li Qiao was indeed not qualified to read secret books.

But he felt even more aggrieved!

If he didn't vent his anger, he would be suffocated to death soon!

Then he stretched out his hand and nodded Li Qiao, he said: "Cheng, my prince doesn't talk to you about anything else, I only want to tell you one thing." "

You, Li Qiao, are a murderer!

" For committing three words, he had a grim look on his face, which showed that he hated Li Qiao very much.

Li Qiao frowned: "I don't know what you mean." "

What do you mean? Ha, if you didn't grab the business of the Lu family's gambling house, if you didn't fight with the Lu family's ducks, the British How can you open more gambling houses?"

"Although the British prince killed someone, you, Li Qiao, are not innocent, you are an accomplice, and you are also a murderer!"

Li Qiao: "..."

He watched silently. With the fifth prince, there is no excuse.

The face that had been deliberately expressive just now to anger the fifth prince, now only remained solemn.

Seeing Li Qiao's silence, the fifth prince immediately sneered a few times: "If you don't refute, you are acquiescing. You, Li Qiao, are full of benevolence and morality, but in fact you have forced hundreds of lives to death."

"You have blood on your hands that can't be washed off!"

If he had known that Li Qiao could jump so high, then he would have secretly sent someone to kill Li Qiao!

Since he can't do it now, he must ruin Li Qiao's good reputation.

What his mother and concubine said was right, this Li Qiao was indeed a murderer, if Li Qiao hadn't pressed her every step of the way, how could Duke Ying lose his head!

"Fifth Prince, those people who lost their lives, those innocent family members who were implicated, these tragedies, the lower officials are indeed heartbroken." "

However, the lower officials were forced to fight back in the dispute with the British Duke, so the lower officials cannot agree with you Accusation."

"Instead of scolding the subordinate in a rage, why don't you find out about the problems of the Lu family, if Lu Wenrong, a useless piece of trash, didn't insult the subordinate, wouldn't there be nothing to do today?" "The subordinate still has something to do,

you There must be something important to do when you enter the palace, so I won't delay your work, please go slowly."

After saying this, Li Qiao didn't say anything, but just stood there with his eyes downcast.

The joy in the Fifth Prince's heart that hit Li Qiao's sore spot was immediately quenched by Li Qiao's indifferent attitude.

He stretched out his hand and nodded Li Qiao again, but he couldn't refute anything. In the end, he could only repeat what he said just now bitterly: "Don't let yourself off the hook, you are a murderer anyway!" Throwing away these words,

he He entered the palace with a gloomy face.

Indeed, he had serious business to discuss with his mother and concubine, and he couldn't be delayed for too long by this flea surnamed Li.

The fifth prince entered the palace, Li Qiao returned to the Hanlin Academy, when Xin Zhi saw him, he hurriedly recounted to him the performance of the Lu family who came to inquire yesterday.

After hearing all the ugly things about the Lu family, he felt better.

He continued to read in the afternoon, but at around two o'clock in the afternoon, a young eunuch suddenly came to the Imperial Academy: Sheng Hong called him into the palace.

Isn't Sheng Hong going to call a few ministers to talk about wheat harvest?

Why let him go to the contemporary pen again, and the talk is over so soon?

Confused in his heart, he followed the little eunuch to the Qiuxian Hall.

As soon as he stepped into the gate of Qiuxian Hall, he saw the fifth prince kneeling upright in front of the imperial case, while Sheng Hong was sitting behind the imperial case flipping through a notebook.

"Li Aiqing is here, come here."

Seeing him, Sheng Hong put down the folder in his hand, and waved to him.

Li Qiao stepped forward quickly, came to Sheng Hong and bowed first, and then bowed to the fifth prince.

"I heard that you and Ang'er had a dispute at the gate of the palace, and Ang'er said you were a murderer, is there such a thing?"

Sheng Hong raised his eyebrows and asked.

"...There is indeed such a thing."

Li Qiao replied respectfully.

"Then do you think you are a murderer?"

Sheng Hong asked again.

"I don't think so. But I don't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me, so I am willing to donate some money to make life easier for those innocent family members.

" The money is gone, why didn't you say donate in front of me just now? Fake benevolence, hypocrisy, deliberately for the father to see." The

fifth prince sneered.

Although he was kneeling, it didn't stop him from taunting Li Qiao.

Sheng Hong also sneered when he heard the words: "Did you do it for me? Then you should do it for me too. Seriously speaking, those people who died tragically have something to do with you. If you didn't want to take money from the Lu family, then Will this happen?!"

Fifth Prince: "!"

He raised his eyes to look at Sheng Hong in disbelief, huh?

His father knew that he took money from the Lu family regularly?

"What's the matter? You only care about showing off your prestige as a prince in front of Li Aiqing, a fifth-rank official, and you have forgotten that you are also responsible for this?"

Sheng Hong said with a sullen face: "You are kneeling here today, when will you think clearly? Now, when will you get up."

The Fifth Prince: "..."

He lowered his head and did not make any further excuses.

But his eyeballs turned back and forth, and his heart fell straight down.

It's kind of scary.

How did his father know about the money he took from the Lu family?

"Li Aiqing, since Lao Wu mentioned this matter, I think you are not at ease. I confiscated the properties of the Lu family in Yuanshan Mansion and Daze Mansion, and used these properties to compensate the relatives of those innocent victims.

" If you really can't make it through, then donate some money, and I will let Zhao Cun go to comfort those people."

Sheng Hong said to Li Qiao.

"Your majesty is wise, I am willing to donate some silver."

Li Qiao said immediately.

"Okay." Sheng Hong nodded, and then looked at the fifth prince: "Old man, you also take out the silver, at least ten thousand taels. I will tell the world about this. come buy your good name of. "

Fifth prince: "..."

He gritted his teeth, it should be.

"Also, Li Aiqing is not hypocritical, he donated money as early as the flood. When you forced the people to sleep and eat in order to show me, Li Aiqing and his wife donated 220,000 taels of silver to help the people rebuild their homes. "

I originally didn't want to publicize this matter for Li Aiqing, but since you keep saying that he is a murderer, then I have to give him a publicity." "

" Fifth, why can't you do what I ask you to do? "

At the end, Sheng Hong couldn't help sighing.

Shouldn't the correct way to be a prince be to imitate his behavior?

But what did his fifth and third sons do all day long!

Perhaps, his original idea was wrong. Yes.

In fact, he also thought about picking only one son to focus on training, so as to avoid the tragedy of brothers fighting against each other.

But the injury of the eldest son made him dispel this idea.

In case the only seedling he picked was accidentally destroyed, and the other The son is incompetent, so there will be no one to inherit Dasheng?

Therefore, he chose to raise seven sons fairly and justly.

Of course, he loves the eldest son more, but this is also human nature, after all, he is the eldest son , was weak and injured, as a father, he naturally wanted to make up for it.

But for the remaining six sons, he also tried his best to teach them to make them mature.

Even if brothers fought against each other and killed each other, it would be better than Dasheng with no one to inherit.

After he fell ill last year, he was even more convinced that what he did was correct, even if he collapsed, his father would always be able to help his son to the throne at any time.

But looking at it now, it seems that his decision was a bit wrong.

Once these sons lose their temper, not only their brothers, but also innocent people will be hurt.


His emperor is really too difficult.

The author has something to say:

It's time to pave the way for the Fifth Prince.

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