Chapter 10 Wanting Cheng Liqiao's Love The Prodigal Son Turns Back

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 The Zhuang family has a good family background. The land in the family has a total of 200 mu. It is a landlord's family.

During the wheat harvest season, they have always hired long-term and short-term workers to harvest wheat, but Zhuang Fengshou has always attached great importance to the wheat harvest, and the farmers have to go to the fields to work.

Therefore, at noon today, when Zhuang Fengshou came home from the wheat field, he happened to see Li Liang showing off the wheat scythe.

He also tried it himself.

This wheat sickle requires skill and a lot of strength, but compared to the small sickle, it can be called a magic weapon for harvesting wheat.

Now, Li Qiao wants to teach everyone how to make the scythe for free?


Zhuang Fengshou's little grandson Zhuangzhuang was about the same age as Li Qiao, and immediately asked the doubts in the hearts of everyone present.

Everyone in Sanliu Village knew that Li Qiao owed tens of taels of silver in gambling debts. This scythe was much better than ordinary scythes. He would definitely earn a lot of money by making scythes for everyone.

"Actually, the method is very simple. Farmers can understand it after just a few glances."

Li Qiao didn't bother, pointing out the most direct reason.

Of the whole scythe, the most complex is the scythe.

But he didn't open a blacksmith shop, so this step was out of his control.

As for the long pole on the sickle and the wooden fence, this is too simple, and you don't need to find a carpenter, the farmer can make it by himself.

In this world without intellectual property rights, once there are more scythes, other people will definitely imitate them instead of paying him to make them.

Moreover, even if he wants to charge, how much is appropriate?

People in the country are frugal, and they wish they could break a penny in half. The price he asked for was lower, and he was at a disadvantage, so he might as well sell fish.

The price he asked for was too high, and the villagers were not only reluctant to part with the money, but also felt that he was cheating people.

The reputation left by the original body is already bad enough, so bad that Han Xiaoyan spit on him and spray him in the face, and he has to be very angry. If he cheats the villagers again, he will not be able to stay in the village from now on.

Therefore, making scythes is a low-income job and takes up his time, which is a loss-making business.

It's better to teach everyone the method for free, so as to earn a good reputation in Sanliu Village.

He didn't want to be pointed at the nose and scolded again.

From now on, the person who uses the wheat sickle in Sanliu Village must give him a good face no matter what he thinks in his heart.

Otherwise, it will be his turn to turn around.

Thinking like this, he said again: "This method is not worth a few copper coins. And if I do it alone, the speed is too slow, and it will delay everyone's harvesting." "It's better to spread the method so that everyone can do it,

then You guys can just go to the blacksmith's and make a scythe."

"But you still suffer."

Zhuang Fengshou said after hearing Li Qiao's explanation, his eyes lit up.

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