Chapter 06 I'm Tired Even After Earning Money

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    Li Qiao helped Tao Zhu cut an acre of wheat, and Tao Zhu refused to let him cut any more.

Thinking that there was not much dry firewood left at home, he bid farewell to Tao Zhu and went up the mountain to collect firewood.

The mountain next to Sanliu Village, from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside, is the activity area of ​​the villagers, and there are very few prey.

If you want to hunt, you have to go deep into the mountains. But if you go into the deep mountains, you can't make it back in a day, and you have to spend the night in the mountains.

For the time being, Li Qiao is not interested in eating and sleeping in the open. Instead of spending time in the mountains, it is better to sell fish in a down-to-earth manner.

He picked up firewood on the mountain and returned home, the sun had already set, so he went to Li Liang's house with a few fish.

Li Liang's family had two carts, and he wanted to rent one to sell fish in the county town tomorrow.

He is so motivated, and he still rents it, Wang Guihua can't find any fault. Li Liang also lent him two large buckets and scales, and was very supportive of his great business of selling fish.

With these two large buckets, Li Qiao was so motivated that he got up at midnight, that is, at 11:30 in the middle of the night, to catch fish by the river.

In order to hurry up, he directly used his ability this time, and filled four buckets and a basket in less than half an hour.

He tied the bucket basket firmly to the cart with hemp rope, and he pushed the cart towards the county town against the cool night wind.

After walking for two full hours, eating two big steamed buns in the middle, he finally arrived at the county seat at dawn.

The county seat is called Pingcheng, and when you go to the city to sell things, you need to pay a penny of business tax.

Most of the country people are reluctant to pay this penny, so they set up stalls in the open space next to the gate of the county seat. What they bring over are the freshest vegetables, and the prices are sometimes lower than those in the county seat. Therefore, some merchants in the county seat and People, love to come here to buy.

The county magistrate turned a blind eye to this, so the gate of the county town was very lively every morning, like a market.

Li Qiao was penniless, so he could only set up a stall here. He came a bit late, and all the good positions were already taken.

He could only park the cart in the corner.

Putting the bucket and pannier on the ground, he began to yell.

"Sell fish! Live fish costs six cents a catty, and dead fish costs five cents a catty!"

As soon as this yell came out, it immediately attracted a lot of attention.

According to the market price, grass carp costs eight Wen a catty, even if it is a dead fish, it is fifteen Wen a catty.

But now someone actually sells it for five or six yuan a catty?

Regardless of whether it was the aunts and aunts who came out to catch the morning market to buy vegetables, or the purchases of wealthy families and merchants, they all surrounded them at once.

"Is this live fish really worth six cents a catty?" A chubby middle-aged man in silk and satin asked, pointing to the bucket full of live fish.

"Yes, all the live fish are six cents a catty." Li Qiao replied with a smile.

He recognized who it was.

This is shopkeeper Wang from Wangyue Tower in the county seat. I have gone to Wangyue Tower to drink a few times, so I recognize this shopkeeper Wang.

"Then I want this bucket, you weigh it."

Shopkeeper Wang said, pointing to one of the big buckets.

The buddy behind him has a bucket, which is specially used to hold fish.

"Okay." Li Qiao's hands and feet were very quick: "The total is fifty-eight and a half catties, and the change of half a catty is erased. Calculated based on six Wen per catty, the total is three hundred and forty-eight Wen."

Shopkeeper Wang nodded and had no objection to the number, and quickly counted 348 copper coins from his purse.

Li Qiao took the copper plate and said with a smile, "Go ahead, welcome back tomorrow."

"Are you coming tomorrow?" asked Shopkeeper Wang.

It's so cheap, and it's a live fish, it's hard for him not to be tempted.

"I'll be here in the next few days." Li Qiao answered firmly while clutching the copper coins.

This is a costless business, and the money is not bad.

"Success. If it's live fish tomorrow, then I'll take it." Shopkeeper Wang said, and left with his staff.

As soon as the shopkeeper Wang left, other aunts and aunts who were waiting to buy fish and those who were eager to buy fish opened their mouths and asked Li Qiao to sell them to them first.

This young man not only set the price low, but also wiped it out! This fish is not worried about selling at all, they are afraid that they will not be able to buy it if they move too slowly.

"Everyone has a share, come one by one, don't worry. Even if you can't buy it today, there is still tomorrow. I will come tomorrow."

Li Qiao had a gentle smile on his delicate face, holding the scale in one hand and catching the fish in the other.

He is handsome and handsome, with a smile and a bookish look on his body. Although he is selling fish at this time, this does not affect his outstanding temperament.

Everyone looked at him and lowered their voices involuntarily.

So, it went smoothly.

The live fish in the bucket and the dead fish in the basket sold out quickly, and within half an hour, both the bucket and the basket were empty.

His purse was full.

A total of 330 catties of fish, 280 catties of live fish, and 50 catties of dead fish, plus wipes, finally got a total of 1,905 copper coins.

Carrying a heavy purse, Li Qiao pushed the cart into the county seat.

He went to the county to buy things, so he didn't have to pay a penny of tax, he just went in.

After a busy morning, he was already hungry, so he bought ten meat buns the size of his fist with no meat at all for 20 Wen, and then went to the blacksmith's shop while eating.

He was going to hit some scythes.

The owner of the blacksmith shop is an old man in his fifties, surnamed Chen. After listening to Li Qiao's request, he directly stretched out five fingers: "Your sickle is worth two ordinary sickles, and the minimum cost is five hundred coins. Money."

"No problem, I'll call three first. I want it urgently, and I think I can get it the next morning, and I can pay for the expedited fee." "If it is

urgent, one is 20 cents more, and three is Sixty Wen, a total of 1,560 Wen. You pay half of the deposit first, which is 780 Wen."

Old man Chen quickly gave the amount that Li Qiao needed to pay at this time.

Li Qiao counted out seven hundred and eighty Wen from the money bag, took the handprinted note from old man Chen, and left with the cart.

After deducting the money for the scythe, Li Qiao still had three hundred and twenty-five copper coins left in his hand.

He started shopping for the necessities of life.

For example, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, saponins and so on.

He also bought the candy promised to Li Xiaolan.

The price of sugar, though, shocked him a bit.

Maltose is actually two hundred coins a catty.

And sucrose is more expensive, because there is no sucrose in the local area, and the sucrose sold is shipped from other places, so it costs 350 yuan a catty.

The price is so expensive, but Li Qiao still bought half a catty of maltose for 100 Wen.

Before leaving, he went to the bun shop and bought 30 meat buns, which cost 60 Wen.

Putting all the various items he bought on the cart, he pushed the cart and wandered towards Sanliu Village.

It was already evening when we arrived at Sanliu Village.

He went to Li Liang's house first.

Only Li Xiaolan was at home, Li Liang, Wang Guihua, and Li Xiaolan's three elder brothers were all busy in the wheat field.

Li Qiao left half a catty of maltose and ten meat buns—the other twenty were his lunch and dinner before returning home.

When I got home, my whole body was really sore.

If he wasn't a supernatural being, he really wouldn't be able to support this kind of work.

After cooking porridge and eating five buns, he soon fell asleep.

After sleeping for two hours, he got up at 11:30 in the middle of the night like last night, ate the remaining five buns, then went to the river to catch fish, and went to the county town to sell them.

Today's business is still going smoothly, and shopkeeper Wang came again. After the fish was sold out, he had nineteen hundred copper coins in his purse.

He pushed the cart into the county seat, bought steamed stuffed buns and maltose, and rushed back.

It was just five o'clock when we arrived at Sanliu Village.

Instead of resting, he carried a basket on his back and walked along the foot of the mountain, bypassing the path in the village, avoiding the villagers and going to the wasteland in the northwest corner.

As he thought, Tao Zhu was cutting wheat with a sickle.

However, Tao Zhu didn't bend over to cut, but sat on the ground and waved the sickle.

Sitting and cutting wheat is not as fast as bending down, but Tao Zhu no longer bends down. There is only one possibility: he is too tired to bend down anymore.

Li Qiao frowned, and walked over quickly.

There were more than 20 meters away from Tao Zhu, so he called out: "Brother Zhu!"

Tao Zhu suddenly heard this, he paused, and looked towards the source of the sound.

Seeing Li Qiao's slightly thin but slender figure, he couldn't help tightening his hand holding the sickle. The day before yesterday, this man only said that he would not come again yesterday, but did not say what happened today.

It was getting dark now, and he thought that this person would not come today or even in the future...

Li Qiao quickly ran to Tao Zhu, put down the basket, and put five meat buns and two bags wrapped in oil paper inside. A piece of malt candy was brought out.

"Eat quickly. I'll cut the rest for you."

Tao Zhu didn't pick it up, but looked at him with a pair of moist eyes.

"Eat it. Although it's cold, the buns still taste good." Li Qiao reminded, "It's getting dark, I'll cut some for you." "...No, you rest


" There are a lot of red blood, which shows that I haven't rested well.

Tao Zhu said: "Sit down and tell me about the process of selling fish. I've grown up so much, I haven't been to a county town yet."

The author has something to say:

Explain the price of maltose. Wheat and glutinous rice are needed to make maltose, but with regard to the ratio of wheat to glutinous rice, some say it is one to three, and some say one to ten. I have not done it myself, so I take an intermediate number and calculate it according to one to eight. According to the cost, a price of two hundred Wen per catty was set.

Babes, have fun watching, don't be serious~

Finally ask for a collection and Huahua, memememememe!

Domineering husbandजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें