Chapter 38 Zhao Erniu is making trouble

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    "My uncle and uncle Zhu are too busy to cook, so I hired my sister-in-law to cook."

Li Dashan replied while weighing the eggs.

To put it bluntly, it was because Li Qiao was reluctant to cook for Tao Zhu that he hired someone. This was too much hatred for Tao Zhu, so Li Qiao gave a very official reason.

"Oh, I hired your sister-in-law, so I have to pay your sister-in-law." Zhang Xiuhua was surprised.

"Well, twenty Wen a day, and only responsible for three meals a day."

Li Dashan said, "Auntie, the eggs are six and a half catties." "

Well, that's the number."

Zhang Xiuhua had already Weighed these eggs.


Her focus is not on the eggs now.

She couldn't help exclaiming: "Twenty cents for just cooking three meals?!"

"Yes, my uncle has always been generous, and he is even more generous to himself."

Li Dashan took out the copper coins from the money box while talking. One catty of eggs is ten Wen, and six and a half catties is sixty-five Wen.

He started counting coppers.

And Zhang Xiuhua looked at Li Chuntao with envy in his eyes.

Be good, you can earn 20 yuan a day by cooking three meals a day, there is such a good thing in the world!

At first, I thought that Wang Xiuying's job was like a pie in the sky, but now looking at Li Chuntao, Wang Xiuying's pie is not attractive at all.

Li Chuntao's big meatloaf that fell from the sky is so attractive!

She couldn't help but count in her heart. Among the families who lent money to Li Qiao, Li Liang's family got the most rewards, and Li Dashan was the first one Li Qiao hired.

Now it's Li Chuntao's turn.

Li Gu lent Li Qiao five taels of silver, ranking second, so Li Qiao hired Li Chuntao, which was in line with Wang Guihua's logic.

Next, Li Qiao will hire another person, who should be the one who chooses the banker. The village chief also lent Li Qiao five taels of silver.

But the village chief's family is not short of money, so they will definitely not come to work.

Skip the dealer, that's Zheng Butcher.

Butcher Zheng's family is also rich, and people from Zheng's family may not necessarily come to work.

Therefore, Li Qiao's next hire should be from Zhao Mancang's family.

Or choose Li Dazhong.

Emma, ​​after this calculation, the only benefactors and relatives of Li Qiao standing in front of the villagers are Zhao Mancang and Li Dazhong.

In just a few days, Li Qiao had already hired three people. With Li Qiao's hiring speed, it won't be long before it's the folks' turn!

"Auntie, here are sixty-five copper plates, you count them."

At this time, Li Dashan handed the counted copper plates to Zhang Xiuhua.

Zhang Xiuhua took it, counted it, and confirmed it was correct, then stared at Li Dashan with fiery eyes and said: "Dashan, if your uncle recruits again, he must think of auntie. Auntie can't lose to anyone in work. "

Don't worry, auntie, I will remind uncle!"

Li Dashan patted his chest in response.

They are all from the same village, so they really know the basics.

Satisfied, Zhang Xiuhua left with an empty basket and copper coins.

Li Qiao hurriedly made a fortune and hired more people. She worked hard and never offended Li Qiao. If Li Qiao picked someone from the village, she would definitely be able to choose him.

As soon as Zhang Xiuhua left, someone came over with dry firewood.

It was none other than Zhao Erniu.

Although she said she couldn't get Fang Zi from Li Qiao's hand, Li Qiao didn't say she wouldn't accept her family's things. It happened that she went to the mountain to collect firewood today, so she abducted her to Li Qiao's house to sell some of them.

The strong spicy smell wafted from the door of Li Qiao's house, which stimulated her hungry stomach. She sniffed, rolled her eyes, and saw Li Chuntao who was cooking beside the vegetable garden.

"Why is Chuntao here?" She asked in surprise.

Li Dashan first called out the third grandma, and then brought out the official reason.

When Zhao Erniu heard this, she couldn't help but patted the table in front of Li Dashan: "Why don't you come to me when you are looking for someone to cook? I have been cooking all my life, and my craftsmanship is as good as Chuntao's!" "Hurry up, let Chuntao go back, I will do

it Here's the meal."

She said and was about to enter the yard.

Li Dashan quickly opened his arms and stood in front of her: "Third Grandma, my uncle has already hired my sister-in-law, how can I change people casually." At

this moment, Li Qiao heard the movement and walked out of the shed.

He smiled and said, "Third Aunt, it's not your turn yet. When I hire people, I choose them based on the amount of money they lent me."

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Erniu instantly remembered the scene where she was sprayed with saliva by Wang Guihua two days ago.

Her face darkened a little: "Since you are so busy cooking that you don't have time, why not ask Da Zhong to help you." "

Come one by one, in order."

Zhao Erniu: "..."

She paused After a pause, he looked at Li Chuntao: "Chuntao young people don't know how to save money. They just cook lunch and make such a big smell. How much oil and seasonings are wasted." "It's delicious." Li Qiao

still smiling.

"With her reputation, you are not afraid of affecting your business, how unlucky!" Zhao Erniu said again.

Li Chuntao, who was cooking silently at the side, couldn't help but clenched the fire stick in his hand when he heard this, and his body froze.

The smile on Li Qiao's face faded: "I sell dim sum. As long as my dim sum is delicious, someone will buy it.

" It's a joke, this is really affecting my business."

"What are you talking about! I'm not doing it for your own good, she can put medicine on that Zhou, and she can also put medicine on your dim sum!"

Zhao Erniu yelled angrily .

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Li Qiao's face disappeared completely: "Did you see with your own eyes that Chuntao drugged

that surnamed Zhou? " !" Zhao Erniu continued to yell.

"You didn't see it with your own eyes, but you believed what the Zhou family said. In this way, you and the Zhou family are family."

"I don't welcome people from the Zhou family here. You go out. From now on, I won't accept anything from you."

Li Qiao pointed to the door with his right hand, Jun's face was expressionless.

A drop of water the size of a grain of rice slowly condensed into shape at the tip of his left finger.

He was always smiling in front of people, and he seemed to have no temper, especially the last time Zhao Erniu Han Xiaoyan made a fuss at his house, not only was he not angry, but he enjoyed watching the excitement with great interest.

Therefore, Zhao Erniu always thought that he was a temperless person.

But now he put a smile on his delicate face, neither his expression nor his tone were cold, but Zhao Erniu shuddered inexplicably.

Why does it feel a little dangerous...

"Aren't you leaving?" Li Qiao raised his eyebrows.

The drops of water from the tip of his left finger slid down the clothes on his body and fell to the ground.

But at this moment, Li Dazhong's figure suddenly appeared at the gate of the courtyard.

"Mother, you are really here with Xiao Qiao!" Li Dazhong frowned: "Just now I met Auntie Xiuhua, she said she saw you coming with dry firewood, and our family does not have enough dry firewood, why are you selling dry firewood?"

As he spoke, he entered the yard, walked up to Zhao Erniu in a few steps, took Zhao Erniu's arm and left.

"Wait a minute."

Li Qiao spoke first.

"What's wrong?" Li Dazhong looked at Li Qiao.

Only then did he realize that the expressions of Li Qiao, Tao Zhu, and Li Dashan were all wrong, and he frowned even tighter: "If my mother said something, just pretend you didn't hear it, don't be as knowledgeable as her!"

"Third Aunt's words just now, I really can't pretend that I didn't hear them. She framed Chuntao as a drug in the dim sum."

Li Qiao quickly repeated what Zhao Erniu said just now.

He also expressed his attitude. He couldn't accept Zhao Erniu's remarks. Zhao Erniu's remarks would definitely affect his business. Therefore, starting today, Zhao Erniu was not welcome in his family. Li Dazhong heard that his eyebrows could pinch a fly to death. He first smiled apologetically at Li Qiao, and unconditionally supported Li Qiao's decision, then gritted his teeth and looked at Zhao Erniu: "Mother, are you trying to force Chuntao

to death?!"

Chuntao has a way out, but listen to what his mother said!

Zhao Erniu was frightened by Li Qiao just now, but now she was yelled at by Li Dazhong, and she suddenly felt that she was stupid just now.

How could she be frightened by Li Qiao!

She yelled: "I'm doing it for Li Qiao's benefit, and I'm kindly treating it as a donkey's liver and lungs. When Chuntao really prescribes the medicine, it will be too late!" Li Dazhong: "..." He dragged Zhao Erniu away without saying a



Zhao Erniu naturally didn't want to leave, she stared at the ground with both feet, struggling and said: "Li Qiao, it's rare for Third Aunt to come to your house, so why don't you keep Third Aunt for a meal?!" The smell was so delicious to her,

she I was reluctant to leave.

Li Dazhong: "..."


He simply bent down and lifted Zhao Erniu onto his shoulders.

"Brother Dazhong, wait, you can have lunch here, after all, the third aunt will not be able to come to my house in the future."

Li Qiao suddenly opened his mouth and asked Li Dazhong to stop.

He also personally went to stop Li Dazhong and asked Li Dazhong to put Zhao Erniu down.

Li Dazhong was taken aback for a moment, then quickly refused.

But Zhao Erniu was happy.

Ha, Li Qiao didn't let her come, but she insisted on coming.

As a junior, Li Qiao dared to move her finger to try!

There is free chicken to eat today, this trip was not in vain.

Seeing that Li Qiao wanted to stay, Tao Zhu also stepped forward to persuade Li Dazhong to let Li Dazhong stay.

Li Dazhong saw that Li Qiao and Tao Zhu were sincere, so he could only agree.

On the other side, Li Chuntao has already cooked the big plate chicken, and is waiting for the lasagna.

Zhao Erniu is not interested in noodles at the moment. She took a spoon and scooped up a large bowl of chicken, then brought it to the table and started eating.

"Brother Dazhong, you're welcome, come, you can eat too."

Li Qiao also served Li Dazhong a bowl of chicken.

Li Dazhong shook his head, he will eat some noodles later.

He didn't want to take it, so Li Qiao handed the bowl to Tao Zhu and asked Tao Zhu to eat first.

Tao Zhu was about to wave his hand, when suddenly, Erniu Zhao who was next to him let out a sharp "Aw", the cry was so shrill that he subconsciously shuddered when he heard it.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Li Dazhong was startled, and hurried to see Zhao Erniu.

Zhao Erniu couldn't sit still on the small bench, and she fell to the ground when she crooked, covering her mouth with her hands, making a beast-like "uh-uh" sound from her throat, and bright red glaring blood gushed out from between her fingers , soon dyed her hands red.


Li Dazhong was terrified.

The others were also taken aback, and hurried forward to check.

Li Dazhong pressed Zhao Erniu's body to prevent her from struggling, and Li Qiao carefully opened her hand covering her mouth.

Seeing the situation in her mouth clearly, Li Qiao frowned and hissed, and hurriedly said to Li Dashan, "You go to the village head's house to borrow an ox cart and take your third grandma to the county medical clinic!" Seeing blood in Zhao Erniu's

mouth It was a mess, and the half-chewed chicken leg in her mouth was also stained red.

On her tongue, there was a wound in the shape of a drumstick bone, and blood was constantly oozing from the wound.

The author has something to say:

the third update!

Babes, are you comfortable~

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