Chapter 71 The Holy One's Reward

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    Along with Jiangzhi County, there were three men in blue brocade clothes riding tall horses.

The three men looked very capable. The leader had ordinary facial features, but his eyes were sharp. Hearing Jiangzhi County calling "Xiao Li", his eyes swept over Li Qiao like a searchlight.

Li Qiao didn't seem to know it at all, but looked at Jiangzhi County in surprise.

For the time being, Jiangzhi County ignored Li Qiao, but said to the leader: "Lord Zhao, this is Li Qiao, why don't we go back to the county government office for questioning?" "

Yeah." The leader nodded.

So, Li Qiao and Tao Zhu, who looked "confused", followed the Jiangzhi County carriage to the county government.

Li Qiao is not stupid, judging by his posture, it is likely that the Holy Majesty has replied.

But Tao Zhu beside him was confused, so he also became confused.

When they arrived at the county government, the magistrate Jiang explained to Li Qiao and Tao Zhu what had happened.

These three adults in blue brocade robes are from the Holy Majesty's guards, and the leader is Zhao Cun, the captain of the guards.

Master Zhao and the three were ordered to investigate the vermicelli.

After Jiangzhi County's papers were delivered to the imperial court, the Holy Master was overjoyed with doubts. He had just written an article about cheap grain hurting farmers and expensive rice hurting people. As a result, Pingcheng jumped out of this vicious circle with practical actions. What a coincidence, right?

The vermicelli taste really good.

But the benefits brought by vermicelli are doubtful.

So the Holy One sent the guards around him to investigate.

The three of Zhao Cun came to Pingcheng eight days ago. During these eight days, they first visited the sweet potato workshops in the county, and then randomly selected a few villages and towns to investigate.

Of course, in Sanliu Village, which is the most important place, they also went to investigate as ordinary small traders, but no matter where they were, they found no fraud.

The vermicelli in Pingcheng is really like what is written in the Jiangzhi County booklet. The sweet potato harvest is bumper, the farmers earn a lot of money, and the whole county is in a state of madness.

Since Jiangzhi County didn't make any random fabrications, the Holy One will reward him.

Zhao Cun and the others have already brought the reward from the Holy Majesty, and now they have to wait for Zhao Cun and the three to ask Li Qiao in person, then the investigation will be completely over.

After the investigation is over, the magistrate's reward will fall into the hands of Jiang County Magistrate and Li Qiao—of course, if any fraud is found, it will be punished.

So, Jiang Zhixian and Zhao Cun were going to Sanliu Village today, but they met Li Qiao at the gate of the city.

After Jiangzhi County's explanation, Li Qiao looked stunned, and then looked at Zhao Cun with a little "nervousness", waiting for Master Zhao to ask questions.

Zhao Cun set up a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and first asked about Li Qiao's life.

Then he asked Li Qiao why he had such a big change.

He also asked which miscellaneous books Li Qiao made the dim sum from.

Of course, the key point is how Liqiao makes vermicelli.

After this inquiry, an hour has passed.

Li Qiao put on a tense look on the surface, but he was calm in his heart.

From which miscellaneous books?

Later, he actually read some books in order to prove the lie of miscellaneous books, such as the method of making maltose, which is recorded in "Qi Min Yao Shu".

In addition, there are wheat sickles and youth groups, which exist in this world. He either heard about them so he explored them by himself, or he couldn't remember which book he read them in.

No one can make a mistake with these two answers.

As for dim sum such as Shaqima and Peach Cake, he put it on his "talent". He was raised by someone before, so he didn't have to worry about eating and drinking, so he didn't bother to use his brain.

Now that there is no one to raise it, it has come to a dead end, so I can only bite the bullet and do it myself. This time, I opened the door to a new world.

In short, looking at Zhao Cun's eyes and expression, one can tell that there is nothing wrong with his answers.

After all, he has been in the last days, and he is still a supernatural being. He can feel whether others have any malice towards him.

Zhao Cun recorded Li Qiao's answer, confirmed it again, and then said to Jiang Zhixian: "Master Jiang, wait until tomorrow to read the imperial decree. It's getting late today." "It's natural." Jiang Zhixian smiled

. should go down.

He has already figured out what the reward from the Holy Majesty is.

He was extremely satisfied with this reward, looking at Li Qiao now was like looking at his own son, extremely kind.

Sending Zhao Cun and the others away, he first revealed to Li Qiao Tao Zhu, and he also found out Li Qiao's reward.

Then he personally took Li Qiao to sign up for the county test.

It is very troublesome to sign up for the county examination. Not only do you need to fill in the form, but you also need to be present.

The first thing to fill in is the resume. Those who sign up must write down their name, place of origin, and appearance characteristics clearly to prevent others from taking the exam.

It is also necessary to write the resumes of the two generations of grandparents and parents to prove that the three generations of grandparents and grandchildren are all innocent.

This form is equivalent to an ID card and a political review, and the village head needs to be present when filling it out, and the village head acts as a guarantor.

Zhuang Fengshou came to the county to look for Zhuang Wen yesterday, so he did not come with Li Qiao and Tao Zhu today. Originally, Li Qiao and Tao Zhu planned to go directly to Zhuang Wen's house, because today Li Qiao not only needs Zhuang Fengshou, the village head, but also Zhuang Wen, the grannie and two other scholars.

When you sign up, you must not only fill in the resume, but also fill out a mutual insurance policy.

Mutual bond means mutual proof. This mutual bond insurance policy refers to three scholars who applied for the county exam to prove to each other that the other party did not cheat for the exam, and if one of the three cheated, then all three would be subject to joint sitting.

In the previous dynasty, five people filled out the mutual insurance policy, but when Dasheng was established, there were fewer people and fewer scholars, so the five people became three people.

Li Qiao had been studying at home before, and did not know other scholars.

But Zhuang Wen knew it.

Zhuang Wen has been studying in a private school and knows many scholars. Moreover, he is now a janitor. A scholar who takes the county examination has to find a guarantor.

There were many people looking for him, so he chose two of them to fill out the mutual insurance policy with Li Qiao.

This involves the third form: the bond.

It is to let a granary student and the village head of his own village guarantee that the applicant will not fake his identity, hide his funeral, or take the exam for him.

So today Zhuang Wen's family not only has Zhuang Fengshou, but also two scholars who are going to take the exam this time, but they waited and waited, and after waiting for a long time, they did not see Li Qiao and Tao Zhu coming. Zhuang Fengshou was afraid of accidents, and was thinking To find someone.

As a result, a yamen servant went to Zhuang Wen's house.

So, Zhuang Fengshou, Zhuang Wen, and two scholars came to the county government office with puzzled faces.

By the time the registration process was over, it was already noon.

Liuli buckwheat and pottery bamboo in Jiangzhi County, and Zhuang Fengshou and Zhuang Wen have lunch.

Tomorrow, Li Qiao's reward will be sent to Sanliu Village. As the village head, Zhuang Fengshou has to organize the villagers to welcome the imperial decree.

"Imperial decree?!"

Zhuang Fengshou was startled when he heard these two words, and almost dropped the chopsticks in his hand.

Zhuang Wen did the same, his whole body trembled, and the chopsticks in his hand almost fell off.

The father and son were anxiously waiting at home, but after hearing what the yamen servant said, they came to the county yamen in a daze, not knowing Zhao Cun and the other three.

At this time, they suddenly heard the word "imperial decree", which taught them how not to be shocked.

"Don't panic, let's practice it later." Jiang Zhixian said with a smile to comfort him.

There is a set of standard procedures for receiving the imperial decree, but it is not cumbersome. Besides, the people in the countryside, let alone the imperial decree, have never even been out of the county. It doesn't count either.

So, after lunch is to learn the relevant etiquette.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Jiangzhi County let them go and asked them to return to the village to prepare.

Leaving the county government office in a daze, Li Qiao Taozhu and Zhuang Wenzhuang Fengshou look at me and I look at you, for a moment they don't know how to speak.

It's not a dream, is it?

This is not a dream, is it?

The previous sweet potato workshops were all great things that I never dreamed of, but now there is something more dreamy than the sweet potato workshop?

In the end, it was Li Qiao who laughed: "This is a happy event, let's go back to the village."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Zhuang Fengshou had the real feeling of an imperial decree from heaven.

It's a happy event.

This is indeed a great event wow!

He hahahad a few times before nodding his head: "Let's go back to the village."

Although it was stated that only Li Qiao's family needs to receive the order tomorrow, the imperial envoy came from the capital by the holy order. Come on, that is the imperial envoy.

When the imperial envoy comes to Sanliu Village, he must greet him well and leave a good impression on the imperial envoy.

"When you kill pigs and sheep, you must treat the imperial envoy well. Whoever cooks well in the village will go to the village, and you must satisfy the imperial envoy." "The road must be

swept clean, and no stone or leaf is allowed. On both sides of the road The freshly sprouted wild vegetables and weeds were also picked up." "

House, every household has cleaned their house thoroughly today, wiped the windows and gates clean."

Soon, thinking of the adobe brick road that has not yet started construction, he couldn't help but stomp his feet: " If I knew there was an imperial decree, I would have started work sooner!"

As for the potholed road, what should the imperial envoy do?

"Quickly, quickly, let's go back to the village and ask the villagers to repair the road with a shovel and fill all the potholes with loess." Zhuang Fengshou was anxious to fly

back to the village with his wings.

Seeing this, Li Qiao hurriedly said: "Village chief, there's no need to do this. The imperial envoy has already quietly gone to the village to inquire. They know what's going on in our village." "Ah?????" Zhuang Fengshou and


Wen , are all stupid.

The Imperial Envoy has already been to Sanliu Village?

Why don't they know?

Li Qiao explained: "They went there pretending to be ordinary traders, so we naturally didn't know."

Nowadays, many outsiders come to Sanliu Village every day. Although everyone knows that Li Qiao's vermicelli is only sold to Wangyue Tower, they still Some people were unwilling to give up and wanted to bypass Wangyue Tower to find Li Qiao to get goods.

Moreover, Li Qiao not only has vermicelli, but Li Qiao also has dim sum.

The dim sum made by Li Qiao was equally delicious, no worse than vermicelli at all. Those vendors wanted to buy Li Qiao's dim sum.

Therefore, Sanliu Village is now full of people coming and going every day, and people cheering and shouting. In this case, how can the villagers know that the three vendors are pretending to be the imperial envoy.

After listening to Li Qiao's words, Zhuang Feng was stunned for a while, and soon cheered up again.

"It's because the imperial envoy has been there once, so we need to prepare well, and let the imperial envoy see that we attach great importance to the imperial decree!"

Li Qiao: "..."

Or do we have to clean up overnight?

This is so frustrating.

As a modern person, Li Qiao could treat the imperial decree with a normal heart, but the people of Sanliu Village could not.

It was already dark when the group of them returned to Sanliu Village, but after Zhuang Fengshou summoned the villagers to announce the matter, the village boss let out a huge cheer, the imperial decree turned out to be an imperial decree!

My God, this is the real heaven!

Without Zhuang Fengshou's order, they wanted to rush home to clean up. Now that Zhuang Fengshou ordered them, they ran home even more.

Time is tight and tasks are heavy. They not only have to clean up, but also have to practice a lot, so they can't make mistakes in front of the imperial envoy.

Li Qiao's house was naturally the focus of attention of the whole village, and Zhuang Fengshou arranged for dozens of people to come to his house to clean up.

Li Qiao didn't think it was necessary. His yard was cleaned every day on weekdays.

And just after the new year, a lot of cleaning was done a year ago, so the whole yard is very clean, and there is no need to clean it up.

But Li Qiao's words don't count at this time.

Tao Zhu, Li Shu, Li Liang, Li Gu and others all picked up tools and had to clean again.

The enthusiasm of the villagers is no less than that of Tao Zhu and others. If the villagers can't go directly into the room, they wipe the yard with a rag. Not only do they clean the doors and windows, but if Li Qiao didn't stop them, the villagers would even want the tiles on the roof. Wipe it off.

After Tao Zhu cleaned up the backyard, he rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find clothes for Li Qiao, and while searching, he was annoyed: "I knew I would buy some good materials to make clothes for you." It's not that I can't afford them


But he hadn't thought about it at all before, so Li Qiao's clothes were all made of cotton.

What can I do?

Li Qiao stood in front of the table with her arms folded, watching Tao Zhu go through the wardrobe and boxes, as if she was tireless, she walked up to him and hugged him.

Then accompanied by Tao Zhu's exclamation, he sat down on the chair.

"I'm a farmer, and it's just right to wear cotton cloth. Besides, with my appearance, any clothes are a foil. Since they are all foils, it doesn't matter what I wear."

Tao Zhu: "..."

Although he wanted to nod , but now is not the time to be smug!

"Let's take a rest. We got up early this morning. It's already midnight. Aren't you tired?"

Li Qiao leaned on the back of the chair, hugged Tao Zhu's waist with one hand, and gently tapped his waist with the other. With a pointed nose, the tone is helpless.

"Why is this so tiring? I have to receive the imperial edict tomorrow."

Tao Zhushui's eyes widened.

He is full of strength now, wishing he could fly to the county seat and quickly buy a horse of good material to make clothes for this man overnight!

"Eh?" Li Qiao was amused by his rare tone, and couldn't help but leaned over and kissed his dry lips: "Look, I've been tired for so long, I didn't even bother to drink, I went to the front yard to burn Go to the water."

"Sit down!"

Tao Zhu didn't care about this man and imitated his speech, and quickly stretched out his hand to press his shoulder: "Where can I let you boil the water, you go to rest now, and you will be refreshed tomorrow." Order."

"What about you?" Li Qiao asked.

"I'll go to the front yard to see if there are any omissions. Besides, I have to rehearse several times."

Li Qiao: "..."

In fact, the process is very simple, except for him, the rest of the people just need to kneel.

Where multiple rehearsals are required.

However, looking at Tao Zhu's sparkling eyes and cheeks flushed from sweating from work, he could only say: "Let's go together."

His voice was too calm, Tao Zhu stared at his face After a few seconds, I couldn't help poking his left and right cheeks with my index finger, and asked in bewilderment, "Why aren't you excited at all?


, Jiangzhi County has revealed the reward of the Holy Majesty to their husband and wife.

Including Jiangzhi County's own.

The reward given by the Holy Magistrate to Jiang Zhi County is very simple:

starting from the first month, he will receive a fifth-rank salary.

Jiangzhi County is now a seventh-rank official, but he can receive a regular fifth-rank salary. What does this mean?

It means that during his three-year tenure, as long as he didn't make a big mistake, he would skip the three levels of the sixth rank, the sixth rank, and the fifth rank, and fall on the fifth rank!

Jiang magistrate's promotion is almost a certainty.

That's why Jiangzhi County looked at Li Qiao today with an unprecedented kindness in his eyes.

As for Li Qiao's reward, it was also very great:

five hundred taels of silver, and fifty bolts of silk and satin.

There is also a plaque on which the eight words "A family of good deeds must have more celebrations" written by the Holy Master himself.

Royal pen plaque!

Tomorrow, this plaque will be hung on the gate of his house. It is written by the Holy Spirit himself. This is an honor as high as the sky.

If it were someone else, they would have been talking incoherently and dancing happily. Tao Zhu himself was also in a turmoil, and he was dizzy for a long time, but Li Qiao was very calm from the beginning to the end.

This reaction is not normal.

"I guessed that there would be a reward from the Holy Majesty, and I have rehearsed it many times in my heart. Now the fantasy has become a reality, like a stone in mid-air fell to the ground, but I am not excited anymore." Li Qiao opened his mouth and made up


"Besides, even with this reward, our lives are still going on. This reward does not guarantee that I will pass the county examination next month."

Tao Zhu raised his eyebrows when he heard this. Eyes wide open, she leaned close to his face and carefully scrutinized his expression: "But, at least we don't have to worry."

Before that, he was afraid that the huge amount of money earned by vermicelli would bring disaster, so he wished that this person hadn't made vermicelli. .

Now, with this imperial pen and plaque, it is equivalent to adding an amulet, no matter who the magistrate or magistrate is in the future, he will not touch this person.

Originally, he didn't know how powerful this plaque was, but it was Jiang Zhixian who explained it, and then he knew how awesome this plaque was.

Under normal circumstances, when the emperor inscribed on the plaque, he would write four characters. In the case of Li Qiao, the four characters Jishanjia would be enough.

But the Holy One chose to write the following four characters, "A family of good deeds must have Yuqing."

There must be, Yu Qing.

There must be, there must be, these two words are the finishing touch of this plaque, not to mention their husband and wife, even the next two generations will be preserved together.

Knowing the power of this plaque, he was really relieved, really relieved.

The little life between him and this person was saved.

How happy is this?

How can this not be exciting?

"Didn't the magistrate say it before, so I don't have to worry about it, and I can also take the imperial examination, so I don't really worry about it." "Besides, after hearing what the magistrate said today, I am as happy as

you It's great, and I'm thanking you in the direction of the capital."

Li Qiao continued to make up nonsense.

In fact, it's not just making up. In the last days, he was in a precarious state every day, and he had become numb to the emotion of "worry".

What about worry?

The days still pass.

Just study and practice according to the original plan.

As for today, he was actually happy, but after all he had seen the world, he calmed down soon after he was happy.

He couldn't be in a constant state of excitement like Tao Zhu.

Tao Zhu: "..."

Pursing his lower lip, he was somewhat convinced.

But not completely convinced.

He still felt that this person's reaction was too flat.

"The happiest moment in my life was the day I married you."

Li Qiao said again suddenly.

This is not a lie.

In the sum of his two lives, the happiest thing was the day when he married Tao Zhu.

Tao Zhu: "..."

He couldn't help but think about the situation on the day they got married. This person finally lost his composure and had the youthfulness of a young boy. Not only did he smirk, but he also kept staring at him in front of everyone. His eyes were so hot that he didn't dare to raise his eyes to meet him.

Thinking about this person's usual state again, he is always smiling and doesn't seem to be angry, but there is no particularly happy moment, and his mood has always been stable.

Except the day I got married to him.

Only that day, this man was as happy as a fool.

Thinking of this, the strangeness in his heart disappeared in an instant.

His eyes curled up.

The day he married this person was also the happiest and most exciting day in his life.

He couldn't help holding Li Qiao's face with both hands, and looked into Li Qiao's eyes for a few seconds, and then he couldn't hold back the smile on his face.

He kissed Li Qiao's lips.

After this kiss, he was numb all over. After he calmed down, his brain, which had been agitated for a day, finally felt tired after being dizzy many times.

He leaned lazily in Li Qiao's arms, his eyes were misty, and he didn't want to move a finger.

Li Qiao hugged him and walked to the bed: "Let's take a nap for a while, the imperial envoy won't arrive early in the morning." "


Tao Zhu hesitated, and told him rationally that he shouldn't sleep tonight.

But this person's embrace is too comfortable and too familiar, as long as he is still in this person's embrace, it seems that there is no such thing in the world that he has to leave this embrace.

In less than a minute, he followed the will of his brain and closed his eyes.

When Tao Zhu fell asleep, Li Qiao let him go gently, and walked lightly to the front yard.

The front yard was brightly lit. Li Shu, Li Chuntao and others found all the oil lamps in the house and lit them all.

At this time, there was still more than an hour before dawn, Li Qiao asked everyone to go home to sleep, and the imperial envoy would arrive at Sanliu Village at about nine o'clock tomorrow, so everyone really didn't have to work so hard.

Under his persuasion, everyone finally returned home.

But those who can fall asleep are very few.

Imperial decrees, imperial envoys, these objects and important figures that can only be seen in dramas have actually come to Sanliu Village now!

For a while, everyone fantasized about what the imperial envoy and imperial decree would look like, and for a while they wondered what changes this would bring to Sanliu Village. They were in a daze, and it was dawn.

I couldn't rehearse last night, so I have to rehearse today.

And the village has to be scanned again, so that the imperial envoy can see their efforts.

In this tense and excited mood, and in the anticipation of everyone, at nine o'clock, Zhao Cun, Jiang Zhixian and his party finally arrived.

As sung in the opera, several yamen servants held guards of honor to clear the way, and some people beat gongs and drums and played suona, which was very lively.

The three of Zhao Cun rode tall horses and wore blue brocade clothes. Behind them were three carriages, one with a plaque bestowed by the Holy Majesty, and the other two with silver cloth.

After the three carriages came the Jiangzhi County carriage.

There were more than a dozen horse-drawn carriages behind Jiangzhi County. They were juren and scholars who had a good relationship with Jiangzhi County, and other officials of the county government, such as the county magistrate, all came to watch the excitement today.

When the group arrived at the entrance of the village, Li Qiao, Tao Zhu, and Zhuang Fengshou stood at the front.

The three knelt down and saluted Zhao Cun.

All the villagers behind them also knelt down to salute.

After Zhao Cun called out, Li Qiao, Tao Zhu, and Zhuang Fengshou led the way, and the group arrived at Li Qiao's house.

The incense table had already been set up in the yard, Zhao Cun glanced his eyes to see the situation in the yard clearly, and the smile on his face increased a bit.

He asked Li Qiao to prepare to receive the order.

According to the names on the family register, there are only two people in this family, Li Qiao and Tao Zhu.

Therefore, only the husband and wife knelt down at this time.

The rest of the people all knelt outside Li Qiao's house.

Zhao Cun began to read the imperial edict.

The imperial decree is very simple, that is, Kua Liqiao does not hide his personal interests. After he has a good recipe, he does not make money for himself, but drives the villagers to get rich together. Therefore, the Holy One specially bestowed silver taels and plaques to commend his good deeds.

After reading the imperial decree, Li Qiao got up to receive the decree. He held up the imperial decree with both hands, and offered the imperial decree to the main room.

Then two of Zhao Cun's colleagues in the guards carried the plaque over, and Zhao Cun said, "Li Qiao, put it directly on the gate of your house.

" long plaque.

After a jingle, the imperial pen plaque was hung on the gate of Li Qiao's house.

Gold letters on a black background, in the home of Jishan, there must be Yuqing, above the middle of the eight characters, engraved with the imperial seal of the Holy Majesty: The Treasure of Shengping's Imperial Brush.

The real thing about this imperial pen and plaque is these six characters, which are stamped with the imperial seal of the current emperor. Who would dare to touch it?

Li Qiao raised his head and looked at it carefully for a while, and his impression of the Shengping Emperor improved a bit in his heart.

The emperor does things like his small essays, and he really attaches importance to the issue of people's wealth.

And it's quite generous, as soon as he made a move, he protected the wealth of three generations of his family.

However, the rumors are also true:

Your Majesty's words are not very good.

Li Qiao has not been practicing calligraphy for a long time, and the characters he writes are so far unremarkable, without his own strength of character.

But it's normal for him.

He is not from this world in his bones.

But as a real ancient in this world, the Holy One, why is there nothing extraordinary about his writing? It looks like his writing, so ordinary that there is nothing that can be praised.

Li Qiao quickly withdrew his thoughts. Now that he had accepted the imperial decree, the next step was to entertain Zhao Cun, Jiang Zhixian and others.

However, before lunch, the three of Zhao Cun went to the sweet potato workshop in the village. They couldn't get close to the sweet potato workshop when they were pretending to be vendors before. Now that they have recovered their identities, they naturally have to check carefully so that they can go back and report.

Seeing this, Li Qiao could only sigh again, he really liked this kind of truth-seeking attitude, and it was too rare, as an emperor who held the power of life and death in the world, he acted in this style.

It is his fortune to have such a monarch in Dasheng, and it is also the fortune of the people.

The heart of taking the imperial examination was instantly strong.

With Mr. Ming here, he has been suppressed in his bones for two lifetimes called ambition, and now he is a little ready to move.

The author has something to say:

Li Qiao is the only one who traveled through time, the emperor is simply not good at calligraphy~

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