Chapter 80

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   Bad first day.

After Li Qiao returned home, he moved a bamboo bed out of the house and put it under the grape trellis in the backyard.

Grapes are planted in the front and back yards. At the end of April in the lunar calendar, the leaves of the grapes are already lush, which can completely block the sunlight above the head.

Li Qiao was lying on the bamboo bed, with one leg stretched wide and the other bent freely, his head sank in the soft pillow, his eyes half-closed, his eyes fixed on Tao Zhu.

Tao Zhu sat by the bed, in front of him was a one-meter-high wooden shelf, on which were placed chopping boards, bowls, and washed apples.

He is peeling an apple with a knife.

This is a new apple this year. I bought it in the county yesterday. It is not yet fully ripe. It is green and small. It smells sour, but the apple flavor is quite strong.

After Tao Zhu finished peeling one, cut it into small pieces, put it into a bowl, and handed it to Li Qiao.

"You feed me, I want to eat the apples fed by Brother Zhu himself."

Li Qiao didn't want to move.

Today's temperature is just right, and he was too full just now, and now he is lazy and doesn't want to move a finger.

Seeing this, Tao Zhu took a thinly shaved wooden stick, pierced a piece of apple and brought it to his mouth.

Open your mouth and take this piece of apple into your mouth.

He only took a bite, and the sour taste immediately exploded in his mouth, his whole face wrinkled, and he missed the big red, crunchy and sweet apple in his previous life.

"Is it unpalatable?" Seeing this, Tao Zhu also pierced a piece into his mouth.

Soon, his entire face was wrinkled.

It is indeed sour and sweet.

Li Qiao couldn't help laughing: "Be patient, this is the only season to eat. Tomorrow I will let people grow watermelons." There are very few

people growing watermelons in Pingcheng, and those who are willing to grow watermelons in their own fields , are landlords with more land in their families.

Right now, Li Qiao's family has no shortage of land, so the watermelon will naturally be arranged.

There are few fruits in Pingcheng, Li Qiao wanted to eat fruit, so he set his sights on watermelon.

Watermelon is great, it doesn't need to grow for several years like fruit trees to bear fruit, and it's big and sweet, so it's cool to eat with a spoon.

Tao Zhu hummed, swallowed the apple in his mouth, and he stuck another piece to Li Qiao's mouth: "It still tastes sweet, have another piece, to get rid of the greasiness."

Li Qiao obediently opened his mouth, Tao Zhu ate it himself, and the two shared two small apples. Tao Zhu washed the juice off his hands and lay down on the bamboo bed.

The bamboo bed was a bit narrow, and Li Qiao was still lying in the middle, so he lay down beside Li Qiao on his side.

As soon as he lay down, Li Qiao raised his long legs and put them on him.

He raised his eyelids and looked at Li Qiao.

Li Qiao also looked at him, his eyes were bright, and his shadow was still contained in them, his heart moved, he couldn't help but lifted up, and kissed Li Qiao's lips.

The two share an apple-flavored kiss.

After the kiss was over, Tao Zhu was already lying in Li Qiao's arms.

Like playing with a plush toy, Li Qiao laid most of her body on him, touched his earlobe with her slender fingers, and when the earlobe turned red, she moved up to kiss him, her lips fell, half of his body It's all numb.

After kissing the earlobe, pinch his cheek again, trace the outline of his face with his fingers, and when the drawing is finished, just kiss his cheek until his cheek is hot.

But that's not all, Li Qiao's head was rubbing back and forth against his neck, as if he couldn't leave it, it was so sticky, and he got angry in a short while.

Tao Zhu's cheeks turned pink, and his eyes were also wet, but he told Li Qiao to stop fighting the fire. In broad daylight, someone would come looking for him at any time, so he had to stop.

"No one will come to look for you, everyone has winks." That's what Li Qiao said, but the movement of Li Qiao's hands stopped, and he just hugged him in his arms, holding his hand that was one size smaller than his own. Touch it all at once.

"That's not necessarily true. You're a Tongsheng now, and you've already got two cases. By this time next year, you'll be a scholar." "You're the backbone

of the whole village now."

Tao Zhu said in a proud tone.

Such an excellent person is his man!

"The case of the government examination, although I wrote the case with true feelings, but it is indeed opportunistic. It is a bit unwarranted."

Even though several days have passed, Li Qiao still feels a little guilty when he mentions the case this time.

In fact, Tao Zhu was a little hypocritical at the beginning.

That night when Li Qiao recounted the content of the article to him, he was worried that the magistrate would dislike such a blatant "flattering" article, so he deliberately refused to give Li Qiao the case.

But who knew that the magistrate gave it very frankly.

Since it is given, then take it.

Anyway, Li Qiao earned it himself.

"No other examinee can compare to you. You are the leader of the case, and your name is justified." Instead, he held Li Qiao's hand, his tone was full of affirmation.

"Forget it, let's do it this time. Next year's hospital examination, I will work harder." I have

already got the case of the government examination, so don't worry about it, but this case will definitely make his next year's court examination more difficult. focus on.

Thinking of the content of the three histories and three biography, he couldn't lie still.

The papers of the county and government examinations are relatively simple, and basically revolve around the Four Books and Five Classics, and rarely involve the three histories and the three biography.

But the exam is different.

The range of questions in the college examination is very wide, and there will inevitably be content about three histories and three biographies.

Regardless of whether it is the growth period or the end of the world, or in this time and space, he has worked hard to get used to it. It's okay not to mention the case this time, but when he mentions it, he wants to sit at the desk and enrich himself so that next year's case will be upright bright.

"...You can work harder tomorrow."

Seeing that he was about to sit up, Tao Zhu quickly wrapped his arms and legs around him: "The magistrate asked you to rest more, you are ordered to rest." "Mmm..."

Li Qiao He lay back again, but he began to count the days with his fingers.

"If there is no accident, next year's college exam is scheduled for May, and it will be June when the results come out. And next year there will be a rural exam." "The rural exam happens

every three years. If I miss next year, I have to wait another three years, three years." Years are too long, I can't wait."

"So next May, I will take the college examination and get the title of scholar, and then I will take the township examination in August. If I pass it, then I will be a Juren.

" Go to the capital to take part in the general examination."

"Everyone thinks that I will pass all the way to the palace examination and stand in front of the Holy Majesty, if this is the case, then I will be able to meet the Holy Majesty in April or May of the next year." Speaking of

here , Li Qiao raised his hand and patted Tao Zhu's back lightly: "Are you afraid?"

Tao Zhu: "..."

He let go of Li Qiao's hands and feet.


In April and May of the next year, there will be face-to-face saints.

Time is tight and the task is heavy!

Now Li Qiao has only mastered the Four Books and Five Classics. For the Three Histories and Three Biography, he has only read them carefully and memorized some key contents.

And other people who were admitted as scholars all memorized the three histories and three traditions.

But the three histories and three biographies are so thick, it will take a lot of time to memorize them.

There are only two years left before Mian Sheng is full, and the Holy Majesty is protecting and supporting Li Qiao. If Li Qiao stands in front of the Holy Majesty, his stomach is empty, and he has not even mastered the most basic four books, five classics, three histories and three biographies. Live up to the Holy Spirit.

Li Qiao was lifted up by the Holy Majesty, he must be worthy of the Holy Majesty's expectations and praise, and he must not lose the Holy Majesty's face!

Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand and poked Li Qiao on the shoulder: "Go to the study to study."

"What about you?" Li Qiao asked him.

"I'll boil water and make you some strong tea to refresh you."

"Okay." Li Qiao nodded, he really needs a pot of strong tea now.

Sitting in the familiar study and opening the thick "Historical Records", the anxiety in his heart gradually disappeared.

He quickly plunged into the thick history books.

Tao Zhu went to the front yard to boil hot water.

Li Shu was about to go into the kitchen to make some snacks, when he saw him coming out of the backyard, he was a little surprised: "Why didn't you rest with Xiao Qiao?" "

Li Qiao is studying, and I'll make him a pot of tea." "

...Aren't you going to rest today? ?" Li Shu was shocked.

"There is only one year left before the college examination, he has to work harder than others, so that he can be admitted as a scholar."

Tao Zhu said.

Li Shu: "..."

Her little brother really frightened her when he worked hard.

Today is the second day back, is it necessary to work so hard?

However, since her younger brother did this, he must be right.

So she lowered her head and said to Li Yuning and Li Yu'an, sisters and brothers beside her, "You two should follow the example of your fourth uncle, work hard and learn more." "Okay."


Yu'an, Li Yuning The siblings nodded together, with admiration on their little faces, their four uncles worked so hard, ordinary people really don't have this kind of perseverance.

"Yuning Yu'an is a child, play as much as you want, third sister, don't get too attached to them." Seeing this, Tao Zhu couldn't help but say.

"It's not too young, look at Xiaolan, she also does a lot of work every day, and the two of them still get paid."

Li Shu doesn't think he has strict requirements on Li Yuning and Li Yu'an, and the children of poor people are already in charge , Children in the country grow up like this.

Li Yuning also said: "Uncle Zhu, my brother and I don't play, we work."

What's so fun about playing? It doesn't mean anything.

Working is interesting, not only can you learn how to make snacks, but you can also earn money. Not only earning money for their four uncles, but also earning money for themselves, what a wonderful thing!

She and her younger brother should learn from the fourth uncle, work hard, and earn money!

Tao Zhu: "..."

All right.

He raised his hand and touched Li Yuning and Li Yu'an's little heads, then went into the kitchen to boil water.

After making strong tea for Li Qiao, he went back to his bedroom to sort out the things he bought in Fucheng this time.

In addition to gifts for relatives and friends, he and Li Qiao also bought a lot of things.

Like cloth, although the family had some gift from the Holy Master, Li Qiao still bought it when he saw the beautiful cloth and asked him to make clothes.

There is also something to eat, Li Qiao bought some dried abalones, they are very valuable, a small one costs two taels of silver, I sort it out today, and stew it tomorrow to taste, to see if the legendary abalone tastes like silver.

In addition to abalone, Li Qiao also bought bird's nest, which was also extremely expensive.

At that time, he didn't want Li Qiao to buy it, because it was too expensive, but Li Qiao said that eating this would be good for his health, so he had to buy it, and it had to be high-quality.

One catty of high-quality bird's nest costs more than forty taels of silver, while Li Qiao bought it for three catties, so more than one hundred taels of silver disappeared all at once.

Tomorrow he will also stew this bird's nest to see if it also tastes like silver.

In addition to food, there are also things Li Qiao needs to study.

Now that he is rich and has a different status, Li Qiao's four treasures of the study have also been upgraded.

The pens, inks, papers and inkstones that Li Qiao used before were all locally produced, such as writing brushes, all of which were rabbit hair brushes, which were very cheap, costing around twenty pennies each.

There is also paper. I usually use straw paper for calligraphy practice. Although I bought rice paper, I am reluctant to use it. It can be used for half a year for a dollar.

As for ink and inkstones, they are even less particular. They are all high-end goods, and you can buy whichever is best-selling.

But now, the Four Treasures of the Study have become the real Four Treasures of the Study, Lake brushes, Duan inkstones, Xuan paper, Hui ink, all arranged.

And Li Qiao not only arranged for him, but also arranged for him.

From now on, he can practice calligraphy with brushes worth a few taels of silver.

He doesn't take the imperial examination, and for the time being, he can't see the difference between a writing brush of twenty cents and a writing brush of a few taels of silver, but Li Qiao said there is a difference, so let him try to figure it out. Of course, he can't figure it out. It doesn't matter, anyway, they are a husband and wife, and they must use the same things, one cannot be more expensive and the other is cheaper.

Since Li Qiao insisted on buying it for him, he would make a detailed comparison in a few days, so as not to disappoint Li Qiao's wishes...

When Tao Zhu finished sorting out the things he bought in Fucheng, it was getting dark.

After dinner, Tao Zhu took Li Qiao to sit down in front of his desk.

There are candles on the desk, and there are five of them, illuminating the desk in all directions.

"We went to Fucheng this time and spent a total of five thousand one hundred and thirty-seven taels of silver."

Tao Zhu put the account book in front of Li Qiao.

As big as abalone worth hundreds of taels of silver, as small as the price of a meal, I remember clearly.

Li Qiao glanced at it casually: "It's okay, it's less than I thought."

On the first day after the no-acceptance notice was posted, he and Tao Zhu went shopping with six people. Two more.

Later, under the leadership of Xu Ying and Shen Hua, they continued to eat, drink, buy and buy in Fucheng. In the end, the trip to Fucheng cost a total of five thousand taels of silver, which was really lower than he expected.


Tao Zhu was left speechless by Li Qiao's understatement.

When he kept the accounts today, there was a little distress in the sweetness. He had never seen the world, and it cost so much money to go out, so he couldn't calm down.

It can be seen that Li Qiao, with five thousand taels of silver, didn't even blink his eyes, he really is a person who does great things.

Seeing Tao Zhu's speechless face, Li Qiao couldn't help laughing: "Of course, we should be more frugal when we live at home. After all, our stall is big, and we need a lot of money just for wages every day." "I think so too.

" , we will go to the capital in two years, and it only costs so much to go to Fucheng, and if we go to Beijing, it will cost twice as much."

Tao Zhu also meant the same thing.

He deliberately pulled Li Qiao to look at the account book, just to say this.

He was already shocked by the prices in Fucheng, let alone the capital city.

If Li Qiao really stayed in the capital, he would have to buy a yard. Houses in the capital must be extremely expensive.

"Everything is up to Brother Zhu!"

Li Qiao smiled and took Tao Zhu's hand, pulling him up to go to the shower.

He understood Tao Zhu's thoughts, although he said that he would be rich in the future, but the money has not yet been in his hands, and with Tao Zhu's cautious temperament, as long as the money is not in hand for a day, his heart will not be released.

Last year, vermicelli earned nearly 70,000 taels of silver, and it cost 6,000 taels to buy land, 30 taels per mu of high-quality land, and 6,000 taels for 200 mu.

This trip to Fucheng cost five thousand taels.

It also cost almost 20,000 taels to build the road. Before he went to Fucheng, he directly gave Li Gu 20,000 taels of silver to use for road construction.

With enough silver, the original three-meter-wide road became four meters wide, and the adobe bricks paved were also thick, so even if there was silver donated by others, he still took out about 20,000 taels of silver.

So, before summer came, half of the nearly 70,000 taels of silver he earned last year was gone.

It's normal for Tao Zhu to be a little frugal at this time, if Tao Zhu doesn't mention this matter, it will be a collapse of human design.

"Okay, okay, let's go, let's go take a shower. As for silver, relax, as soon as the Holy Master's essay came out, all the merchants in Dasheng knew that we had vermicelli here. So this year is the sweet potato madness in Hexi Prefecture, We can earn at least two hundred thousand taels of silver."

Li Qiao pushed Tao Zhu towards the door of the bedroom, and at the same time stretched out two fingers to gesture in front of his eyes.

"Two thousand taels?"

Tao Zhushui's eyes widened instantly, staring at Li Qiao's fingers in disbelief.

"Yes, at least this amount. The magistrate has guaranteed that we can get half of the profit for every catty of vermicelli produced in Hexi Prefecture. There are five counties in Hexi Prefecture, and one Pingcheng is 70,000 taels. The 70,000 taels is because our county magistrate has the ability and courage to organize the whole county to maximize the benefits." "I don't know the

level of magistrates in the other four counties, so I estimate it at a low level. Moreover, I don't know the area of ​​cultivated land in the other four counties, and I don't know if the weather will be good this year." "

But no matter what, we will definitely earn 200,000 taels of silver this year."

Before that, he was worried that someone would leak it Vermicelli recipe, but now that the Holy Master's little composition is released, even if someone wants to sell it, no one will dare to buy it.

Unless you are looking for him to buy.

Foreign businessmen don't have the guts to secretly buy vermicelli recipes, which guarantees his interests.

People from other places want to eat vermicelli, so they can only buy from Hexi Prefecture.

Tao Zhu was a little dizzy, he was stunned by the number of two hundred thousand taels, and he didn't come back to his thoughts of running away until he took a bath and started having fun with Li Qiao.

Two hundred thousand taels.

Two hundred thousand taels!

His man is also quite powerful.

Seeing Li Qiao's sweaty handsome face so close at hand, he couldn't help kissing him, he really liked this person, he liked him so much.

Tao Zhu's enthusiasm was exchanged for Li Qiao's more enthusiastic response. After one night, both of them woke up late.

When they got up, the sun had already risen high, Li Gu was talking with Li Dazhong in the front yard, Li Liang, Wang Guihua, Zheng Tuhu and Zheng Qianqian were also there.

Li Qiao was thick-skinned, not shy at all, and greeted him with a smile.

Tao Zhu was a little embarrassed, and hid behind Li Qiao, greeted him softly and hurried into the kitchen.

"You and Brother Zhu eat first, breakfast is in the pot for you, it's still warm." Li Liang asked Li Qiao and Tao Zhu to eat first.

In fact, it was a coincidence that a lot of people gathered here. Li Gu is now in charge of the fields and crops of Li Qiao's family. During dinner yesterday, Li Qiao said that he would grow watermelons today, so he came.

As for Li Liang Wang Osmanthus and Zheng Butcher Zheng Qianqian, they came to Li Qiao to discuss the marriage between Li Dashan and Zheng Qianqian.

Li Dazhong came to see the furniture of the new house.

The new house of Li Dazhong's family was built half a month ago, and now it is in the stage of decoration. Because the furniture of Li Qiao's house is beautiful and practical, he came to have a look.

Li Qiao was holding a bowl of corn juice, leaning against the door frame of the kitchen, listening to everyone talking while drinking.

After finishing talking one by one, he first gave Li Gu watermelon seeds and the method of planting watermelons.

Li Gu doesn't know how to grow watermelons, he has to teach them carefully.

Then Tao Zhu took Li Dazhong to the backyard to look at the furniture.

Li Qiao talked about the marriage between Li Dashan and Zheng Qianqian: "The young couple should build a new house. It is good for the two of them to live their little life behind closed doors." "Hey, good! It's still

young Uncle loves me."

Before Li Liang said anything, Li Dashan, who was making snacks in the kitchen, couldn't help but raised his head and answered loudly, smiling so hard that his teeth couldn't see.

Wang Guihua: "..."

That's all.

Don't stay here if you are too old.

And her house is indeed a bit crowded, Ershan and Xiaoshan are old, and there is Xiaolan, plus there is still maltose to be made, if brother Qian is really allowed to live at home, it would be too wronged for him.

"But no matter what you say, get married first, and build a new house while preparing for the marriage. The new house should be like me and brother Zhu. When the time comes, Dashan and brother Qian will live in the backyard, and elder brother and sister-in-law will live in the front yard. ."

Li Qiao said again.

As the eldest son, Li Dashan has to bear the responsibility of providing for his parents, so it is better to build two yards.

Hearing this, Wang Guihua glanced around Liqiao's big courtyard, then nodded, "Okay, let's build it like this."

Although it costs a lot of money, it is comfortable to live in.

It's just that, to build such a yard, all the money in the family has to be invested, so that the marriage has to be simplified.

She was about to speak to Zheng Tuhu, but at this moment Li Qiao said again: "Sister-in-law, I told Dashan earlier when I was in Fucheng that I would not give him a present when he got married, but I would give him a red envelope." "He

is My eldest nephew has helped me a lot in the past two years, as my uncle, I can't treat him badly, so I'll go get him the silver right now."

Li Qiao went to the backyard to open the cash box, and took out ten coins from it. A bank note came out.

"So much?!"

Both Wang Guihua and Li Liang jumped up from their chairs in shock, oh my god, one thousand taels!

Zheng Tuhu and Zheng Qianqian also opened their eyes wide, staring at the bank note in Li Qiao's hand in disbelief.

Because Tao Zhu gave himself a set of face masks worth more than two hundred taels, Zheng Qianqian guessed that the red envelope Li Qiao gave to Li Dashan should be five hundred taels.

But I never expected that it would be one thousand taels!

"I gave this to my eldest nephew. This is the only one. No one else has this kind of treatment. It is compensation, gratitude, and blessing. I hope he will love sweetly with Brother Qian in the future.

" The ticket was placed in front of Wang Guihua and asked her to keep it.

Wang Guihua: "..."

Compensation, thanks, blessings, every reason is so legitimate, she doesn't even know how to refuse it.

Li Dashan in the kitchen popped up again, his mouth was open enough to stuff eggs in, but soon his eyes were red with emotion, woo woo woo, his uncle treats him so well!

In the end, Wang Guihua accepted the thousand taels of silver.

With this thousand taels of silver, Li Dashan and Zheng Qianqian's marriage was handled extremely quickly. First, they bought the homestead, and then bought building materials. There was no need to draw blueprints, and the layout could be scaled down according to the proportion of Li Qiao's house.

After the construction of the new house started, the wedding date of Li Dashan and Zheng Qianqian also arrived.

Because of the abundance of money, the wedding banquet was of high quality, half of which were meat dishes, including chicken, duck, fish and sheep.

The whole village went to participate in this marriage, and the people from the outer village wanted to participate, but because there were not enough tables and meals prepared, the people from the outer village could only watch.

Li Dashan's mouth was almost crooked, he looked extremely stupid, when he paid his second visit to the high hall, he had to let Li Qiao go up and sit with Li Liang.

Li Qiao refused of course, it would be good for this silly boy to be his elder nephew, he doesn't need such an older son.

After Li Dashan and Zheng Qianqian got married, the wedding date of Li Dazhong and Baiyou also arrived.

The author has something to say:

Li Qiao is the king of rolls!

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