Chapter 161-165

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Chapter 161 The Third Prince's Disaster Relief Sleigh

    The snowflakes were so small that they disappeared when they fell to the ground, but they were accompanied by a cold wind, so it was very cold.

Li Qiao went to work in the morning, Tao Zhu stood on the porch and glanced at the snowflakes that were dangling down, then turned to Li Qiao and said, "Shall I have something hot for lunch? Shall I get you some soup?

" Hearing the cloak strap, he also glanced at the little snowflakes that had drifted into the corridor with the wind, he shook his head and said, "No, it's too much trouble in the cold weather, and I'm going to Shengpingcang today, not in the household department."

After the autumn harvest, the autumn taxes from all over the country came to Beijing, and the household department has been busy recently. Sheng Hong asked him to deal with the household affairs first, and temporarily suspended his ghostwriting job.

Therefore, his lunch is a large pot of rice from the household department.

But today he has to go to work.

He is now mainly responsible for checking the grain tax and money tax sent to the capital from various places.

Jibei Province is the closest to Shengjing, and the autumn tax of Jibei Province is sent the earliest.

Shengjing has five granaries and three money banks. He has to go to Shengping granary today to check the quantity and quality of autumn grain in Jibei Province.

"That's right, you're not in the household department today."

Tao Zhu couldn't help but raised his hand and patted his forehead. He forgot what Li Qiao mentioned last night.

It happened that a snowflake was blown by the wind to the porch and landed on his forehead, and he couldn't help shivering.

Seeing this, Li Qiao held his already cold hand: "It's cold outside, you wear thin clothes, don't freeze, go back to the house."

Tao Zhu shrank his neck, but took another step forward to hug him: "Then you come back earlier."

Being an official is really not as comfortable as being a landlord.

Li Qiao knew that he was feeling sorry for herself again, smiled and hugged him, and then let him go back to the room, waited for him to close the door to keep the severe cold out, then wrapped the cloak around his body tightly and faced the front yard go.

In this kind of weather, the morning court was automatically canceled, and he didn't need to enter the palace as a contemporary writer, so he went directly to the household department.

I went to his independent office to get the relevant materials, and called the chief Lang Zhong and a few small officials in the north of Shangji, and the group left the inner city and headed for Shengping Cang, one of the five major granaries.

This job is not complicated, but it takes time. It was dark when I went in, and it was still dark when I came out. Fortunately, after the work is done, the autumn grain in Jibei Province has both quality and quantity, which is very qualified.

Li Qiao bid farewell to several other officials, and then walked home slowly on the bluestone road that had been stained white by snowflakes.

When I got home, it was not yet seven o'clock in the evening.

He sent Li Shou back to report early so that the family would not have to wait for him, so the others had just had dinner at this moment.

Li Qiao told everyone what to do, it was cold, let's all go back to the room and rest.

I thought that the snow would not fall today, but after a long time of ineffective snowflakes, the snowflakes suddenly fell in a hurry.

According to this trend, there may be heavy snow at night.

Just like what Li Qiao had imagined, when he woke up the next day, the whole world was covered in snow, breaking the night away. Even if he was inside the house, he could still see the faint light from the snow outside.

The bed was extremely warm, Tao Zhu's hands and feet were wrapped around him, he immediately closed his eyes again, squinting for a second.

But today is not a holiday, within five minutes of closing his eyes, Tao Zhu woke up.

The two lay on the bed for a while, then reluctantly got up and got dressed.

It snowed heavily last night, and the snow in the yard was piled up to knees, so Li Qiao simply abandoned the car and walked to work.

On such road conditions, riding in a carriage is not much faster than walking.

However, by noon, the sky was snowing again, this time it was not a small snowflake, but a heavy snow.

By the time Li Qiao got off work, the snow on the road had piled up to his knees again.

The snow kept falling, even after Li Qiao came home and had dinner.

Fortunately, Li Qiao will take a rest tomorrow, so he doesn't have to walk to work when it is still dark.

Therefore, Zheng Qianqian clamored to play cards again.

Li Qiao seldom goes to the poker table, and he is very busy recently, so he is rarely free. Li Xiaorui and the two boys are very clingy to him, crawling around on him, reluctant to let him go.

He played building blocks with the three little guys, but after playing for a while, the three little guys fell asleep.

The three of them played in the snow for too long today, and their energy was exhausted.

After the three little ones fell asleep, Li Qiao got off the kang, came out of the bedroom, and walked to the door of the main room in a few steps.

Open the door, a gust of cold wind blows in immediately.

In the yard, several people were clearing snow.

The snow kept falling, and Li Qiao arranged for them to sweep the snow every half an hour.

After staring at the six of them for a moment, Li Qiao closed the door.

I hope that the snow will stop in the middle of the night. Although the auspicious snow is a sign of a good year, it must be moderate, and too much is a bad thing.

God seems to have heard his voice. Although the snow did not stop in the middle of the night, the heavy snow turned into small snow particles.

When he woke up the next day and learned that the snow hadn't caused a disaster, he felt a lot more relaxed.

After breakfast, Li Xiaorui couldn't read anymore, but surrounded him clamoring for building blocks.

The two cubs seldom saw him during the day, and each hugged his leg and called him daddy, playing with building blocks.

"Let's not play with building blocks today, let's play with a fresh one."

Li Qiao squatted down with a smile, and pinched their little cheeks one by one.

"What's new?"

Li Xiaorui asked immediately, and his big eyes lit up.


Li Qiao didn't give a damn: "I asked the Ministry of Industry to order a few days ago. They are your favorite tigers and little rabbits. If there is no accident, they will be delivered today." "Wow!" Li Xiaorui exclaimed


Although he doesn't know what a sled is, his uncle and father both went to the Ministry of Industry to order it, so it must be fun!

Wow, Li Xiaorui, the two little boys followed suit, they didn't even know what a sled was, but wow, the eldest nephew, as uncles, they had to keep up.

Tao Zhu stood aside, looking a little funny at this scene.

Still, a sled?

"When did you order it? I haven't heard you mention it before."

"I wanted to give you a surprise. Don't worry, we also have some. I ordered a few that can fit our adults."

Li Qiao said with a smile.

It snows every winter. In the past, it was only him and Tao Zhu, who were not very interested in playing with snow, but now there are three more little ones, all of whom are lively and active, so he went to the Ministry of Industry to order a sled.

Li Qiao made a good guess. At around ten o'clock in the morning, the people from the Ministry of Industry brought the sled. However, because the people from the Ministry of Industry did this for the first time, they were not very skilled, so there is only a children's version.

Your lord's sleigh will take days to complete.

Li Qiao understood very well that there was no sleigh in Dasheng before, and it was normal for craftsmen to think more about it.

The children's sleds are very cute, one is in the shape of a tiger and the other is in the shape of a rabbit. The inside is spacious enough for Li Xiaorui and the two cubs to sit in.

This kind of children's sleigh does not need horses, it can be pulled only by human power.

It just so happened that the snow in the alley hadn't been cleared away, so Li Qiaotaozhu and a group of adults took the sled and took the three little guys to play in the snow in the alley.

Where have the three little guys seen such an interesting toy? After sitting in the sled, the smiles on their faces never stopped.

Even the neighbors of several nearby households were attracted by the laughter, and they came out of their homes and stood in the alley to watch.

The neighbors knew that Li Qiao had no airs, so they boldly asked what it was.

Li Qiao answered with a smile, and also posted a wave of advertisements. It is estimated that the Royal Toy Store will launch this kind of sled next month. If you are interested, you can go to buy it.

The whole day was spent in the laughter of the three little guys. During dinner, Zheng Qianqian couldn't help but said, "Uncle, why don't you send someone to the Ministry of Industry to remind you? That sleigh is so fun."

"You can rush, but you can only play when there is snow. According to the speed of the Ministry of Industry, when they deliver your lord's sled, the snow should be almost melted." "It's okay, let's get it first." Zheng

Zheng Qianqian said and looked at Tao Zhu: "Uncle Zhu, do you think so?"

Tao Zhu nodded lightly: "Yes."

He also wanted to play...

Tao Zhu had already spoken, so Li Qiao naturally paid attention and decided to have lunch tomorrow Go to the Ministry of Industry in person.

The next day, the weather was fine and there was no snow, so the morning would naturally go on as normal.

Now Li Qiao's position has been moved from the entrance of the Taiji Hall to the front row of the Baiguan queue, and the weather outside has no effect on him.

There is no major event in the early morning today. Under Sheng Jun and Sheng Hong's father and son's continuous decades of hard work and meritocracy, Dasheng is now very stable.

Above the morning court today, the biggest thing is the Grand Canal.

When the snow fell, it was not long before the shutdown of the Grand Canal. Sheng Hong wanted to take advantage of the year before to recruit a wave of manpower, so as to speed up the progress as much as possible.

Everyone has no objection to this matter, anyway, Zhou Zhengye will pay the money, regardless of other people's affairs.

There was no objection from the crowd, and there was nothing important to announce, so Sheng Hong planned to retire.

But at this time, the third prince took a step forward and left the queue: "Father, my son has something to say." "

Huh? What's the matter?"

Sheng Hong raised his buttocks slightly and sat back down.

"This heavy snow has crushed the houses of some people, and the disaster in the capital area in autumn has made things worse for some people from poor families. Therefore, my son wants to help these people survive this cold day with his own money. Winter."

The third prince said righteously and sternly.

"That's right, Yan'er, you can think of this, which shows that you care about the people. What are you going to do?"

Sheng Hong smiled.

"My son plans to count the number of houses that have been crushed in Shengjing City, and my son will help them build new houses. In addition, my son plans to give porridge in the city for five days to help the people reduce their burden." With Sheng Hong's approval, the third prince's voice became even louder

. some.

"Yes. You can do it freely. If you don't understand anything, just come to me." "

Why bother father with such a trivial matter? Father, don't worry, your son will handle it properly."


Sheng Hong looked relieved.

Seeing this, all the officials immediately spoke highly of the third prince's generosity and benevolence, so the early court ended in harmony.

Li Qiao returned to the household department, this matter has nothing to do with him.

But he supported the move of the third prince. The third prince once again considered the plight of individual people, and was willing to give real money.

This is good.

It's better than just playing lip service.

However, after this time of porridge, the Third Prince's momentum may be much stronger.

Li Qiao had a good idea, the third prince directly set up stalls in the downtown area of ​​the city, and let people whose houses were overwhelmed sign up automatically.

In this way, within a day, all the people in the city knew about his good deed.

There is also porridge, although the third prince's porridge has little water in the clear soup, and there are many vegetables and few miscellaneous grains, but a bowl of steaming porridge in winter is better than nothing.

It's better to be full than to be hungry.

So, soon, not only the people on the construction site praised the third prince as a rare prince close to the people, but also the people in Shengjing City praised the third prince as a good prince who cared about the people's needs, thought about the people's thoughts, and truly cared for the people.

The third prince's reputation was growing day by day, Li Qiao couldn't help being anxious, and couldn't help secretly observing the remaining princes.

When it's time to make a move, you have to make a move.

If you don't make a move, the third prince will...

not necessarily.

Although the third prince is smarter than the fifth prince, but the method of the third prince is really not open and generous. Would Sheng Hong choose such an heir?

In Li Qiao's doubts, the time came to mid-November.

It's snowing again.

But this snowfall was much more severe than the previous one. It began to snow heavily in the middle of the night and lasted for two whole days. It was the biggest snowfall Li Qiao had ever seen after crossing.

Such heavy snow is naturally a disaster.

The author has something to say:

Happy New Year, babies!

I wish all the treasures good health, good health, good health, smooth life and happiness in the new year~ 

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