Chapter 84

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 The scholar Baiyou mentioned was Zhang Tiansheng, who lived in the next town. The Zhang family was very simple, and the whole family worked together to support him in his studies.

But his parents are in poor health and need to take medicine all the year round. There are two medicine jars and a scholar, so the condition of Zhang's family is not good.

In order to subsidize his family, Zhang Tiansheng was allocated a lot of energy, either copying books or tutoring other people who did not pass the exam, so that he wasted his own studies and failed the last provincial examination.

However, Baiyou felt that Zhang Tian survived.

First of all, Zhang Tiansheng has a conscience and knows how to be grateful.

As the saying goes, everything is inferior, but reading is high. This means that reading is "high", but many scholars feel that they are also high after reading the book. They have not yet achieved any results, but the whole person is already floating , think highly of oneself.

Not to mention looking down on the neighbors and the same village, but even looking down on the family members, bossing around and ordering them around, treating them like servants.

This kind of person, Baiyou has never seen a thousand or eight hundred since she was a child.

But Zhang Tiansheng didn't have such a bad problem. He remembered what his family had done to him. After being admitted as a scholar, he tried his best to earn money to subsidize his family. He was filial to his parents and respected his elder brother.

This alone is enough to prove that his character is not bad.

In addition to having a high self-esteem, a common problem among scholars is pedantry, but Zhang Tiansheng is not pedantic. Looking at Zhang Tiansheng's flexible and changeable ways of earning money, he is not a rigid person, but knows how to adapt.

Moreover, whether he is copying books for bookstores or giving private tutoring to others, he has a good reputation, which shows that this person has a sense of responsibility and good handling ability.

When Baiyou approached him to spread rumors, he was astonished and couldn't help but persuade Baiyou to think twice. Once this step is taken, there is no turning back.

This detail shows that although he wants to make money, he has his own bottom line and will not do everything for money.

Of course, the above are Baiyou's impressions of this person, and these impressions are superficial. Now that he wants to introduce him to Li Chuntao, Baiyou naturally needs to know more about this person.

So, Baiyou put on the carriage and went back to the county seat, and he took Li Dazhong with him.

Li Dazhong invites him to do everything together, and he must be with Li Dazhong in everything he does.

When he arrived at the county seat, Baiyou asked his servant to go to the academy and called Zhang Tiansheng to a teahouse near the academy. After seeing Zhang Tiansheng, Baiyou went straight to the point and said that he had a good marriage that he wanted to tell Zhang Tiansheng. Now let's listen to Zhang Tiansheng's story. Opinion.

Zhang Tiansheng was shocked by Baiyou's words, Baiyou actually wanted to match him?

After recovering, he immediately shook his head.

As far as his family is concerned, marrying another girl is tantamount to letting the other girl jump into the fire pit. He doesn't want to harm the good girl, so he can only thank Baiyou for his kindness.

He was rejected, which Baiyou expected, he smiled, and asked Zhang Tiansheng what kind of girl or husband he was looking for, and whether he had any conditions.

After Zhang Tiansheng heard this, he looked at him suspiciously, and then at Li Dazhong beside him, a bold idea appeared in his mind.

But it feels impossible.

As far as his family is concerned, how could a girl or a younger brother from the Li family fall in love with him.

He replied honestly: "Mr. Bai, my request is a bit shameless, so I am still unmarried at this age. My future wife or husband must first be diligent." "Because I am very diligent, so

I I hope the other party is also diligent, as my family is in such a situation, I really can't afford to support the young wife or the young master." "

As for filial piety, I don't force it at all. After all, my parents, brothers and sisters-in-law have never raised each other, and they can maintain a superficial peace on weekdays." Just do it."

"The other thing is to be able to chat."

He is a scholar after all, and he has spiritual pursuits, and he doesn't want his significant other to be illiterate.

"How can we be able to talk, you have to talk to be sure." "You

also need to close your eyes. After all, you want to stay together every day, face to face for a lifetime. If it doesn't match my eyes, then I will be so uncomfortable watching it every day. "

"If I feel uncomfortable every day after I get married, then I would rather not get married."

Speaking of this, he felt a little embarrassed, raised his hand and touched his nose, and then said: "Although I am nothing, it doesn't matter. Prevent me from making a request."

"I don't take the initiative to harm others, but if others want to propose marriage to me, it's better for me to make it clear in advance, so as not to be aggrieved in the future."

Baiyou: "..."

He laughed out loud.

Li Dazhong couldn't help looking at him, seeing his bright and radiant eyes, his heart couldn't help but move.

"It's a bit shameless, but it's also magnanimous. It's true that you shouldn't be aggrieved about major events in your life. You know it very well."

Baiyou said with a smile.

Zhang Tiansheng scratched his head when he heard the words, and smiled shyly, looking honest and harmless.

Baiyou had the bottom line in his heart, so he told Zhang Tiansheng to leave without talking to Zhang Tiansheng.

After Zhang Tian gave birth to the private room, he asked Li Dazhong's opinion.

"How do you look?"

"It's not bad, he can recognize himself clearly." Li Dazhong nodded.

Anyway, not annoying.

But, heck, the husband beside him had a really nice smile just now, which made him unable to take his eyes off.

Baiyou didn't notice Li Dazhong's careful thoughts, so he and Li Dazhong went back to Sanliu Village and told Tao Zhu what Zhang Tiansheng said today.

Tao Zhu also felt that this person was quite honest, so he and Li Qiao went to find Zhuang Wen, hoping to find out about Zhang Tiansheng from Zhuang Wen.

Zhuang Wen has an impression of Zhang Tiansheng, but Zhang Tiansheng's family background is not good, so he didn't consider Zhang Tiansheng before.

Li Chuntao is such a good girl, she can choose someone better than Zhang Tiansheng.

As for where it is better than Zhang Tiansheng, he hasn't found out yet.

But Li Chuntao has been waiting for so many years, so he doesn't care about this day or two, right?

After listening to Zhuang Wen's explanation, Li Qiao nodded, yes, that's the reason.

But what about Zhang Tiansheng?

Zhuang Wen thought about it carefully, and the answer was similar to Baiyou's, except for his poor family background and his old age, Zhang Tiansheng had no flaws.

After getting this answer, Li Qiao Tao Zhu told Li Chuntao about Zhang Tiansheng's situation after returning home.

Li Chuntao didn't expect Li Qiao Taozhu to find a scholar so quickly. After hearing Zhang Tiansheng's string of requests, she was not angry, but wanted to laugh.

"It's good to dare to admit that you are shameless."

"Then let's go to the county seat to meet him quietly?" Tao Zhu asked.

"Okay." Li Chuntao didn't hesitate, and nodded generously.

Anyway, it's just a meeting, and it's not like they will really get married.

So, two days later, Baiyou took Li Dazhong to find Zhang Tiansheng again, and the three of them went to the teahouse last time.

In the teahouse, Li Qiao Taozhu and Li Chuntao had been waiting for a long time.

This time, Baiyou asked something about the Zhang family, and Zhang Tiansheng's answer sounded reasonable, and even Li Qiao couldn't fault it.

I know how to be grateful, but I will not pull my unmarried wife or husband to be grateful together.

It's honest to say what you want and not hide the truth.

And there is a certain ability and potential.

As for the appearance, the facial features are correct, and the appearance is that kind of gentle and comfortable appearance, which is not annoying to look at.

Of course, this is Li Qiao's opinion.

Whether it can be done or not depends on Li Chuntao and Zhang Tiansheng.

When Zhang Tiansheng left, Li Qiao looked at Li Chuntao with a smile, "What do you think ?

" After suffering a loss once, she didn't want to subsidize the man again.

"Go to the village where his family is located first to find out." Li Qiao saw her hesitation and made a decision.

He also doesn't want Li Chuntao to help the poor, but if the Zhang family is good and doesn't want Li Chuntao's money, then he can proceed to the next step.

Li Qiao asked someone to quietly inquire about the situation of Zhang's family. In Sanliu Village, his family's warehouse has been built.

It is time for the wheat to be harvested.

His family used to hire a lot of long-term workers, but now when they meet Mai Busongtian, they hire a lot of short-term workers. The wheat in his family is ripe, just before the autumn harvest. The villagers are not busy at this time, so they have time to go to his house to work. farm work.

The production of sweet potatoes has decreased this year, and the villagers are eager to earn back this loss from other places.

Feeling the joy of making vermicelli + sweet potatoes in the past year and earning a total of hundreds of taels of silver, this year's tragedy of shrinking by half is somewhat unbearable.

There were too many workers, and Li Gu and Li Ershan couldn't manage it alone, so Li Qiao let Li Chunsheng and Li Xia and his son also participate in the management.

Although Li Xia is the younger brother, he is already fourteen years old, it's time to entrust him with some things.

Speaking of which, the Li family is still too small, and the management staff alone is not enough right now.

There are not enough people to make dim sum.

Although egg yolk cakes, moon cakes and other snacks consume a lot of eggs and duck eggs every day, the nearby villagers raise too many chickens and ducks. These people sent more than half of the eggs and duck eggs to him, and his family really couldn't put them down.

Moreover, Tao Zhu was too tired to make egg yolk cakes all day long, and he hated Tao Zhu to be so tired.

Pulling the Li family around, Li Qiao wanted to sigh.

If Li millet is normal, he can use Li millet.

If Li Dao is normal, then there will be an elder who is steady, reliable and loving like Li Gu.

Unfortunately, neither of these two can be used.

Excluding these two, he focused on the sisters Li Xiaomei and Li Xiaoxiang. These two sisters were Li Dazhong's third and fourth sisters. In Yuanshen's memory, they were both good, hardworking and capable.

Although the two sisters have now married and moved to another village, if they want to rescue Tao Zhu from the dim sum job, it is more reassuring to find the Li family.

Li Qiao went to Li Dazhong and asked for Li Dazhong's opinion.

Li Dazhong naturally has no objection, Li Xiaomei and Li Xiaoxiang are both honest and responsible, although they are married, but now they have the opportunity to make money, the two people's husband's family will definitely allow them to return to Sanliu Village.

The two of them had approached him, the eldest brother, before, and wanted to ask for an errand from Li Qiao, so as to earn some money and improve the family's conditions.

But at that time, he planned to never have any contact with Li Qiao in his life, so he refused to say this, and he didn't allow the two of them to go to Li Qiao in private.

Right now, Li Qiao took the initiative to find the two of them, and the two of them would definitely be willing.

When Li Dazhong went to talk with Li Xiaomei and Li Xiaoxiang about making dim sum, there was news from the Zhang family on the other side.

People in the same village of the Zhang family spoke very well of the Zhang family. Although there are many members of the Zhang family, they have always been harmonious and have never had any conflicts, nor have they had any disputes with the villagers.

Zhang's family is good, Li Chuntao feels a little relieved now.

Moreover, she is no longer the Li Chuntao who was allowed to be rounded and flattened by others. If they want to pinch her, the Zhang family really doesn't have the ability.

The Zhang family was fine, so Li Qiao and Baiyou arranged for Li Chuntao and Zhang Tiansheng to meet.

The location is still in that teahouse.

Let the two stay in the box to talk, while Li Qiao Taozhu and Baiyou Li Dazhong went to the next box to wait.

Zhang Tiansheng knew now that Baiyou introduced him to a girl from the Li family, and Li Chuntao, Li Qiao's cousin!

He was aware of the grievances between Li Chuntao and the Zhou family. As a man, he understood Zhou Mingsheng's thoughts very well. He was sure that Li Chuntao was innocent.

Look at Li Chuntao again.

Not very beautiful, she looks like a good wife and loving mother, but her eyes are bright, and she is not shy when looking at him, but looks up and down.

She is examining him.

As if he was looking at her.

He couldn't help sighing, Li Qiao was really amazing, he transformed the girl who was almost killed by Zhou Mingsheng into a confident but not ostentatious, strong but not overbearing girl.


After admiring him, he began to ask about business: "Miss Li, what do you think of Xiaosheng?


"You're fine. It's Xiaosheng who has been promoted, and the Zhang family is a pit of fire and a burden to you." "

So, are you rejecting me in disguise?" Li Chuntao tilted her head, but she was not angry.

"No, no, girl, don't get me wrong. Xiaosheng just made it clear in advance and doesn't want to deceive you." Zhang Tiansheng shook his head quickly.

He is nothing himself but demands a lot, and he admits that he is shameless.

But he also had to admit that Li Chuntao in front of him was somewhat attractive to him.

This Li Chuntao was transformed by Li Qiao, but if a person wants to truly change, he has to step over the hurdle in his heart.

Li Chuntao walked over, so there was Li Chuntao in front of him.

"If the girl doesn't dislike it, then let's get in touch quietly first? Girl, don't worry, even if it doesn't work out in the end, Xiaosheng will never talk nonsense and ruin your reputation."

Li Chuntao laughed, and she nodded lightly: "Okay. "

That's what she intended too.

Although she had a good impression of Zhang Tiansheng himself, she would not marry casually. She had to get along with her to confirm that it was really suitable, and then talk about marriage.

In the next box, Li Qiao breathed a sigh of relief after listening to the conversation between the two.

Li Chuntao's life-long event was half resolved.

I hope this Zhang Tiansheng will not disappoint.

Li Chuntao and Zhang Tiansheng had results, and on the other hand, Li Xiaomei and Li Xiaoxiang were willing to come to Li Qiao's house to make snacks.

How could she not want to? This is a good opportunity that no one else can ask for, and now it can fall on the two of them, all thanks to the surname Li.

Li Xiaomei and Li Xiaoxiang's children are still young and just weaned, but their in-laws are very supportive of them coming to Li Qiao's house to make snacks, and they keep telling them to work hard and not be returned by Li Qiao.

The two of them don't need to worry about everything at home, whether it's a man or a child, they won't make trouble for them, they just need to make a good snack.

Her husband's family strongly supported it, and Li Xiaomei and Li Xiaoxiang also wanted to come and make dim sum, so this matter came to fruition.

The two sisters live in Baiyou's big yard.

Baiyou's big yard is the same as that of Liqiao's house. There are many rooms in the front yard, enough for the two sisters to live in.

With the participation of Li Xiaomei and Li Xiaoxiang, Tao Zhu made as many as 600 egg yolk pastries every day.

This amount, the current Pingcheng can eat.

But Tao Zhu does not intend to continue making egg yolk cakes.

He has a restless temperament, even if Li Qiao finds someone to replace him, but now the villagers are busy earning money, and the family is also harvesting wheat, how can he really be as leisurely as before.

These days, he has seen the anxiety of the villagers. He has suffered a lot. It has only been less than three years since he lived a good life. Therefore, he wants to do something for the villagers.

But what can he do for the villagers?

Even if Li Qiao made vermicelli, the income of the villagers was still not stable, depending on the weather.

When Tao Zhu was worried, his family had finished harvesting the wheat.

The wheat is put into storage, this is his family's ration for next year, and it is also the raw material for making snacks.

I used to buy flour to make dim sum, but now I have wheat at home, so of course I have to use my own wheat.

Although the wheat will not last until next year's harvest, it can last for a while.

Tao Zhu has a field but wants to buy other people's wheat, whenever Tao Zhu thinks about it, he will feel distressed.

After the wheat is harvested at home, the autumn harvest of the villagers begins.

The autumn harvest is mainly corn, millet, yellow rice, sweet potato, etc.

A large number of vendors have long been waiting for food, and farmers naturally harvest sweet potatoes first.

After the rush to harvest began, all the farmers in Pingcheng who had grown sweet potatoes at home wished they could live in the sweet potato fields twelve hours a day, so as to turn the sweet potatoes into money as soon as possible.

In addition, the sweet potato workshop has also started.

While digging sweet potatoes, making vermicelli.

Li Qiao's family planted 100 acres of sweet potatoes, which required a lot of manpower. Most of the people who worked in his family before went back to dig sweet potatoes at home.

Fortunately, he employs a lot of long-term workers. These long-term workers either have no fields at home or have very few fields. These people have no sweet potatoes to dig, so they can only stay at his home to earn wages.

After the first batch of sweet potatoes came back, Li Qiao's family also started making vermicelli.

The freshly made vermicelli is taken out of the hot water pot and cooked directly in the pot. The taste is slightly different from that of the dried vermicelli, but it is equally delicious.

So, that night, the dinner at Liqiao's family was fried vermicelli with dried chili and hot and sour noodles.

Stir-fried vermicelli does not need meat, only a few dried chilies and lard are added. After frying, the vermicelli is soft, fragrant and spicy, and not greasy.

This kind of fried vermicelli, Liqiao doesn't need to be served with steamed buns, it can be eaten dry in a small bowl.

Of course, he also loves hot and sour noodles.

Here is a deluxe version of hot and sour noodles, with grilled sausage and chicken chops inside. Although it is delicious, it tastes very good, and it tastes super refreshing.

Li Qiao first ate a small bowl of fried vermicelli, and then a small bowl of hot and sour rice noodles, until he was full.

Ever since he became a supernatural being, these six words should not be eaten at night have disappeared from his life. No matter how much he eats at night, he can digest it cleanly the next morning.

After eating so much greasy food, he cut up a few watermelons, intending to use the fruit to relieve his greasiness.

The watermelon at home is almost finished, but he doesn't eat alone, he always eats with everyone.

After the watermelon was cut, he picked up a watermelon cut in half and went back to the backyard, leaving the rest for others to eat.

After a while, Tao Zhu also came over.

The couple sat by Tao Zhu's desk, eating the small watermelon in front of the candle.

The watermelon in this season doesn't need to be iced in well water to be cool. Tao Zhu took a spoon and ate slowly, bite by bite.

Watermelon is cold in nature, so if he put it in his mouth to warm it up, the harm to his body should be reduced.

What he did was purely self-deception, but it was also kind of cute. Li Qiao couldn't help laughing, leaned over and kissed him on the mouth: "Eat quickly, let's go to bed after eating." Today's study went well, and he recited a

lot The content and progress are gratifying.

Gotta go to bed and have a good time celebrating.

"...I have something to tell you." Tao Zhu swallowed the watermelon in his mouth, and said seriously.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Li Qiao also became serious, looking at him curiously.

"Business matters."

Tao Zhu drooped his eyes to dig watermelons, and said slowly, "Right now, folks are sending more and more eggs and duck eggs, and we're under a lot of pressure." "

So I thought, No, let's start the duck business and solve the problem of the flood of eggs and duck eggs from the root." "

That's it."

Li Qiao's eyes widened, and he asked the villagers in the nearby village to raise chickens and ducks in order to make ducks. business idea.

But there are not enough people.

Right now, for the dim sum business, he has already called back the married Li Xiaomei and Li Xiaoxiang. If he is in the duck business, where can he find someone?

As for Tao Zhu, he couldn't bear Tao Zhu being so tired, and now he and Tao Zhu are not short of money.

But now that Tao Zhu has brought up this matter, he must have an idea in his heart, so he asked: "How do you want to do this business?" "

Hire folks."

Tao Zhu said with a soft sigh: "Our family There are too few people here. If we want to expand our business, it is impossible to

rely on our own family alone. We have to hire other people." Counting on vermicelli."

"The folks only do hair removal, slaughter, and specific seasoning. Let's find a trustworthy person to be responsible." "What do you think of

this method?"

He said as he clenched the spoon in his hand, his eyes widened. It's a big deal, waiting for Li Qiao's answer.

This is the first time he wants to take the initiative to start a not-so-small business.

Prior to this, the family's business was dominated by Li Qiao, who did what Li Qiao arranged for him to do.

But this time, it was he himself who wanted to do this big business.

I don't know if his idea is mature or not...

"I think this idea is very good!"

Facing Tao Zhu's slightly apprehensive eyes, Li Qiao put down the spoon in his hand, grabbed his hand, and gave him affirmation and encouragement. praise.

"This method kills three birds with one stone. It not only solves the problem of too many eggs and duck eggs at home, but also allows the villagers to have wages. We can also earn money ourselves. It's really wonderful.

" Great! You not only have the talent to do business, but also have the benevolence to lead the villagers to get rich. I really accumulated great virtue in my previous life, so I can have a good-looking, kind and very capable husband like you in this life. Tao

Zhu: "..."

He was amused by Li Qiao's exaggerated tone.

Of course, there is also what Li Qiao said.

Li Qiao praised him every day for his good looks, but whenever he heard it, he would be very happy.

Tilting his head, he looked at Li Qiao with a smile on his face: "Then is there any omission in this idea ?


After finishing speaking, she leaned over to kiss him.

As the saying goes, if you look at a beauty under the lamp, the more you look at it, the more beautiful it is.

At this time, Tao Zhu was smiling softly, his body was covered with a layer of dim light, but his eyes were shining brightly.

It taught him how to bear it.

Besides, his pottery bamboo is not only good-looking, but also kind-hearted!

To meet Tao Zhu in this life, he really did good deeds in his previous life.

Feeling Li Qiao's enthusiasm, Tao Zhu only hesitated for a moment before giving up the struggle, forget it, let's talk about the specific plan after the happiness is over.

But when the two of them were happy, Tao Zhu no longer had the strength to think about it.

Fortunately, this matter is not in a hurry. Now that everyone is busy with the autumn harvest and making vermicelli, even if he is recruiting people, he will not be able to recruit people.

Li Qiao is very supportive of Tao Zhu's business in duck products. Although he is reluctant to let Tao Zhu get tired, he will not stop Tao Zhu from doing things he is interested in.

Although Tao Zhu is inseparable from him, and although he is the backbone to take care of his daily necessities, Tao Zhu has never been his vassal, Tao Zhu is not a pendant on his body.

His imperial examination is a serious matter, so Tao Zhu put everything down to revolve around him.

But Tao Zhu has always had his own ideas and independent soul.

Now Tao Zhu wants to start a duck business, and he supports it very much.

And a little relieved.

He and Tao Zhu couldn't be separated from each other, even if they were only separated for a day, they would think about it to death.

He once told Tao Zhu that he was where Tao Zhu was.

In fact, these words are unfair to Tao Zhu.

Because he is going to take the imperial examination, Tao Zhu regards him as the main one. If there is no accident, if he becomes an official after passing the imperial examination, Tao Zhu will always take him as the main one in his life.

It's not that he is where Tao Zhu is, but that wherever he is, Tao Zhu will be there.

This is very unfair to Tao Zhu.

Now, Tao Zhu has something he is interested in and wants to put it into action. While he supports him, he is really pleased.

Li Qiao's firm support and praise gave Tao Zhu great confidence, and he put half of his energy on this matter.

Although he can't recruit people right now, he is not in a hurry.

The production of sweet potatoes has decreased this year, and the sweet potato workshops will not be able to operate until the end of spring like last year.

Besides, except for Sanliu Village and Zhujia Village where all staff make vermicelli, the surrounding villages make vermicelli by lottery. Whoever wins the lottery can go to the sweet potato workshop in the county to make vermicelli.

Therefore, outside of Sanliu Village and Zhujia Village, many people will be free soon.

Today, in Tao Zhu's mind, the word "folks" does not only refer to the villagers of Sanliu Village, but also the people of these ten miles and eight villages.

These people treated him not much differently from Li Qiao, or from Sanliu Village.

Those people also donated money for the adobe brick road.

These people also retained the habit of giving Li Qiao something because of sweet potatoes in the past two years.

Although the gifts are all worthless little things, it is also a heart.

Of course, some people who were unhappy with Li Qiao had to be excluded here, and he would definitely screen carefully when selecting workers.

While Tao Zhu was busy with the duck business, Pingcheng's vermicelli business started smoothly.

Those big businessmen who spent a lot of money on number plates were very satisfied with the new vermicelli this year, and readily paid the money to Jiangzhi County, and then they took a large number of vermicelli on the road.

Before the snow falls, I have to leave quickly.

Otherwise, when it snows, if you go north, you will be blocked by land and water.

After the merchants of Hexi Prefecture transported the vermicelli to the capital, the vermicelli caused a small craze in the capital by virtue of its excellent taste. Later, the small composition of the Holy Majesty came out, and the small craze immediately turned into a big craze. Now the wealthy gang in the capital Everyone is waiting for this batch of vermicelli.

Therefore, he had to return to Beijing quickly so that he could earn back the money he had just paid to Jiangzhi County.

Hey, the production of sweet potatoes has decreased this year, and the rarest is the most expensive. The vermicelli in their hands will increase in price after they arrive in Beijing!

The author has something to say:

I hope tomorrow will not be so late QAQ

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