Chapter 54 Corn Grilled Sausage Li Qiao is Amazing

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 The business hours of Zuixianju are the same as that of Wangyuelou, but generally speaking, the business of Wangyuelou is good at noon.

Because Wangyuelou is not only a business for rich people, but also for ordinary people. At noon, not only local people in Pingcheng will go to Wangyuelou for consumption.

People who come to Pingcheng for business will also go to Wangyuelou for consumption.

Therefore, Wangyue Tower is the best business at noon.

Zuixianju is good at night.

Zuixianju is famous for its wine, and rich people in Pingcheng like to drink at night.

But that changed recently.

The business of Wangyuelou is not only booming at noon.

The evening also went from mediocre to explosive.

The number of rich people in Pingcheng is limited, and the traffic in Pingcheng is not very developed, and the daily population of foreigners is limited. Now that the business of Wangyuelou at night is getting better, the business of Zuixianju is naturally worse.

At this time, shopkeeper Zhao was sitting behind the counter, and there was no one in the lobby on the first floor except him and a few guys.

As for the second floor, only two guests were drinking small drinks.

The magnificently decorated restaurant has never felt this deserted!

Shopkeeper Zhao's face was gloomy, but his heart was burning with anxiety.

He knows what the problem is.

So he monopolized the pig small intestines in the entire Pingcheng.

But the local chefs in Pingcheng had never cooked sausages before. When they first started researching sausages, they wasted a lot of casings just by putting pork into casings.

I finally figured out the first step, but when I put the sausage in the pan to fry and cook in the pan, the casing broke for no reason.

After wasting a lot of meat and casings, the sausages finally look decent, but the taste is still not as good as that of Mochizuki. It tastes like dumpling stuffing.


As for the Youth League, it made him even more pissed off and then pissed off.

Qingtuan, in fact, is glutinous rice skin wrapped with stuffing, he thought it would be easy to figure out, at least simpler than sausage, because although Pingcheng mainly uses pasta, but his chef at Zuixianju knows how to use it. Rice and glutinous rice are used as snacks.

Therefore, when Li Qiao refused to sell him the prescription, he happily left.

But the truth gave him a slap in the face. The green ball made by Zuixianju's chef was too hard and not soft enough.

Moreover, before he could thoroughly study this layer of glutinous rice skin, Li Qiao made another green ball stuffed with egg yolk and meat floss!

It was the first time he had heard the word meat floss, and he was curious, so he immediately sent his clerk to Wangyue Tower to buy it.

However, he didn't find the meat floss in the stuffing at all.

But Wangyuelou guarantees that the stuffing is mixed with pork, and the fake one will pay one hundred, so where is the pork?

Where the hell is that pork stuffed with egg yolk floss? !

The more he thought about it, the more irritable he became, the shopkeeper Zhao was about to get up and go back to the back kitchen to supervise and supervise the cook, when footsteps came from upstairs.

Immediately afterwards, a melodious voice sounded: "Shopkeeper, tell you to go to Wangyuelou to buy some skewers, so we can have a drink."

Shopkeeper Zhao: "?"

A few guys in the lobby: "..."

They were no longer as clever as they used to be. They all shrunk their necks and lowered their heads, trying to reduce the sense of presence as much as possible, lest they be caught by shopkeeper Zhao and vent their anger.

"The shopkeeper?"

On the second floor, Baiyou thought that the shopkeeper Zhao didn't hear clearly, so she called out again.

Shopkeeper Zhao: "..."

He was beeping in his heart, but he smiled on his face: "Mr. Bai, the small shop also has skewers, why don't you try the skewers from the small shop first?" "


Bai Yuzu hesitated.

At this time, another voice sounded: "Forget it, let's go directly to Wangyue Tower with the wine. I want to tell shopkeeper Wang that I have to leave ten sausages for tomorrow. My cousin will come from Fucheng tomorrow." , he must have never tasted such a delicious sausage."

As soon as the voice came out, Baiyou's hesitation immediately disappeared: "Okay, let's go to Wangyue Tower."

Shopkeeper Zhao: "?"

This is embarrassing for him.

In front of his own tricks, where does this put his old face?

But it's not over yet, the little brother who drank with Baiyou is named Shen Hua, and he is the youngest son of Zhengxin College Xuezheng.

He stumbled and walked downstairs from the second floor, complaining as he walked: "Shopkeeper Zhao, I heard that you have bought all the pig intestines in the county, so the pork sausages in Wangyuelou have been reduced by half." "

You If you can't make delicious sausages yourself, why do you buy all the pig's small intestines? You're clearly occupying the latrine and not shitting."

"I can't smell the smell of mutton at all. You make me unable to eat pork sausage often."

Shopkeeper Zhao: "..."

This is not beeping the dog, it is being beeped by the dog. His face turned red and then green, green and then red again, but seeing Shen Hua's angry look, he could only smile apologetically.

In Dasheng, Xuezheng is an official of the ninth grade of Zhengzheng. Although this is a sesame official among sesame officials, he is an official after all, which is different from ordinary people.

Moreover, Shen Xuezheng himself is a Juren, and he is in charge of a group of scholars in Pingcheng County, and his contacts are wider than ordinary Zhima officials.

Therefore, shopkeeper Zhao could only smile kindly: "Mr. Shen, the chef of the shop has been studying sausages. You have to give the shop a chance to serve you delicacies." "How long have you been studying? How long have you been studying?

" You have to recognize the reality when you come out." Shen Hua rolled her eyes as she spoke, dissatisfaction was written on her baby fat face.

"Yes, yes, you are right. I will urge the cook to make sausages that satisfy you as soon as possible." Shopkeeper

Zhao apologized, but he did not mean to give up the monopoly.

Just kidding, even if he buys out the pig's intestines, it won't be able to stop Wangyue Tower from flourishing. If he doesn't do anything, is there still a place for him in Pingcheng?

He Zuixianju can always do the business of the rich and noble, so there are naturally people behind him, what happened to Xuezheng's son?

I can only point at his nose and scold, but I can't make him give up the monopoly.

Shen Hua naturally understood this too, so he just glanced at shopkeeper Zhao angrily: "Forget it, I won't drink the wine at your house, the wine my cousin drinks in Fucheng is even better." After finishing

speaking After saying this, he grabbed Baiyou's arm and walked towards the door.

As a widow, Baiyou sees a lot, but he is not angry: "Brother Hua, you use every means to do business, so don't be angry." Hearing this,

shopkeeper Zhao's heart that had been pricked again and again was finally It feels better, but no, he didn't hurt God!

But in the next second, Baiyou said again: "In the future, I will let my maid also go to Wangyue Tower to grab sausages, and I will give you all the snatches. Don't be angry."

Shopkeeper Zhao: "..."

So, this is lost again a diner.


This Liqiao!

Just relying on a few snacks, he actually snatched most of Zuixianju's business. He really underestimated this scholar before.

what to do?

Li Qiao didn't know about Shopkeeper Zhao's plight. After a rain, the weather became much cooler and it was autumn.

This is a good time to eat corn. The corn cobs are at their tenderest. Break off a few cobs and put them in the pot to cook. The strong corn fragrance can fill the whole kitchen.

Tao Zhu loves to eat this kind of corn, but he was not able to eat this kind of corn when he was in the Tao family. The corn yield is high, and its status in the Tao family is tied with sweet potatoes. It is the most eaten food in the Tao family.

If all the tender corn cobs were eaten, the ration would be greatly reduced.

Therefore, if he wanted to eat it, he could only roast it quietly in the ground.

But he doesn't like to eat grilled corn, it's too hard, he likes to eat boiled.

However, he and Li Qiao had just bought a field, and the corn that had been planted had only grown up to his ankles, so if he wanted to eat tender corn, he would have to wait another two months.

But what I didn't expect was that when Li Dashan came over this morning, he carried half a sack of tender corn cobs: "My mother went to the corn field to break them early in the morning, let us eat whatever we want." "Oh, so

many Huh?" Tao Zhu opened the sack, very pleasantly surprised.

"We have a lot of people. If we really eat, we can finish it in one meal." Li Dashan didn't think it was too much. He and his uncle had a lot of food. If they really wanted to eat, they couldn't eat five or six at a time.

"Then cook corn to eat in the morning." Tao Zhu had a slight smile on his face.

So, this morning's breakfast was corn on the cob, pumpkin porridge, garlic eggplant with egg pancakes.

Just as Li Dashan thought, Li Chuntao cooked the half sack of corn, there were more than 20 corns, and after a meal, the four of them ate them all.

After breakfast, Brother Qiu from Zhang Xiuhua's family came to sell eggs with a basket of eggs, and Li Dashan was still in charge of weighing the eggs. But this time, Li Qiao stood aside and asked, "Brother Qiu, I heard from my aunt

that your family has planted several acres of corn, right?"

, said that her family has planted six or seven acres of corn, and the corn is about to mature, and breaking the corn will be a big job, and she will be exhausted to death.

Brother Qiu nodded when he heard the words, and said in a soft voice: "Yes." "

Then you go back and ask Uncle De to see if your tender corn cobs are sold. I want to buy them. The price is the same as that in the county. A penny."

Zhang embroidered man called Li De.

"Ah? Good. Good."

Brother Qiu was taken aback for a moment, then nodded again and again, his smiling eyes narrowed.

Someone in their village is willing to buy tender corn!

And it's still a penny a piece. You have to know that a catty of dry corn kernels is only three pennies. Now a piece of tender corn that is full of water and has a corn cob is a penny a piece. That's a lot of money!

But Li Dashan was a little stunned standing aside: "Uncle, why are you buying corn? My family has planted several acres." "

Your parents will definitely not charge you for eating from your family."

"... just a few A corn on the cob, how can I collect money?"

"Brother, I will settle the account, I don't want to waste my time, so I just bought it from the folks."

As for why I bought it from Zhang Xiuhua's house, the reason is very simple. First, Li Qiao can clearly feel it. See the goodwill and enthusiasm released by Zhang Xiuhua.

The second is that Zhang Xiuhua's life is indeed not very good.

Li De can't do heavy work, so whether it's field work or building a house, it's the woman Zhang Xiuhua who does it.

So, help if you can.

Li Qiao said and looked at Brother Qiu: "If Uncle De is willing to sell, I will ask your brother Dazhu to deliver it at noon, and I will ask for 50 pieces first. If my family wants to buy it in the future, I will let Dashan go over and tell you. "

Yeah, good!"

Brother Qiu was so happy that he ran home happily, carrying a basket and the copper coins he got from selling eggs.

Fifty stalks are fifty cents!

There will be money in the future!

Tao Zhu felt distressed: "Why did you buy so much corn?"

"Eat. When you saw the corn brought by Dashan in the morning, you said 'oh, you've never done this before."

Li Qiao imitated his tone at that time: "Oh, oh~"

Tao Zhu: "..."

He blushed all of a sudden, seeing Li Dashan and Li Chuntao standing aside and staring at him, he pursed his lips and raised his hand to pinch Li Qiao's arm: "Don't imitate me!"

Li Qiao turned around and ran into the shed, explaining as he ran: "It's not because you are so cute, your tone is cute, and your sparkling eyes are also cute."

Tao Zhu: "..."

His cheeks were so hot that they seemed to be on fire . Although he and Li Qiao would occasionally hold hands in front of Li Dashan and Li Chuntao, Li Qiao was so enthusiastic and straightforward at this time that he still couldn't stand it.

In front of the junior, what nonsense!

He also followed into the shed: "What a cutie, how old am I!"


Li Qiao's cry of pain came from the shed, as if Tao Zhu's heavy hand had been dropped.

But then his voice sounded again: "You are not very old, you are only twenty years old, what a good age. The scene of you is full of youthful vigor and pure happiness, beautiful and infectious, and attracts people's attention. I also laughed along with you."

"...don't say it!" Tao Zhu remembered with a shy but laughing voice, and then, accompanied by a "uh...", the shed gradually fell silent.

Li Dashan and Li Chuntao stood in the courtyard and looked at each other.

Li Dashan frowned, lost in thought, his uncle is so good, no wonder his uncle was able to marry his Uncle Zhu so soon.

Brother Qian is still ignoring him now, it must be because of his clumsy tongue.


He has to learn from his uncle.

Envy flashed across Li Chuntao's eyes.

Her heart that has been severely hurt will always be healed when facing Li Qiao and Tao Zhu.

When Tao Zhu came out of the shed again, there was obvious moisture on his lips, his cheeks were still flushed, and there was a layer of water in his eyes.

With a straight face, he entered the kitchen as if nothing had happened, preparing to make Shaqima.

At this moment, there was a soft "Woo" from the door, followed by a slightly familiar voice.

"Is Brother Li at home?"

Tao Zhu turned his head and looked towards the door, seeing the appearance of the person coming, his brows frowned slightly, it turned out to be the shopkeeper Zhao of Zuixianju!

What is shopkeeper Zhao doing here?

What are you doing?

Of course it was for peace.

The business of Zuixianju was so poor that it was deserted during the evening peak hours. If it continued like this, it might not be far from closing down.

So shopkeeper Zhao took the gift and came to talk to Li Qiao with a smile.

This time, he didn't dislike the fact that the bench in Li Qiao's house was too low, nor did he dislike the sour plum soup that was served was dirty, and there was no mouthful that was the buyer's prescription.

He hoped to be able to buy green balls from Li Qiao and sausages from Butcher Zheng like Shopkeeper Wang did.

As long as Li Qiao agrees, he is willing to bear five hundred taels of liquidated damages, and he is also willing to give Li Qiao a profit.

Qingtuan, Li Qiao stuffed with red bean paste sold to shopkeeper Wang for 18 yuan each, and egg yolk stuffed with meat floss for 40 yuan each, and he is willing to buy these two kinds of fillings at the price of 25 yuan and 60 yuan Youth League.

For sausages, Butcher Zheng sold eighteen coins to shopkeeper Wang, and he was willing to buy them for thirty coins.

Li Qiao was not moved when he heard these prices.

His sworn reputation cannot be bought with this amount of money.

Seeing this, shopkeeper Zhao gritted his teeth and raised the price again. He was willing to buy green balls stuffed with red bean paste, green balls stuffed with egg yolk and meat floss, and sausages at prices of 35, 88, and 35 cash.

This price is the selling price of Wangyue Tower. If he buys it at this price, it is tantamount to paying back money.

Li Qiao was still unmoved, and the reason was still that a gentleman is worth more than a thousand pieces of gold.

Shopkeeper Zhao was helpless, the fire in his heart was enough to burn the river in Sanliu Village dry, but he was polite on the surface.

Forget it, he will find another way when he goes back.


After sending shopkeeper Zhao away, Li Dashan was not as impressed by the price given by shopkeeper Zhao this time as he was last time, but he still had a pity.

"Uncle, you should have gone to Zuixianju to ask about the price when you were selling Fenggai. Why don't

you compare the prices?" Do you dislike this yard?"

Li Qiao asked him.

"... Is there?" Li Dashan scratched his head in confusion, he really didn't pay attention.

"You have too much to learn." Li Qiao said helplessly.

"I will study hard in the future!" Li Dashan felt guilty.

However, he quickly laughed again: "Uncle, he detested you but had to come to you, which shows that you are amazing!" "No,

Li Qiao is the best." Tao Zhu nodded approvingly , he looked at Li Qiao, the corners of his mouth curled up uncontrollably.

This is his man!

Moreover, he was worried that shopkeeper Zhao would retaliate before, but now he is not worried.

Li Qiao saw Tao Zhu's expression full of love, and he smiled and said, "Dashan, you go to Zheng's house, and they said that putting corn kernels into meat stuffing and making corn sausages is also delicious. "

Hurry up, so that Uncle Zhu can have corn sausage for lunch."

He explained in detail how to make corn sausage.

If you want the corn flavor of the sausage to be stronger, you can't just add corn kernels, you have to add corn juice.


Li Dashan rushed away.

Tao Zhu, on the other hand, said duplicity: "Why are you so troublesome?"

"You like to eat, and what's more, it's the Zheng family that's in trouble, not us." Li Qiao answered with a smile.

"Our money is spent on eating and drinking."

Tao Zhu continued to duplicity, but his watery eyes were slightly bent.

They and the Zheng family also settled accounts clearly. If they wanted to eat sausages and pork balls, they would spend money on them.

"Isn't earning money just to eat and drink well, and we didn't waste it."

"You are always right." Tao Zhu could no longer hold back the smile on his face.

"I'm good-looking, so I'm justified." Li Qiao naturally smiled too.

"I'm not ashamed, Chuntao is still watching." Tao Zhu pointed to Li Chuntao who was at the side.

"So what, am I not good-looking?" Li Qiao only stared at Tao Zhu and asked.

"...It looks good." Tao Zhu was quite honest about this question.

Moreover, the more this person looks, the more beautiful he looks.

The good-looking one just looked at him, and he couldn't help laughing.

Li Chuntao: "..."

She should be under the two people's ox cart, not in the yard.

At noon that day, Li Qiao's meal was all corn.

Li Dazhu sent fifty corns in the middle of the day, and the Zheng family sent ten corn sausages at noon.

So, at noon, it was boiled corn on the cob, stewed pork ribs with winter melon and corn, corn pancakes, and corn sausage.

Tao Zhu was very satisfied with his meal, and when lunch was over, he took Li Qiao back to his room to rest.

Of course, there is no real rest.

However, because it was daytime, the two of them did nothing but lie on the bed and hug each other and kiss each other.

Compared with the happiness at night, Tao Zhu occasionally prefers the happiness of kissing during the day, because at night, this person always puts all his effort into torturing him, which is refreshing, but also very tiring.

But the kisses during the day are different, this person is always very gentle, hugging him gently, blending with his breath, one kiss after another falls on his lips, forehead, and cheeks, letting him know that he is loved with.

He likes it.

On the other hand, the Zheng family also liked the taste of corn sausage, so they made more.

The next day, the grilled corn sausage was well received by all the diners in Mochiyuelou. I didn't expect that there is such a way of eating, it's delicious.

Shopkeeper Zhao was so angry that his cook hadn't figured out the ordinary taste of sausage yet, but Li Qiao came up with a new trick.

Damn it, why does the sausage stuffing made by his chef look like dumpling stuffing!

The corn sausage is very popular, and the Zheng family is very happy.

But the Zheng family only planted two acres of corn.

The Zheng family also has a lot of land, but the Zheng family felt that breaking corn cobs was too tiring, so they only planted two acres for their family to eat.

Right now, a lot of corn is needed to make sausages, so the Zheng family, like Li Qiao, found Zhang Xiuhua.

His family wants to buy corn from Zhang Xiuhua's house.

Zhang Xiuhua's family is naturally very happy. Breaking the corn cobs is tiring, really tiring. The corn leaves are sharp and itchy and painful to cut on the skin. When breaking the corn cobs, you have to cover your head and face with a cloth.

But the corn stalks are very high, and even though it is autumn when breaking the corn cobs, the weather is still hot, so when you stay in the cornfield and break the corn, you will be hot, stuffy and tired. Whoever breaks the corn will know the uncomfortable feeling.

Moreover, this is just the beginning. After the corn cobs are broken back, the corn husks have to be peeled off one by one, dried after peeling, and threshed after drying.

In short, the whole process is tiring.

Her own man can't do this job, and she is the main force of this job every year. With the growth of her son in recent years, she has relaxed a little, but in the end it is still very tiring.

Right now, the Zheng family has saved her family a lot of energy and earned a lot of money. She is really grateful to Li Qiao.

For this reason, before dawn this morning, and before the construction site started, she deliberately brought two sacks of corncobs on a cart, and had to give them to Li Qiao.

Li Qiao would not accept it, but Tao Zhu liked it, and he was willing to pay for it.

The arguing between the two sides was seen by the folks who came to sell dry firewood, and it quickly spread throughout Sanliu Village.

Other villagers who heard the news were a little stunned. Why, now Li Qiao not only digests their eggs, vegetables, wheat, dry firewood, etc., but also corn?

Awesome, this is really awesome.

After sighing, the villagers were delighted.

Not only Zhang Xiuhua's family planted corn, but they also planted corn. The Zheng family's sausage business is long-term. If Zhang Xiuhua's corn is used up, it might be their turn!

Who would not be tempted to save energy and earn money?

The author has something to say:

This National Day update is really scumbag QAQ

Thanks to Baozi who is still chasing the update, sprinkle flowers in this chapter and send small red envelopes!

Domineering husbandWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt