Chapter 221-230

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Chapter 221 The students of the medical school began to sit in the hall and Sheng Hong prepared to farm

This New Year, the hottest topic in Shengjing is Li Qiao's new bicycle.

The first batch of people who got their bicycles, regardless of the cold weather, rode their bicycles around the streets on the first day of the new year, and they were amazed and admired everywhere they went.

Even the sixth prince came to find Li Qiao on the morning of the second day of the Lunar New Year, and asked Li Qiao to give him a stop, so that he could get five bicycles for him as soon as possible.

The sixth prince was arrogant, and happily gave Li Qiao five thousand taels of silver, and waved his hand. There is no need to look for the extra five taels of silver, just hurry up and arrange a bicycle for him.

At the same time, he patted Li Qiao on the shoulder, and looked at Li Qiao with admiration in his eyes: "Master Li, I thought you had exhausted your talents, but I didn't expect you to make such an exquisite thing. The champion of six yuan, I am convinced." "

...You are too famous. It is God's favor that you can make a bicycle. Moreover, the purpose of the bicycle is not very big, it is just a toy. It can run Not fast, you will get tired after riding for a long time, it is far worse than riding a horse."

Li Qiao was very humble.

He wouldn't dislike the Sixth Prince, after all, the Sixth Prince didn't do anything harmful.

But he absolutely didn't want to get close to the sixth prince.

His idea of ​​governing the people is not in line with the Sixth Prince's. The so-called difference of way does not conspire with each other. The Sixth Prince must not appreciate him.

"Your words are false. Bicycles and horses have their own advantages and disadvantages. I heard that you put three bicycles over there in the medical hall. If it is really useless, why did you put the bicycles there?" "Say

yes It's useless, actually it's still faster than people walking, Xiaguan thought that in case there is any urgent need to use bicycles over there, so he put three bicycles there."

Li Qiao explained.

On the first anniversary of the establishment of the medical school, that is, at the beginning of the twelfth lunar month, Li Qiao asked the teacher of the medical school to pick out the five students with the best grades from the 200 students, and then he bought a small courtyard in the south of the city.

This small courtyard is not far from the Medical Museum, across a street, he named this small courtyard the First Affiliated Hospital of the Medical Museum, and he let the five students with excellent grades enter this hospital to provide free medical consultations for the poor people in the city.

Of course, in order to avoid competing with the medical clinics in the city, he made it clear that only those from poor families who could not afford the medicines could go to the First Affiliated Hospital for medical treatment.

Poor people who can't afford the medicines are not the target customers of the city's traditional Chinese medicine clinics. In this way, there is no such thing as grabbing business.

Moreover, he also made it clear that these five students have only studied medicine for one year, and they can only treat some minor ailments such as headaches and brain fever.

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