Chapter 186-190

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Chapter 186 Royal Logistics Earned Money and Ready to Open a New Shop

Royal Logistics was able to steadily add more than 100 orders a day in a short period of time, thanks to the special location in the inner city.

Most of the officials in Shengjing were confined in the inner city, and officials were not allowed to go out at will unless there were other things to do.

Moreover, officials are not short of money, so they don't feel bad about the errand fees.

Under such circumstances, the food delivery business has developed easily and rapidly.

But in the whole of Shengjing, except for the inner city, there is no similar place.

There are commercial streets in the east, north, west, and south of the city. The commercial streets gather a group of shop owners who are not bad and open and close their shops on time. But if they want to eat takeaway, they will use their own tricks instead of Find Royal Logistics.

They use logistics, which is basically moving goods.

As for the richer families in Shengjing City, there is no shortage of servants in any family. If you want to eat takeaway, you can just send your own people to buy it. There is no need for royal logistics.

Therefore, in order to get more orders from Royal Logistics...

Li Qiao set his sights on the casino.

Since the appearance of mahjong and poker, the business of the gambling shop has been booming. This industry is too profitable, so the Supreme Emperor and the First Prince quickly opened a branch.

After the British government's gambling house was seized, Sheng Jun took over the gambling house.

At this time, there were five gambling houses in Shengjing.

Each casino is quite spacious, three-storey building, with a large yard, and the business of each one is very good.

There are too few pastimes at this time, and the charm of mahjong and Doudizhu is too great. Moreover, no one dares to selfishly make mahjong and poker to play elsewhere. In addition, Sheng Jun and the first prince deliberately lowered their consumption in order to attract more people. Minimum spending——

When gambling became less like gambling, Sheng Jun and the eldest prince encouraged the common people to spend money in gambling houses.

In the past, in the Civilian Bureau, a person bet a minimum of five renminbi and a maximum bet of twelve renminbi per game, but now it has changed to a minimum bet of two renminbi per game and a maximum bet of eight renminbi.

As always, the casino draws two cents per person for each game.

In this way, if you only bet two coins in each game, you can play five hundred games with one tael of silver.

If a family of four happens to form a table, then the money comes and goes in the hands of the family members, and the one tael of money can be played for a longer time.

Of course, each player has to pay two cents for each game, but one game is two cents, and playing five hundred games is only one tael of silver.

The consumption is really low.

Therefore, after Sheng Jun and the First Prince adjusted their prices, Mahjong and Doudizhu in the Civilian Bureau could no longer be regarded as gambling.

Gambling workshops have become a good place to spend time, like some rich families who are willing to drag their families to play, even if they play for a whole day, it only costs a few taels of silver.

As for the Bureau of the Rich and the Noble, Sheng Jun and the First Prince also adjusted the minimum consumption.

The wealthy and the nobles have their own private rooms, and the environment is better. In the past, each game had to bet at least one tael of silver, and the maximum bet was five taels of silver.

Now, you can bet at least two hundred coins in each game, and you can only bet three taels of silver at the most.

For each player in each game, the casino draws 200 cash.

In this way, the consumption threshold has been lowered a lot. For example, some ladies, noble girls, noble brothers, etc. whose monthly bills are not high, can also come to play a few games.

The five casinos are full every day.

However, the casino does not provide meals, only tea and snacks. Later, the casino signed a contract with Li Qiao's family to supply duck products. The casino provided one more snack, but the casino still did not provide meals.

People who go to the casino to spend money have to solve the problem of eating by themselves.

Some people who are addicted to gaming are reluctant to leave when it is time to eat, so they eat snacks from the gambling shop to satisfy their hunger, or ask their servants to buy some meals.

Some people just left and went out to eat.

Therefore, from the perspective of the three factors of difficulty in eating, large number of people, and not short of money, these five gambling houses are somewhat similar to those in the inner city.


Li Qiao quickly told Sheng Hong about his plan, and Sheng Hong was very supportive. Sheng Hong greeted Sheng Jun and the eldest prince, while Li Qiao went to find the new commander of the military and horse station.

With the help of this commander, he quickly got a takeaway menu that could accommodate restaurants all over the city.

He asked Li Man to go to the printing workshop to print multiple copies of this menu, and then he sent these menus to five gambling houses and various government offices in the inner city.

At the same time, Royal Logistics booths were newly set up at the entrances of the five gambling houses.

Therefore, when the casino opened on a new day and the first batch of customers entered the casino, they soon found many sheets of rice paper the height of a person were pasted on the walls of the casino.

Take a closer look, and the rice paper is full of restaurants/restaurants where you eat.

Behind each restaurant/restaurant is not only the address of the restaurant/restaurant, but also the signature dishes and prices of the restaurant/restaurant.

"...What's the situation?"

Someone stopped the gambler casually and asked, pointing to the menu on the wall.

"My lord, the names of the restaurants and restaurants in the whole city are posted on the wall. If you are hungry later, you can follow the food written on the menu and let the Royal Logistics run errands to buy the food for you. "

However, if the journey is long, the delay in the middle will be long, and the taste of the food will definitely be worse."

The guy explained with a smile.

"Is that so..."

The customer understood, but was shocked.

There are all places to eat in the whole city, big restaurants and small roadside restaurants.

He couldn't help but stare at the menu carefully. To be honest, even though he has lived in Shengjing for half his life, if you ask him how many restaurants and restaurants there are in Shengjing, he really can't answer.

Now that it's posted, let's take a closer look.

The guests next to him had the same thoughts as this customer, especially those girls and boys. Out of curiosity, they stared at the wall carefully, and their appetite was somewhat hooked by this look.

If only one restaurant's signature dishes are listed, many people will not feel much, after all, they just had breakfast at this time.

But now that the signature dishes of restaurants and restaurants in the city are listed, and the addresses and prices are also indicated, many people can't help but think about it even though they just had breakfast at nine o'clock in the morning.

It turns out that there are restaurants/restaurants selling this dish in the city?

Huh? The name of this dish is very novel, I have never eaten it before.

Eh? There is actually a restaurant. Because it was far away, I wanted to try it but I was too lazy to make a special trip. I didn't expect to see it today.


Unmarried girls, younger brothers, married women and husbands have already occupied half of the gambling houses. For these people, the temptation of delicious food is quite great.

Moreover, because the area of ​​the gambling house is limited, neither the box nor the lobby can accommodate too many people, so the customers who come to spend, even if they are wealthy, will not bring a bunch of servants. Take one or two servants to serve.

In this case, if she/they want to eat more, they can only buy one.

But now the Royal Logistics stall is at the door, so after looking at the menu on the wall, several guests came to the door of the gambling house immediately, calling the Royal Logistics runners to buy food for them.

For some restaurants and restaurants that are far away, you have to order at this time, otherwise you will miss the noon meal.

As a result, the royal logistics stalls at the entrance of the five gambling houses started business as soon as they opened the stalls.

After a whole day, the business of the five stalls was good, the lowest was more than 30 orders, and the highest was more than 80 orders.

This is still the first day.

On the second day, there were a lot more people ordering.

On the first day, many people were waiting and watching, and they had already figured out how to solve the problem of eating before entering the casino, so there were few people ordering.

But those customers who ordered takeaway yesterday brought the food directly to the card table. As soon as the various aromas wafted, it immediately whetted the appetite of many people.

As a result, many people placed orders with Royal Logistics early today.

Therefore, on the second day, the orders of the five stalls increased a lot, each reaching a hundred orders.

The number of officials in the inner city is limited, but the five gambling houses gather people from the best families in Shengjing.

It doesn't matter whether it's the wealthy or the common people, those who can enter the casino to spend will not feel sorry for the errand fee.

As a result, the orders of the five stalls increased sharply.

Sheng Hong simply removed the other stalls so that the manpower could be transferred to the five stalls in the casino.

Soon at the end of the month, the chief in charge of Royal Logistics counted the accounts for this month, and was immediately taken aback. Not only did he make a profit this month, but he also earned a full three hundred taels of silver?

Happy event wow!

The principal immediately told Sheng Hong about such a happy event, and Sheng Hong was also very happy.

Three hundred taels of silver is nothing, but this is the first time Royal Logistics has made money!

After losing money for so long, he finally doesn't have to pay back money, which is great!

Therefore, when Li Qiao got off work the next day, he brought back twenty bolts of material, which were rewarded by Sheng Hong for turning the Royal Logistics from a loss to a profit.

Tao Zhu looked at the brand-new twenty pieces of material, shook them open one by one and looked at them carefully, and said, "Let Brother Qian choose first, and let him make some small clothes for Erbao." Zheng Qianqian has already given

birth Now, another big fat boy, Zheng Qianqian was looking forward to having a brother or a daughter, and finally gave birth to a son.

But the son is the son, the skin is solid and easy to raise.

Li Qiao had no problem with this: "Okay, you can send it over."

Zheng Qianqian is not yet confinement.

He explained again: "Xia Geer is about to give birth, let Xia Geer also choose." "

Okay." Tao Zhu said, and asked Li Man and others to carry the cloth to Zheng Qianqian's residence. small yard.

Someone went to call Li Xia over again.

Zheng Qianqian and Li Xia are both beauty lovers, although there is no shortage of fabrics, they are still very happy to see the beautiful fabrics offered by Sheng Hongshang.

The two picked three horses each, and praised Li Qiao again and again.

In the past, the reason why Royal Logistics lost money was that their uncle/uncle Qiao didn't pay attention to it. Now that they are paying attention, Royal Logistics can make money in just one month.

so amazing!

They just said, their uncle/uncle Qiao is so powerful, how could he do business at a loss.

Tao Zhu returned to the small courtyard where he and Li Qiao lived, and told Li Qiao what they had said. Li Qiao couldn't help but clicked his tongue after hearing this: "It's thanks to everyone with a mouth that likes food, otherwise, I just want to break my head, and that can't make the logistics work." "

For example, Xin Zhi, he orders at least three orders at noon every day, and once ordered five orders in one go, wanting to eat everything." "...

he Eat so much?" Tao Zhu was surprised.

"His appetite is actually average, but he can't help but want to eat more. For example, if you want to eat a certain dim sum from this restaurant, you can order one. If you want to drink that restaurant's soup, you can order one. If you still lack a staple food, you can order another one. I suddenly want to eat something after a long while, so I can't feel wronged." "

However, I have to thank him for his extravagance, otherwise the royal logistics really won't work."

"That's true."

Tao Zhu nodded, but quickly said: "Don't feel sorry for Yin Zi, if you want to eat something, order it right away, our family has no shortage of Yin Zi." "Don't worry, I won't treat myself badly."

Li Qiao smiled should go down.

The weather was hot recently, Sheng Hong returned to the harem before noon, so he didn't eat in the palace, he went back to the household department for lunch.

After letting the officials in the inner city get into the habit of ordering takeout, he no longer invites people to drink. He has never been picky about food. The food in the Ministry of Households is better than that in the Imperial Academy, and he eats it very well.

As far as the current situation of Royal Logistics is concerned, he is actually still dissatisfied. He earns three hundred taels a month, and even if it increases in the future, it is estimated to be around one thousand taels.

However, he had no other choice.

The only place in Shengjing City similar to the inner city is the gambling house, and he couldn't find a third place.

As far as the current situation is concerned, only relying on the original errand boys of Royal Logistics is enough to deal with the daily orders. Sheng Hong does not need to recruit ordinary people as takeaway boys.

Therefore, if he wants to solve the employment problem, he still has to find another way.

Although he has already arranged work for Zhang Laosan and his group, in order to deal with various emergencies, it is best for his family to add a new business...

Li Qiao was thinking about it when suddenly, a voice came from outside the small courtyard. He heard Li Xiaorui's voice: "Uncle! Uncle! Uncle Zhu, uncle!"

The voice was loud and clear, and immediately attracted the attention of Li Qiao and Tao Zhu, and they walked towards the gate of the small courtyard together.

Before taking two steps, Li Xiaorui's small body appeared at the gate of the courtyard.

Seeing the two uncles, Li Xiaorui immediately said: "Uncle, Uncle Zhu! Little Uncle Yunfan picked up the kite of the grandson of the eldest prince's family, and he is unwilling to give it back. Now little Uncle Changfeng is trying to persuade him!" Li

Xiaorui Qiao: "?"

Tao Zhu: "..."

The husband and wife looked at each other, and then quickened their pace. Li Qiao said, "Xiao Rui, aren't you three playing skateboarding at the door?"

When he came back from work just now, These three little guys are playing on scooters at the door.

The east courtyard of his house has not been repaired yet, and the west courtyard is in a garden style, so these three little guys want to play scooters, so they all go to the gate.

The main road at the entrance is paved with bluestone slabs, which is not absolutely silky, but it is enough for riding a scooter.

The summer is hot, but the scooters carry wind when they go out. The three little guys like the feeling of being wrapped in the wind, so the enthusiasm for playing scooters has not dissipated.

But now Li Yunfan's little fat friend actually picked up the kite floating out of the front yard?

When Li Qiao and Tao Zhu came to the gate with Li Xiaorui in their arms, Li Yunfan's chubby friend was holding a red dragonfly-shaped kite taller than him in his paws. From now on, it seems to be studying how to fly the kite.

Li Changfeng's little fat friend stood beside him, holding the kite's reel with two little paws.

Li Nu, several guards and Li Le were standing one meter away from them, guarding them.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiaorui groaned in Li Qiao's arms: "Does Uncle Changfeng also like this kite?"


Fat friend Li Changfeng saw that he couldn't persuade his younger brother, so he simply joined the ranks of playing kites.

Li Qiao couldn't help looking at the courtyard wall of the First Prince's house ahead.

Naturally, there was no one on the courtyard wall.

Moreover, he didn't hear any movement over there.

He put Li Xiaorui down and asked Li Nu: "What's the reaction from the eldest prince?

" Lun threw it over, saying that he gave the kite to Young Master Yunfan."

Li Qiao: "..."

He turned to look at Tao Zhu: "You send some food over tomorrow."

Tao Zhu was a little speechless, but also a little funny.

He had bought kites for these three little guys before, but none of them were interested, but who knew that Xiao Yunfan would hold on to someone else's kite today and wouldn't let go.

"Okay, I'll send some delicious food over there tomorrow." After thinking for a while

, he added, "I'll ask someone to go to the street and buy more kites.


More interestingly, Li Yunfan's chubby friend gave up his scooter that day and played with kites for more than half an hour.

It wasn't until it was dark that I couldn't see clearly that I reluctantly went home.

The next morning, Tao Zhu specially asked the kitchen to make Li Xiaorui's favorite crispy fried chicken, as well as dried pork, stewed chicken feet, beef jerky and other food, and sent them to the First Prince's Mansion.

These snacks are all his home-cooked snacks, which have been inspected by Li Xiaorui.

The little emperor's grandson eats delicacies from mountains and seas every day. I hope that these common people's snacks will be liked by the little emperor's grandson.

After Tao Zhu delivered the snacks, he returned to his home and went straight to the Dongkua courtyard.

At present, most of the Dongkua courtyard has been repaired. According to this speed, it will definitely be able to move in before winter.

Judging from the speed of the Royal Logistics errand brother, the relatives from Sanliu Village will be able to reach the capital next month.

The east courtyard has not been repaired, and we will have to live in the west courtyard.

Relatives who come to Sanliu Village will like the Xikua courtyard, with its garden style, and the ability to grow vegetables and raise chickens. Who wouldn't like it?

Tao Zhu stayed in Dongkua courtyard for a while, then went to Zheng Qianqian's small courtyard, teased Erbao for a while, and talked with Zheng Qianqian who was about to go crazy, and then he went to see the three little guys reading.

The three little guys have to study every day now, Li Qiao didn't find a suitable teacher, so he, Zheng Qianqian, and Li Xia temporarily served as the three little guys' teachers.

Anyway, they are all literate, so they have the ability to teach the three of them.

After lunch, after the three little guys took a lunch break, he let Li Man hitch the carriage, and he went out to look at the yard.

The Seventh Prince learned that he wanted to buy a small courtyard in the east of the city, and it happened that the Seventh Prince had one in his hand, so he sent the key to him yesterday to let him have a look at it when he had time.

The last time Shen Hua came over and cried, he desperately wanted Shen Hua to move to the east of the city and live closer to him.

If he could go to Painter Shen for a walk every day, then the Xu family would definitely not dare to be a monster again.

When he came back after watching the yard, it wasn't long before Li Qiao got off work.

The three little guys have also finished their literacy in the afternoon, and they are playing with the dragonfly kite they "picked up" yesterday.

As for the more than a dozen kites of different shapes that he specially asked people to buy from the street today, the three little guys didn't even look at them.


Sure enough, the "picked up" things are more interesting.

After a while, Li Qiao came back.

Li Qiao played kites with the three little guys for a while, and when the three little guys were tired, he took them back home.

After washing off the sweat, he changed into dry clothes, and then he sat down under the persimmon tree with the three little ones.

Tao Zhu carried a large watermelon that had been iced in well water.

Cut the big watermelon, the flesh is red, and there is sand.

"Uncle, you and Uncle Zhu will eat first."

Li Xiaorui's two chubby hands each picked up a tooth of watermelon and handed it to Li Qiao and Tao Zhu.

Li Qiao and Tao Zhu took it over and thanked them with smiles.

Li Xiaorui chuckled, stopping Li Changfeng and Li Yunfan's two younger uncles from trying to eat watermelon directly.

"It will gnaw your face dirty. I will cut it into small pieces for you, and you will eat it with bamboo tweezers."

His enthusiasm for feeding the two little uncles is present every day.

Seeing this, Li Qiao laughed, and ignored the three little guys, but said to Tao Zhu while gnawing on the watermelon, "I've figured out what to sell in our new shop." "Huh? Thinking about it so quickly

? What are you selling?" Tao Zhu asked immediately.

"Selling fried chicken." Li Qiao didn't hold back, and said directly.

"Fried chicken?"

Li Xiaorui, who was cutting watermelon with a small bamboo knife, turned his head to Li Qiao with a swish: "Uncle, I want fried chicken!"

He loves fried chicken!

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