Chapter 136 Mahjong, Fight the Landlords is all about these two games

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"How can you earn this money, a dignified prince, it's really disgusting."

After listening to Li Qiao's words, Tao Zhu also frowned, and his tone was full of contempt.

"No, shameless."

Li Qiao nodded fiercely.

He is already the Duke of the state, and he still does this kind of unethical business, and he is not afraid that those whose families are ruined will ask him for his life in the middle of the night.

"But this is allowed by the Supreme Emperor."

Tao Zhu pursed his lips.

The Supreme Emperor doesn't care, what's the use of their husband and wife being filled with righteous indignation here.

"If the British government continues to do this, it will definitely be over."

Li Qiao grabbed Tao Zhu's hand and shook it twice: "Although he saved the Supreme Emperor, the Supreme Emperor will definitely not blindly indulge him. Look at him."

"That's right. Who would have thought that the two gambling houses in Shengjing were actually opened by the Supreme Emperor and the First Empress."

Tao Zhu was still surprised.

"Speaking of which, I haven't been in a gambling house yet."

He tilted his head as he spoke, looked at Li Qiao with watery eyes, and seeing that the expression on Li Qiao's face remained unchanged, he tentatively asked, "What is a gambling house?" What does it look like? Is it the same as the one written in the storybook novel?"

He was not interested in Li Qiao's past, because it was not only Li Qiao's sad story, but also the muddy Li Qiao didn't like him, so he didn't inquire about it. What happened to Li Qiao in the past.

But now that even the Supreme Emperor opened a gambling shop, he couldn't help being curious.

Li Qiao was amused by Tao Zhu's reaction, leaned over and kissed him, and then said: "Don't be so cautious, I walked out earlier, and I can face it calmly." He searched the

original body's memory, and then said: "It's almost the same as in the story book. Because the sky is high and the emperor is far away, the gambling hall in Pingcheng is smoky.

" I kept losing, and in the end the one who lost was bankrupt and almost had a leg cut off." "

...It's terrible."

Tao Zhushui's eyes widened.

"Yeah, it's a small place, far away from Shengjing, and it's impossible for Jiangzhi County to manage it so meticulously. The gambling houses in Pingcheng can do whatever they want."

Li Qiao nodded approvingly.

Gambling is something, once infected, it is really difficult to quit.

If you win the bet, you want to keep winning.

If you lose a bet, you want to win it back.

But how can someone who runs a gambling shop allow ordinary people who have no money and no influence to win all the time, so, when it comes to gambling, ten bets lose ten times.

However, there is a saying that is called a small gambling.


Put in a good mood.

These four words are enough to show that although gambling is harmful, it is the nature of many people who cannot completely reject it.

Thinking about it is also true, during the holidays, relatives and friends gather together, there must be something to play, not to mention the ancient times when entertainment methods are scarce, even in modern times, there are countless people who are addicted to this way.

Therefore, the Supreme Emperor did not suppress this nature, but opened a gambling house himself, using various rules to restrict people from gambling big, and only let those who enter to gamble small.

Even the Supreme Emperor is conforming to people's nature instead of blindly suppressing it, so if he comes up with some new tricks and only puts them in the Supreme Emperor's casino, it shouldn't be considered wicked... Really, isn't it


He has always had a temperament of vengeance. It is not his style for the British government to provoke him so silently.

Feeling undecided, he said to Tao Zhu, "If the duck incident was really done by the British government, shouldn't we fight back?" "We should fight back. But how?"


Zhu frowned. , some concerns.

"Didn't he open a gambling shop? Let's compete with him for business, and bring all the people in his gambling shop to the Supreme Emperor." "...

How to grab this business?"

Obviously, Tao Zhu couldn't understand his thinking.

"I just thought of some novel ways to play, so as to attract customers for the Supreme Emperor's gambling house."

"Is that so?" Tao Zhu's eyebrows gradually frowned: "Although the Supreme Emperor's gambling house is a serious gambling house, if you come up with a novel method It's so attractive that many people are addicted to it, so isn't it a crime?" "

...You're right."

Looking at Tao Zhu's clear eyes, Li Qiao nodded, but he smiled and asked: " Are you so sure that I can come up with novel ways to play?"

"Of course, you are so smart."

Tao Zhu nodded with a look of reason, but then said: "If he does this wicked business, let the British government do it himself, and we won't get involved." "Isn't it just a duck? Let's use other

means It's not that I can't buy ducks anymore."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Seeing the seriousness on Tao Zhu's face, Li Qiao smiled and squeezed his hand tightly.

Since Brother Zhu said so, then he changed his method.

Find a way to disable the British public.

It's such an old age, isn't it good to have a good time? Why do you have to make things difficult for a young man like him after you've been hopping around all day.

Li Qiao listened to Tao Zhu's words and didn't intend to shake the pillar industry of the British government. However, he never expected that on the second day when his duck store put up a wooden signboard for buying ducks, a family suddenly appeared in the capital. The empty shop also put up a sign to buy ducks, and the price was two cents more per catty than his family's.

Moreover, at the gate of Shengjing City, a stall for buying ducks also popped up.

This stall buys ducks from all farmers outside the city, and the price is two cents more per catty than Liqiao's.

Generally speaking, the ducks raised by farmers weigh two to three catties, and a catty costs two renminbi, so a duck can cost four to six renminbi.

This is not a small amount of money for farmers or ordinary people.

Therefore, after five days, the duck store could not buy enough ducks.

But at this time, Xin Zhi made inquiries and found out who was snapping up the ducks behind the scenes.

Really did not wrong the British government.

Indeed, the British government did it.

The profit of the duck shop is too big. In a small shop, there are less than 30 people in it, but the monthly profit is more than 3,000 taels, which is really enviable.

A year is more than 40,000 taels, which is almost as good as Xin Zhi's family's field in a year.

Moreover, this is only the profit of Shengjing.

Li Qiao's duck workshop in Sanliu Village makes a profit of tens of thousands of taels a year.

If the British government also opened a similar duck store in his hometown, then the annual profit must be so much.

If the two places are added together, it will be a hundred thousand taels.

The key point is that it doesn't take much energy or effort, just figure out the recipe, and the rest is just waiting to make money.

Who wouldn't be jealous?

"Brother Li, the speed at which your shop brings in money is not much worse than that of the gambling house. No wonder the British government is so tempted."

Xin Zhi couldn't help but sigh.

Hearing this, Li Qiao immediately retorted: "I'm a serious business, which is different from a gambling house." "

I'm just making an analogy." Xin Zhi clicked his tongue, and then asked, "Then what do you do now? I bought ducks, but even if I add my relatives and friends, it can't support your shop."

Before the duck shop came out, they didn't like ducks very much, so they didn't raise many.

Li Qiao sighed: "It's too much to deceive people."

"Actually, my family can help you raise ducks, and my family has no shortage of land. But it's a little late to raise ducks now, and it will definitely not be able to supply tomorrow's goods. Then why don't you go to the Holy One to sue? He This is definitely a malicious instigation of disputes."

Xin Zhi could only suggest this.

"Let me think about it again."

Li Qiao still shook his head.

Although Sheng Hong was on his side, if he went to find Sheng Hong for everything, it would definitely give Sheng Hong an impression of incompetence and too many things.

Sheng Hong's bias should be used wisely.

However, it is too much for the British government to cut off his money.

Although this is not the only way for him to make money, but this kind of malicious competition, he can't get used to it.

And everyone in Shengjing was watching.

If he is persuaded this time, then maybe all kinds of cats and dogs will come to bully him in the future.

After returning home, after dinner, when Zheng Qianqian brought Li Xiaorui back to the main courtyard, Li Qiao talked to Tao Zhu about his plan.

"I know that gambling is very immoral, but we can suggest to the Supreme Emperor that the limit for each game is based on the identities of those guests. If it is ordinary people, they can only play five or ten coins per game. If the rich and noble , then you can only bet five taels or ten taels per game."

"What do you think?"

Since the Supreme Emperor has imposed so many restrictions on his gambling house, he should be able to agree to his proposal, right?

After hearing Li Qiao's words, Tao Zhu blinked his eyes, thought for a while, and then said: "People like you can only attract people who want to take a small gamble. Those who really want to gamble must go to England." The gambling house in the mansion."

"Yes, but at least we can snatch away some of his guests. We can't just do nothing."

Tao Zhu thought for a while, then nodded: "I just can't swallow it."

Once he decided to do it, he immediately began to urge Li Qiao: "Hurry up and think of interesting new ways to play, at worst, let's donate more money in the future."

Li Qiao heard this and smiled: "Okay. It seems that the British government has developed a duck product The recipe is fast, or I think the speed of the new game is fast."

Now the British government is only buying ducks, and has not really opened a shop, and the other party should still be in the stage of developing duck products.

That being the case, let's compare the speed.

Nowadays, there are not many ways to play in the gambling house, the most common ones are dice, Pai Gow, and leaf cards.

Not to mention rolling dice, this is the simplest and most common.

Pushing Pai Gow is a more complicated game, but what Li Qiao likes is its appearance, which is similar to mahjong, so even if he makes mahjong, it will not arouse suspicion.

There are also leaf cards. At this time, the playing method of leaf cards is very simple. There are some birds and beasts painted on them.

Naturally, what Li Qiao liked was not its gameplay, but its appearance.

Leaf tiles are playing cards.

Therefore, even if he made playing cards, it would not arouse suspicion.

After five days of "hard thinking", Li Qiao made mahjong and poker.

He directly borrowed the wooden tiles used to push Pai Gow to make a whole set of mahjong, and named it Mahjong tiles.

After mahjong was made, he took Tao Zhu and Li Dashan and Zheng Qianqian to play together.

In the first few rounds, Tao Zhu and Zheng Qianqian Li Dashan stumbled and had to play cards while reading the rules written on the paper.

But the charm of mahjong is undoubted. After playing a few rounds, all three of them got started. After one night of playing, they have been conquered by mahjong.

Before the game ended, Zheng Qianqian yelled that he would play tomorrow and told Li Qiao to come back early from get off work.

Li Qiao nodded with a smile.

But after getting off work the next day, he took out his playing cards again.

There are many ways to play poker, but he can't remember most of them clearly. He was busy working in his previous life, and he didn't have time to play after the end of the world. Now he only remembers the two ways of fighting the landlord and playing to level up.

But he is not panic, a Doudizhu is enough to show the charm of poker, he remembers that when he was in college, his three roommates also played various mobile games, but Doudizhu never let go of it.

Because Doudizhu has various ways of playing, and it is fast and convenient, you can start a game anytime, anywhere.

However, this time and space cannot be called Landlord Fighting, because all nobles belong to landlords, and every household has at least ten thousand mu of land.

Li Qiao changed the name of Dou Di Zhu, from Big Wang and Xiao Wang to Big Lucky Cat and Little Lucky Cat, and this game was changed to Fight Bully.

Compared with Mahjong, Doudizhu is easier to play. After only three rounds, Tao Zhu and Zheng Qianqian got started.

Li Xiaorui couldn't even care about Zheng Qianqian's play.

This fighting bully seems to be more interesting than mahjong cards. A game is over quickly, and three people can play, and there is no need to make up four people.

Yesterday he and Li Dashan were playing mahjong, so they had to hand over Li Xiaorui to Li Xia and Li Ershan.

But if he wants to play bully fighting, he only needs to hand over Li Xiaorui to Li Dashan, and he and his little uncle Zhushu can play together!

"Brother Qian, which of these two ways of playing do you like best?"

Li Qiao asked Zheng Qianqian at the end of the game.

Zheng Qianqian hesitated for a moment: "I like them all. But the three of us can play Fighting Bully, and I like Fighting Bully better."

Li Qiao laughed immediately after hearing the words: "That's right, each has its own advantages anyway."

Mahjong And the charm of Dou Dizhu, even in another time and space, can still sweep away men, women and children.

At the beginning of November, Li Qiao handed the brochure to Sheng Hong.

Sheng Hong summoned him anyway.

After listening to his introduction, Sheng Hong dubiously invited Qian San to play a few rounds of Doudizhu with him and Qian San.

Still with silver.

Ten coins per game.

After playing five games, Li Qiao was the bully in four games and won four games, while Sheng Hong was the bully in one game and lost.

Sheng Hong looked at the small pile of copper plates in front of Li Qiao, rolled up his sleeves, and ordered Qian San to invite the Supreme Emperor to come over.

Soon, Sheng Jun came over.

This was the first time Li Qiao saw Sheng Jun.

He didn't see Sheng Hong alone many times on weekdays, let alone Sheng Jun.

Later this year, Sheng Hong fell ill. When Sheng Jun presided over the government, his official position was too low, and he could only attend a grand court meeting in ten days. He was still standing outside the Tai Chi Hall, and had no chance to see Sheng Jun at all.

The first time I saw Sheng Jun, it was in line with Li Qiao's imagination.

Although Sheng Jun was over seventy years old, he was still burly, unlike Sheng Hong, who was approachable and approachable. Sheng Jun carried an air of nobility and majesty that could not be violated, and his eyes were sharp.

Li Qiao exchanged a glance with him, and felt a sudden shock in his heart.

This momentum is more oppressive than the ninth-level supernatural beings he has seen in his previous life.

Worthy of being the founding emperor.

He saluted respectfully: "My minister pays homage to the Supreme Emperor."

"Get up." Sheng Jun waved casually, signaling Li Qiao to get up, and he walked straight towards Sheng Hong: "Listen to what Qian San said, Li Qiao is going out this time. Got a new game?"

"Yes, it's called Dou Bully and Mahjong."

Sheng Hong explained with a smile, and asked Sheng Jun to sit down before explaining the specific gameplay of Doudi Zhu and Mahjong.

As the owner of the gambling house, Sheng Jun is very familiar with various gambling methods. After listening to Sheng Hong's introduction, a light flashed in his eyes.

Greeting Li Qiao and Qian San to the table, after a few games, he looked at Li Qiao very kindly, as if looking at a gold ingot, with satisfaction in every eyelash.

"Xiao Li." As soon as he opened his mouth, the address became more cordial.

"Are you going to hand over the mahjong cards and playing cards to me?"

"Return to the Supreme Emperor, yes. However, I have a request." Li Qiao immediately said.

"Let's listen to it."

Sheng Jun's tone was gentle.

"Weichen hopes to impose a little restriction on the guests who play these two cards. It is a small gamble for fun. These two cards can only be regarded as a means of entertainment and can amuse the guests. Then the purpose of Weichen making these two cards has been achieved."

"Weichen doesn't want customers to invest a lot of money in it. After all, it's just two kinds of things. The most important thing is to be happy, and money is insignificant."

Li Qiaogong said.

As soon as these words came out, Sheng Jun laughed immediately, pointed at Li Qiao and said to Sheng Hong: "Emperor, listen, this is because I am afraid that I will ruin the family." Before Sheng Hong could answer, he asked Li Qiao again: "

Since You are so afraid that I will destroy people, so why did you make these two kinds of cards?" "

Returning to the Supreme Emperor, I was once almost cut off a leg because of gambling, so I know the dangers of gambling. But It is human nature to play two games, so Wei Chen thought of two new ways to play, so as to provide a new way of entertainment for those who want to play a few games casually." "Tsk,

full of nonsense."

Sheng Jun shook Shaking his head, he looked at Sheng Hong: "Emperor, do you think so?"

Sheng Hong nodded with a smile: "Father is right."

Li Qiao: "..."

He lowered his eyes and did not defend himself.

But he couldn't help muttering in his heart, the father and son must have known about the British Duke's tricks, didn't they ask the question knowingly.

The next second, Sheng Jun said again: "Although it is nonsense, it is also reasonable. It is indeed human nature to take a small gamble, and it cannot be prohibited by the law.

" Promise you, add restrictions to these two cards."

"But in this way, the profit will be very small, and the money you will get will be very small." "

Thank you for the kindness of the emperor, but this money, I don't want it. gone."

Li Qiao quickly refused.

Upon hearing this, Sheng Jun looked at Sheng Hong.

Young people are quite particular.

The moral bottom line is high enough.

"Since Li Aiqing doesn't want it, forget it." Sheng Hong said.

"Okay, if you don't want it, then don't." Sheng Jun said and pushed the mahjong on the table again: "Come on, let's play a few more rounds." After

talking about business, we can continue playing.

This little Li looked gentle and harmless, like a little white rabbit, but in the end, he used all ruthless moves. The last time he yelled at the British government in the street, this time he pinched the British government's money bag with precision.

As far as this temperament is concerned, if it is placed in the moment when he conquered the world, he will not lose 80% of the credit to the Duke of England.

Li Qiao entered the palace in the afternoon, but didn't leave the palace until nine o'clock in the middle of the night. Sheng Jun dragged him to play mahjong and Doudizhu. At that time, there were three ten taels of silver ingots in his arms.

This must be a good sign, indicating that his counterattack is effective.

Facts have proved that Li Qiao's superstitious idea is correct.

Sheng Jun acted resolutely, and three days later, he launched Mahjong and Fight the Landlord in the casino of himself and the eldest prince.

And, as he suggested, different restrictions are given depending on the identity of the gambler.

Ordinary ordinary people can only participate in the civilian game. In each game, one person bets a minimum of five renminbi and a maximum of twelve renminbi.

That is to say, for four commoners to play a game, the gambling house draws eight cents, and the melon seeds, tea and other money are calculated separately.

The rich and the noble have their own private rooms, and they can only bet five taels of silver at most, and at least one tael of silver in each round.

But no matter how much each person bets, the gambling house will draw one tael as a profit.

In other words, the rich and the noble can earn four taels of silver in one game.

Sheng Jun's train of thought is the same as Sheng Hong's, specializing in earning money from the rich and noble.

However, one or two or five taels is nothing to many rich and noble people, and they are all willing to pay for this money.

Whether it's Mahjong or Doudizhu, its charm can be displayed to the fullest in half a day. Few people who enter the casino to play can resist it.

So, in less than five days, at lunch, Xin Zhi told Li Qiao about the new game that the Supreme Emperor and the First Prince's gambling house had launched.

"I heard from my cousin that it's very interesting, and it's not a big game. How about it, do you want to play a few games with me?"

Li Qiao laughed after hearing this.


The power of this spread far exceeded his imagination.

He thought it would take at least half a month for Xin Zhi, the little trumpet, to mention this matter to him.

The means of entertainment in ancient times are really scarce!

"I'm not going to play anymore, you can go and play, but you can help me to pay attention to the casino in the British government and see how his business is doing."

This is Li Qiao's purpose.

Xin Zhi is so smart, after listening to Li Qiao's words, after hearing Li Qiao's words, he was stunned, and immediately asked Li Qiao about his relationship with Mahjong and Doudizhu.

After Li Qiao admitted, he slapped the table excitedly.

Brother Li is amazing!

He patted his heart and assured Li Qiao that he would send someone to watch at the entrance of the casino in the British government tomorrow to see if the traffic had decreased.

The traffic of British government casinos has naturally decreased.

Anyone who likes to play in the British government's gambling house is a good gambler. I heard that the other two have released new games. Although each game is not very big, the new games alone are enough to attract them. Help people get to know each other.

Some of this knowledge can't come out.

Although each game is small, only a few pennies or a few taels of silver, but these two games are very attractive, and once the buttocks sit down, they cannot do without it.

Moreover, although each game is small, if you play for a whole day, the amount is not small. The time of each game is short, and there will be another game soon. After a whole day, if you are not lucky enough, That can also lose a few taels or even a few hundred taels.

For ordinary people, a few taels of silver is not a small amount.

For the rich and noble, unless it is a millionaire like Li Qiao, a few hundred taels is not a small amount.

Because of this, the two casinos changed the rules soon.

Everyone lost a certain amount of money, and they were not allowed to play again within half a month.

As soon as this rule came out, it immediately aroused dissatisfaction from everyone. If you are unlucky, you are already very unlucky, but you are not allowed to continue playing?

This is not allowed to play, this is too much!

However, the people behind these two gambling houses are really powerful, no matter who is causing trouble, they will all be thrown out.

After throwing a few people, no one dared to make trouble.

Even if you are dissatisfied, you can only accept it.

Moreover, after experiencing the joy of Mahjong and Fighting the Landlords, the previous games of rolling dice and pushing Pai Gow have lost their interest.


Under such circumstances, the business of the British government's gambling house has naturally plummeted.

Who wants to play that old-fashioned game, it's boring.

Although these two casinos do not allow people who have lost too badly to continue playing, they are not forbidden to stand aside and watch. It is more interesting to stand aside and watch others play than to play those old-fashioned games.

After figuring this out, the British princess was so angry that she wanted to drag someone to beat Li's house.

Too much deception!

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