Chapter 102 The Chinese New Year is coming again

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The Han family shipped back 50 carts of vermicelli this time, which immediately boosted the business of the Han family stew restaurant.

The vermicelli that the Han family bought last year were sold out at the end of summer, but because the Han family stewed restaurant has already gained a reputation, many diners were retained even when there were no vermicelli, and the business was good.

Now that the vermicelli is back, the business of Han's stewed restaurant has changed from good to full, but Han Ning has stayed at home and did not go to the stewed restaurant to help, in case Li Qiao needs to find him for anything.

Although Li Qiao should have devoted himself to the intense and heavy study at this time, what if something really happened.

Just in case, he stayed at home.

Who knew that Li Qiao would actually come.

However, Li Qiao didn't ask him for help, Li Qiao came to deliver Qiuli Paste.

"This is called Qiu Li Gao?"

Han Ning opened his eyes wide, looking at the brown liquid in the small earthen pot curiously, and sniffed it. There was a faint sweetness of pears.

"Yes, it is the prescription I read from a medical book, but I forgot which medical book it is. I have read too many and complicated books in the past few years." "But don't worry, Brother Han, this

is indeed from a medical book. It seems that the prescription can produce fluid and moisten the lungs, and the effect is very good. Its ingredients are very simple, and only sour pears, red dates, ginger, and rock sugar are put in it. Pears are cold, and ginger and red dates are put in to get rid of the cold. Don't add any messy things, drink it at ease."

Li Qiao didn't bring the autumn pear paste with mangosteen and Chuanbei, but what he and Tao Zhu got from the Han family was the ordinary version of autumn pear paste.

"In this season, people have to surround the charcoal basin during the day and sleep on the kang at night, so many people have dry, itchy and uncomfortable throats, and dryness and heat in the body. Qiuli ointment moistens the throat and removes dryness, clears away heat and fire, drinking Qiuli ointment can improve These symptoms."

"If you still have more serious cough symptoms, you can add medicines such as Luo Han Guo and Chuan Bei to the Qiuli Paste to relieve cough, and the effect will be very good."

Li Qiao explained in detail, after all, it is a medicinal diet, so be careful.

"I trust Brother Li, so I'll ask someone to bring warm water." After Han Ning ordered the boy, he looked at Li Qiao with a moved expression, "It's just a few pears in a basket, Brother Li, you are so caring. Letting you take the time to do this, I feel uneasy as a brother." "

I just remembered this prescription, and it didn't take much time. The imperial examination is not a day or two. Besides, it's a good journey. , if Brother Han is not here, how can I study with peace of mind." The

Han family has always been in a hurry when they walked the official road, but this time, in order to cooperate with him, they not only temporarily put their business on hold, but also figured out the road ahead of time. Big and small rivers, villages and towns, so that he can have hot meals every day.

He doesn't need to worry about routes and other issues at all, he just needs to drive, read, and wait for dinner every day.

It was the first time to enter Beijing, and it was all thanks to the Han family that he was able to be so comfortable on the road.

Although the Han family was relieved about these sour pears, the pear trees were bought for more than three thousand taels of silver and occupied a small hill. Over the past few years, the Han family has already lost a lot of money because of these sour pears. It's several thousand taels of silver, and it's what made the Han family lose money. Now that he has the ability to turn this batch of sour pears into treasure, he naturally wants to help.

And for him, it was just a matter of moving his mouth, and it didn't take much time.

Hearing Li Qiao's words, Han Ning was even more moved. Li Qiao was such a good person that he didn't know how to praise him.

When he gave Li Qiao the pears, he just thought that Li Qiao would have pear soup to drink in the winter, but who knew that Li Qiao regarded the difficulties of his family as his own, and spent time to solve this batch of sour pears before the test.

How can there be such a good and smart person as Li Qiao in the world!

At this time, the servant came over with a bowl and warm water, and when he drank the Qiuli cream into his mouth, Han Ning smacked his lips, then nodded, "It tastes good, slightly sweet, and my throat is indeed more comfortable after drinking it than before." Li Qiao heard the

words He smiled: "Yes, after all, it is a medicinal diet. However, Qiuli Cream is not suitable for everyone. People with spleen and stomach deficiency should drink less, because pears are cold in nature." He also elaborated on some taboos


Seeing this, Han Ning hurriedly took a pen and paper to write down one by one, so as not to forget.

"Brother Han, this autumn pear paste can be stored for a long time after it is made. Your sour pears can be made into autumn pear paste. It is excellent for eating at home or as a gift to relatives and friends.

" It can be sold in your stew restaurant. However, you have to tell the diners in advance who are not suitable for eating."

Li Qiao said again.

These words touched Han Ning's heart. As a businessman, when he saw a new item, he would subconsciously estimate its commercial value.

Now that Li Qiao had said this, he hurriedly asked for some more details. What he put into his mouth was under the banner of medicinal food, so he had to be cautious.

The precautions were densely written on five sheets of rice paper before he put down the brush in his hand.

He opened his mouth with a serious face: "Brother Li, my family still has more than 20,000 catties of sour pears, which can make a lot of autumn pear paste. Let's follow the rules. You have three and seven of these autumn pear pastes. You have helped my family a lot. , I can't let you take the prescription for nothing."

"...All right."

Seeing Han Ning's resolute eyes and resolute tone, Li Qiao didn't waste his time on this issue.

Next, he and Tao Zhu went to the kitchen of the Han family to teach Han Ning and the cooks of the Han family how to make autumn pear paste.

The production of autumn pear paste is very simple, but there are many small details. If you don't pay attention, the taste will not be good. For example, you can't use an iron pan to cook autumn pear paste, which will be stained with rust and affect the taste.

Li Qiao and Tao Zhu stayed at Han's house all day, and even ate dinner at Han's house. By the time they returned, it was already late at night.

There were small snowflakes in the sky, and it was snowing again.

Tao Zhu held Li Qiao's hand with his right hand, and he stretched out his left hand to catch the snowflakes. The snowflakes fell on his palm and felt cool. He was a little thankful: "Fortunately, we are already in the capital." If snow falls on the road,

then It was too hard.

Li Qiao hummed, and stretched out his hand to catch the snow. The auspicious snow heralds a good year, and I hope this year's snow will be just right, not too much and not too little.

"I don't know if it's snowing in Sanliu Village."

Tao Zhu raised his head, looking at the small snowflakes dancing in the wind, he missed the big yard of Sanliu Village and the people in the village.

Hearing this, Li Qiao couldn't help clenching his hand: "Tomorrow we will write a letter to our family to report that we are safe, and they must be very concerned about us." "

Yes!" Tao Zhu nodded heavily.

The Han family's caravan hadn't returned to Pingcheng yet, so they had to hurry up and write a letter.

The next day, Li Qiao wrote several letters in the morning before starting to read.

Tao Zhu also wrote letters. He didn't need to read, so he wrote slowly. He wrote down in detail what he saw and heard along the way, and what he saw and heard in the capital.

For Zheng Qianqian, for Baiyou, for Li Ping...

In addition to letters, he also asked the Han family to buy some Shengjing specialties. He didn't go out because he had to take care of Li Qiao's daily necessities It's the same as in Fucheng and the capital, so the shopping can only be entrusted to the Han family.

The same is true for the Zhuang family, Xu Ying, Shen Hua, and the Meng family. They wrote letters, bought some special products, and asked the Han family to take them back with them.

After the snow stopped, Laba had passed, and the Han family's caravan set off for Pingcheng.

Han Ning didn't go back, he was busy making Qiuli cream.

In the past few days, he gave the first batch of autumn pear cream to his relatives and friends, and let them try it. Everyone said it was delicious and effective.

When it snows and the weather gets colder, everyone wishes to tie charcoal basins and kangs to their bodies, and eat hot and spicy food. In this way, the body will inevitably become hot and dry, and it will be accompanied by many uncomfortable symptoms.

There are two versions of Qiuli ointment in his family, one is for minor symptoms such as dry and itchy throat, and there is no medicine added in it.

One version adds cough medicines such as Luo Han Guo, Chuan Bei, and licorice.

But no matter which version it is, the response is good.

Under such circumstances, Han Ning is naturally full of energy. Who would have thought that the sour pears that opened his family's loss-making trip could turn into such a magical autumn pear paste.

I have to thank his elder brother for his persistence.

In the past few years, the family business has lost so much that even the ancestral property has been sold, but his elder brother is reluctant to cut down those pear trees. He must thank his elder brother for his reluctance.

He also has to thank him for his decisiveness at the beginning.

If he hadn't decisively sold his ancestral property and went south to Pingcheng, there would be no turning point now.

Of course, Li Qiao should be most grateful.

His family was in decline, his imperial examinations were not going well, and his marriage was dismissed. He was so sad and disheartened that he really planned to commit suicide if he failed.

Fortunately, I met Li Qiao!

Now his family has a stew restaurant and autumn pear cream, he must manage it well and earn back the lost family business bit by bit.

In the middle of the twelfth lunar month, Hanjia Stewed Vegetable Restaurant launched a new product: Qiuli Paste.

Han's Stewed Restaurant is located on the main street in the north of the city. The location is good and there are many diners.

His stewed dishes are actually not cheap, eighty-eight yuan a bowl, there are only one or two vermicelli in it, and the rest are ordinary ingredients such as pork, tofu, cabbage, and seaweed.

This price is unaffordable for ordinary people, but most of the people living in the north of the city are petty officials and wealthy businessmen. affordable.

Compared with those big restaurants in Yunxiaolou, his stewed dishes are really close to the people.

Last year, the harvest of sweet potatoes in Pingcheng was poor, and the production of vermicelli was reduced. In addition, the long-distance transportation was not easy, so the value of vermicelli increased sharply after it arrived in Beijing, and a kilogram of dry vermicelli was as high as 500 renminbi.

However, the merchants transported the vermicelli back to Beijing for thousands of miles, of course to squeeze out its maximum value, and the merchants always sell the vermicelli as mature food.

Just like in his house, a catty of dry vermicelli is 500 renminbi, and a tael of vermicelli is 50 renminbi. In his house, only a tael of vermicelli is sold for 88 renminbi a bowl. The extra 38 renminbi is worth It is his family who earn more than selling dry vermicelli.

Of course, net profit is only after the cost is removed, but no one can deny the huge profits of vermicelli. Relying on vermicelli, it only took one year for his family to earn back half of the lost family property.

He was really happy with the vermicelli.

The diners of his family are quite satisfied with this price, so his stew restaurant is full every day.

There are many diners, so the autumn pear cream will not worry about selling.

Like shopkeeper Wang, he selected a few people from the diners and sold Qiuli cream to them. These diners tasted the Qiuli cream and thought it tasted good, so they paid for it.

I went home and ate it for a few days, and found that the effect was the same as what Han Ning said, so I repurchased it and sold it to my relatives and friends.

So the market for Qiuli cream opened up at once.

After sacrificing the stove, the New Year is approaching day by day.

This is the fourth New Year that Li Qiao and Tao Zhu have spent together. Now they are in the capital, far away from Sanliu Village. The lively atmosphere of the previous two years of Chinese New Year is not here.

But the new year's goods that should be prepared still have to be prepared, and there are dealers, Shen Hua, Xu Ying, and Meng's family, so there are actually not too few people.

On the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, sweep the house.

On the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth lunar month, paste the windows.

On the twenty-sixth day of the twelfth lunar month, stew big meat.

Early in the morning on the twenty-sixth day of the twelfth lunar month, Tao Zhu took Li Ershan, Shen Hua, Zhuangquan Manor, and Meng's eldest brother to the vegetable market to buy meat.

After the meat was bought, they went back to each house to stew the meat.

It was almost noon when Shen Hua came. He was carrying a basket in his hand, and in the basket were the pork ribs stewed by himself.

These days in the capital, because he was not familiar with the place and no one went out with him, so Shen Hua followed Tao Zhu to learn how to cook various delicacies.

This stewed pork ribs was something he learned from Tao Zhu a few days ago, he stewed it today and thought it tasted good, so he gave it to Tao Zhu to taste.

Tao Zhu bought some mutton today and planned to make cumin mutton and lamb kebabs. He had already grilled several kebabs when he arrived, and the aroma filled the whole kitchen.

But he couldn't smell the fishy smell, but he didn't want to go back, so he stood at the kitchen door and talked to Tao Zhu.

"Is the Xu family here?" Seeing this, Tao Zhu asked directly.

Hearing this, Shen Hua sighed heavily: "Yes, I'm so bored." "

Then you stay for dinner later, we two go back to the main room to eat, and leave the mutton in the kitchen." Tao Zhu said.

Hearing this, Shen Hua hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Okay."

The Xu family has been going too far recently.

On the way to the capital, the Xu family often disturbed Xu Ying's study, as if they didn't take Xu Ying's exam at all.

On the second day after arriving in the capital, the big guys went shopping together, only Xu Ying's two brothers and a sister-in-law came to the Xu family, and the rest disappeared.

At that time, he thought that the other Xu family members were too lazy to go out because they were tired from running around, but who knew he was naive.

The rest of the Xu family that day were going to inquire about those noble girls and noble brothers in the capital!

The awesomeness of the Xu family is not limited to this.

A few days ago, the Xu family asked Xu Ying to ask Li Qiao when he would visit Mr. Zhao Youzhi. They wanted Xu Ying to visit with him, and they wanted Xu Ying to have a sense of presence in front of Mr. Zhao.

I want Xu Ying to show her face in the family of a wealthy family in the capital.

They felt that just because of Xu Ying's face, even if he failed the Jinshi exam, there were noble daughters and elder brothers who were willing to marry him.

The Xu family's madness really drove him to death.

It also made Xu Ying half dead with anger.

The first time he saw Xu Ying get angry, Xu Ying pushed his uncle and brother out of the courtyard with a sullen face, then locked the courtyard door from the inside, and did not interact with them for several days.

Xu Ying ignored them, but they couldn't stop them from coming to the door.


Soon, Tao Zhu finished the lunch, as he said, he brought the meal to the main room to eat with Shen Hua.

Seeing this, Li Qiao immediately said that he didn't want to eat mutton either, so he went into the main room with his rice bowl.

Shen Hua looked envious. Although Xu Ying cared about him very much, Xu Ying couldn't let go of the Xu family... "Why don't I go back,

I'll stay here so that you won't be able to eat mutton," he said.

"It's okay, it's just a dish of mutton, you can eat it at night." Tao Zhu stuffed the chopsticks into his hand: "Try this sausage, it's spicy and delicious." After arriving in the capital, Tao Zhu surrounded the kitchen all

day He made all the food like grilled sausages, fish balls, fish tofu, and pork balls.

Today's lunch is very rich, with various skewers, cold pork head meat, braised pork, sweet and sour pork tenderloin, white rice, hot and sour egg soup and pork rib soup made by Shen Hua.

Shen Hua loves grilled sausages very much. When Wangyuelou launched grilled sausages, he had to eat them every day. Now, looking at the grilled sausages, grilled fish tofu, potatoes, mushrooms, gluten, pork belly and other skewers on the table, he swallowed. Swallowing, picked up the chopsticks.

Forget it, he is not polite to his brother Zhu.

After eating the delicious grilled sausage in his mouth, he gave Tao Zhu a thumbs up, delicious!

Seeing his stuffed mouth, Tao Zhu smiled, and while taking the hot and sour egg soup served by Li Qiao, he asked, "You have something on your mind these past few days. What did the Xu family do?" "It's okay.

" , that is, thinking about getting Xu Ying to divorce me."

Shen Hua said nonchalantly.

"Aside from that? I think it's more than that."

Tao Zhu observed Shen Hua's expression and felt that something was not simple.

Seeing this, Li Qiao picked up the rice bowl without changing expression, picked up a piece of braised pork with rice and put it into his mouth.

He and Xu Ying are neighbors, and his study is next to the courtyard painted by Xu Ying, so he really didn't eavesdrop on purpose.

At that time, he was concentrating on swimming in the ocean of knowledge, but the Xu family had a loud voice and mentioned his name, so he heard it.

But at this moment, he could only pretend not to know.

This matter is too embarrassing, of course Shen Hua will not say it, he shook his head with a smile: "There is nothing else, don't worry, Brother Zhu, you eat quickly, and I will tell you about my new clothes after eating, they are beautiful It's done."

"You make a suit too, you'll definitely look good in it, although Brother Qiao is already obsessed with you, but if you put on the new suit I designed, you will definitely become more fascinated by Brother Qiao." Can't take my eyes off."

Tao Zhu: "..." "

Brother Hua, you must have a good talk with Brother Zhu later, Chinese New Year is coming soon, I will go outside to find an embroiderer, and ask her to make a set for Brother Zhu quickly. "

Brother Zhu is already good-looking, if he puts on new clothes, he will look as good-looking as a fairy descended to earth."

Li Qiao swallowed the rice in his mouth and said with a smile.

Tao Zhu: "..."

He glared at Li Qiao, but his eyes were curved, and there was a hint of shyness in addition to a smile.

What nonsense are you talking in front of others!

"No problem, Brother Qiao, just wait for Brother Zhu to come down to earth!" Shen Hua patted her heart to assure her that the clothes he designed are really beautiful!

Tao Zhu: "..."

His cheeks were hot.

What fairy boy is not fairy boy, he knows what he looks like.

However, seeing Li Qiao staring at him and smiling happily, he couldn't help laughing too, anticipation arose in his heart.

It's been a long time since he and Li Qiao have played with make-up and Miracle Bamboo, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon, Li Qiao will relax, he wants to play these things with Li Qiao.

Just after lunch, Xu Ying came.

He took Shen Hua back.

Shen Hua looked at the bloodshot eyes in his eyes, pursed her lips, and took the initiative to hold his hand.

In the past, Shen Hua resented him and hated him, but at this moment, Shen Hua felt sorry for him. The Xu family had placed too much expectations on him and treated him as a tool. It was really a shame to meet such a family.

However, thinking of what Baiyou told her not to pity the man or she would become unlucky, Shen Hua gritted her teeth and swallowed the question that came to her lips.

He's not from the Xu family, why should he care about the mess between the Xu family and Xu Ying.

Xu Ying just treat him well.

If Xu Ying didn't say anything, then he wouldn't ask.

What matters is that he is happy.

Thinking like this, after returning to his and Xu Ying's yard, he and Xu Ying got bored for a while, and then brought his newly made clothes to Tao Zhu - although he hated Xu's family, he really liked Xu Ying, Xu Ying held him in her arms and kept kissing him and calling his name, it was hard for him to resist this temptation.

The new clothes made by Shen Hua were indeed beautiful. Although they were jackets, they were narrowed at the waist, so Tao Zhu's slender waist could be fully exposed.

Tao Zhu was very satisfied.

Li Qiao was also very satisfied.

"Then the two of us will go to the cloth shop to find the embroiderer later, and if we give more money, we should be able to get out on New Year's Eve."

Tao Zhu said to Shen Hua.

Hearing this, Li Qiao looked at the dark sky and said, "Why don't we go later."

"You don't study anymore?" Tao Zhu was a little surprised.

"I want to go to the bookstore." Li Qiao said.

He has to do a full set of plays, he can't just bury his head in reading, he has to go to the bookstore to look through the books, so that if he comes out with something new, it's easy to find an excuse.

"Success." Tao Zhu had no objection.

Shen Hua naturally had no objection either.

So a quarter of an hour later, Li Qiao and Tao Zhu put on thick cloaks and left the courtyard.

In addition to a lively main street in the north of the city, there are several smaller streets with shops on both sides. Li Qiao and Tao Zhu searched for three cloth shops, and only then did they find an embroiderer who could catch up with the work.

They bought fabrics in a cloth store, kept Shen Hua's clothes for reference, and paid a deposit, and then the couple went to the bookstore.

By the time the two came out of the bookstore, it was already dark.

And there was heavy snow falling down.

It's snowing again.

Passers-by were hurrying on the street, Li Qiao stuffed the two books she bought into her arms, wrapped her cloak tightly around her body, and walked back slowly with Tao Zhu.

When I arrived at the courtyard where I lived, the snow had already dyed the whole world white.

Such a snowfall a year ago added a lot of flavor to the New Year. However, it took a lot of effort to clear the snow. The yard was covered with green bricks. If the snow was not swept out, the yard would be completely destroyed after the snow melted. It's water.

Therefore, the first thing to do when getting up the next day is to clear the snow.

It snowed heavily in the middle of the night, and it was two feet thick. Tao Zhu pushed the courtyard door open with a lot of effort. After pushing it open, he picked up the shovel and prepared to shovel a path so that he could go out easily.

However, as soon as he dug down with the shovel, there was a crisp "ding" sound immediately, and his brows frowned.

This sound is wrong.

He carefully dug up the snow with the shovel, revealing a bit of black cloth, in stark contrast to the white snow, and the snow next to it was also stained a little red, like blood.

Tao Zhu: "..."

He grabbed the shovel and hurried back to the yard to look for Li Qiao.

The author has something to say:

Tao Zhu's opportunity can only be his~

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