Chapter 68 The Countywide Sweet Potato Crazy Works Harder Than Before

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   "Don't dare, the students are just tossing around, it's just a fluke."

Facing Jiang Zhixian's approving eyes, Li Qiao was very humble.

At the same time, I decided in my heart to go to the bookstore later. It turned out that the Holy Majesty wrote a small composition again, and he had to buy it and study it.

In the past few years, because the policy topics of the imperial examinations have always revolved around the short essays of the Holy Master, whenever there is a new work published by the Holy Spirit, it must spread to Dasheng's bookstores at an extremely fast speed.

The weather is hot recently, he hasn't been to the county for a long time, and he doesn't know that the Holy One has released a new work.

"It's not a fluke, it's because you are really talented in this area. You are amazing, young man." After

complimenting Li Qiao, the magistrate of Jiang County said again: "This year, the farmers in the county have grown a lot of sweet potatoes, and the farmers came rushing for vermicelli. So your sweet potato workshop in Sanliu Village can't live up to the expectations of the farmers in the whole county."

Last year, the villagers of Sanliu Village did a big job, and this year the farmers in the county are gearing up to do a big job.

The reason why he didn't transfer was also to make a big vote.

It just so happened that His Majesty just wrote such an article, which is tailor-made for vermicelli. He will lead the farmers in Pingcheng to jump out of the vicious circle mentioned by His Majesty.

Answer this article with practical actions.

So he had to do some work for the people in Sanliu Village first.

The sudden appearance of vermicelli last year, coupled with lack of understanding, failed to maximize the benefits in a hurry, but this year is well prepared, and a big wave must be made.

"After the wheat harvest, I roughly counted the number of acres of sweet potatoes planted by farmers in the county. There are 100 towns and 170 villages in the county, and a total of 300,000 acres of sweet potatoes have been planted."

This is an astonishing number, because the total arable land area in Pingcheng is only 400,000 mu.

This shows that farmers in the county only plant a small amount of miscellaneous grains such as millet, sorghum, and corn, and the rest of the fields are all planted with sweet potatoes.

Li Qiao's eyes widened when he heard this number.

Three hundred thousand mu of sweet potatoes?


God, this is a big deal.

Tao Zhu was also shocked by this figure. His imagination was limited, and he couldn't even imagine how much 300,000 mu is... "This year, there is enough rain. I estimate that the

yield per mu of sweet potatoes is about the same as last year. One mu of land It can harvest two thousand catties."

"If it is calculated at two thousand catties, then 300,000 mu of sweet potatoes can harvest 60 million catties of sweet potatoes. This is a mountain of sweet potatoes."

Jiang Zhixian sighed.

The farmers in Pingcheng were so excited by the money in Sanliu Village that they were so crazy this year.

If the vermicelli business goes wrong, the farmers in the whole county will go crazy.

Therefore, the sweet potato workshop in Sanliu Village will be the focus of the whole county in the second half of the year. There must be no omissions, and this mountain of sweet potatoes must be turned into a mountain of silver.

"Farmers have grown so many sweet potatoes, they must be eager to cash in, but the daily output of sweet potato workshops is limited. In order to prevent troubles from turning good things into bad things, I have an idea here, just listen to it." Jiang Zhixian already has something in his mind

. plan.

First, production must be expanded.

Only by expanding production can farmers who are eager to cash out feel at ease.

However, the practice of vermicelli must also be kept secret.

Therefore, he hoped that this winter in Sanliu Village, regardless of men and women, all those who can make sweet potato vermicelli will enter the sweet potato workshop to make vermicelli, so as to increase the daily output of vermicelli as much as possible.

Sixty million catties of sweet potatoes, six catties of sweet potatoes produce one catty of starch, then this year Pingcheng will have a million catties of starch.

Roughly calculated according to the ratio of one catty of starch to one catty of vermicelli, then even if the sweet potato workshop makes 20,000 catties of vermicelli a day, it will take five thousand days to consume all these starches.

Five thousand days is nearly fourteen years.

So, this account is not ignorant, and it is really frightening to death.

Farmers in the whole county want to turn sweet potatoes into silver this winter, how can they wait for fourteen years!

Jiangzhi County stayed in Pingcheng for political achievements, not for scaring. In order to avoid trouble, the first thing is to increase the daily production of vermicelli.

Li Qiao was also frightened at the moment.

He knew that farmers in the county had planted a lot of sweet potatoes this year, but he didn't know how many. Now that Jiangzhi County had told him all the figures clearly, his scalp felt numb.


If the expectations of the farmers cannot come true this winter, then the farmers will definitely feel resentment in their hearts. It is related to rations, maybe there will be troubles.

Sanliu Village has a large population, more than 2,000 people. Excluding the elderly and children, there are more than 1,000 people who can make vermicelli.

More than a thousand people worked hard, and they can indeed make 20,000 catties of vermicelli a day.

But obviously, 20,000 catties of vermicelli a day cannot consume the sweet potatoes grown in the whole county.

"Master, I have an idea, let the people in Zhujia Village next to Sanliu Village also make vermicelli."

He said to the magistrate Jiang.

Expansion of production requires manpower. It seems that this job should be handed over to Zhu village chief who has been running very fast.


Jiangzhi County also meant the same thing.

It is necessary to expand production, but he is still undecided who to find for this new manpower.

Now that Li Qiao has made a suggestion, let's go to Zhujiacun.

He had no objection to Village Chief Zhu.

But Zhujia Village is just a small village.

Even with the addition of people from Zhujia Village, this year's mountain of sweet potatoes will not be consumed before the sweet potatoes are harvested next year.

So, we have to keep looking for people.

In fact, it doesn't have to be people from the whole village, and people from different villages can also be recruited.

If we want to get rich together, then we should share the rain and the dew.

He thought it would be possible to set aside a piece of land in the county seat and build a large sweet potato workshop. Workers in the sweet potato workshop would have quotas in 170 villages in the county.

If he comes forward to frighten these workers, whoever dares to sell the prescription will not go to jail for the whole family, but every family in the village will have to go to jail.

Under this kind of deterrence, no one should dare to reveal the recipe at will.

Since it is the sweet potato of the whole county, all the power of the county must be used to consume it, so as to turn the big scare into the long-awaited happy event.

Of course, since the vermicelli recipe is made by Li Qiao, Li Qiao can get 20% of the profit in this sweet potato workshop, just like the sweet potato workshop in Sanliu Village.

Moreover, the sweet potato workshop in the county will not compete with the sweet potato workshop in Sanliu Village for the market.

Although he was thinking about the farmers of the whole county, he couldn't make Sanliu Village feel cold. After all, the reason why Li Qiao tossed the vermicelli was to find a way to make money for the sweet potatoes in Sanliu Village.

Even if he is the county magistrate, he can't block the money road of Sanliu village for the sake of the money road of farmers in the whole county.

According to his plan, even if a sweet potato workshop is built in the county, if the vendors buy vermicelli, they have to get the goods from Sanliu Village first.

Only when the vermicelli produced daily in Sanliu Village is sold out, can the vermicelli from the Sweet Potato Workshop in the county be sold.

If he wanted to consume so many vermicelli, he could only rely on small vendors, and he had to inform the big vendors in Fucheng in advance.


In short, if you want to spend this year's winter safely and meet the expectations of farmers in the whole county, there are many aspects involved.

He will try to arrange it.

Jiangzhi County's plan was very detailed and complete, taking into account the interests of the folks in Sanliu Village, Li Qiao couldn't find fault with it.

However, if he still takes 20% of the profit, it would be terrible.

Rough calculations, 100 million catties of starch is 100 million catties, and 100 million catties of starch make 100 million catties of vermicelli.

He actually got less than five Wen for a catty of vermicelli. If calculated according to Wu Wen, it would be 500 million copper coins.

Converted into silver, that is five hundred thousand taels of silver.

Five hundred thousand taels!

This number is too eye-catching.

It's too hot.

When he earns ten taels a day from vermicelli, everyone understands, but when he earns hundreds of thousands of taels a year, some people will definitely bleed with envy.

Furthermore, although Jiangzhi County is a good official, there are no bandits in Pingcheng, but there are government and provincial officials in Jiangzhi County.

He is now powerless and a commoner. If he really took the hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, he would be like a three-year-old child wandering the streets with gold bricks in his arms. Who knows if these two levels of officials will be greedy? This huge wealth.

So, when Jiang Zhixian finished speaking, he first praised him, and then said: "Since the sweet potato workshop in the county is the hard work of the whole county, how can the students account for 20% of the profits? Students rely on the sweet potato workshop in Sanliu Village. Food and clothing are abundant, so the profits of the sweet potato workshop in the county do not need to be distributed to the students."

Relying on the sweet potato workshop in Sanliu Village, he lived a very prosperous life.


Unexpectedly, Jiang Zhixian shook his head immediately: "The sweet potato workshop in the county town used your method, and the sweet potato workshop in Sanliu Village shares with you, so the county town must do the same. If you only take the sweet potato workshop in Sanliu Village's share , then the people of Sanliu Village are at a disadvantage."

His satisfaction with Li Qiao reached its peak at this time.

Even the son of a very rich man would never remain indifferent when he heard the figure of five hundred thousand taels.

Five hundred thousand taels!

But the young man in front of him had no arrogance, no color, and no greed on his face. He was calm, understated, and refused the five hundred thousand taels of silver without hesitation.

This indifferent state of mind and this calmness are all necessary for being an official. Young people must have a bright future.

"This..." Li Qiao hesitated, his brain spinning rapidly. After a while, he said again: "Master, how about this? From now on, students will only get half of the profit of the sweet potato workshop." "And this year's profit

, After paying the commercial tax, the students don't get a penny, and use it all to repair the official roads from Sanliu Village to the county seat, and from the county seat to the Fucheng." "I don't know what you want?" If he


half of the profit, he can get a pound of vermicelli One penny is more than one penny, calculated according to one penny, 100 million catties of vermicelli is 100 million copper plates, which is 100,000 taels of silver.

Dasheng's business tax is heavy or light, in simple terms, it is to pay 30% of the annual profit.

Pay 30% of the commercial tax, which is 30,000 taels.

If one hundred thousand taels is handed in for thirty thousand taels, he can get seventy thousand taels.

Seventy thousand taels of silver should be able to repair the two official roads. If you can't fix it, then continue to fix it next year.

He often walked the road from Sanliu Village to the county seat.

He will definitely take the road from Pingcheng to Fucheng in the future.

Just fix it now.

He gave up the profit and built the road. From now on, he will get a share of 70,000 taels of silver every year from the vermicelli. Even if there are people in Pingcheng who are jealous, many people will speak up for him.

As for government and provincial officials, as long as they are not so overbearing that they have to destroy their families as soon as they come up, then he is willing to spend money.

He is not a kid who doesn't understand anything, he understands some unspoken rules, and he is never stingy about things that need to be solved with money.

With Jiangzhi County here, he should be able to communicate with these high officials and protect him.

As for the transfer of the magistrate of Jiang County in the future, we will talk about it at that time. He has supernatural powers and can take the imperial examination, so he can always find his way out.

However, 70,000 taels a year is not too much for officials at the government and provincial levels. After all, the prefect has been cleared for three years and 100,000 snowflake silver.

If you don't know, I'm afraid you can get one hundred thousand snowflakes in that year.

Therefore, officials at these two levels shouldn't make too much of a fight for 70,000 taels, right?

"Building roads?" Jiang Zhixian didn't expect Li Qiao to say this, and was obviously taken aback.

"Yes, build roads. As the saying goes, if you want to get rich, you must first build roads. If you want to transport vermicelli and attract more vendors, you must have a wide and flat road." "Besides, if the road is well built,

then It is convenient for people from Sanliu Village and our county,"

Li Qiao explained.


Jiang Zhixian was moved, of course he knew the importance of road construction.

He is happy that young people have such a high awareness.

He has boldness, which he admires.

With such a high level of awareness and such great courage, even though he is a farmer with no background and no influence, who makes today's holy king like to break the rules and promote talents.

As long as this young man doesn't act like a monster, he will definitely take off in the future.

However, at this time Li Qiao's proposal, he really couldn't agree to it.

At the end of the year, when the official department assessed his political achievements, Li Qiao would definitely not be able to bypass him. His outstanding achievements in political affairs would definitely be presented to the imperial court.

Don't ruin his impression in the heart of the Holy Spirit because of the two paths.

Besides, Li Qiao is actually afraid that the money will bring disaster, right? Otherwise, why do you have to spend this money.

"Xiao Li." Jiang Zhixian got up from his chair, and he walked up to Li Qiao: "I understand your intentions. But the money spent is too much, it doesn't matter if it's me or the people of the whole county. I can't make you make such a sacrifice."

He said and patted Li Qiao on the shoulder: "It's yours, so you can hold it with peace of mind, you deserve it. You have brought the whole county to become rich, and this merit is enough to bring You brought it before the Holy Majesty, so don't be afraid."

"Your Majesty?"

Li Qiao was surprised.

"That's not it." Jiang Zhixian cupped his hands in the direction of the capital, his face full of admiration: "The Holy Majesty believes that only when the people are rich can the country be safe, and every year he personally verifies the achievements of officials. Your vermicelli is so outstanding, the Holy Majesty will definitely I know you."

As soon as these words came out, Li Qiao breathed a sigh of relief.

So there is no need to worry about officials at the government and provincial levels?

That's too good, saying that Dasheng is a paradise, it really is a paradise.

However, the word about building the road has already come out, and besides, he loves Dasheng more at this time, so his desire to build the road is more urgent and firm.

"Master, this is voluntary by the students, and it is also what the students are eager to do. When the students and their husbands came to the county today..."

He started from his own point of view. His family's snacks and eggs were delivered to the county every day. a good road.

The sale of vermicelli affects his interests. In order to sell vermicelli, he also wants to build roads.

However, Jiangzhi County still disagreed.

The magistrate Jiang asked him to go back and think about it carefully, not to be impulsive.

Seeing this, Li Qiao could only temporarily rest his mind.

Forget it, we'll bring it up next time we meet.

After discussing the business, Jiang Zhixian asked the staff of Wangyue Tower to start serving the dishes.

He originally wanted to stay with Li Qiao for dinner, but seeing Tao Zhu standing beside him like a wooden man, he kindly let the couple leave.

Forget it, he is at ease alone, and this couple is also at ease.

Li Qiao and Tao Zhu went out of the Moon Tower, Tao Zhu took a deep breath, once scared, but the second time he calmed down.

As Li Qiao said, Jiang Zhi County is a good official. Those words and measures just now are all for the consideration of farmers.

He is also a farmer himself, so he is not afraid.

Seeing that he had automatically adjusted himself, Li Qiao couldn't help but smiled, but thinking about what happened just now, he asked, "I used the money to build roads, do you blame me?

" It captured his heart: "Why should

you blame you? There is so much money, if we take it , maybe how many people will say sour words." It's a bitter word."

"Do you think I don't understand this truth? I understand."

"Besides, even if you don't understand, you must have your reasons for doing this, so how can I blame you?"

"You ask this, do you think I'm stupid? Or do you think I'll make trouble out of no reason?"

Li Qiao was amused by Tao Zhu's words, and he grabbed Tao Zhu's hand on his heart: "I just think this money belongs to us. The two earned it together, and I dealt with it like this without discussing it with you, which disrespects you. I was wrong, so I won't ask like this next time." "I know whether you respect me or not."


Zhu looked at him In this way, he pursed his lower lip.

The big tree attracts the wind, and I have to earn so much money at once, and I don't know what will happen in the future.

The pressure is all on this man.

There is really not much he can share.

Taking a deep breath, he raised a smiling face: "I don't care about it this time."

"Brother Zhu is generous!" Li Qiao immediately praised with a smile, and after getting Tao Zhu's chuckle, he shook his head. Huang grabbed Tao Zhu's hand: "Where shall we go next?"

"Well... let's go to the bookstore."

Tao Zhu wanted to buy the new essay by the Holy Master.

Li Qiao shared with him everything about the imperial examination, and he knew the importance of this little composition.

"It's noon, it's time for us to eat." Li Qiao rubbed his stomach with the other hand.

"Then go eat first."

Tao Zhu changed his mind.

Although the food at Wangyuelou was delicious, they had eaten it too many times and there was nothing new. The two found a noodle restaurant at random and ate chicken shredded noodles.

The chicken shredded noodles tasted pretty good. Although it was not as good as Wangyue Tower, it was still worth the price. After lunch, they went to the bookstore to buy a new essay by the Holy Lord.

Originally, the two wanted to find Zhuang Wen. Although Zhuang Wen was studying in the county school, because he had a yard in the county town, Zhuang Wen was a day student and would go home at noon.

Li Qiao wanted Zhuang Wen to explain to him the doubts he encountered in studying recently, but obviously he couldn't find it now.

The husband and wife bought some daily necessities and drove the ox cart back to the village.

Halfway through, the gloomy sky cleared and the sun came out.

Li Qiao had already set up a shelf on the ox cart, which was specially used to shade the sun, and they were not afraid of the sun at this time.

But the sun just out could not dry out the muddy road, so they walked very slowly along the way, and in some places, the two had to get out of the ox cart and walk.

Li Qiao led the ox cart forward step by step, and couldn't help but said to Tao Zhu: "This road must be built, it's too difficult to walk."

Tao Zhu nodded fiercely.

He didn't think there was anything before, but after feeling the green brick floor of his new house, he couldn't stand the mud anymore.

It was already evening when the two returned to the village, and they went directly to the dealer to find Zhuang Fengshou.

Telling Zhuang Fengshou the plan of Jiangzhi County today, Zhuang Fengshou frowned. It turned out that so many sweet potatoes were planted in the whole county!

Now that Jiangzhi County has given a plan, he will act according to the plan.

He summoned all the people in the village to build a spacious sweet potato workshop.

Li Qiao and Tao Zhu put the ox cart back home, and then went to Zhujia Village.

When I arrived at Village Chief Zhu's house and told Village Chief Zhu the good news, Village Chief Zhu was completely dumbfounded.

Can there be such a good thing in the world?

He repeatedly confirmed: "Do you really want Zhujiacun to make vermicelli?"

His family also looked at Li Qiao nervously. Is there really no auditory hallucination?

Li Qiao nodded again: "It's true, the county magistrate will call the village chiefs of the whole county to discuss this matter in the next few days. Brother Zhu, starting tomorrow, your village should also build a sweet potato workshop. The size of the workshop is based on the number of people in your village. Let's decide."

Village Chief Zhu: "!"

There really is such a good thing in the world!

He danced with joy, waved his hands a few times indiscriminately, opened his mouth wide, and couldn't say anything except hahaha.

Just at this time, there was a rooster crowing in the chicken coop, and at this moment his chickens were having dinner.

He immediately ran to the chicken coop, laughed and said to Li Qiao: "Take it away, Xiao Li, come here, take it away."

Seeing this, his family also ran to the chicken coop to catch chickens for Li Qiao .

Li Qiao couldn't laugh or cry: "No, no, no, just give me one, I don't want any more, you know I've always been like this." Knowing that he couldn't refuse,

Li Qiao took the initiative to tell the number he could accept.

"It's not the same, it's not the same." Village head Zhu was still in ecstasy: "This time you have given too much favor to Zhujiacun, and one chicken is too small to be worthy of you!"

Li Qiao: "?"

How many chickens It's not good enough for him either.

The rules can't be broken, no matter how the village chief Zhu's family persuades him, he insists on only accepting one chicken.

Village chief Zhu's family was very helpless. Although giving Li Qiao all his chickens, ducks and pigs would not repay the favor, one chicken is too little!

Since Li Qiao only accepts one chicken, he will call a meeting of the whole village later and give Li Qiao chickens tomorrow, one for each family.

The next morning, Village Chief Zhu came to Sanliu Village to learn how to build a sweet potato workshop.

It's enough to find Zhuang Fengshou for this job, and he didn't bother Li Qiao.

It wasn't until noon that he used a cart to push more than twenty hens sent by the whole village to Li Qiao's house.

This was the wish of the whole village. Li Qiao had to harvest it, otherwise they couldn't make vermicelli with peace of mind.

Village Chief Zhu's kindness was hard to refrain from, and since it was given by the entire Zhujia Village, Li Qiao accepted the twenty-odd little hens.

There are so many chickens at once, and there is no shortage of eggs at home, so there is no need to be reluctant to eat hens like other villagers, so Li Qiao decided on lunch with a big wave of his hand:

big plate chicken.

The delicious big plate chicken satisfied the whole family. The little hens grew up eating food, and the meat was fragrant and tender. Coupled with Li Chuntao's good cooking skills, they eliminated three little hens with ease. Chicken and more than 20 catties of wide noodles.

"This large plate of chicken is really wonderful." Li Dashan held a bowl of iced sour plum soup and patted his belly full of food while drinking it.

Li Shu nodded fiercely. The chicken at Li Qiao's house was either marinated or made into a large plate. She has eaten it many times since she came back, but she hasn't gotten tired of it so far.

No, she will never get tired of eating in her life.

It's the meat and so many ingredients, how can you get tired of such a good thing?

Hearing this, Li Qiao said, "Then let's eat the big plate chicken at noon tomorrow."

But Li Dashan hesitated when he heard this, "But I want to eat hot pot again..."

He was hooked by the big plate chicken and weighed it. I miss it so much. Speaking of which, since the weather is hot, I have never eaten hot pot again.

Now I really want to eat hot pot. Dip the thinly sliced ​​pork belly in the chili plate first, and then wrap it in sesame sauce. The taste is really amazing.

"Eating hot pot on a hot day, don't you think it's too hot?" Li Qiao asked him.

"It's not hot, it's not hot, at worst, put it in a bowl and eat it away from the stove."

Compared with delicious food, he is willing to endure the heat!

"Brother Zhu, Third Sister, Chuntao, Yuning, Yu'an, what do you want to eat?"

Li Qiao asked for other people's opinions.

"It's true that I haven't eaten hot pot for a long time." Tao Zhu also thought about it.

Seeing this, Li Qiao immediately said: "It's okay, you can make a cold pot skewer."

Of course, there is no need for skewers, just use cold pot.

He explained the method of cold pot skewers, and Tao Zhu and the others nodded after hearing this. This method is good.

You can eat delicious hot pot without being around the stove!

When Li Qiao's family was discussing what dishes to put in tomorrow's cold pot, when Li Qiao's family was living in peace and studying what to eat and drink every day, Sanliu Village and Zhujia, to be precise, the entire county's villages were in the same place. In a kind of excitement and restlessness.

For the people in Sanliu Village, Li Qiao only took half of the profit, and more people entered the sweet potato workshop, so the money they earned would increase.

But for Zhujia Village and other villages, this is not about earning more money, it is about earning money from zero to some!

Last year, other villages could only watch the people of Sanliu Village make vermicelli. This year, they don't have to watch. This year they can join in!

The construction of sweet potato workshops in Sanliu Village, Zhujia Village and the county town has already started.

The various plans formulated by Jiangzhi County are also being implemented steadily.

Although the sweet potato workshop in the county seat is large, it is impossible to invite people from other villages to go. The number of places in each village is limited.

Jiangzhi County recruited the young and middle-aged people in each village. Larger villages gave more quotas, while smaller villages gave fewer quotas.

As for the specific candidates for each quota, all will be decided by lottery.

Jiang Zhixian regards vermicelli as a springboard for his promotion, and he does not allow any mistakes on this springboard, so even if it is a matter of drawing lots, he will personally intervene to avoid any disharmony.

Under the close attention of Jiangzhi County, the people in the village below dared not engage in petty tricks.

After the places were selected, three sweet potato workshops were built, and the time came to the end of summer.

The weather is still hot and the temperature has not dropped. Reading is still hard work for Li Qiao.

But now Li Qiao stopped complaining.

Although Jiang Zhixian said that his name would appear in front of the Holy Majesty, and although he felt that 70,000 taels of silver would not attract the attention of government and provincial officials, he was not used to entrusting his safety to others.

His own safety, his own home, of course depended on him.

Therefore, whether it is studying or cultivating supernatural powers, he has worked much harder than before, and will no longer be distracted by the hot weather. He should study and practice.

He was the one who was slack before, and became lazy after time travel.

It shouldn't be.

It is true to say that it is true to live in sorrow and die in peace. In fact, compared with my previous life, I am really happy to be able to sit in my spacious study and study now.

In this kind of comparison, Li Qiao found the joy of reading again.

When you encounter something you don't understand, write it down, and go to Zhuang Wen every five days, and let Zhuang Wen explain it to him.

Zhuang Wen is full of economics, has read a lot of books, is familiar with all kinds of allusions, and speaks them clearly and simply. He is very satisfied with Zhuang Wen, his master.

Since Zhuang Wen entered the county school, he worked harder than before.

Because scholars who study in the county school have to take the annual examination, if they fail the annual examination, then he will not be able to keep his status as a granary student.

Naturally, what he valued was not the food and money that the lin students could get, but the honor he valued.

Moreover, because the number of places in the county school is limited, those who fail the annual examination consecutively, and those who fail to pass the examination within ten years, will not be able to stay in the county school to study, and have to make room for the newly passed scholar.

Zhuang Wen didn't want to be kicked out of the county school, so he worked very hard.

Li Qiao has a clever head and novel viewpoints, and he loves to discuss knowledge with Li Qiao.

In addition to discussing knowledge, he will also talk about some things about the county school, and even gossip.

For example, the highest person in charge of the county school is Bai Jiaoyu. Bai Jiaoyu's eldest son Baiyou is a widow. Baiyou and Bai Jiaoyu have a bad relationship. A group of scholars went home to solve family affairs.

Of course, in addition to gossip, there is business.

Some people in the village wanted to set up a private school in the village. His father asked him to find suitable scholars, but he had already done so.

However, he was afraid that the people in the village would regret it, so he said that he hadn't chosen yet.

However, judging by the current situation in the village, after this winter, those who want to run a private school will never regret it.

If you earn a lot of money this winter, you won't feel sorry for Shu Xiu next year.

However, what he was most concerned about was when Li Qiao would come to study in the county.

Previously, according to Li Qiao's plan, he had to finish reading the three histories and three biographies during the autumn harvest. Now that the autumn harvest is not long, Li Qiao has indeed read these books almost.

Then Li Qiao should come to the county to study, right?

"Brother Wen, let's take a look again. Life at home is so good that I can't bear it."

Every time Zhuang Wen asked, Li Qiao would say this.

According to his previous plan, he really wanted to study in the county, and he needed a wife.

But now, he hesitated.

The sweet potato harvest is bumper, and the farmers in the county are excited for the vermicelli. Everyone in the county knows that he will make a lot of money.

In this case, he didn't want to go to the county to study anymore, and he couldn't worry about his family.

However, he still bought a yard in the county seat. The county seat is too far away from Sanliu Village, and he has to go back and forth between these two places frequently. Since that time when he stayed alone at Zhuang Wen's house, every time he came to the county seat, he was with Tao Zhu.

Therefore, if he bought a yard in the county, he and Tao Zhu could also have a place to stay.

In case one day you don't have time to go back to the village, you can stay in your own territory.

This yard was recommended by Shopkeeper Wang. It is very large, with eight houses, a well, and a place for bullock carts. If one day he comes to the county to study, Tao Zhu can make snacks in the yard for Wangyuelou.

After buying such a courtyard, it is natural to decorate it. The previous owner only left an empty courtyard. If you want to live in it, you have to buy furniture.

Moreover, as the sweet potatoes are about to mature and the arrival of foreign vendors, the housing prices in Pingcheng have risen a bit.

The vermicelli business in Pingcheng is obviously a long-term business, and vendors from all over the world will come. Some rich and noble people often come to Pingcheng to taste delicious food. These two types of people have the demand to buy houses, so the housing prices in Pingcheng have risen.

The yard that Li Qiao bought was not facing the street, and it used to be possible to get it in the early 100 taels, but now it costs 150 taels.

Including the furniture, it cost about two hundred taels in total.

Fortunately, he is not short of money now, and he can get the money out.

Tao Zhu was very happy. After building a big house in the village, he and Li Qiao also had a home in the county town.

Out of novelty, after the house in the county seat was renovated, he deliberately took Li Qiao to stay for one night.

This feeling is very strange to him, he has never experienced this kind of experience before, every time he came to the county with Li Qiao before, he returned to the village on the same day.

Now living in the county with Li Qiao, this feels so fresh.

Li Qiao didn't expect Tao Zhu to be happy about this. Seeing Tao Zhu walking around in each room with his watery eyes flickering, he couldn't help but come out of the study.

"Did I affect your study?" Tao Zhu asked immediately.

"No, I want to take a stroll too. This is our home too." Li Qiao walked up to him and held his hand.

Interlocking his fingers, Tao Zhu smiled: "It feels unreal."

He is also a person who owns a house in the county.

"Where is this? We will have a house in Fucheng in the future. I will work harder and be admitted to Juren."

Juren is qualified to be an official, and it is fundamentally different from ordinary people, so Juren can Called the Lord.

Although small officials will still be slaughtered by others, it is better to be a Juren than to be an ordinary citizen.

"Don't put too much pressure on you."

Tao Zhu looked at Li Qiao, and couldn't help but hugged Li Qiao's waist with the hand that Li Qiao wasn't holding, his eyes filled with worry.

He could see that this person was working harder than before. Every time he went to the study to deliver soup, this person would subconsciously raise his arms and shake his head, using this movement to relieve the fatigue of his body.

This shows that the man had been reading before he went to the study.

It was the huge sum of money that put pressure on this man.

I thought the richer the better, but who knew it would be like this.

"There is some pressure, but pressure is also motivation." Li Qiao looked at Tao Zhu's unconcealable worry, smiled and lowered his head to kiss his lips.

"In the current situation, we can't decide anything, we can only go forward with the whole county, so don't get entangled in this, let's take one step at a time." Farmers in the

county are eager to earn money.

Jiangzhi County is bound to win political achievements.

This is not something he can stop.

What he can call the shots now is his hard work.

Besides, it's only 70,000 taels of silver, so it really won't fall into the eyes of high officials.

"If I had known this, I wish you hadn't made vermicelli." Tao Zhu bit his lip and said softly.

This is very selfish.

But he is indeed a little scared now.

Hearing this, Li Qiao lowered her head and kissed his lips again, with distress and guilt hidden in her eyes.

He is currently at the second level of supernatural ability, and with his current combat power, it is nothing to knock down hundreds of people.

But he wasn't ready to tell Tao Zhu yet...

Unable to meet Tao Zhu's eyes, he simply hugged Tao Zhu in his arms: "One day at a time, as long as we are together, it will be fine ."

Tao Zhu: "..."

His teeth were almost bleeding from his lip.

Obviously this person's starting point is good, but the situation has turned into such a situation now.

But he quickly laughed again, yes, as long as he can be with this person, it's not the worst.

He hummed heavily: "As long as I'm with you, then I'm not afraid."

"Brother Zhu is so brave."

Li Qiao praised him with a smile, and hugged him tightly.

Today's uneasiness comes from his lack of strength, and he has to work harder in the future.

During Li Qiao's hard study and practice day by day, the days flew by quickly, and after a rain fell, the temperature dropped.

In the hope of farmers in the whole county, sweet potatoes can finally be harvested.

The three sweet potato workshops that have been built long ago, Sanliu Village, Zhujia Village, and County Town, have started construction.

The author has something to say:

Cough, it's sweet potatoes again...

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