Chapter 69

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  At noon, there was light rain in the sky, and the rain shivered with the breeze, falling on people, and the cold people shivered involuntarily.

This kind of weather is the most suitable for sleeping, even if you don't sleep, it's not suitable for going out.

But here in Wangyue Tower, shoulder to shoulder and back to back, crowded with people, it was extremely lively.

Because today is a new day for vermicelli, after half a year, Wangyuelou finally has vermicelli dishes.

As early as three days ago, Wangyue Tower hung a small wooden board at the door to create momentum for today's vermicelli promotion.

Therefore, no matter if they are rich traders or ordinary people, they are all here today.

Those who have money in their pockets naturally pick up the luxurious version of the dishes. There are large slices of meat in the stewed dishes, and there are also mountain delicacies and meat in the hot and sour noodles.

Those who have no money in their pockets eat the ordinary version.

Although there is no meat in the ordinary version of stewed vegetables and hot and sour noodles, there is enough oil, and there is a layer of oil floating on the soup.

In this kind of windy and rainy weather, eating a bowl of steaming and flavorful stewed vegetables, hot and sour noodles, and a corn tortilla will make you sweat comfortably, and more importantly, you can eat Full, beautiful!

Therefore, the teahouse opposite Wangyue Tower was rented by shopkeeper Wang again.

Diners from the two shops came in droves, and the shopkeepers of the surrounding shops looked eagerly.

But this is something they can't envy. The vermicelli is so delicious that even they couldn't resist going to Wangyue Tower to taste it.

Pick up the vermicelli with chopsticks and put it in your mouth, suck it lightly, and all the vermicelli will enter your mouth. It is silky smooth and addictive.

More importantly, the vermicelli is not only silky, but also delicious.

How can this teach people to resist?


Although shopkeeper Wang is very busy today, because he has already rented the teahouse opposite, and his own staff and cooks are enough, even if there are waves of customers, there is no trouble.

As for the vendors who get the goods, he has already arranged them.

Regardless of the size of the merchants, they will always get the goods in the order of first come, first served.

He specially made a pair of cards for this purpose, and used this method to prevent trouble.

The vermicelli business was supervised by Jiangzhi County himself, and vendors from other places, even big businessmen, would not dare to make trouble with him.

As for whether the big businessman will buy the top pair at a high price, this is out of his control, he only recognizes the pair.

After the sweet potato workshops in Sanliu Village and Zhujia Village made the vermicelli, they were first transported to the large yard he bought specially in the county town, and then the vendors came to pick up the goods with the right cards.

The whole process is very simple, and there are yamen guards, so he doesn't have to spend too much effort.

What he needs to worry about most every day is whether the transportation team he formed can deliver the vermicelli made the day before from the two villages of Sanliu Village and Zhujia Village to the county seat on time.

At the beginning of last year, the daily output of vermicelli was small, so either the people in Sanliu Village took the initiative to send vermicelli to Wangyue Tower, or he sent someone to Sanliu Village to collect goods.

Anyway, it doesn't take a few manpower.

But later, as the number of vermicelli increased, the manpower required also increased, so he set up a special transportation team to transport the vermicelli.

Compared with last year, the production of vermicelli this year has increased sharply, so the transportation team has also expanded a lot, with a total of one hundred people.

These 100 people were all young and middle-aged men specially selected by him, enough to transport the daily vermicelli produced by Sanliu Village and Zhujia Village.

In fact, according to the output of vermicelli in these two villages, it would be enough for him to hire seventy or eighty people.

However, because of the long distance, we can only deliver one trip a day. If it is windy, rainy or snowy, the speed will be very slow.

Afraid of what might happen on the road, he deliberately hired 20 more people. Problems that can be solved with money are not considered problems. He would rather spend more money to ensure the daily supply of vermicelli.

Li Qiao sold vermicelli to him at 40 Wen per catty, and he sold vermicelli to many vendors at 42 Wen per catty.

Yes, forty-two coins per catty.

Sanliu Village and Zhujia Village can produce about 23,000 catties of vermicelli a day. If he earns two Wen per catty, that is 46,000 copper plates, or 46 taels of silver.

After deducting the cost of the transportation team and the cost of forty coins, he can get almost thirty-eight taels of silver a day.

He is very satisfied with this number.

What's more, he didn't sell all the 23,000 catties of vermicelli at a price of 42 yuan, and he used the 23,000 catties of vermicelli for Wangyuelou's daily needs. .

If the dried vermicelli becomes a vermicelli dish, he will earn more.

Therefore, now he only relies on vermicelli, and the profit he earns in one day exceeds the profit of Mochizuki Building for several days in the past.

He is not a greedy person, he is very satisfied with the current situation of Mochizuki Tower.

Therefore, no matter how the merchants from other places raise the price, he can stand the temptation. Li Qiao gave him the vermicelli. Complaints abound.

People in Sanliu Village and Zhujia Village will also be dissatisfied.

After all, the vermicelli were made by the people of these two villages day and night. He just transported the vermicelli to the county seat, and did not do any other work. If he earns too much, then the people of these two villages There are definitely opinions.

Therefore, no matter how the foreign traders tried their best, he would not move at all.

Whoever comes is priced at forty-two cents a catty.

Everyone has to follow the order of first come, first served.

In business, it depends on the long-term.

Shopkeeper Wang's dried vermicelli sells for forty-two yuan a catty, and the vermicelli from the sweet potato workshop in the county is also sold at the same price.

The sweet potato workshop in the county seat was supervised by Jiangzhi County himself.

He regards vermicelli as a springboard for his promotion, and he strives to be perfect in all aspects so that he can present a perfect score to the Holy One.

In addition, he planned to present the vermicelli as a tribute to the Holy Majesty this year, so he adopted Li Qiao's hygienic standards.

The first is starch, which must be clean, and no black spots, sundries, etc. are allowed.

Secondly, when workers make vermicelli, their hands must be washed clean, their nails must be cut frequently, and no dirt is allowed between the nails, and their heads must be wrapped in cotton cloth to prevent hair from falling out.

You have to wear a mask on your mouth to prevent saliva from spitting out when you speak.

And these workers have to shower regularly.

Anyone who doesn't want to abide by these rules, get out of here.

He will also regularly inspect the finished vermicelli. If it is unqualified, wages will be deducted.

Under the high pressure of Jiangzhi County, every worker strictly abides by the regulations, so as not to be kicked back to their hometown by Jiangzhi County.

This rare job is their turn because of God's favor. If they don't cherish it, they will be condemned by the whole family after they go home.

For the sweet potato workshop in the county seat, Jiangzhi County selected 15,000 young adults from 170 villages in the county.

It is said to be a workshop, but it is actually five big Zhuangzi.

There are three thousand people in each Zhuangzi.

These 15,000 people only concentrate on making vermicelli, and they can make about 300,000 catties of vermicelli a day. Adding in the daily 23,000 catties of vermicelli in Sanliu Village and Zhujia Village, it will take 300 days. In order to consume this year's sweet potato starch.

Jiangzhi County was not satisfied with this number.

How can this be done for three hundred days.

That's like a year.

And during this year, farmers still have to plant crops.

The annual food, money and taxation is the most important item in the assessment of officials by the Ministry of Officials. If this cannot be completed, then he will be lucky if he can not be demoted, let alone a promotion.

However, Jiangzhi County has no other way now.

According to his current ability, managing five big Zhuangzi with as many as 15,000 people is really beyond his ability.

Fifteen thousand people, that's the number of troops stationed in Fucheng.

He is not a general, and he has never led soldiers to fight a war. Now that he is asked to manage so many people, even if he has made sufficient preparations before, he is still in a hurry.

However, difficulties represent opportunities.

If the weather has been calm, how can he show his talent and highlight his intelligence?

Now the daily output of the sweet potato workshop in the county is 300,000 catties. After deducting various costs, the profit per catty is similar to that of Sanliu Village. If half of Li Qiao's ingredients are deducted, then a catty can earn 20 yuan. money.

A profit of 300,000 catties is 6 million yuan, or 6,000 taels.

The net profit of the sweet potato workshop is six thousand taels a day!

If it is distributed equally to 15,000 workers, then each person will get 400 cash.

Four hundred Wen per person per day, not four hundred Wen per month!

Four hundred cash a day, so a month is twelve taels of silver!

Of course, because he has hired some juren and scholars to help him manage the workshop, and it takes a lot of manpower to cook and boil water for these workers, so even if these workers bring their own food, there is a lot of cost.

After deducting these costs, each worker can get almost three hundred cash per day.

But three hundred wen is not a lot, nine taels of silver a month!

A farmer earns nine taels of silver a month, not just one farmer, but many such farmers in every village in the county!

Let alone the past, there has never been such a good thing since the beginning of the world!

If this is not rich people, then what is rich people?

This is not rich people, so what can be called rich people!

Therefore, even though he is exhausted every day, Jiang Zhixian's ambition remains unchanged. His Majesty's consistent view is that the prosperity of the people is the only way for the country to be safe. This is his opportunity.

It is rare for him to get a second chance in his life.

If he didn't catch it this time, he would have to slap himself every day for the rest of his life, even if he died, he couldn't rest in peace.

He must hand in a perfect score to the Holy One this year!

Moreover, in addition to wanting to give Shengshang a perfect score, he also has his own ambitions.

He didn't just become an official to restore his family's former glory, he also wanted to display his own ambitions.

After reading books for so many years, his philosophy is actually similar to that of the Holy One. He has no interest in dominating the common people. What he wants to do is to save and enrich the people.

Turning an ordinary county into a well-known and wealthy county in Dasheng, he would die just thinking about it.

He wants that sense of accomplishment and satisfaction!

Therefore, no matter how much pressure there is now, he has to bear it, otherwise he will definitely regret it for the rest of his life!

With self-encouragement and self-encouragement, Jiang Zhixian quickly stabilized, and he formulated a new plan:

to expand production.

We have to build another sweet potato workshop.

So, after half a month of operation of the sweet potato workshop in the county seat, he summoned the village chiefs of the whole county and planned to draw another 6,000 people from the whole county.

Because there was no war in these years, and the two emperors were both wise and powerful, the population of Dasheng has increased a lot.

It is not difficult to recruit another 6,000 people.

He wants to use up this year's sweet potato starch before spring begins, so that spring plowing cannot be affected.

Work hard for three months, for the next thirty years!

After hearing Jiangzhi County's plan, the village chiefs of all villages became energetic, Emma, ​​their village has another quota!

This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make money, please God let their own family win it!

Before the figure of three hundred Wen a day, even a small landlord like Zhuang Fengshou couldn't calm down, not to mention that many village chiefs' families were not landlords.

However, the lottery must be fair and just, and Jiangzhi County is watching. If you want to enter the sweet potato workshop, it depends on God's will.

Alas, it would be great if it was in Sanliu Village.

Sanliu Village will not use lottery to decide who can enter the sweet potato workshop. In Sanliu Village, no matter male or female, as long as they can make vermicelli, they can enter the sweet potato workshop to make vermicelli.


No, you can't just be envious, but you have to take practical actions.

They had to marry their daughter and younger brother to Sanliu Village. If Li Qiao was not in their village, they would take the initiative to join Sanliu Village!

Therefore, for a while, the market conditions of those unmarried people in Sanliu Village were much better than before.

Of course, the market for the unmarried people in Sanliu Village has been very good this year, but now that they are stimulated by the interests of vermicelli, the market is even better.

Especially Li Chuntao and Li Shu, who are close to Li Qiao, have people coming to their door almost every day to say goodbye.

Moreover, many people do not want to marry these two people, but want to marry them.

Only by entering Sanliu Village can Liqiao be honored!

Regarding this situation, Li Qiao was too busy studying to pay too much attention to it, but he kept telling Li Chuntao and Li Shu not to beat all men to death even though they met scumbags.

Besides, now that they have money in their own hands, if they really meet a scumbag again, they will kick them straight away. It's hard to find three-legged cockroaches, but there are many two-legged men.

When a man is rich, he can have three wives and four concubines, and when a woman is rich, of course she can change men.

Li Qiao's point of view shocked the world at first, but after hearing it a lot, no matter whether it was Li Chuntao or Li Shu, they became calm.

This is reasonable, and no one can fault it.

So Li Shu started to get serious, and no longer resisted the people who came to say goodbye.

The same is true for Li Chuntao. Compared with Li Shu, the people who kiss her are all young men who are about the same age or younger than her. There are many suitable ones.

She was afraid of causing trouble for Li Qiao, so she didn't let go.

Now that she is serious, if she dares to cause trouble for Li Qiao, then she will just kick her!

Li Dashan also launched a more violent offensive against Zheng Qianqian. He has been chasing Zheng Qianqian for so long, but his two aunts are married, and he has not yet been able to marry Qianqian back home.

The life of Li Qiao's family is still calm, and they have not been involved in the sweet potato madness in the whole county.

Li Qiao's main task is to read books.

In the county examination next February, he plans to give it a try.

Tao Zhu was worried because of the money in his family, which made him eager to take part in the imperial examination.

If he wanted to take the imperial examination, he had to read the real questions. He found Zhuang Wen, who had the habit of writing down the real questions every time he finished the exam.

Li Qiao looked at Zhuang Wen's real questions over the years, and soon discovered a problem:

the questions of the county examination and the hospital examination were basically taken from the Four Books and Five Classics.

how so?

This must have to ask Zhuang Wen.

Soon, he got the answer from Zhuang Wen:

Because the Tongsheng Examination is the entrance examination of the imperial examination, the county and government examinations in the first two levels do not involve the privilege of scholars, and to encourage scholars, the test papers of these two levels are basically All of them revolve around the Four Books and Five Classics.

If the three history and three biographies are taken in the first two passes, many people will not be able to pass the county and government examinations. In this way, there will be very few farmers who are willing to study. After all, it would cost a lot of money just to buy the three histories and three biography.

It is necessary to give some sweetness and some hope to the farmer's son, so that the farmer is willing to support the whole family for one person to study.

After hearing Zhuang Wen's words, Li Qiao just wanted to smoke his former self.

Before, he thought that the scope of the county examination, the government examination, and the college examination were four books, five classics and three histories and three biographies, so he buried himself in studying hard and did not study the real questions.

If he had known this earlier, he would not have spent so much time reading the Three Histories - the Three Biography is closely related to "Spring and Autumn", so he still had to read it.

An Yi really made his brain confused, he should have studied the real question long ago!

Fortunately, it is not too late.

At this time, there are still three months before February next year. He has memorized the Four Books and Five Classics by heart, and if he consolidates it, he should be 70 to 80% sure of next year's county examination.

But self-confidence is self-confidence, he can't be careless.

Speaking of which, he has only been studying seriously for a year, while others have studied for at least three or four years, and most of them have been studying for more than ten or decades.

He never thinks that he is a talented player, he always takes a hard way, and he does not have 100% confidence in competing with local scholars.

For this reason, his daily practice time was reduced, and almost all his energy was spent on reading.

Seeing that Li Qiao was really going to take the county examination next February, Zhuang Wen recommended someone to Li Qiao while Li Qiao was looking for him.

Zhuang Wen himself has to study every day, and he still lives in the county, so he can't solve Li Qiao's doubts every day. This is actually very bad. If you have any doubts, you should solve them on the spot, otherwise, it may affect the integration of other knowledge.

It just so happened that Zhuang Wen had already found a private school teacher for Sanliu Village, so he wanted this person to go to Sanliu Village first to teach Li Qiao one-on-one.

Li Qiao thought for a while and nodded.

What Zhuang Wen said makes sense, he really needs private education now.

Zhuang Wenxun's name is Huang Youming, he is forty-seven years old this year, like Zhuang Wen, he also took the exam for 30 years before he was admitted as a scholar.

Huang Youming's family background was mediocre, and he had no hope of taking the exams when he was old, so he took a break from the imperial examinations and concentrated on supporting his family.

Huang Youming has rich experience in scientific research, but he does not read as many books as Zhuang Wen. Huang's family is poor and cannot afford many miscellaneous books.

However, Huang Mingming's knowledge reserve is not inferior to Zhuang Wen's in regards to Tongsheng Test, which is enough to guide Li Qiao.

Moreover, Huang Youming is modest and gentle, and has experience in teaching Huang's children before, so Zhuang Wen feels that this person is very suitable for Li Qiao at this time.

So, while Zhuang Wen was resting, Li Qiao went with him to Huang Youming's village.

After some conversation, Li Qiao was very satisfied, so Li Qiao took Huang Youming back to Sanliu Village that day.

A room was tidied up in the front yard, and from then on, Li Qiao had one-on-one private tutoring.

There is indeed a difference between having a master and not having a master. When he encountered something he didn't understand before, he could only write it down first, but this knowledge point may affect his understanding of another knowledge point.

So there are more and more places that I don't understand, and the learning progress is not as expected.

Now that he has private tutoring, he can ask on the spot if he doesn't understand anything, so his learning progress is much faster.

The first snow this winter came earlier than last year.

While the people were sleeping soundly, the goose feathers and heavy snow fell, and it lasted all night.

The next day, Li Qiao woke up from his sleep. As soon as he opened his eyes, he realized that the brightness outside was not right.

In the evening of dawn in winter, it is still dark outside at this point on weekdays, but now through the newly pasted window paper, it is actually a bit bright outside.

Thinking of yesterday's gloomy weather, he frowned.

It was snowing, and, judging by the brightness, one could tell that the snow would not be small, and it would definitely dye the world white.

The auspicious snow heralds a good year, but right now vermicelli from Sanliu Village and Zhujia Village have to be transported to the county every day, and now it snows, it is difficult to transport vermicelli.

Thinking like this, he lowered his head to look at the person in his arms.

Tao Zhu wrapped his hands and feet around him, buried his face in the hollow of his neck, at this moment he could only see a strand of Tao Zhu's hair protruding from the quilt.

Although Tao Zhu always hugged him in the past, but it will not be the same as this time, the whole person is curled up in the bed.

This sleeping position would definitely affect his breathing, he was hesitating whether to hold Tao Zhu and move it on the pillow, but the person in his arms moved.

"Brother Zhu?" Li Qiao called softly.

"Hmm..." Tao Zhu came out with a little sticky voice in a daze. As usual, he first hugged Li Qiao, and then planned to stretch his arms and legs.

I lay on my side all night, feeling a little numb all over.

He lowered his right leg from Li Qiao's, and stretched it into the blanket behind him unsuspectingly.

The cold touch immediately wrapped his right foot, and he shivered from the cold, and his right leg was placed on Li Qiao's again in an instant.

Li Qiao was amused by his action, and the low and deep laughter reached his ears, and he couldn't help but raised his hand and pinched Li Qiao's waist.

"Why didn't you stop me?"

"I didn't have time." Li Qiao stopped laughing and let out a cooperative "hiss", as if being pinched.

Seeing this, Tao Zhu quickly patted the place where he pinched, then arched his body up and got out of the bed.

As expected, it was cold air blowing towards his face. Looking at the window, he said, "It's snowing." "

That's not true." Li Qiao pulled up the quilt and hugged him tightly: "Later Let's get up again, when the mountains come, we will definitely boil hot water, let's get up again when there is hot water."

Tao Zhu looked away from the window to look at Li Qiao after hearing this.

There was only faint light in the room, but he was so close to Li Qiao that he could barely see the righteousness on Li Qiao's face.

He couldn't help laughing. When it snowed last year, the two of them sometimes didn't remember that they waited for Li Dashan and Li Chuntao to boil hot water before getting up.

However, this year is different: "Mr. Huang is here."

Li Qiao did not perform the ceremony of apprenticeship, so he and Li Qiao called Huang You as Mr. Huang.

"He's not pedantic, he doesn't know what to say." Li Qiao said, burying his face in Tao Zhu's neck.

Feeling the comfortable warmth from Tao Zhu's body, he closed his eyes.

If you start, you have to worry about the transportation of vermicelli, but if you can't afford it, you don't have to worry about it!

Moreover, this kind of weather is most suitable for lying in bed with his lover, he doesn't think about it.

"Then let's lie down for a while." Tao Zhu patted him and adjusted the posture of his shoulders to make him more comfortable.

"Brother Zhu is so kind. Li Qiao can't live without Tao Zhu, just like a person can't live without food~" Li Qiao couldn't help rubbing Tao Zhu's neck.

Itchy, Tao Zhu couldn't help laughing: "Speaking of food, what shall we have for breakfast?

" Pair it with egg pancakes, let's work together."

Li Chuntao's steamed vermicelli buns are delicious, take a bite of the outer skin to reveal the filling, and then add the chili oil made by Taozhu to the filling, the taste is extremely delicious, he eats it in one sitting Ten are not tired.

"...Why don't we get up and help Chuntao steam the buns." Li Qiao opened his eyes, he couldn't wait to eat the buns with soft skin and spicy filling.

Naturally, Tao Zhu has no objection. Food can dispel troubles, and if you have a comfortable meal, then nothing is a big deal!

So, the couple got up.

Opening the door, a gust of cold air rushed into the room wrapped in a small wind, and the two couldn't help shrinking their necks, it was so cold!

Looking at the snow in the yard, it was as deep as knees.

Li Qiao couldn't help but frowned, today's vermicelli can't be delivered to the county.

In the front yard, Li Dashan had already arrived.

Soon Li Chuntao and Li Shu also came.

Li Qiao was sweeping the snow, while Tao Zhu and the others were making breakfast.

In the village, every household smoked from cooking.

Because everyone in the village makes vermicelli, this year's workers do not need to eat and live in the workshop. They eat and sleep at their own homes.

Making vermicelli is actually very tiring and not easy at all. Workers who make vermicelli for a day are exhausted after returning home, so the housework falls on the elderly and children.

But no one complained.

With a salary of more than three hundred cash a day, if there are more workers in the family, they can earn two taels of silver a day. In the past, I would never have dreamed of such a good thing.

Now the reality is more beautiful than the dream, there is no time to complain, those old people and children only want this kind of life to last forever.

After breakfast, the sky is not yet bright, but the sweet potato workshop has already started.

The work of sweeping snow fell on the old people and children.

Li Liang and Wang Guihua also entered the sweet potato workshop to make vermicelli, and the work of making maltose fell to Li Ershan and Li Xiaoshan. The amount they made each time was only enough to supply Liqiao's dim sum.

Making maltose is not as profitable as making vermicelli. If you have the skills, of course you can make vermicelli.

Li Ershan and Li Xiaoshan will come to Li Qiao's house to make vermicelli after finishing their housework.

Li Qiao's family naturally also makes vermicelli. Last year, the preparations were insufficient, and his family's vermicelli disappeared in the summer.

This year can't be like this, we must make enough vermicelli.

After breakfast, Li Ershan and Li Xiaoshan swept away the snow from their house, and left Li Xiaolan to look after the house, and then the two brothers came to Li Qiao's house.

In addition to Tao Zhu, Li Qiao's sweet potato workshop also started today.

But Li Qiao didn't study, so he went to Zhuang Fengshou, and wanted to organize people to sweep the snow out of the road. Otherwise, only relying on the 100 people in the transportation team, when would they be able to transport the vermicelli to the county.

Zhuang Fengshou also had this intention. He called the old people and children in the village to sweep the snow.

When Zhuang Fengshou organized the people, it was dawn, and the people from the transportation team actually came.

It turned out that people in the villages along the way saw the heavy snow and were afraid that it would affect the transportation of vermicelli in Sanliu Village and Zhujia Village. In addition, people in their village would come to Sanliu Village to sell starch, so they took the initiative to start snow removal.

These villages cleared the snow, so the transportation team came all the way without encountering too many obstacles, and soon arrived at Sanliu Village.

Li Qiao: "..."

It's good, he doesn't need to worry.

However, today is not the most difficult walk, the most difficult walk is Xueby Yuyan. When it melts, the roads are muddy and difficult to walk as much as it rains.

The matter of road construction still needs to be mentioned to Jiangzhi County.

If Jiang Zhi County still disagrees, he can ask several villages along the way to donate some money... In this way, everyone can build this road together.

He never thought of calling on people to donate money before, but he felt that others might not be willing to donate. If so, why should he be a villain and take money out of other people's pockets.

In addition, he was worried that the huge amount of money would cause pink eye disease, so out of various considerations, he thought about building this road by himself.

But looking at the current situation, it is not impossible for everyone to build roads together.

Of course, he will not call on everyone to donate.

Donations are all voluntary. With his current reputation, if he calls, others will donate a little no matter whether they are willing or not.

This is tantamount to forced donations.

He didn't want to turn a good thing into a bad thing, so let's discuss it with Jiangzhi County first.

After the snow melted, soon came the day when Jiang Zhi County distributed money to Li Qiao.

Because there are too many workers in the sweet potato workshop in the county seat, the wages there are not settled every day, but every ten days. Otherwise, it would take a lot of time to pay wages every day.

Li Qiao's share is also divided into ten days.

Jiangzhi County already had ambitions to show off, and he was going to hand in full marks, so when it came to the sensitive issues of wages and share, he did the calculations clearly.

Although Li Qiao only takes half of the share, the sweet potato workshop earns 6,000 taels a day, and 60,000 taels a day, so Li Qiao can get 3,000 taels.

Of course, Li Qiao's share also had to deduct the wages of Juren, scholar, cook, etc., but compared with three thousand taels, this was a small amount of money.

There was too much silver, no matter whether it was copper coins or silver ingots, they were too eye-catching, so what Jiangzhi County gave Li Qiao was silver bills.

Dasheng's banknotes are only in the denomination of one hundred taels, so even if they are banknotes, Li Qiao has to pack them in a box.

After counting the bank notes and clearing the accounts for the previous ten days, Li Qiao talked to Jiangzhi County about the road construction.

Jiangzhi County disagreed with him building the official road from Pingcheng to Fucheng, so he should build the road from Sanliu Village to Pingcheng.

Naturally, Jiangzhi County still disagreed. He comforted Li Qiao, don't be afraid, during the Chinese New Year this year, the Holy Majesty will definitely know Li Qiao's name.

Seeing this, Li Qiao had no choice but to rest his mind once again. It was impossible for him to use the slapstick on Jiang Zhixian when he paid back Li's grain and silver.

He thought that this matter could not be done before Chinese New Year, but after another heavy snowfall in the twelfth lunar month, Zhuang Fengshou took the initiative to talk to him about road construction.

The author has something to say:

I took a nap today, I am late in coding, try to be as early as possible tomorrow... QAQ

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