Chapter 72

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   In her previous life, Li Qiao had only one pursuit: survival.

Regardless of whether he is growing up or in the last days, survival is his only goal. There is no such thing as ambition.

It's good to be alive.

After time travelling, all he wanted was to have a small family and a lover.

Taking the imperial examination is not voluntary, but more forced by the situation.

But now I know that the emperor in the capital is a wise and loving emperor, and the long-suppressed pride and ambition finally emerged from his body.

Born in this world, he is not only a time traveler, but also a person with supernatural powers, so he has to do something, right?

The small days with Tao Zhu are beautiful, but this life can be more exciting.

Thinking in this way, after sending away Zhao Cun, Jiang Zhixian and others, Li Qiao talked for a while with the folks around the gate of his house looking at the plaque, and then went back to the study, ready to study.

For his reaction, Tao Zhu really knelt down.

What does it mean when Mount Tai collapses before and remains unchanged?

This is the man.

Soon, dinner will be ready.

But the folks watching at the gate still did not leave.

Not only people from Sanliu Village, but people from surrounding villages also came to watch after hearing the news.

The plaque bestowed by the emperor is written by the emperor himself, and the scenes of the drama are reflected in reality. This is not exciting for three days and three nights!

Seeing this, Tao Zhu asked Li Dashan to light firewood at the door so that everyone could see clearly.

Then he went to the backyard to call Li Qiao for dinner.

After entering the study, seeing Li Qiao twisting his neck from side to side, he immediately walked over and said, "I'll give you a massage.

" Tolerance."

Li Qiao was amused by the words "intolerable." He smiled while enjoying Tao Zhu's moderate strength massage: "There are so many people who follow me now, if I haven't passed the county test, it would be a shame." "

This What is there to be ashamed of? If the imperial examinations were so easy, then everyone would be a scholar. Besides, today, except for the magistrate, the other lords, Juren lords, and scholar gentlemen treat you very kindly. Even if we stay in Pingcheng for the rest of our lives, then It can also be comfortable, so you must not force yourself."

Tao Zhu was afraid that he would be under pressure, so he quickly relieved him.

At lunch today, Zhao Cun, three imperial envoys from the capital, sat at the table with Jiang Zhixian and Li Qiao.

These officials, as well as the Juren and scholars who came together today, could only sit on the table next to them and watch Li Qiao, Zhao Cun and Jiang Zhixian laugh at Yanyan.

Before sending off Zhao Cun, the three imperial envoys and Jiang Zhixian to leave, they all sent an invitation to Li Qiao, wanting to contact Li Qiao to get in touch.

So, in this situation, Tao Zhu didn't want Li Qiao to have too much pressure.

The life of their husband and wife was preserved by Yu Yanzhengli's reward today.

They can live in easy mode.

"I understand, but I have been working hard for so long, and I want to see the results myself."

Li Qiao smiled and held Tao Zhu's hand on his neck. He is now full of enthusiasm for doing something, so he won't let it go badly.

"If I slack off at this time, wouldn't the previous efforts be in vain? Don't you wonder what kind of test results I can get after I try my best?" He put his head on the back of the chair and looked up

. Look at Tao Zhu.

Tao Zhu: "..."

he thought.

He really, really wants to.

Witnessing with his own eyes how much sweat and preparation this person has made, and the results will be witnessed next month, he should not persuade him at this time.

Pursing his lower lip, he lowered his head and kissed Li Qiao's forehead: "Anyway, to me, you are fine. If you want to fight, then go for it." "Brother Zhu understands me!"


Qiao Standing up with a smile, he kissed Tao Zhu first, and then he put his arms around Tao Zhu's waist and walked towards the door: "Let's go eat." After

leaving the backyard and entering the front yard, Li Qiao put down his arms around Tao Zhu's waist. , holding his hand instead.

But at this time, the people at the door saw their husband and wife, and the noise suddenly became louder.

People from ten miles and eight villages regarded Li Qiao's house as a scenic spot, and even though it was getting late, they couldn't help but come to see it.

But because Li Shu clearly emphasized that Li Qiao was studying in the backyard at this time, everyone did not dare to shout loudly before, and could only watch and marvel at the people around him in a low voice.

But now seeing Li Qiao and Tao Zhu coming out of the backyard holding hands, the person standing at the front couldn't help shouting: "Look, look, Li Qiao is out!"

The tone was strange and happy, just like seeing a giant panda, shouting non-stop.

Li Qiao adapted well to this.

He has long been a celebrity in these ten miles and eight villages, and adding a name to his name at this time just means that more eyes are cast on him.

it's not a big deal.

He waved his hands at the people at the door, and then led Tao Zhu into the kitchen with a smile amidst the screams that broke their throats.

Hearing the shouts at the door that seemed to knock the roof off, Li Qiao turned to Tao Zhu and said, "Send someone to watch the night tonight. Let's not lock the courtyard door, so that everyone can watch." "I want to say that too

, Later, ask who is willing to stay here to watch the night."

Tao Zhu nodded.

Anyway, he and this person didn't want to, so he barely slept last night, and his brain was excited all day today, and he was already a little sleepy at this time.

Li Dashan was in the kitchen, when he heard this, he immediately raised his hand: "I'll come, I'll come!"

He smiled ripplingly: "Hey, there are too many people in the daytime, brother Qian didn't have time to take a good look, I'll go later Call Brother Qian to come over and let him take a good look at the plaque, and then stand at the door of the main room to look at the imperial edict!"

Compared with the plaque at the door, the imperial edict is equally rare.

Everyone can see the plaque at the door, but only Li Qiao can enter the imperial decree in the main room, and the rest of the people can only stand at the door of the main room and look at it.

"Okay, let's go."

Li Qiao nodded.

With the plaque and imperial decree in place, there was no trouble, so he and Tao Zhu went back to the backyard to catch up on sleep after dinner.

That night, Li Qiao and Tao Zhu slept soundly.

In the front yard, the bonfire burned all night, and Zhuang Fengshou arranged for people in the village to keep watch.

Naturally, Li Qiao's family also needs someone to accompany them, add more firewood, and burn hot tea. This work falls on Li Dashan.

Li Dashan was young, his body could bear it, and he endured another night, until Li Shu and Li Chuntao came at dawn, and then he went home to catch up on sleep.

In the next few days, the entrance of Li Qiao's house was busier than the market, from morning to night, almost every moment was lively.

People from other towns, county towns, anyone who has the conditions to come over here.

Originally, everyone in Pingcheng knew the name Li Qiao because of the sweet potato frenzy this year, but now Li Qiao is being commended by the Holy One for his vermicelli, and everyone is shocked and surprised.

Does this startle the Holy Majesty?

Relying on cheap sweet potatoes, is Li Qiao now famous in front of the Holy Majesty?

How does this look like a drama!

With a curious attitude, basically anyone who has the ability to come has come.

The sweet potato workshop in Sanliu Village temporarily stopped working.

Now there are a large number of people from other villages coming here every day. In order to prevent troubles, the village can no longer be made of vermicelli by young people like before. There are only old people and children in the house, so the sweet potato workshop stopped working.

Moreover, Zhuang Fengshou also set up a tea stall at the entrance of the village.

People who come from afar can drink tea there if they are thirsty.

There are not only tea leaves but also maltose in the tea, which people can choose according to their own taste.

Now their Sanliu Village is no longer the Sanliu Village in the past. Now Sanliu Village has imperial pens and plaques and imperial edicts, so it must be generous and generous, and let the outsiders know that Sanliu Village is worthy of this honor bestowed by the Holy One!

Of course, the tea stand is nothing, the most important thing right now is the name of Sanliu Village.

The name Sanliu Village was brought up by Li Qiao, and it became famous throughout the county, but now the name Sanliu Village is no longer worthy of their village.

The village needs to be renamed!

Therefore, in the past few days, Zhuang Fengshou has been looking for Li Qiao at least twice a day, and wants to change the name of the village. It is better to change it to Lijia Village, or Jishan Village, or Yuqing Village, no matter which name is better than the current name.

But Li Qiao disagreed.

No need, really no need.

The three words Sanliu Village are pleasant to hear and easy to remember, but if they are changed, they will have no distinctive features. Moreover, with his fame, Sanliu Village has long been famous.

At noon that day, Li Qiao's family had lunch.

Zhuang Fengshou came again to persuade Li Qiao to change the name of the village.

After persuading and persuading, there was a familiar person at the entrance of the village: Shopkeeper Zhao came.

Shopkeeper Zhao had an apologetic smile on his face, carrying a large bag and a small bag, and after entering the yard, he stood in front of Li Qiao and apologized to Li Qiao, his head almost touching the sole of his shoe.

He begged Li Qiao to forgive him for his malicious competition before. When he came this time, he not only brought the money that Zuixianju earned from the dishes such as big flowers, roast sausages, green balls, and baked corn, but also prepared Five thousand taels of silver, so that Li Qiao would not care about his previous offenses.

In fact, he came the day after Li Qiao received the imperial decree, but when he heard that Li Qiao was studying, he didn't dare to disturb him, so he delayed for a few days and didn't come here until today.

Li Qiao refused Shopkeeper Zhao's apology.

Although he was not the real inventor of these foods, shopkeeper Zhao did cause trouble for him.

It also made Tao Zhu worry.

Therefore, he also had to make Shopkeeper Zhao worry.

Moreover, what he thought before was to turn the money earned by shopkeeper Zhao into medical expenses, but because there have been several slipping and falling incidents in front of him, in order to avoid attracting the attention of interested people, when shopkeeper Zhao came to his house last time, He didn't do anything to Shopkeeper Zhao.

Later, when I went to the county, I didn't meet shopkeeper Zhao, so the money that shopkeeper Zhao earned by relying on him has not yet turned into medical expenses.

However, Shopkeeper Zhao has finally become aware of himself now, and he wants to return the money he earned. In this case, he will not let the money become medical expenses.

But he had to make shopkeeper Zhao feel uneasy.

No matter what, I have to come here three or five times!

Li Qiao refused with a cold face, and the shopkeeper Zhao's heart fluttered. There were indeed people behind Zuixianju, but now these people came to have a relationship with Li Qiao.

This is how he can feel at ease.

After leaving Li Qiao's house and getting into the carriage, he couldn't help but raised his hand and slapped himself.

This time he was really blind, he didn't realize that Li Qiao could alarm the Holy Majesty.

But soon he couldn't help sighing again, let alone him, who in the entire county would have thought that Li Qiao could get his name in front of the Holy One by relying on food.


Shopkeeper Zhao left anxiously.

Lunch at Li Qiao's house was also over.

It's time for Li Qiao to study.

For the county examination next month, he rejected the invitations of Jiangzhi County, the county magistrate, and others. Of course, Zhuang Fengshou would not occupy Li Qiao's time, so he also got up and left.

Li Qiao went back to the backyard to study.

Tao Zhu also returned to the backyard.

His house has been so busy recently that no one has the heart to make dim sum. If he doesn't make dim sum, he will have more free time.

This time the Holy Majesty rewarded fifty horses of good material, and he wanted to make some clothes for Li Qiao that he could go out to meet guests.

He had been annoyed for a long time before Li Qiao was asked to wear cotton clothes to receive the order, but now he has materials, and Li Qiao has also made an appointment with the magistrate of Jiang, the county magistrate, and others, and they will meet again after passing the county exam.

Li Qiao had already agreed, so of course he had to hurry up and make a few sets of clothes.

One of the husband and wife stayed in the study, and the other stayed in the bedroom, and they were busy for an hour.

At three o'clock, Tao Zhu went to the front yard, intending to make a walnut and black sesame soup.

Walnuts nourish the brain, and Li Qiao uses a lot of his brain every day, so he needs to replenish his brain.

The front yard is still very lively, and there are many people looking at the imperial pen and plaque on the gate.

Li Dashan, Li Chuntao, Li Yuning, and Li Yu'an are busy. The four of them can write, and they are registering and making books of various gifts sent by others.

As Li Qiao became famous, ordinary people came to see the plaque and watch the excitement.

Some well-off families, such as the squires, sent gifts, hoping to have a relationship with Li Quola.

It was impossible for Li Qiao to refuse all these gifts.

The country gentry refers to a group of people with prestige, status, and wealth, such as juren who won the exam but did not become officials, officials who have retired or have not retired but temporarily stayed in Pingcheng for various reasons, as well as big businessmen and clans. Veterans, educated landlords, etc.

Anyway, they are a group of people who are different from ordinary people, they are a group of people who can speak in front of the government.

This is a very important force. In the previous dynasty, this force assisted the government in governing the people and held a great deal of power.

However, the long-term war in the last years of the previous dynasty destroyed this force in sevens and eighties, and after the establishment of Dasheng, the founding emperor, who is now the Supreme Emperor, did not like these people, so he gave the village chief some power to let the county magistrate overcome this force. The forces have direct contact with the village chiefs of each village.

Therefore, in Dasheng, the influence of the country gentry is far less than that of the previous dynasty.

However, the class of squires did not completely disappear.

Just like Jiangzhi County, he hired several juren and scholars to help him manage the sweet potato workshop.

Li Qiao was in Pingcheng, so it was impossible for him not to associate with these people at all. He was taking the imperial examination and doing business, so he couldn't exist alone without social relations. Therefore, he didn't reject all the gifts from these people. He accepted the ones that were too precious, and he would return them one by one after he had passed the county examination.

Tao Zhu first took a look at the four of Li Dashan and saw that they were orderly unpacking and registering the gift box, then walked into the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Li Shu was sitting in front of the stove and was also doing needlework. She and the two children had too little clothes, and had only made winter clothes in a hurry. Now that winter is almost over, she took advantage of these days to make spring clothes.

Red dates, wolfberries, and white fungus soup were stewed on the stove. When Tao Zhu came over, he said, "Brother Zhu, the soup is ready. When will you drink it?


He originally did the job of stewing soup and water by himself, but he was busy making clothes for Li Qiao these days, so Li Shu took over the job.

"Thank you, Third Sister." Tao Zhu thanked him, he was not in a hurry to drink, he made a sesame walnut soup for Li Qiao first.

Walnuts, black sesame seeds, and glutinous rice flour are all ground in advance, rinse with hot water, add some sugar, and then they can be eaten directly.

Hot water was always burning on the stove. He picked up the iron pot and quickly poured out a bowl.

Putting the bowl on the tray, he carried it out of the kitchen, ready to go to the backyard.

Just two steps away, someone behind him called him: "Brother Zhu!"

The voice was very familiar, it was Li Ping.

Seeing him carrying the tray, Li Ping waved his hand to him immediately: "Hurry up and send it to Li Qiao, and then come over, there is something important!" "

What's the matter?"

Tao Zhu asked in surprise.

"It's not a big deal, you send it to Li Qiao first." Li Ping urged him to get down to business first, with the excitement she used to gossip showing on her face.

Seeing this, Tao Zhu understood that this must be another big gossip.

He took the tray to the study in the backyard, didn't stay long, and quickly returned to the front yard.

After entering the kitchen, Li Shu handed him the red dates, wolfberry, and tremella soup that had already been poured into a bowl: "Drink it quickly, it will be cold in a while." It's not yet the first

lunar month, and the weather is cold.

Tao Zhu nodded, took the bowl and sat at the small dining table, looking at Li Ping curiously: "Sister-in-law, what's the matter?"

There were melon seeds, fried peanuts and other snacks on the small dining table, and Li Ping had already knocked on the melon seeds. Hearing this, he immediately put the melon seeds in his hand on the small dining table, patted his thigh and said excitedly, "It's Da Zhong and Han Xiaoyan!" "You know how much Han Xiaoyan is?

" Are you crazy? She actually stopped a nobleman's carriage just now!"

As Li Qiao became famous, the value of the Li family also rose accordingly.

Especially Li Dazhong, is the sweet pastry in the eyes of countless people.

Everyone didn't care whether Li Dazhong had divorced Han Xiaoyan at this time, and they all came to the door to talk about matchmaking. They didn't mind their girls or younger brothers marrying to be ordinary wives, they really didn't mind, they just wanted to get on the big ship of Li Qiao .

What's more, Li Dazhong himself is also a very good young man, down-to-earth and capable, without any flamboyance.

This is a standard good man!

Li Dazhong was so sought after, Han Xiaoyan who was driven back to her natal home couldn't sit still.

She took the initiative to come back to ask for peace, now that Li Qiao is awesome, she dare not provoke her anymore, she is willing to admit her mistake to Li Qiao, and then live a good life with Li Dazhong.

But Li Dazhong saw at a glance that she wanted to get something from Li Qiao, and Li Dazhong refused to let her go to see Li Qiao, so she felt that Li Dazhong had a new love.

As for asking Li Qiao for benefits, she admitted that she was wrong, so wouldn't it be natural for Li Dazhong and Li Qiao to resume their cousin relationship?

Now that the relationship has been restored, Li Qiao must give her family a favor!

Naturally, Li Dazhong has no new love, he just doesn't want to cause trouble for Li Qiao, his family has earned a lot of money this year by relying on vermicelli, why should he always keep an eye on Li Qiao?

As long as Han Xiaoyan is still thinking about asking for benefits from Li Qiao, he will not be able to live a good life.

But Han Xiaoyan doesn't think so, Han Xiaoyan thinks that Li Dazhong has a new love, even though Li Dazhong rejects people who come to the door to propose marriage every day, Han Xiaoyan thinks that he is acting.

So recently, Li Dazhong's house is noisy every day, without a day's rest.

Just now, Han Xiaoyan quarreled with Li Dazhong again, and Li Dazhong was just like before, pulling her to send her back to her mother's house, but when she reached the entrance of the village, she didn't know what to think, but suddenly broke away from Li Dazhong and stopped a car. Brand new and beautiful carriage.

She rushed over and pushed open the door of the carriage.

Seeing that there were two beautiful little brothers inside, she immediately yelled, saying that Li Dazhong was a heartless man who wanted to abandon his wife and children. The older brother has an affair!

A country guy, relying on his cousin Li Qiao, dares to hook up with a younger brother from a wealthy family, shameless!

Han Xiaoyan's yelling stunned everyone present.

They were at the entrance of the village at that time, and there were a lot of people at the entrance of the village because there was a tea stall, so this matter became serious.

It just so happened that Zhuang Fengshou was there, and Zhuang Fengshou first asked someone to gag Han Xiaoyan's mouth, then tied him up with a rope, and then apologized to the two brothers in the carriage.

The two young brothers, the younger ones were so angry that they asked the accompanying maid to beat Han Xiaoyan.

The older one was calm, and wanted Zhuang Fengshou to interrogate Han Xiaoyan publicly. He wanted to find out why Han Xiaoyan went crazy.

After Li Ping knew about this, he immediately came to Tao Zhu.

Han Xiaoyan became more and more insane, if this continues, maybe Li Dazhong really divorced her.

But in this way, Li Dazhong is afraid that he will really bear the reputation of a heartless man.

"It's not easy to be loyal!" Li Ping sighed.

Tao Zhu: "..."

He frowned, and asked, "What are the identities of those two little brothers? She shouldn't offend a noble person we can't afford.

" The eldest son of the Yu family, one is the younger son of the county school Shen Xuezheng's family."

Li Ping said.

Zhuang Wen was studying at the county school. After Zhuang Fengshou knew the identities of the two, he immediately started to make connections, and that Mr. Shen calmed down a little.

"Is it these two?"

Tao Zhu was surprised.

That day Zhao Cun and three people came to announce the decree, Bai Jiaoyu and Shen Xuezheng also came.

These two adults are going to hold a poetry meeting recently, not in the name of the county school, but because they want to organize a group of students to discuss and study with each other, so they want to invite Li Qiao to participate.

But Li Qiao refused on the grounds that he hadn't mastered the Four Books and Five Classics.

The two adults were very sorry, and said that if Li Qiao wanted to participate, they could hold another poetry meeting after passing the county examination.

Tao Zhu still remembered how Li Qiao could only smile and shake his head at that time. He knew that Li Qiao's poems were ordinary, and there were rare moments of embarrassment for Li Qiao, so he remembered the identities of these two adults very clearly.

Moreover, he also heard Li Qiao gossip about Bai Jiaoyu and Baiyou. Of course, the first-hand information came from Zhuang Wen.

Tao Zhu still went to the backyard and told Li Qiao about it.

After being surprised, Li Qiao went to the entrance of the village together with him. The two sons obviously came to his house. Now that something happened, it was impossible for him, as the master, not to show his face.

When they arrived at the entrance of the village, Zhuang Fengshou's interrogation just ended.

Originally Han Xiaoyan didn't want to recruit, but Zhuang Fengshou directly said that Han Xiaoyan was selling vermicelli recipes by pretending to be crazy, and he wanted to arrest Han Xiaoyan's family and go to jail.

After this scare, Han Xiaoyan became scared, so she explained the reason why she went crazy today.

She suddenly went crazy today in order to bring down Li Dazhong's worth.

Don't many people want to marry Li Dazhong?

Then she will spread rumors about Li Dazhong and damage Li Dazhong's reputation.

But if Li Dazhong only "had an affair" with ordinary people, it would definitely not have a deterrent effect, so she focused on the nobleman.

If Li Dazhong had an "affair" with a nobleman, how would girls and boys from ordinary families dare to throw themselves into Li Dazhong's arms.

As for whether doing so will offend the nobleman, even if he offends, so what?

Isn't there Li Qiao here? I didn't see that even Jiangzhi County was kind to Li Qiao, so there was no such thing as Li Qiao's grievances in Pingcheng.

So, with this in mind, she stopped Bai You and Shen Hua's carriage today.

In short, she wants to make Li Dazhong a bad person, so that other people will not dare to marry Li Dazhong!

village entrance.

Li Qiao, Tao Zhu, and Li Ping were all dumbfounded after hearing Zhuang Fengshou's words.

"...Village Chief, did she really say that?" Li Qiao pointed at Han Xiaoyan, who was tied to a willow tree and gagged, but had slap marks on his face.

"No, it's an idea that her whole family has been thinking about for a long time!"

Zhuang Feng's angry face turned black.

"What is it that there is nothing in Pingcheng that Li Qiao can't settle? Li Qiao is not even a child now, he is just an ordinary person, how can Li Qiao be so capable?!

" He wanted to destroy Li Qiao!"

Tao Zhu clenched his fists angrily, his brows were tightly wrinkled, he walked towards Han Xiaoyan as he spoke, even smashing Han Xiaoyan's mouth could not relieve his anger at this moment.

"Brother Zhu! You don't need to do it, I'll do it."

Li Dazhong, who was at the side, was ashamed and wished he could disappear from this world. Hearing Tao Zhu's words at this time, he hastily opened his mouth.

"I'll cut off her tongue today, and then divorce her. After today, she and Li Qiao will never have anything to do with each other again!

" The two children, even if they can't live on, they have to make do with it.

Who knew that Han Xiaoyan actually thought so.

If Han Xiaoyan doesn't stop, then Han Xiaoyan may really cause troubles in the future by relying on Li Qiaotang's sister-in-law.

He was the one who felt sorry for Li Qiao. If he had known that there would be such a series of troubles, he would never have lent Li Qiao money that day!

After Li Dazhong said this, he saw that there was an ax for chopping firewood under the table of the tea stand, so he rushed over and walked towards Han Xiaoyan with the ax in hand.

Han Xiaoyan: "!"

She was so stared that her eyeballs almost fell out, her body was shaking so badly, she shook her head frantically, but her mouth was blocked, she couldn't say anything.

The onlookers didn't know whether they were stunned or thought that Li Dazhong should cut off Han Xiaoyan's tongue, but no one stepped forward to stop him.

As for Baiyou, his eyes that seemed to be able to talk were very bright at this moment.

Li Dazhong came to Han Xiaoyan and tore off the sackcloth from her mouth. Regardless of her shouting, he forcibly extended his left hand without an ax into her mouth, pulling her tongue out of her mouth a few times.

He raised his right hand holding the axe, and was about to fall, when Li Qiao suddenly shouted: "Brother Dazhong, forget it."

Li Qiao rushed towards Li Dazhong as he spoke, trying to stop Li Dazhong.

Li Dazhong was startled by the sudden sound of Li Qiao, the ax in his hand was deflected, and the blade of the ax brushed his left hand first.

The pain made his hands tremble, and Han Xiaoyan, who was so frightened to death, took the opportunity to retract his tongue.

And on his own left hand, the wound on the finger was bone-deep, bleeding profusely.

But he didn't shout, and stretched out his bloody left hand to grab Han Xiaoyan's tongue. At this moment, Li Qiao rushed up to him and snatched the ax from his hand.

Li Qiao threw the ax away, and seeing that the madness in his eyes hadn't subsided, she pushed him to the side: "Go to the county medical clinic, and bandage your hand, or you won't be able to keep your left hand." "It's okay.

" Son, cut off her tongue first, so that she won't be blind in the future."

Li Dazhong refused to leave, but stared at Han Xiaoyan fiercely.

Han Xiaoyan's tongue was fine, but the danger did not go away. Seeing that Li Dazhong was still staring at her, she didn't dare to cry out in fright, and quickly lowered her head.

"Da Zhong, go to the county seat."

Zhuang Feng couldn't stand watching anymore, and walked over.

What a young man, he was forced to be like this, alas!

"Take our carriage, the carriage will be faster."

At this moment, Baiyou, who was at the side, spoke proactively to everyone's surprise.

Li Qiao: "?"

Shen Hua: "..."


Everyone: "..."

What's going on?

The carriage was indeed faster than the ox cart, so Li Dazhong finally got on the shaft of the carriage, and Bai You and Shen Hua got into the carriage.

Zhuang Fengshou asked Zhuang Wu to follow, and sat on the shaft on the other side of the carriage to squeeze with the driver.

As for Li Qiao, he can't go to the county seat at this time. Han Xiaoyan's nonsense today, although it only represents Han Xiaoyan's heartfelt opinion, but maybe other people in the village think the same way.

Zhuang Fengshou asked the manor to pick up the gong and called the whole village to hold a meeting.

Although Li Qiao received the commendation from the Holy Majesty, so far he is still a commoner with no fame or fame.

Li Qiao's foundation is too weak, what can't be settled!

Besides, even if Li Qiao is really admitted to be a scholar or even a candidate in the future, it will be none of the business of everyone in the village?

That is the glory that Li Qiao earned by himself. Does it have anything to do with the people in the village?

Who are they all? One or two, Li Qiao is still not doing well, they are shaking first, Li Qiao is just a fellow villager of everyone, not the father of everyone in Sanliu Village!

Li Qiao will not be responsible for anyone in Sanliu Village, so don't think that if there is Li Qiao in your village, you will be so arrogant that you don't know who you are. Remember one sentence, Li Qiao is just Li Qiao, not the whole village of Sanliu Village. Villager's father!

No one should take advantage of Li Qiao's reputation to go out and do evil, if anyone really raises his tail to make trouble, then he will definitely drive this person out of the village.

Sanliu Village cannot accommodate such a giant Buddha!

Zhuang Fengshou was really raped by Han Xiaoyan. The words made him angry. At this time, Li Qiao had only just grown wings, and he was still far away from flying by himself or taking him to Sanliu Village.

As a result, Han Xiaoyan now wants to directly destroy Li Qiao's wings, why is he rampant?

If you really want to be crazy, then go crazy on your own!

Therefore, his face was unprecedentedly serious.

He speaks more harshly than ever before.

But the villagers who were listening below, as well as those outside the village, did not refute a single word.

Especially the people in Sanliu Village, wish he could be stricter.

Li Gu said angrily: "The village chief is right! This Han Xiaoyan must rest. If Li Dao is not willing, then I will help him!" Li Dao

: "?"

Don't want to divorce?"

"You and her are of the same mind, and you want to take advantage of Xiaoqiao, you will be willing to divorce her?"

Li Gu sneered.

Li Dao jumped angrily upon hearing this.

He was indeed quite satisfied with Han Xiaoyan as his daughter-in-law, and he always wanted to take advantage of Li Qiao, instead of kneeling and licking Li Qiao vigorously like everyone else.

However, this cannot be admitted.

Besides, if Han Xiaoyan uttered such crazy words today, then this daughter-in-law would definitely not be able to stay.

"Xiuxiuxiu, I will ask the old woman to throw her things out when I get home later!" he said angrily.

Zhao Erniu at the side could only nod to meet the angry eyes of the whole village.

Han Xiaoyan next to her didn't faint from the pain, but she couldn't take it anymore because of the certainty of divorcing his wife.

In desperation, she fainted.

It was already midnight when Li Dazhong and Zhuang Wu came back from the clinic, and it was the Bai family's carriage that brought them back.

Li Dazhong brought back a letter of divorce, which he asked a doctor in the medical center to write for him.

No matter how much Han Xiaoyan's family wept bitterly, his determination to divorce his wife remained unchanged.

Li Qiao and Tao Zhu stayed up all this time, waiting for news from Li Dazhong with everyone in the front yard, and knowing that Li Dazhong's hand was fine, they went back to the backyard.

After washing up, he lay down on the bed. Tao Zhu didn't lie in Li Qiao's arms as usual. He was lying on his back, holding the quilt with both hands, staring at the roof, still very angry. "Let the village chief call the whole village for a meeting tomorrow? Han Xiaoyan's words are too much, I want the village chief to

emphasize it a few more times.


Tao Zhu hugged her whole body in her arms.

"Don't be angry, in fact, it's a good thing for her to make a fuss at this time, so as to avoid a bigger disaster in the future." "

...That's true."

The anger that could not dissipate in Tao Zhu's heart was soothed by these words.

With the change of this person's identity, this is a must.

Now Han Xiaoyan picks it out, that can kill many disasters in the cradle.


Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with Han Xiaoyan any more.

In the future, I finally don't have to worry about Han Xiaoyan anymore.

The author has something to say:

I'm late, I'm late, it's too late to start coding today, and I want to finish writing this plot and QAQ

to give everyone a small red envelope, so I must be early tomorrow!

Domineering husbandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora