😔Beomkai- Kill Me

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"Let me out of here! You're fucking insane!"

Beomgyu smacked the door of the cell to scare the blonde inside of it. "My god do you ever SHUT UP?!"

"I'll shut up if you let me out! I swear, I won't tell anyone! I just want to go home!"

"HA! HOME! I found you on the street. No one is looking for you! No one gives a shit about you!"

Kai began to cry into his blood soaked sweater. That was true. No one was looking for him. He kept annoying his kidnapper because he wanted to die. What was the point of living? He didn't have a future. There was no happy ending for an unwanted loser.

His mom threw him out on the street when he told her he was gay. He mistakenly thought she would be supportive. Now he was stuck in a re- "education" camp with other gay kids whose parents wanted them to be straight.

Beomgyu saw him crying in the cell. "If you don't stop fucking crying, I'm coming over there to make you stop. Got it?"

The guy across from him pleaded for Kai to stop but the blonde didn't care. He started to cry louder on purpose. He wailed, begged to be let go so he would hopefully get beaten enough to die.

Just as Beomgyu was about to open the cell, someone else came in to send him to lunch. He said "wait. Let me deal with him first."

"Is he fucking crying AGAIN?"

"Yeah Tae. You'll thank me in a moment." Beomgyu walked into Kai's cell with brass knuckles. His first blow was directly on the blonde's forehead. Blood dripped down his face. The impact made the back of his head slam against the cement wall. Kai's blonde hair was becoming more red by the day.

The next blow was to the ribs. "You fucking fags! You're the worst one! Worthless piece of shit!" Beomgyu kept insulting Kai as he watched him cough up blood. Some of the blood got spit back onto his face. His next blow completely knocked the blonde out. Satisfied, he walked out of the cell. "You're welcome."

Kai woke up 14 hours later. He was strapped to a desk, in a classroom with straight porn playing on the projector. His head was absolutely killing him. If he had access to something sharp, he would slit his throat to end this real life version of hell.

None of the people strapped to a desk were enjoying this. A couple of them couldn't stop looking at the blonde. He was in the worst shape out of all of them. It hurt them all to see him like this. Everyone in the facility, staff included, wondered how the hell he was still alive.

Kai got dizzy during an intense sex scene. He passed out again. 6 hours later, he woke up back in his cell. His head didn't hurt as much but his face began to itch from all of the dried blood.

Beomgyu was sitting across from him. "You know, most of the people here at least try. Do you really think I enjoy doing this to you? We're just trying to help you."

The blonde managed a weakened laugh. "Help. That's a good one."

"What you are is wrong. We're just trying to make you better."

"You raped me last week. How is that making me better? You did the thing you people are so against and somehow, I'm the fag."

"If you didn't enjoy it then I'd say I did my job. I was showing you how wrong it was. Bosses orders."

"And I'd say you're just terrible in bed."

Beomgyu was extremely irritated now. He unbuckled his belt and wrapped it around Kai's neck. He pulled hard.

Kai only smiled. The more weakened his breath was, the happier he got. Beomgyu was talking but he couldn't hear a word he was saying. He just enjoyed this feeling of suffocating bliss.

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