😔Beomkai- A Million Chances

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Beomgyu stood at the alley for what seemed to be the millionth time. Kai died every single time in the end but this time, he was determined to keep him alive. He was surprised to not see his usual blonde hair. Kai looked good in black.

The first time they met, Beomgyu hated everything Kai stood for. He wanted him dead. Him breathing was a sin in itself. Then Kai died. He should've been thrilled but he wasn't. He tried to go back to work like normal but the blonde never left his mind. Work didn't feel right. His entire life didn't feel right.

He walked away from everything he knew. His cluminess made him stumble into a hole he didn't see in the ground. A tall hooded figure hovered over the hole, peering down at the person inside. The voice that came from the hood was inhuman. It sounded impossibly low and disorted. It growled "he just wanted a chance to live but you killed him. Now, Beomgyu Choi, you're going to fix it until you get it right."

Suddenly, Beomgyu found himself standing outside his van in the alley he first met Kai. He looked tall, blonde, fraile and most importantly, alive. Beomgyu looked around to make sure this was real.

Kai looked up with fear in his eyes and asked "did my mom send you?"

"Yes... I'm here to... make you better." Just like before, Beomgyu grabbed the poor kid and threw him into the van. History repeated itself. His anger rose back to what it was before and Kai inevitably died again.

Beomgyu was thrown back into the same setting. Kai had brown hair this time as if that somehow made a difference. Into the van, the alley kid went, and they started over. This time, Beomgyu actually did try to keep him alive. He still hated him. How can someone like Kai be allowed to live? Why does he get protection when no one else does?

This time, Kai didn't kill himself. Beomgyu killed him when he was accused of raping his co-worker. He snapped. "I'll show you what rape really is you piece of shit!"

Kai ended up dead from strangulation. He was hurt so badly, he was completely torn when the doctor found him on the floor.

Once again, Beomgyu was back in the alley. Kai had blue eyes and blonde hair. He gave the same terrified look as he did every other time before. He whimpered "did my dad send you?"

Beomgyu changed his answer, hoping that would make a difference. "No. I just... wanted to help."

It did not make a difference in the end. He didn't watch the blonde enough so he died by suicide. Years passed. The longest he was able to keep him alive was 10 months before he died again.

This time, he was going to watch him like a fucking hawk. Kai's appearance changed to mint green hair and gray eyes. Before the kid even spoke, Beomgyu said "I'm here to help you. I promise, I'll make you better."

"Are you going to hurt me?"

Beomgyu bit his lip. "No. We're going to get out of this endless fucking loop that I've been thrown into."


"Get in the van please."

Kai thought he was insane. Some strange guy was telling him to get into a car and that they were trapped in a loop? What loop? He started to run.

Beomgyu yelled "GOD DAMMIT. STOP! I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU!" He ended up tackling him to the ground which caused the mint hair to crack his skull on a loose brick. He died in the hospital a day later. Beomgyu stood outside the hospital door yelling "FUCK! FUCK! PLEASE MAKE THIS FUCKING STOP! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!"

The doctor told him to go home. The moment he stepped outside the front door, he was back in front of the alley. Kai had black hair this time. He looked good in black. His innocent eyes peered up at the guy in front of the van and asked "did my mom send you?"

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