Yeongyukai- Arranged Marriage

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Beomgyu ran down the street in his gray business suit because he was late to dinner. He didn't try to be late but he was also too busy not caring.

His parents arranged this entire thing. Not him. They were tired of his playboy attitude. Their logic was that maybe if he got married, he would finally settle down and take his life seriously.

Yeonjun's parents thought the exact same way. He also hated the idea of being married. What was worse was knowing he and Beomgyu didn't get along. They met on a dating app before.

Their first date was a distaster. There wasn't much that they had in common with each other so the conversation was awkward. Every time one brought up a topic, it got quickly shut down by the other. At the end of dinner, Beomgyu confessed he just wanted sex. Yeonjun felt the same way so they kissed before going into the cab. Their kiss was awkward too. Nothing seemed to sync. They just called it a night and went their separate ways. Now they were set to be married next month.

Beomgyu walked in to see his irritated fiance. "Sorry I'm late. I was at work."

"It's Sunday night and you 'work' in an office."

"First of all, I do WORK so I'd appreciate a little respect. Second of all, you don't want to do this either so back off."

Yeonjun just walked away to their table. Beomgyu followed closely behind. The hostess offered to take their jackets but they politely declined. Beomgyu looked around for the waiter so he could lessen the small talk. "Ugh. I'm thirsty. I'm not drunk enough for this."

"You're going to get drunk here? This is a nice restaurant."

"Did I say drunk? Sorry, I meant wasted."

Yeonjun rolled his eyes. He began drumming his fingertips on the table, praying the waiter would come soon.

30 seconds later, the waiter approached the table. Yeonjun didn't bother looking up as he was handed a menu. Beomgyu did. He saw tall blonde before him. His cheeks started to blush when he saw the waiter smile. The blonde introduced himself. "Hello! My name is Kai. I'll be your server today! Can I start you off with any drinks?"

Yeonjun kept browsing the menu as he said "sparkling water with a lemon is fine."

Kai wrote that down then turned to his other customer. "And for you sir?"

Beomgyu's jaw dropped for a moment when he saw his smile again. He closed it then cleared his throat. "Um. What would you recommend for alcohol?"

"Oh." Kai softly laughed to himself. "I don't drink but our most popular beverages are the California cabernet sauvignons and our classic gin and twist. The bartender puts an extra twist and a splash of orange syrup to round it out."

"The gin and twist sounds wonderful. You don't drink?"

"Officially? No. I'm turning 21 next month!"

"Congratulations! I'm 22! It's awesome!" Beomgyu started clapping then stopped when he realized how much attention he was drawing to himself. All three of their faces were red. "Sorry... um... yeah a gin and twist sounds great..."

Kai giggled before he walked away.

Yeonjun raised his right eyebrow as he stared at his fiance. "Are you going to clap for me on my birthday?"

Beomgyu ignored that. "So what are you ordering?"

"A cab soon."

Before Beomgyu could say anything, he saw Kai coming over with their drinks. His smile returned to his face. The blonde gently placed them down. "Here you are! So are we celebrating anything special today?"

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