Beomkai- Detention

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15 minutes passed as Beomgyu and Hyuka were quietly sitting in the principal's office. Neither of them even wanted to look at each other. Their phones were confiscated until the end of the school day. They got in trouble for fighting. Again.

The principal pleaded "boys. Just say you're sorry so we can get on with our lives. Unless you want to serve detention together for the next week!"

Beomgyu sneered "sorry you're such an asshole."

Kai spat "sorry I didn't punch you harder."

The principal was now fed up. "Okay. That's it. One week detention. Just the two of you. That starts today. I'll be calling your parents to let them know. That means no more band practice for you Kai, and no more soccer practice for you Beomgyu."

The boys were upset. They pretended to say sorry to each other but it was too late. Kai stormed out first. The 14 year olds went in opposite directions even though their next classes were next to one another.

Day 1 of detention. They were the only two in the room. The teacher took their phones at the start. They were expected to be silent for the next hour until their parents picked them up.

To pass the time, Kai did some homework.

Beomgyu opted to read a book.

When Kai sharpened his pencil, he heard the other say something under his breath. "What was that? Couldn't hear you."

Beomgyu angrily closed his book. "You can't fucking sharpen that any quieter? I'm trying to read!"

"I'm sorry. Let me tell the pencil sharpener that it's bothering you!" Kai dramatically picked it up and brought it to eye level. "Hello Mr. Pencil Sharpener. I appreciate you doing your job but SOMEONE seems to think you're too loud. You mind keeping it down? Thanks!"

Beomgyu threw his book at him. It hit the other in the leg.

Next thing they knew, they were fighting again. The teacher told them they earned a Saturday morning detention for two whole hours. The rest of day one was silent.

Day two started off the same way. Their phones were taken and they opted to sit in opposite ends of the room. Beomgyu brought a small bag of chips in and he began to eat it.

The loud crunching noise irritated Kai. He tried not to let it show that it was bothering him as he doodled in his notebook. Minutes passed. The bag of chips seemed to be endless. He snapped. "Can you fucking chew with your mouth closed?! You're not a camel!"

Beomgyu began chewing slower and louder. He saw the irritation grow on his classmate's face. That encouraged him further.

The teacher was now frustrated with his chewing. She told him to stop and to put the bag in his backpack. Now they weren't allowed to eat in detention.

Day three consisted of throwing paper balls at each other when the teacher went to go to the bathroom. Paper balls escalated to notebooks then harder objects like textbooks. By the time the teacher came back, Kai had a bloody nose and Beomgyu had a black eye. Their saturday detention was now four hours long.

Day four, they walked in to find every desk stacked against the side but two in the middle. Those two were facing each other. They could either talk to each other or they could sit in silence. If they started to physically fight again, they were getting kicked out of their respective clubs.

Neither of them talked. They kept their heads down with homework for the first twenty minutes.

Beomgyu coughed and that was enough to annoy Kai. He told the teacher he wasn't comfortable sitting so close to a sick person. She didn't care. That encouraged Beomgyu to cough more.

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