Chapter 2 the last time

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Xiao Ming'an was not feeling any physical discomfort except that he was very tired mentally. He got up, got dressed, took a few bites of biscuits, and prepared to go to Gu's house for class after lunch in the afternoon.

In my previous life, the time to go to class was usually from one to two o'clock at noon. At this time, it was basically the lunch break for both primary and secondary schools and universities, but young master Gu Ran usually didn't go to school very much and didn't get up early, so naturally he didn't need a nap, Xiao Ming'an He never takes a nap, it's not that he's not sleepy, he just likes to think about how to use his lunch break to do more things. If he or Ran has something to do at noon, he will change it to 7 to 8 pm.

So today when he felt unwell in the morning, he had already asked for leave from the Gu family and changed the class time to the evening, but he went there today, and it was also the last day.

He clearly knew that to Gu Ran in his previous life, he was a scumbag. He was a poor scavenger who despicably took advantage of the young master to change his life. Gu Ran was trapped in the ivory tower in fairy tales and knew nothing. The naive young master is also a bit pampered. He only needs to weave some lies at will, and the young master will be willing to be fooled by him and become the most precious treasure in his scavenging bag. However, in his previous life, it was obvious that he regarded the young master as a burden and a lover. A burden that makes people especially squeamish.

He has always clearly known what he wants, and he is very scumbag. However, in this life, since he has the memories and experiences of his previous life, he no longer needs to be as groveling as in his previous life, and has to be summoned by the young master. Only by leaving can he get a good start for himself. Now, he can do it on his own.

Thinking clearly, Xiao Ming'an acted decisively and immediately called the Gu family's housekeeper, who quickly picked up the phone.

"Hello, Teacher Xiao?" The Gu family housekeeper seemed a little surprised.

"Hello, Butler Yang, it's like this. Due to some special reasons, I can't continue to be the young master's tutor for the time being. I will continue to go there today, and I will have to trouble you to find another one starting tomorrow." Xiao Mingan said confidently , he just relied on the fact that he didn't sign the contract, and he didn't know whether the Gu family forgot about it or did it on purpose, but now it became the help for him to resign smoothly.

He paused and continued, "But there is no need to pay for these three days. After all, there is a problem on my side."

The words were full and beautiful. It didn't matter whether I got three days' salary or not, as long as I could quit the job quickly.

Although the housekeeper of the Gu family was a little surprised, he still maintained his good qualities and said, "Okay, Teacher Xiao, I will tell the eldest young master later."

Xiao Ming'an responded and hung up the phone. He leaned on the bed, not worried that Young Master Gu would disagree.

The Gu family's parents passed away when the young master was very young. The eldest son of the Gu family is currently in charge of the business. He takes care of the young master as both father and mother by himself. He is a pure control of his younger brother. He is confident that he is not that important. He is just a little tutor, and it is impossible for Mr. Gu to deliberately embarrass him.

It's just that for the special reason he mentioned casually just now, he still has to think of a suitable reason to deal with it.

He racked his brains to think of anything he needed to do urgently recently. After thinking for a long time, he unexpectedly thought of something about his parents.

Zha Gong refused to eat soft food after his rebirthOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant