Chapter 26 Distressed

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Xiao Mingan chatted with Gu Ran for a while and then returned to school.

Although his roommates were understanding that he had an extra part-time job and voluntarily shared many small programs, he couldn't really take it for granted.

What he lacks now is not money, but time and energy.

If it weren't for signing a contract with Gu Yuanyang, Xiao Mingan might have thought of running away again when he was so busy.

But now I can only think about it, after all, high liquidated damages are waiting there.

Whenever he has free time, he acts as customer service to help solve problems during the use of mini programs.

The application form for the entrepreneurial project had to be revised constantly. Fortunately, they found an experienced mentor to guide them in revising. It would be better if they could pass it sooner.

Seeing a lot of income slowly coming from the mini program, Xiao Mingan felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

It stands to reason that in his previous life, his company had done large orders worth tens of millions of dollars. Now, when he sees the handling fees and commissions being paid into his account, he should not feel anything at all, or even look down upon them.

But this sense of accomplishment was so strong that Xiao Mingan burst out laughing. Looking into the reason, maybe this time he really did it all by himself, without any guidance or investment.

After all, it is different from the previous life.

In his previous life, after graduation, he directly joined the Gu family company because of Gu Ran. Even after he founded his own company, he still relied on the influence of the Gu family and the Liu family. He climbed all the way up the pole like a dormant vine. The higher he climbed, the more excited he became.

Maybe he was born to love fame and fortune, which is why he felt so unhappy immediately after his rebirth.

However, the success of the mini program gave Xiao Mingan a great sense of accomplishment, and his original unhappiness about everything being in vain after his rebirth also dissipated a lot.

Now that he is able to start from scratch after being reborn, his sense of satisfaction and accomplishment will definitely be far greater than in his previous life.

He finally found the first true meaning of rebirth.

The Circle Mini Program was the first time he had done it in his life, but not in his previous life. The first thing he did at that time was a small game to kill time.

He named the game Tiaotiao. Xiao Mingan never cared much about the names of the games, which actually revealed that he was indeed a bad namer.

In the jumping game, a ball will fall down from the beginning of the game, and the player needs to control the ball to move up, down, left, and right so as not to hit some fatal obstacles.

The game is presented in the form of scores, which will stimulate players' desire to win and lose, and they all want to get the first place. Xiao Mingan displayed it in two lists: the national list and the provincial list.

Not long after Xiao Mingan completed the jumping game, someone came to contact him and wanted to buy it.

At that time, he really thought that his little game had become so famous, so he sold it readily without even caring much about the price.

Later he found out that it was Gu Ran who knew that he had been busy working on the jumping game all day and night, so he kindly informed Gu Yuanyang about it.

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