Chapter 68 Collection

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Xiao Ming'an was loading food in the kitchen when he vaguely heard sobbing. For a moment, he thought it was the parent next door who was spanking the child again. He also thought to himself that the child was crying quite quietly and gracefully today.

Unexpectedly, after loading the food, he turned around and saw Gu Ran standing by the door crying.

He quickly put down the packed meals and ran over, saying distressedly, "What's wrong, baby?"

Gu Ran was lucky that no one asked, but when Xiao Mingan asked, he seemed to want to vent all his grievances, and his tears seemed to have opened a valve and he couldn't stop it.

After Xiao Mingan was reborn, he rarely saw Gu Ran lose control of his emotions. He was confused and distressed, so he could only hold him and wait for his emotions to calm down.

I don't know how long it took, but there was no more crying in my arms. Xiao Mingan let go of him. He didn't immediately ask what happened, but led him to the sink.

He reached out and took out a towel, wet it and wiped the cold water on Gu Ran's face bit by bit. Seeing that his eyes and nose were extremely red from crying for too long, Xiao Ming'an's heart felt like it had been pricked by needles. .

Although Gu Ran stopped crying, his voice was still choked and even hoarse, "Brother Ming'an..."

"Okay, baby, let's not talk for now. Let's drink some water and eat something first, okay?"

At this moment, no curiosity was more important than Gu Ran's body.

Just as Gu Ran was about to answer, Xiao Mingan put his index finger on his lips, "My little ancestor, please stop talking, just nod."

Gu Ran burst into laughter and nodded along with his wishes.

"That's good. Wait, baby, I'll reheat the rice for you." Xiao Mingan felt that the food was already a bit cold.

After putting the food in the microwave to heat it up again, Xiao Mingan poured another glass of water for Gu Ran, "Here, drink some water."

After drinking water and eating, Xiao Mingan made sure that Gu Ran's throat was no longer uncomfortable before allowing him to speak.

Gu Ran told Xiao Mingan everything that happened online, without hiding anything.

He has never had any idea of reporting good things but not bad things. He just wants to let his beloved see his grievances and sadness, and let him help him solve it.

Xiao Mingan also likes Gu Ran's frankness and enjoys his reliance on him. For example, if Gu Ran has anything to do now, he will tell him immediately. Unless Gu Yuanyang finds out on his own, he will not tell him at all.

"Okay, baby, don't worry. Don't use DouDou these days. Just watch dramas and play games happily. I know your account and password, and you also believe me. I'll take care of this matter." Come and help you deal with it, okay?" Xiao Mingan touched his hand.

Gu Ran also felt aggrieved, not wanting to face the distrust, doubts and accusations from fans and passers-by, "Okay!"

So, in the next few days, except for going to school, Gu Ran really stopped paying attention to Doudou. Every day he was either watching dramas or playing games. He also had snacks every day. Xiao Mingan made them to suit his taste at noon and evening. Meals.

For Xiao Mingan, who usually assigned him a time to watch dramas, play games and eat snacks, his life these days was no less than in heaven. Gu Ran's happiness was obvious, which naturally confused and reassured Jiang Quan.

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