Chapter 36 Desire

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When Gu Ran arrived, Xiao Mingan had been waiting on the street for a long time.

Even though Xiao Mingan didn't know much about the model of the car, the Gu family's car was easy to recognize. It was usually a black luxury car.

Sure enough, Gu Ran got out of the black luxury car that Xiao Mingan was paying attention to. He walked over with a smile, "Are you hungry?"

Gu Ran shook his head, "I ate a lot of cherries flown from abroad in the afternoon, and I'm not hungry at all now."

"Don't be greedy for sweets. Eating too many cherries may cause poisoning or indigestion." Xiao Mingan guessed that it was the big and sweet cherries that made Gu Ran greedy.

Gu Ran stuck out his tongue, "But it's really delicious."

Xiao Ming'an glanced helplessly, and Gu Ran didn't dare to speak, but he complained in his heart that Teacher Xiao was so long-winded.

Xiao Ming'an didn't know that Gu Ran thought he was verbose, but he just recalled the time in his previous life when Gu Ran was greedy for ice cream.

It was summer, the sun was shining brightly, and in the afternoon, Gu Ran took him, who was supposed to be working in the Gu Group, to a scenic spot in the suburbs that was said to be very beautiful.

Unexpectedly, once we entered, we found that there were not many people around, and there was no scenery to see in the scenic spot, only a small patch of wilting flowers.

Gu Ran was so angry that he pulled him and wanted to leave, but when he walked out of the gate, he found an ice cream shop in the scenic area.

Although the decoration of the ice cream shop is dilapidated and the shop is as small as a sparrow, there are so many people inside. There are probably not as many people in the entire scenic area as there are in the ice cream shop.

Xiao Mingan queued up for him and bought a chocolate-flavored ice cream to eat.

Gu Ran ate like a cat, his eyes narrowed with satisfaction. After finishing one, he wanted to eat the second, third, and even the fifth.

The ice cream was much smaller than the usual ones, and Xiao Ming'an had seen his roommates eat five or six ice creams larger than this in one go, so he didn't do much to stop him. He was only worried about having more ice cream in this hot weather. I was forced to leave my job and come here with him to be tortured.

However, when Xiao Mingan was driving Gu Ran home, he found that he was holding his stomach and looking pale.

He quickly sent the person to the hospital, and then he found out that Gu Ran had acute gastroenteritis because he ate too much cold food at one time.

Xiao Mingan still remembered that he was scolded bloody by Gu Yuanyang behind Gu Ran's back, blaming him for not knowing to stop him.

At that time, he looked guilty on his face, but he was laughing in his heart. Who would have expected that the young master's intestines and stomach were so fragile, and the ice cream was so small that he couldn't even punch it.

Thinking about it now, to put it bluntly, I didn't care about Gu Ran at that time. I didn't really care about Gu Ran. I just felt that I was being tortured and irritated.

Xiao Ming'an wished he could punch himself at that time, so he was wary of Gu Ran's gluttony.

Knowing that Gu Ran had eaten a lot of cherries, Xiao Ming'an's original idea of taking him to the night market for a walk and something to eat was a bit shelved, "How about we walk around and wait until you feel hungry before we go in."

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