Chapter 75 Sincerity

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The next day, Xiao Mingan called the two bosses of Lan Tian and Zhenhua respectively. On the one hand, he thanked them for their help today, and on the other hand, he told them about the bonuses he wanted to give them.

Seeing that he didn't explain much about what happened today, the two bosses didn't ask any more questions. As businessmen, it's better to be confused.

Xiao Mingan gave Lan Tian the one million promised to Zhang Wang, but when it was Shi Hai's turn, he didn't just give the promised two million, but one million more.

He didn't say much. A smart person like Shi Hai would understand what it means when he receives money.

After sending the money, Xiao Mingan sent the investment letter of intent he had prepared to the two bosses.

This time, Xiao Mingan invested in a female-oriented love game. Many people think that this game will not make money at all, so the funds are not very rich. However, he has experience in his previous life, so he naturally knows how many such games will have. Fire makes money, and the krypton gold game is not nicknamed for nothing.

This can be said to be a sure-profit investment, but I don't know if the two bosses will trust him.

The bosses of Lan Tian and Zhenhua were very happy when they received his investment advice, but when they saw it was this game, they immediately frowned and became worried.

But in the end, both of them agreed that Xiao Mingan would not harm them. After all, they had helped, and he had always had a reputation for not losing money in investments, so they both invested some money.

After dealing with these matters, Xiao Ming'an was a little surprised to see that Gu Ran hadn't contacted him yet. Logically speaking, it was wrong that Gu Ran didn't contact him when he got home last night. Now it's the second day and he still hasn't contacted him. He didn't say that he must. Make a phone call, or even if it doesn't work, get a text message.

But now, there is no message from Gu Ran on his mobile phone page.

Xiao Mingan called him immediately, but no one answered.

He sent him text messages and WeChat messages again, but still no reply.

On the other side, Gu Yuanyang, who was originally annoyed because of insomnia, became even more annoyed when he saw the messages that Xiao Mingan kept sending on Gu Ran's phone.

He didn't mean to peek into Gu Ran's privacy, but Xiao Ming'an's calls and messages popped up again and again, and it was impossible for him not to see it.

After seeing the various notes Gu Ran gave Xiao Mingan, Gu Yuanyang had a headache.

The note on the phone is my brother, and the note on WeChat is my favorite brother Ming An.

Gu Yuanyang would never admit that he was upset. His brother's note to him was that he was just a big brother. Why wasn't he his favorite big brother?

He didn't bother for long before Butler Yang knocked on the door and came in, "Young master, the young master is not in a good mood right now. He is clamoring for his mobile phone. Why don't you go over and have a look."

Gu Yuanyang knew that Butler Yang would not come to him if he had no other choice.

He had no choice but to go over with Gu Ran's cell phone and prepare to face his younger brother who secretly fell in love behind his back and even had a relationship with a man.

For a moment, he didn't know whether to be surprised that his brother was in love or that he liked Xiao Mingan.

It's not easy being a brother, let alone being a father and mother at the same time.

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