Chapter 80 Extra 2

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Two years later.

June is the important life test that countless students are about to undergo - the college entrance examination.

It was this year that Xiao Mingan's younger siblings took the college entrance examination.

At the beginning of the month, Gu Ran followed Xiao Mingan back to City C.

Although the two of them going back won't be of much help to Xiao Rou and Xiao Yan's exams, it is still useful to cheer them up.

A year ago, when Xiao Rou and Xiao Yan came to B City to play, they accidentally bumped into a scene of two people kissing, so the two of them came out happily.

Although Xiao Rou was a little surprised, she had always respected and recognized her eldest brother, so she accepted it quickly. She supported her eldest brother's decision even though she didn't even have the concept of homosexuality at that time.

It's just that Xiao Yan, a straight man, is obviously confused. Although he expresses understanding, he always avoids Gu Ran when talking and doing things.

In the end, Xiao Ming'an couldn't stand it any longer, so he went directly to Xiao Yan, and after explaining some reasoning to him, he said, "Don't make your brother Gu Ran unhappy, or don't force me to slap you."

I don't know whether it was because of Xiao Ming'an's reasoning or Gu Ran's sincere care for his brothers and sisters, but Xiao Yan finally felt more natural.

Gu Ran really likes the feeling of having younger brothers and sisters. He has only had an eldest brother since he was a child, and he has always been taken care of. Because after having Xiao Rou and Xiao Yan, he is happy to be an older brother and is very good at taking care of others.

It even aroused Xiao Ming'an's taste. For example, the first time Gu Ran sent clothes to Xiao Rou and Xiao Yan, but his boyfriend had never received any.

After arriving in City C, Xiao Mingan took Gu Ran back to live in the village.

Xiao Rou and Xiao Yan were also staying at home because they were on vacation before the college entrance examination.

Now, the village has changed a lot. The road leading from the town to the village has been widened to accommodate at least one car.

Many families in the village who have earned money from working outside have renovated their houses, while others have demolished and rebuilt their houses.

Their family is the latter. Xiao Mingan demolished his family's house a year ago and rebuilt it into a three-story building.

He was the first family to build a building in the village. People in the village came to congratulate him one after another. Their words were inseparable from their praise for Xiao Mingan and their envy for Xiao's father and Xiao's mother.

In fact, a long time ago, Xiao Ming'an felt that there was no need to build the old house at home. If he really wanted to live in it in the future, it would be quite comfortable to buy a house in the town, county or city. But then he thought about everyone's fallen leaves returning to their roots, not to mention other people. , at least my parents in City C still love their shabby little house in the small mountain village more.

So, Xiao Ming'an quickly demolished the house and built it again because his parents were excited but afraid of spending money.

From their parents' rejection at the beginning to their pride after the house was gradually built, Xiao Rou and Xiao Mingan secretly joked about it.

Duplicity, maybe most parents are like them, they are soft everywhere in their body, but their mouth is the toughest. Unfortunately, the expression on their face cannot be disguised.

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