Chapter 7 Return

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Xiao Ming'an didn't know what happened to his Gu family.

After he came back and had a good sleep, he found the phone number that Secretary Gu Yuanyang had called him the next day and shamelessly called him.

"Hello, hello, this is the Gu Group, who are you looking for?"

"Hello, I'm Xiao Mingan, Master Gu Ran's former tutor. I'm calling to ask Mr. Gu if he still needs a tutor?" Xiao Mingan sounded like the voice was not the same one as last time, but it's okay. Gu Yuanyang was sure of it anyway. Can know.

"Okay, you have been registered here, and someone will call you back later."

After Xiao Mingan hung up the phone, he didn't put all his hope here. He went to the school's tutor group to find a few more that looked good, and took screenshots of the details and contact information.

This is how he does things, and he is used to leaving a way out for himself in everything.

I originally thought that Gu Yuanyang was very busy and would definitely have time to deal with it the next day or a few days later. Unexpectedly, less than two hours after he hung up the phone, the Gu family called him.

And the caller was not Gu's secretary, but Gu Yuanyang himself.

Xiao Mingan guessed that it couldn't have been so many days. The young master hadn't met a suitable tutor yet, had he?

"Hello, are you Teacher Xiao?" Gu Yuanyang asked.


"I heard from the secretary, does Teacher Xiao want to continue to be Xiaoran's tutor?" Gu Yuanyang did not directly express his intention. He was a businessman and was used to taking everything into his own hands.

"Yes, I wonder if Master Gu Ran still needs tutoring?"

"Teacher Xiao, are you free to come out and meet later? Let's meet and chat." Gu Yuanyang did not answer, but asked about the meeting.


"Then please come to Gu Group at four o'clock in the afternoon, Mr. Xiao. Just tell the front desk your name when you arrive."

Xiao Mingan put the phone aside after hanging up, and had to sigh that Gu Yuanyang still looked like a smiling tiger who actually wanted to control everything.

Don't think that he doesn't know that Gu Yuanyang seems to be gentle and considerate of you, but actually he wants to give you a blow.

If you make an appointment with the Gu Group, isn't it the same as meeting on his territory? If I were really a college student who had resigned but wanted to continue here, I would probably have felt guilty a long time ago, and I would have been even more restless after I arrived. If Gu Yuanyang tried hard and soft, I would probably be willing to agree to any conditions.

But he won't do this. Although it is true that it was not good for him to leave suddenly before, he is not a freshman and inexperienced college student. He will not agree to any inappropriate conditions.

Even if he felt guilty, it should be for the young master, Xiao Mingan would never be stupid enough to empathize with the capitalists.

Xiao Mingan had no classes in the afternoon and was too lazy to go out, so he simply stayed in the dormitory.

The roommates knew a few days ago that they went back because a family member broke his leg, and they all wanted to lend him money, but he didn't ask for it. He didn't have an urgent need at the moment, he just needed to save money. Finally, they found out that he wanted to start over. I gave up after tutoring.

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