Chapter 33 Personally

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As soon as Xiao Mingan left Gu Yuanyang's company, Gu Ran called.

"Brother Ming'an, won't you come to teach me today?" Gu Ran hadn't seen Xiao Ming'an for a day or two and suddenly missed him.

"What? Did you miss me?" Xiao Mingan raised the corners of his mouth unconsciously.

"Yes, I miss you so much. Brother Ming'an, can you come early to teach me today?" Gu Ran always played straight.

Xiao Mingan joked, "So some people only want to see me during class?"

"No! I want to see him even if he's not in class!" Gu Ran quickly denied, for fear of being misunderstood.

"Isn't that right? Now we are different from before. We don't necessarily see each other only in class, and we can meet even if we don't have class." Xiao Mingan said thoughtfully.

"That's right." Gu Ran suddenly realized, "I can go play with you even if I don't have class!"

"Well, you're welcome."

"Brother Ming'an, shall I come to the school to find you now?" Gu Ran couldn't wait to see him.

Xiao Mingan didn't expect it to be so sudden. He explained, "I just came out of your eldest brother's company. I'm not at school. I'll come over to you now. I'll take you to lunch."


Gu Ran hung up the phone and ran downstairs excitedly to talk to the housekeeper, "Uncle Yang! Teacher Xiao will come over later and take me out to eat. I won't be eating at home today!"

"Okay." Butler Yang obviously wouldn't ask any more questions. As long as Gu Ran was happy, it was fine. At the same time, he had an extra layer of filters for Xiao Mingan. Anyone who is good to the young master must also be a good person.

After Gu Ran finished speaking, he ran back to the bedroom without stopping. He opened the wardrobe and looked at the wall-to-wall wardrobe with some distress.

This was his first official date with Teacher Xiao. What should he wear to look good?

He took out a set of overalls. No, they were too childish.

Then he took out another set of casual clothes. No, it might look lazy.

Later, he took out a small suit, which was even worse. How could having lunch be like attending a banquet?

When Xiao Mingan arrived at the Gu family villa, Gu Ran was still choosing clothes.

When Xiao Mingan saw that Gu Ran was not downstairs, he told the housekeeper and went straight upstairs.

When he arrived at the door of the bedroom, Xiao Mingan was a little surprised to see the clothes lying everywhere in the bedroom, while Gu Ran kept taking clothes out of the closet.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Ming'an held his hands and looked aside for a long time, wondering when Gu Ran would see him. As a result, he was so obsessed with taking out clothes from the closet that he didn't even notice him at the door.

Gu Ran was startled, and then he jumped over and hugged Xiao Ming'an, "Brother Ming'an, you came so fast!"

Xiao Mingan hugged Gu Ran and said with a smile, "It's been more than half an hour. You're too slow. What are you doing with all the clothes in the bedroom?"

Gu Ran let go of Xiao Mingan, turned around and looked over, a little surprised, as if he didn't realize what he had just done, "I just wanted to find suitable clothes..."

"Have you found it?" Xiao Mingan touched his head.

Gu Ran was a little discouraged, "No, I don't think I look good in any outfit. Brother Ming'an, which one do you think I look good in?"

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